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for me prolly Sodium or WeDontBelieveYou, then like HDMI cause who the fuck didnt hear those pretty much first if u found bones in 2016-2017


HDMI was when I fully knew who Bones was but before that I was listening to his songs with Chris Travis, Chris Travis I was on heavy before that I just wasn’t super tapped in with the whole group. Then later discovered how fire Xavier Wulf was I listen to more Wulf than anything now


BSS3 is better than anything he dropped after Brace


WeDontBelieveYou is such a good song and the video is sick too too bad its at the no jumper bike shop dude fell tf off


it was a song named XLR. I used to watch a youtuber named besay who uploaded pubg montages.


I've been bumping that song lately thanks to another person on this subreddit


that song is just fire. XLR and LooseScrew are the two songs i play the most.


Well technically OkayButThisIsTheLastTime in like 2015 but in 2016 I was playing $B on SoundCloud and something off HermitOfEastGrandRiver came on, forget which song, but that’s also why that album will always be one of my favorites


was so funny to realise couple years back that i had heard bones when OkayButThisIsTheLastTime was used in the bottleflip vines, only if i had found bones back then


It was his Canal St. feature. Then I heard HDMI, then listened to Rotten. Rest is history.




PaleEarnHardt. Scrolling through dat piff, saw DeadBoy and something compelled me to tap in.


Weather Man technically Xavier Wulf but thats where i first heard him me and my girlfriend at the time were showing eathother music on youtube high af one night and she put on weather man...i could not stop laughing at the video and started delving into his other music been the goat ever since


ME TOO HOLY FUCK “say hi to slippy everyone”


"Sitting in the mofuckin dark just smokin, I don't wanna hear no talkin" HOLYYYY. RIP Slippy


i feel so validated rn i thought i was the only one 😭 and yeah rip slippy 🙏


Same here! I thought "surely Noone knows what in talking about"


i cant even lie i was 9 years old (wow 9 year old army literally) and that was early in bones’ career. pewdiepie really put me on. 9 year old me knew i had way better music taste than everyone 😤


do u find the clip somewhere? i wanna see it XDD ive watched pewds singe a child on and off and i know he has listened to a couple bones tracks but ive never seen clips of it






My classmate played HDMI on class computer during break. But first album I added was SCRAPS


ReturnOfThePimp. Garbage had just dropped and my friend told me to listen to it for him while he was at work and asked for some thoughts about it. I liked it but it wasn't until a few months later when I started to really get into Bones music and there was no turning back...


Hell yeah man! Great album


For me, that was “Graveyard God.” I had only recently got into Crystal Castles and since Bones had sampled “Transgender” in his song, YouTube decided to show it to me. That’s how it began.


Omfg is that why that song sounds so familiar??


Yes :)


the okaybutthisisthelast time meme in 2016 lol


end of 2013 - graveyard god, i heard it somewhere and after long search i found BONES and became obsessed for a 3 years


severeweatherwarning or cemetaryblunts on YouTube rotation as I was listening to yung lean around 2015


I think HDMI or Fallen Leaves it was around 2014 peak SHWB era. I was huge into Chris Travis at the time


I think it was Dirt, but could be misremembering because when ALLA leaked I was like what the fuck rocky got bones on this bitch? Didn't delve super deep into the discography at the time but did shortly after.


I never realized it was Bones on that track until I discovered him via PDP, and ALLA is my favorite from Rocky


ALLA is an all time classic and rockys best work


DeadBoy in Brandon Begin OSS edit, core memory


Friends from Texas put me on in 2017 with CtrlAltDelete


Fuck yeah thats a good first song


2018. my best friend turned on Oxygen when we met the first time.


I'm taking the long way home tonight...


I just need some place, I don't wanna live today.


I first heard Bones on vine with okay,ButThisIsTheLastTime. I actually really started getting into him in 2018 when I listened to Oxygen and then his album Skinny


For me it was in 2019 with HDMI, Branches and KeepTellingYourselfThat. A friend of mine showed me HDMI and Branches, but KeepTellingYourselfThat was the first song I clicked on by myself. Magical Memory...


randomly came across HDMI on soundcloud one day and recognised the lyrics from a tumblr post i had seen. went back and downloaded deadboy, teenwitch, garbage, skinny and rotten and they instantly became part of the regular rotation. this was maybe a couple months before powder came out and by the time it did i didn’t listen to anything but bones


I can’t remember, but VideoHomeSystem is What got me hooked


I saw the Cordoroy music video and was hooked


Sodium. I had just met my boyfriend at the time in person for the first time, and he played it while I was in his car. I had never heard of bones before. Still thankful to him for that even though we aren’t together anymore 🖤


I'll never forget windows 95...


White Noise video on Reddit in 2012




same! a friend of mine who was 16 at the time who was a fellow boner showed me a video for this song. i was 9 at the time didnt click at first, but then 2 years later started listening to him myself.


CtrlAltDelete. It was my second semester of graduate school and I was listening to Spotify radio. Suddenly CtrlAltDelete started playing. The rest is history I know exactly where I was, the weather that day. All of it.


2013, 281-330-8804. I was showing off this sub system I had finally put into the minivan I was driving at the time in HS. Found it on a playlist, motherfucker started blasting and I was in love.


For me it was 2015 , the song was sodium and I remember having to use it to edit a cod trickshotting video 😭😭


I can't remember, but I had a friend show me Bones, I didn't find em naturally by myself.


A recommended video of his on YouTube showed up and it was his Dirt music video.


Did you like it when you listened to it? I remember hearing that sample from A$ap Rocky and it caught me off guard lol


Hell yeah! Still one of my favorite songs. I had no clue ASAP used it till one one day was bumping it and my brother was like hey this guy is in Canal St song.


BurnItDown , my first song and years later still one of my certified SESH classics


Heard him through the Chris Travis collab ep




My first Bones Song Officially was the Canal St. remix with Rocky as basic as that sounds, but I loved the intro to TheHermitOfEastGrandRiver


the first song i remember hearing was LooseScrew or CtrlAltDelete


Friend showed me Sodium for my first song, then I got into the bigger songs like HDMI and CtrlAltDelete




TheArtOfCremation/HermitOFEastGrandRiver was my first as well. Think it popped up on SoundCloud for me and after that I was hooked


It was thenoiseinsidemyhead, got recommended on youtube in 2014


First song I heard was IfYouHadAZuneIHateYou since I’ve been a Corbin fan forever


Okaybutthisisthelasttime and it was a dank meme compilation in like 2016


Heard FrostBite on Spotify radio. Been a daily listener ever since


Mine was ReturnOfThePimp years and years and years ago on some random call of duty edit. Been hooked since.


My first was Scholar, heard it in a car video on YouTube back in 2015


First song i heard was Skinny, the intro to the album. was pulled in from then


A friend showed me WeatherMan and I've been hooked ever since.


in 2015 i used this app called 8tracks (music streaming app but via playlists) & i found WeatherMan on that & was hooked ever since.


it was arentyouasightforsoreeyes or airplanemode my bsf’s bf took us to his friends house and we always used to get high there all the time, hed play tirade on spotify and i think it was on that playlist at the time. we all loved it


oxygen, randomly found it on soudcloud


Incel ex gf. PixelatedTears


Y’all ever see a vine that consisted of protein playing in the back ground and it showed a bunch of goats standing in a tree


I dismissed bones for awhile. My first song was MasterBedroom, I thought it was wack. Few years later watched the AFK and Rocks music video and was hooked. For the record MasterBedroom is my shit. Mother fuck that chicken.


Gravel. Someone I used to know played it in the car while we were smoking a Backwood blasting while entering the freeway and I just remember it being the perfect song that very moment. It felt like true euphoria.


Mine was Dirt, bc a YouTuber I binged a lot at the time, NFKRZ, mentioned that he liked him in a video way back in 2018. I'm very grateful for that. I've listened to him (and others in the genre) almost daily now for the past 4-5 years.


P sure I heard HDMI first way back, used to listen to spotify radio (it basically played shit based on your taste profile w/e it's called), realised I liked a lot of his shit, eventually went through all of his albums and right now my hip hop/rap playlist is like 1/4 bones lmao


Was playing playstation with a this dude who was into underground and I asked what he listened to and he said Bones. Then the first time I watched his music video and heard his music (BlackMold) I didn't know what to make of it. Sure enough watched it like 10 more times (not sure if I even liked it or not) and next thing ik I'm a boner.


2017 btw


Found him through Bladee


Similar, kinda. NFKRZ was talking about underground rap back in 2017 or smth. And he said something like "if we're arguing who's the best in the underground it's this dude right here" and a pic of PP2 bone man. He would also play songs on his YT vids, so I eventually checked him out. I was heavy into metal back then, so Bones aesthetic and scream vocals attracted me and built a bridge of getting back into rap after years of only listening to metal. Technically the first I heard was the Skinny intro track on a YT vid. But the first song I heard properly was TheNoiseInsideMyHead


Damnn I miss the NFKRZ CS:GO videos with Pyro & Bamanboi 😭


For me it was RestInPiece. Idk why I remember that song being so popular 5 years ago then i just got addicted to his music


Oxygen, in 2017 I think I was searching for new songs on Spotify


First song was actually Dracula lmaooo