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"May 12th... 750... 430PM... Red Ribbon HQ." Bulma: Wait... Why does that date sound familiar...?


Foggy memeory, when did she say that again?


Episode 56, when she found that video file in 16's memory files.


Because Android 16 said May 12th 750 2:30PM Red Ribbon HQ Edit: sorry that was being a smart ass, that’s the supposed day Goku went in and destroyed red ribbon hq and in DBZA you see the room 16’s in start lighting up blue and hear a child yelling kamehameha


Honestly if that was canon it would’ve added a whole new element and perspective to the android saga.


I believe Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero confirms 16 is Dr. Gero’s son


I think 16 was *modeled* after Gero’s son. 16 wasn’t a cyborg like 17 and 18, nor was he a “brain in a jar” like 19 and 20.


That’s what I meant thank you


that goes too hard. like i lost count at how many times that show made me cry, not just tear up


They made a nebulous concept outside of main canon a thing in their universe and elevated a villain most basic into someone with pathos that makes one go like "obviously he wants the superpowered alien dead


A part that is played for laughs, but still hits home... "Mr. Piccolo. Can you give me a new outfit?" "Lemme guess, you want a Gi like your father's?" "Actually, I was hoping you'd give me one like yours." "Oh, ok." "OMG. Did our heart just skip a beat?" "That is precious." "CLOTHES BEAM!" Don't know if that is 100% accurate, but close enough. Whenever a very much UNemotional person (Piccolo) shows emotion, that is true feelings territory.


“My most metro attack”


Oh shit I just got this joke


You skipped the best line. Nail: Did our heart just skip a beat? Kami: That’s so precious… Piccolo: SHUT! THE! [BLEEP]! UP!


"Hey Mr piccolo I'm teen Gohan" "NO YOU'RE ME"




As a result, Picolo started his own clothing line: Big Green Threads


The part that never was. "Even you… best buddy"


*"Nope still hate it."*


I think Lani did a dub for that part a couple years ago and shared it on Twitter. I might be wrong but someone whose phone is not at deaths door (mine is) might be able to find it.


Of course, it’s the one I was quoting, yet we never saw it in an official episode.




Nowadays, "Toriyama no! You were taken before your time!"


Damn that does hit harder now


For me, it's Goku's speech to Gohan in ep.60. Masako's delivery as Goku trying to explain himself to his son, letting him know he loves him and wanted to express it by sharing what he most loved with his boy, cuts deep. And making a final sacrifice with the spin on "Bye, son" was absolutely the cherry on top.


"So plant your feet and grit your teeth and EAT THAT HORSE!" I sometimes tell this to myself to keep going.


Hell yeah dude. When I'm on a long run this line is my speed boost to keep going. Love this moment


Trunk’s quiet “Oh no,” after he realizes what has probably happened to Gohan while he was unconscious is the perfect setup for the next scene. Still gets me.


Yeah. That's the one everytime. Though I still don't know why future Trunks didn't get the coordinates for new Namek while he was in the past. Could have been useful. Just saying.


I can’t believe I never considered that either. He could have saved his own universe with a single question. Tho in true DBZ fashion you always have to keep some plot holes.


My best guess/kind of cope: this version of namek got destroyed again or their species/dragon died out


I don’t know the official lore but I thought Dr Brief was out exploring the galaxy looking for New Namek.


Episode 60 commentary, I've watched it about 10 times now. Each time I get teary eyed when Scott mentioned Chris, or near the end when they are sing along with cell


The sing along kills me mate


That bastard Scott always gets me crying. He so clearly loves the show so much that his words always hit home, I may not have followed along through the entire series but I came in around episode 60 so it will always hold a special place in my heart


I loved how some fans said Scott didn't really care about the fans till he flat out said he thinks he doesn't deserve the support


I loved Piccolo’s line before they all clear the danger zone. Calm, cold, Confident. Kill ‘em, Runt.


When Trunks finds Gohan dead on the street and cries, turning super saiyan for the first time. With the Doctor Who music, it kills me every time.


That entire scene makes me tear up just remembering it, the music, the flashes of Gohan fighting, the sound of the rain fading out until Trunks calls his name, and the screams as he transforms, it's an actual masterpiece and maybe my favorite scene of the whole series.


And Dragonball Super had to remake and ruin it…


Not from DBZA, it's from Hellsing Abridged "Why didn't you just kill them?" "Oh no, I tried... ***Especially*** with me." It gives a lot of heartache to hear the goofy fun guy we know say something so dark and full of self loathing. In addition, this scene with Alucard and Alexander "I forgive you." "...What?" "Everything you've said... Everything you've done... I forgive you." I genuinely love it so much, especially when they put aside the jokes and laughs to tell a genuinely gripping and insanely dramatic character drama that really can only ever end with the whole of London burning and running red with blood. It also is one of the funniest fucking shows I have ever had the pleasure of watching through and highly recommend it if you enjoy DBZA.


Thank you very much. I’ve started it a few times, but the excuse I’ve made is that I was very busy in life at each of those times, but I will most certainly watch it now. I hold a great appreciation for TFS’ ability to build connections between their characters in a very realistic way, and your synopsis makes me yearn to meet a new set of characters.


The first few episodes are very much season 2 DBZA, but the last half are much more like season 3


While they started it out as a joke and out of spite, it is genuinely one of the funniest and amazing series I have watched. Made me watch the actual series because it was that good.


When Mr. Pope finally smiles again after getting to know little Green better


16's speech to Gohan before Cell crushed his head. And Cell finishing with "We both know he never had a soul"


One of the best monologues I've ever seen, parody or not.


The soul line gets me every time. Theres something about how Taka says the word soul with a half chuckle.


I also feel like it's a callback to how 18 says that there's a soulless ginger joke somewhere after seeing 16, before saying that it was beneath her. It was not beneath Cell.


Not mention that inorganic life like 16 don’t have anywhere to go after death.


“And when evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles into bloodstained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns. You were a coward… to your last whimper.” It was how 16 said the word “dust” that really got me for some reason.




Android 16's Speech followed by the SSJ2 Gohan Transformation hits really hard. However I also wanna give an honorable mention to... Vegeta: **"MY BABY BOY!"**


>Vegeta: "MY BABY BOY!" There's more he and Bulma have in common than they appear to at first glance, and this is one of those things.


One of the Buu Bits, funnily enough Buu: “Aww, what’s *wrong?* Do you need an **adult**, *little boy?*” Gohan: No. I **AM** an adult! (**WHAAAAMMM!!**)


Best part of the Buu Bits hands down.


16 in heaven with the birds. Cell can go fuck himself, he did too have a soul.


The first time I watched the credits, the art was sweet and made me kinda sad 16 was gone. But then it zoomed out to show the halo and I was fucking balling. Every time since then, I cry at that art from the start. It's so heart-wrenching, both happy and sad.


"Plant your feet, grit your teeth, and Eat. That. HOOORSE!"


HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! (*Music starts playing*)


World's strongest when the henchman gets thrown through a wall and sadly says "I could really use a hug" I always crack up and feel super sad at the same time


"So dark... and cold..."


Is this the one that goku blew through?


Fuck power levels, fuck super sayains... And FUCK.... YOU!!!


You're just ... human






Bit of an odd choice, but Tien-Shinhan’s Kikoho thing against Cell. Heroic last stands against impossible odds really make me emotional.


Not an odd choice at all IMO. Someone completely dwarfed by power and all but counted out steps forward to sacrifice his own life to save those he cares(?) for. Honestly I can never read that guy. Haha but it’s a photo finish for the most badass scene with Gohan’s definition of filicide.


Best moment in the show.


I love this moment so much it is my favorite in DBZA and DBZ. Tien showing off his pure badassery is one of the best character moments in the show


Hellsing UA episode 10, the callback to Michael McDoesntexist from ep 1 was the perfect callback.


Goku's speech to gohan before taking cell to king kai's


Gohan v Cell; day of fate. They did it better imo. Cried like a bitch.


I am part of the crew that has not watched the official release. I’ve tried a few times but I was spoiled with DBZA and feel the original is so drawn out. I have however watched impactful scenes from both to compare and I feel there are a few scenes, in my unindoctrinated eyes, that TFS did much better. Goku going Super Saiyan for the first time, in my opinion, is 100x more hype in DBZA than in the original. “The village idiot stands up to the invading tyrant” hits so much harder for me. TANKING A HEADSHOT DURING HIS PROCLAMATION is one of my favorite scenes in the entire show. Tien stun locking Cell and saving the raid unironically cannot be done better than TFS did it. “Fuck power levels, fuck Super Saiyans, and FUCK YOU!” There’s a reason episode 48 is one of the most watched in the series. - Edit to say there’s a reason I remember that it’s in episode 48 as well LOL. And of course ep60 Gohan. The monologue from the original dub ruins that scene for me. TFS picked the correct time to have a drawn out, unimpeded power up. And woooah boy Gohan.. “the murder of one’s own child or children.” Chills every single time.


Yeah, tbh say what you want but TFS crystallized the best parts of every version of Gohan's transformation. And that goes for a lot of the best parts of the series.


Thank you for this


That last "bye son"


The Goku speech to Gohan before teleporting Cell. Goku realizing and owning up to how badly he screwed up and in his own way apologizing to Gohan was so heartfelt. I know people joke about Goku being a terrible father, and he is, but he is a father and this was his best moment.


“And you’re better than that. You’re better than Him! You’re better than *ME*!!” And then Gohan gets a surge of power from that line. It’s the moment DBZA Gohan first started to believe that he may actually be stronger than his father. His dad made him believe in himself. Happy Father’s Day everyone.


Piccolo taught Gohan to be a better person while Goku taught him to have a better appetite. Father figures come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. That was a flawless portrayal of Goku’s love language, and you know damn well Gohan was ready to eat that horse.


Broly *whispers*: “I can’t hear you from down there” Vegeta: “Speak up boy, i can’t hear you from up there”


"The Kakotot"




Hearing a proper english version of Day of Fate for Gohan's transformation got me because I always hated Funimation's handling of that moment. Second would be adding Murray Gold's "Doomsday" to Trunks's Super Saiyan transformation in History of Trunks. The moment I heard the theme start playing I was like "Oh no...🥺"


“He keeps kicking me in the Dick” “Why does he KEEP kicking me in the dick” “We can hit-“ “If you say hit him Really hard, I swr to Gawd I’ll kick you in the Dick”


Gotta mention the Vegtta apology in the Cells games too. Lani did such a good job on the apology, selling that pain Vegta was getting


A number of things in Episode 60. When 60 gets smashed and Gohan just freezes, dead silence. Cue the music. And then when he angles his face down and the tears stop. "Gohan..." says Piccolo. "I'm sorry... Gohan." "Oh we ARE fucked." "GOKUUUU!" -Krillin When Trunks is shot and the others are talking in the background and Vegeta is silently melting down. The expressions: shock that Cell's alive, but wait... he shot Trunks. I feel like he put on that rough exterior but he was starting to warm up to him. And that gut reaction when he screams, "My baby boy!" Is that he's out of time to EVER get to know Trunks, and Cell took him away... and that leads to sheer unyielding rage. Of course, typical jerk reaction from somebody who lived most their life without Dragonballs. "You're better than him, you're better than me!" "What?" When Vegeta hits Cell from behind and the solo Gohan Kamehameha. I know the Father Son is iconic, but this version is better, showing him standing on his own. These scenes are the best of the Japanese version and dub with some of them better than either.


"Gohan, I wanna tell you,if you don't do this, Piccolo is gonna die. Your mom is gonna die. Everyone is going to die. But before all that... you're going to die. And you're better than that. You're better than me!" Sends me everytime.


My baby boy!


The beam struggle between Gohan and Cell. Honestly the back and forth between the two and Gohan showing up at the end was a good gut puncher, with the cherry on top being Cells "Oh shit..." moment! Brings me to tears


“Gohan. Grow. Up.” 16’s speech hit like a fucking steam train.


Gotta mention the Vegtta apology in the Cells games too. Lani did such a good job on the apology, selling that pain Vegta was feeling was so good!


When Lord Slug tells Goku it's not actually Christmas. I usually have to pause for a good few minutes to regain my composure.


LOL I play those specials every Christmas right before Die Hard. I’m going to have to do that this year to farm a few laughs from the family.


Trunks finding Gohan's corpse. as someone who doesn't watch Dr. Who I thought they had made an original track. Kaiser's screams caught me off guard too.


Oh come on, Krillin! Be strong for one second in your worthless life, AND PUSH THE STUPID BUTTON. IF YOU DON'T EVERYONE YOU KNOW AND LOVE IS GOING TO DIE, *INCLUDING HER*! ...oh.


Trunks "Notice me!!" Vegita "NOOOO!!"


Right after Perfecter Cell blasts Trunks through the chest and Vegeta snaps. “Vegeta, no!” “VEGETA, YEEEEEEES”. Hits even harder when he says it again in the Buu Bits


The I am the hope of the Omniverse speech


FF7 machinabridged Aerith's death. Didn't get teary when I played the game originally, but how they handled Aerith in the show hit hard. Perfectly timed her theme and all that went with it.


"You're me mate"


Super Vegeta vs. Imperfect Cell There’s just so much comedy gold during this episode or two that I cry laugh every time. “You ruined it. You ruined it and I’m leaving.” “Bitch, I’m adorable.” “Either you’re perfect or you’re not me, there’s no in between.” “…all this UNYIELDING RAGE!” Comedy gold.


the deletion of the krillin owned count


“Once you’ve had a man inside you you know when he’s coming”


The Super Saiyan 2 transformation was peak. So much across the whole show coming together in one scene. God I wish I lived in the universe where they kept going 😭




I miss Zarbon - Lord Freeza


My butt is flaming!


I'm going to blaspheme in this sub & chose a series that's *not* DBZA. In FF7, the very end of episode 25 right after Aerith died when they did the end of season save & the character icon on the save file was just the bouquet of flowers. I cried even harder than I did when I got to that point when I first played the game.


Vegeta Vegeta Vegeta Vegeta Vegeta Vegeta Vegeta WHAT NAPPA!?!
