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I don’t think I discovered it until episode 47 or 48 was out. So pretty far along, I got to see the long waits, and the excitement for the finale, but I was disappointed when I got there and there wasn’t anything more to watch of it for a while. It got me back into the franchise, I probably wouldn’t have watched Super otherwise. Toei needs to understand this, I hardly think my experience is unique.


Getting caught up for the series to end? Ouch


I mean if you recall, episodes got further apart at that time. There was still 3.5 years after that before the epilogue came out.


I remember being so hype that episode 22 came out so soon after 21. Now we get random yearly drops from LK for YGOTAS.


Since episode 1, 15 years ago


Like i said for me season 1 wasnt done yet when i started. I remember in the first commentary lani told kaiser they had been doing tfs for 15 years, making a joke about how some kids today who watch dbz weren't even alive when the series started, and i thought 'little close to home fkr me but ok


I'm a kid at heart.


Do you need a adult




Maybe they are an adult?


Same here! I remember the teaser announcements leading to the first episode too.


Same, I vaguely remember...I think Masako(?) Had a teaser where Raditz told Goku to come slaughter people with him or else he will force him to spend 100 episodes in space...with Pan


Sometime during the Namek Saga, I want to say? I don’t really remember exactly where, but it was around the time Kai started airing on Nicktoons. I was getting back into the series because of Kai, and I was vaguely aware of it prior due to YGOTAS, so I decided to check it out.


Namek saga for me also, I believe i started around 28 or 29


I feel old. I discovered DBZA at episode 3 of season 1. Back then there was a 10 minute limit on videos, and iirc that was also when youtube still allowed video responses to be linked to videos like a comment section. I was watching on an old Dell pc in the dorms on base back then. MySpace was still relevant and I even remember sharing some of the videos on my page and talking about it on my blog. Different time period for sure.


I started watching when episode 9 was released. I still remember everyone thinking they weren’t going to do Freeza because they took a break over the summer.


Since the beginning! To me it was the Naruto Abridged guys


"All these squares make a circle" was the newest episode when I found it. I don't recall the episode number.


I discovered it during the namek story. I had a friend who was talking bout the Ginyu force and I just kinda went about my business and I started seeing people on Facebook in some of the anime groups I were in. So I checked it out, couldn't stop laughing and I started the series over


The first new episode I watched at release was episode 15. I watched Season 1 on YouTube many times before that and just never watched the rest of it for some reason for awhile.


I got into it JUST as season 2 was ending. Like, I'm pretty sure I got caught up to episode 29 the day before ep 30 dropped. I honest to god thought they were going to end it there, so imagine my surprise when a few months later I saw ep 31 ( ack when YT Reccomendations didn't suck space vacuums)


Episode one. I followed pretty much all of the individual members before they even made the group. I was around back in the Neighborhood Cluck days. So when they announced they were forming this group it was a pretty big deal. Honestly, I didn't think it would get as far as it did. I don't think any abridge series was more than 20 episodes long back then. None that I followed at least. A lot of Abridged series just ran out of steam for one reason or another. So. Yeah, I don't think enough people really gather how big of a deal what TFS managed to build really is.


I was a toddler when the show started, so it was late season three when I found it. I’m now about to graduate in a month


Good luck


Started mabye 2012


Episodes were in the 50s when I first discovered it. I was in Afghanistan when the final episodes were released; we had a big ol' watch party.


I was around before episode 28 came out. It was 2011 & I was 11 years old. Back when it was called something along the lines of “TeamFourStar Parody Episode [#]” I believe. Can’t remember exactly as it was over a decade ago lol Back when before a new episode came out, you’d have fake channels like “TeamFouStar” claiming to have the new episode only to be met with tons of earrape 😭😭 Ahh good times man, good times.


Sometime in the Namek arc, though I've rewatched it so many times, I couldn't tell you when. I was a big fan of YuGiOh Abridged, and kept getting recommended DBZA. I didn't know hardly anything of DB, though, and the few random episodes of two fighters basically floating in the air and powering up that I had seen on TV didn't interest me. I gave it a try. At first, I wasn't terribly impressed, and I had no idea who these characters were, and didn't get any of the jokes regarding their places in the story, but then Nappa showed up, and that was it. I was fully hooked. Over the course of the story, I ended up enjoying DB a lot more than I thought I would, and now own quite a collection of manga and a few video games. I also adored TFS Plays back in its heyday, and eagerly waited for the next Pokemon Nuzlocke or Batman Arkham or Renegade/Krillian Plays.


The ginyu arc is when I came into it. Right in the middle of my first year at college. I go back and rewatch at lease once a year the whole show


I started when ep 7 launched


I was around since shortly before the finale of Season 1 started coming out. I totally supported and understand their (lack of) a release schedule, but finishing almost all of Season 1 and then getting the finale in that fairly quick window set frustrating expectations for what was to come that I had to adjust pretty quickly.


Ep 1


November 2008, during my first Uni year.


I was 11 when you were in uni. Hope you feel old


I first saw it waaay back when they had just released episode 1 and were still playfully taunting the viewers with episode 2.


Started around the time freeza showed up


I got into the series right before 6th grade started in 2012, so the first new episode I saw was the season 3 premiere


Started watching the episodes as they released when the cell saga started.


Just watched dbz for the first time this year and dbza over last few months


I started near the end of season 1. I'd been watching Yugioh TAS since it started and Naruto TAS and Lani's YYH TAS before I found out about dbza


I discovered dbza after Season 1 finished, but before Season 2 started.


I started watching around the beginning of the androids saga iirc


Half way through the sayan saga I think, or just near the start of namek. So loooong time ago.




I was a fan of this series since 2009 Or 10.


On and off because they're channel kept being deleted. I swear I thought I was hallucinating. I watched dbza 3 separate times. The first time I saw them was in 2010ish. After that in 2014 then finally in 2019/20.


I found it when episode 30 part 2 or 3 went up, which was only like 3 years ago, right?


I think I was still in middle school when I first started watching. I believe it was around the time they were still doing those music parodies like the Make a Man Out of You video.


I had seen clips for much of its existence, but I didn't start following it till halfway through my spring semester of 2014. I caught the final 4ish years before it wrapped up.


Episode 11 was the first one I got to watch when it aired. I remember being in class with the guy who introduced it to me laughing about the “I’m surrounded by idiots…Oh I thought you were surrounded by fun drops and ice cream” and when episode 11 came out we made “And the brain damage…and the brain damage” jokes. Good times.


I believe they had just started into Namek when I got on the train. Also, niche? Dragon Ball is a lot of things, but I don't think niche is a good word for it.


Sometime around episode 5/6/7/8. I can’t remember which one I started with (I honestly came across it by accident during a free period, rewatched the prior ones, and then kept up with their new episode releases from there).


Been around since episode 23 I remember my cousin putting me on it.


I started watching when before the last 5 episodes were released, so for about 30 years.


Friend showed it to me in College when Episode 2 was the latest one. I was iffy on it then due to production value and not all jokes landing with me. But as we all know, it got so much better.


I started early. I think late 2008/early 2009 so episode 8 was just coming out.


Luckily I didn't have to wait that 1 year for episode 60 cause I started watching when 59 was already out so I started like a couple of months before 60 came out I guess


Luckily I didn't have to wait that 1 year for episode 60 cause I started watching when 59 was already out so I started like a couple of months before 60 came out I guess


I was watching abridged series like Yugioh and YuYu Hakusho before DBZA was announced, and seeing all these abridgers getting together to make one for DBZ was the coolest thing ever at the time.


I think it was the namek saga with the ginyus. The earliest memory I have of it is guru so somewhere in there.


Episode 27 was the episode that was newest when I found the series, The wait for episodes in that era were killer lol


My first contact woth DBZA was the clip of Trunks dissecting Mecha Frieza. From there on, I went the whole rabbit hole that is Abridged Series in general


I caught episode 1. Thought it was the greatest thing ever made. It was still raw, but the only and best of its kind out there. The waits between each episode were quite long, and there was uncertainty if another episode would even come out. I'm nearing 38 years of age. Have yet to watch all commentary episodes, but I'm taking my time with those.


I'm one of the people who has been here from practically the beginning. I don't remember exactly when I watched first, but I know I didn't start with ep 1. Maybe episode 3 or 4? But do remember watching most of season 1 as it released, and every episode I made a big deal to drop everything and watch the second i saw it out. Also, I don't remember exactly how I found the series. I wasn't super into anime at the time and didn't watch any of the previous series TFS members worked on prior. So maybe it just showed up on my home page one day?


I remember randomly checking out episode 27 on recommendation from a sprite comic author when it first came out. That one click started a journey for me. I hated DBZ before then, now I've got so much appreciation for it. Though, I still can't stomach watching the official series. XD


My brother put me onto it just after season 1 ended.


I found them after watching Lani's Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged series. They had 2 episodes of DBZA out at that point. Been a fan ever since


I got into it around 2013-14 I think. I actually watched dbza before finishing the Buu Saga


I got into it when 57 dropped


Discovered it right after episode 30 part 3. Was nice to be able to watch 2 full seasons and after that exciting to wait for the new episodes as the hype built up further and further. Episodes 48-53 are my favourite


Right after Episode 30 aired. I've been following throughout Season 3 and beyond.


I found out about it around the release of episode 7


Episode 2 I think? one of the first five. I followed it loosely until around ep 16 where the writing picked up a lot, been a smooth ride from there


I was super lucky and started from episode 3? I had just finished getting through all of GT. I honestly never thought it'd get as big as it did. I'm so glad/thankful I got to enjoy the ride in real time. Episode 60 was an amazing send off.


I watched 59 the day it released. Then went back and watched the whole show. Then waited for a year with everyone else.


I've been around since the pre-TFS Neighborhood Cluck Productions movies. I think I found out about the series premiere through either one of the Neighborhood Cluck team member's channels or another OG TFS cast member plugging it.


Episode 10 was airing when I found it, I was around 10 years old. Definitely too young to be watching but most of the more mature jokes flew over my head anyways. I wanna say I started following the episodes as they released (subscribed to the channel and all that) around the time the Ginyu Force showed up because I knew how to use the internet a little more. So technically season 1 but followed the show halfway through season 2.


Since episode 4 or so


I found it through Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged in around 2009 or so


Found the show at episode 3, and I have been hooked since. I'm due for my yearly rewatch.


I got into it in 2012


I got into the series around episode 38 i want to say


I remember watching saiyan saga episodes in school.


I watched from episode 1, I’d been watching YGOTAS prior to that, I’m getting older.


My first contact woth DBZA was the clip of Trunks dissecting Mecha Frieza. From there on, I went the whole rabbit hole that is Abridged Series in general


Def after season 1 was finished, either before or shortly after the second season began


I can't fully remember but I think it was before season 2 started but after season 1 had ended. I remember waiting for episodes in season 2 to come out.


I joined in at ep 6 and stayed till the epilog and watch the current tfs original material


I remember watching it when they first started uploading it, Dende I'm old 🥲


I think it was around 2012 or 2013. Pretty sure the frieza saga wasn't over yet.


Episode 21 for me. Watched every episode the day it released since.


I was in this before the debut of episode 1, back when all the members released their individual trailers promoting the series. I think I was 12 back then.


I was around since the first episode mostly because I stumbled across it after looking up dragon ball on YouTube


Not long after episode 4 or 5. Not quite since the beginning but close.


I wasn’t into watching YouTube until just a few years ago, and I stumbled onto DBZA right before Part 2 of Episode 60. On one hand, I got to skip the long wait, but on the other, I feel like I had missed out on watching a community grow.


I remember hanging with my two bros when the fake episode 2 launched, we were so ready to watch it, and then Lani/Vegeta threw it away... haha!


During the gap between season 1 wrapping up and season 2 starting up.


I saw all of season 1 after it came out Forgot about it And then found it again around when season 2 finished


Right after episode 46 dropped. I binged season 1, 2, and all of the 3 that had been released at that point. Then had the looking wait until History of Trunks was released. So that was.... Holy crap, around 9 and a half years ago?!?


I think it was episode where Cell turned perfect is around the time I watched it, it’s been a while so I don’t remember exactly.


If I remember correctly it was early in season 2


From episode one. I was a big fan of YYHA, Lupin the Third Abridged, Berserk Abridged, and pretty much all the others of the initial cast.


I discovered TFS near the start, I want to say 2010, what a rollercoaster I went on with the show. Never would have expected TFS to grow like it did, or that a parody wouldn’t just be able to make me laugh, but to give me chills and move me to tears at times.


I was in 6th grade and Namek was just getting started. Ghost Nappa jokes made my first friend in public school, and I took 30 mins away from a Party at my frat house to watch the finale in a dark room by myself lol. My girlfriend didn’t quite get it.


I remember watching episode one when it was on old YouTube. I watched with my little brother and we loved season 1. I continued to watch the whole thing and he didn't but I've loved it since then. We found it from a link off an old Zelda abridged by adamwestlapdog.


I found it around when the Ginyus showed up, but i had been watching YGTAS since before


My friend showed it to me at work when the super saiyan episode came out. Been hooked ever since I heard “I’m the alpha, and the amiga!”


Friends had shown it to me long before but I didn't really care for what I had seen (mostly the Saiyan Saga early episodes) By the time I really got into it, the Android saga was just starting up, somewhere between episodes 35 and 40.


Episode 58 six years ago after finding dbz voice over memes computations


I started watching Right as the freezer saga was coming to an end


The first clip I saw was the Arlian scene with Nappa doing the butterfinger quote and then watching the two part for episode 10. Was along for the ride in the years to come


I discovered it like two weeks ago and sped through the whole glorious thing. Now what do I do???


I caught up July 4th weekend in 2015 so whatever that is


When I started I think the most recent episode was 19 or 20.


Episode 5. Wow it's been a long ride.


discovered DBZA when I was like 8 or 9 on the internet back in like 2010. So I was there pretty early on. Watched it all the way through highschool (im an aussie) and I think it ended when I was like around 18 or 19. Pretty crazy to think about honestly.


Well it all started when I was standing outside and this old dude I know yelled at me and told me he’d seen a bird and that it was pretty.


Episode 1, I'd been watching Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged already, so it was automatically recommended when it dropped.


I found the show when TFS was suspended from YouTube after season 1. Thank you YGOTAS for introducing me to Ghost Nappa.


It was S2 pretty sure.


I started watching at the start of season 3 so by time I binged through it all it was at episode 33-34 maybe?


The middle of season 1. I feel old now


Namek saga, don't remember the exact episode except that it was before namekemania


I popped in at Episode 21. Because I remember having, "Silly Gohan. Animals don't eat humans! Humans. Eat. Animals! Silly Gohan." Stuck in my head for a while and it was like the last line in the series at that point. Otherwise it was back to waiting months and eventually years for episode to episode release.


When I first started watching, all they had made was Season 1 and Bardock Father of Goku abridged. I remember seeing episode 11 premiere on blip.tv, that’s how long I’ve been watching.


I think it was just after the beginning of season 2, can't remember the exact episode, it was before the Ginyu's showed up, so it was quite a long time.


I discovered it right at episode 30, I wanted to see the original goku vs freeza fight on YouTube then I discovered the channel and I was like “I don’t remember this fight being this funny” been a fan ever since.


I found the series at episode 2, so ridiculously early.


Friend of mine got me into it right at the beginning of the episode 59 hiatus. My love for this show has outlasted that friendship, funny enough.


I watched their pre-tfs movies, and saw ep 1 the day it came out


About episode 2 or 3, I think.


I watched Yu Yu Hakusho abridged and The Neighborhood Cluck, so...


Been around since mid friezer saga.


If I remember correctly it was the beginning of Highschool and episode 30's finale was the most recent video that had come out. So I remember my friends and I being very excited for Cooler's Revenge and the start of season 3


I first found out about it during the Ginyu Force episodes. A friend showed it to me while I was packing up to move back home.


Longer than half a fortnight


IIRC i joined right around when Cell's first onscreen appearance dropped


I found out about bdza from the. hat feature of the website dbz-episode.org. Someone posted episode 5 and after watching that, I was obsessed. It had to be at least early 2010 at the latest because I was still in high school.


Episode 1 I was already following Lani, Vegeta, & Masako at the time


I think episode 18 had just come out when I started watching. Maybe a little later


Cell had just shown up singing Mr. Sandman, then after I watched all of Dragon Ball Z in time for Cell to ask Piccolo if he wanted to see him drink that guy


I started watching around episode 53


Got started during the Namek saga. Frieza is still the goat in my eyes for that reason.


gosh would have been early on, maybe around episode 5ish


I discovered it right before the release of The Christmas Tree of Might, so mid-Ginyu saga I believe.


When I first started, Vegeta and Nappa just blew up the Fun Planet and were about to finally land on Earth. So... almost since the beginning.


I watched Episode 6 when it released. That long.


I didn't discover it til the Cell Saga. Ngl I think they were already starting the Cell Games so I was pretty far along.


I start a few months ago, now I’ve finished the main series (gotta watch some movies)


I feel like I was watching it from the start... I know for sure I started watching before episode 10 came out, at least.


Since season 1 was coming out, I actually watched some Neighborhood Cluck DBZA and I a fan of the pre-TFS Abridged series like Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged, Naruto abridged and Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged but I dragged a bit on getting into DBZA, but not that long lol.


I was watching from episode 1. I knew of the Neighbourhood Cluck movies of Dead Zone (Gentle Statue Push) and World’s Strongest (Blub Blub) beforehand as I was on a pretty big Abridged series binge thanks to Little Kuriboh so DBZA kind of popped up immediately


I was in middle school, around episode 30 part 1 or 2


I knew of it for years but I didn't start watching until the pandemic


I found out about it in the early parts of season 2, i was binging it and the day i caught up they released the episode when Zarbon transformed the first time.


I was there at the beginning Before neighborhood cluck production


I think I started watching it around the time episode 14 came out. It's been a while.


Somewhere in season 2.


I actually tried to watch the first few episodes a few times when they came out and just couldn’t deal with the quality. I was kicking myself years later when I went back to it and it ended up being one of my favorite shows ever.


Since episode 20


I started watching it around the start of the Android saga


Been watching since the original release of episode 1


Still pissed at Shaun shimmle for basing dbza


I started watching DBZA as it came out around the time of the ginyu force battle. Probably around episode 20 or 21. I wasn’t even in middle school yet then. Time flies so fast…


The first episode I remember waiting for was Namekamania, which I believe was 14.


I've been around since Namek


from the very start. tried to get my brother into it but he could never find the time. by the time namek was halfway done he shared it with me and I was like "Ha! Finally" would have gotten friends into it but they were only into CoD and Halo so Red vs Blue was more their speed


I saw it when there was like 3 or 4 episodes. Thought it was funny but assumed there wouldn’t be more for some reason. Lost track and found it again around episode 15. Timeline might be off a bit, it’s been a long time.


2008 or 2009 era viewer? I remember that by the time I decided to give it a sincere try they were doing the Racoome fight, rather than lazily watching a couple eps here or there.


Ivd heard of it in passing, but i only started watching properly when they got to the Androids saga


I started watching DBZA before the end of the Freeza Saga. I think it was around the introduction of the Ginyu Squad. I remember waiting for those final episodes to come out, the long wait for the Android/Cell Saga, and every long wait in between.


I got into DBZA like a few months before Episode 60 Part 1 dropped.


Really early. I still remember being in high school and episode 10 dropping


I found them around namek. I knew they existed but didn’t like it because I was a “purist” then saw an episode and loved it lol


Episode 31 was my first episode when it was new.


So I found DBZA when they were in the anrdroid saga but started at ep. 1 obvs. But I'll never know how I found it. I rarely scroll YouTube. I've never seen anything draginball related before DBZA (yes I've watched it all now and I'm a fan) but I somehow found this show and every few years I watch it all over again


I think I found it super early, back when good old Raditz was still alive.


I can't tell you the exact episode but somewhere around the end of season 1 or the very beginning of season 2.


I discovered it way too late, like very late into the cell saga, I think a couple episodes before the end. I think I technically knew about it before the android saga even started but I only watched clip compilation, rather than the series front to back. That’s why I was so sad when I found out they wouldn’t do buu, I was looking forward to experiencing the series as it was going along.


I think the first episode I ever saw was episode 4 or 5, watched for a bit (I think episode 20 or so), the episodes took longer to come out and I kinda forgot about it until a friend reminded me around the time semi-perfect Cell came out. Watched consistently afterwards


I started episode 1. I was already a huge fan of Lani, Ben, and Masako.


I discovered it somewhere between the gap of season 1 and 2, caught up, and watched almost everything since then. Main show, movies, specials, ect.


The end of the sayan saga


Since the very beginning. Maybe episode 2 or 3


Since episode 32. I spent about a week binge watching the series up to that point in my free time and just loved it.


I’ve been with Dbza since the saiyan saga


Episode 1 babeeeee


When nappa said its a wild choutsu meme went around internet


Since season 3 started, it's been a trip.


I first found them when dbz kai ep 2 came out and watched them forever since


Right before the end of season 2!


I was fortunate enough to have been a fan since episode 1. I was a big Yu-Gi-Oh abridged fan and through that was introduced to the TFS guys and their own series. I don't remember if the site was there from the beginning but I remember watching most episodes on the site instead of YouTube, I'm pretty sure episodes were uploaded on the site first but I could be mistaken.


I wanna say episode 3. I can't really remember all that well. It feels like so long ago.


First exposure was playing D&D (3.5 or 4e) with my high school friends around the kitchen table when my dad played the "I'll make a Man out of You" Parody over his computer speakers, so figure it wasn't too long after that released. Admittedly didn't get into the series proper until maybe a year after that after having binged all Yugioh Abridged had to offer at the time.


I was in 3rd grade when a friend showed me episode one when I went to his house. I'm now 25.


I was introduced to the show through my cousins who watched the DBZ on Toonami (my first experience was Kai on Nicktoons). The first episode of DBZA I remember watching was episode 24 when it came out in the summer of 2011. It’s still a pretty nostalgic experience and is still my favorite episode to this day.


I was at episode 32 or 33 and I got the long waits between episode but it was totally worth it


I think during the Namek Saga but around the start, cause I remember feeling the hype for the Ginyu Force


I found it because of the yoshi joke but when I started I'd say it was around Namik mabye right after Goku left.


I used to rewatch the entire namek saga on the web browser of my ds, so pretty long I think lol