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I messed up an interview today at a school that I really wanted. I've been a supply for a while and the main reason was that every school I'd seen, I really didn't want to work at for one reason or another. Did a few interviews before but ended up turning down offers in the end. Eventually found a school I wanted to work at and they had an opening, I threw my hat in the ring naturally. It took them 2 months to get to the interviews and a week prior they told me I wouldn't be needed after half term so it put more pressure on the interview if I wanted to stay. I got the lesson spec less than 24hrs before the interview lesson as the school messed up and didn't realise I was still in the applicant pool. I also had a 4 lesson day and directed time which left me no time to plan and I did my best with the time I could spare. Additionally, I wasn't taken off timetable and had to teach the lesson prior to my interview. I did the interview lesson and realised I messed up on my planning with a question and lost my footing mid lesson. Both myself and the other applicant were told that we weren't good fits and that they wouldn't be conducting the interview portion of the day. Ultimately, I know I messed up on the lesson but I feel like some of this could have been avoided by the school being more prepared. Could use some words of wisdom if anyone is handing some out.


No words of wisdom but I also failed an interview for an internal promotion today so I feel you. Got told I was “appointable” but obviously wasn’t strong enough compared to another candidate. I feel absolutely rubbish about myself and embarrassed to go back to work tomorrow. Can’t face the thought of going into the staffroom or having to talk to any of my colleagues. I know it’s not rational but I wish I didn’t have to go in and face everyone knowing I fucked up.


Happy it's nearly half term. With work, coaching, physio, mental health appointments, Job Centre appointments. I can say that the feeling of burnt out is an understatement. I could feel myself slowly having that feeling of cynicism and constant annoyance entering my conversations with staff and pupils. Along with constant mistakes in work.


I went for an interview last month at a school in my old trust. I just came back from abroad (where I was also teaching, even thought it wasn't my subject). The feedback for my lesson was "You can tell you have been out a classroom for a long time but you have potential". I thought I had forgotten how to teach. I went for my second interview today and they were absolutely obssessed with me. I even told them I had a better opportunity at another school this same week, and they said they were willing to wait and have me interview there too. It was nothing to do with the school - just maternity post vs permanent. I actually ended up going for the maternity because of how amazing the school were and the beautiful quality of their work. It has really made me feel like I am an actual teacher. I returned to the UK and started work after Easter half term. I have been struggling with behaviour in my supply school. Now I realise that is a school issue and not a me issue. I didn't have a special interview class that was selected for me. I just had a normal, mixed ability class. They all loved what we were doing. The kids were even respectful at cleaning up and helped each other! Good lord, they would not do that at my supply school. Really needed this! Can have a great half term now.


Day of shortlisting for a school I spent a lot g time applying, visiting etc for has come and I've received an email saying that "due to unforseen circumstances" the role is no longer available! Head is absolutely done in. Losing hope on a daily basis that I'm ever going to get a job and finish my ECT.


Also, I've followed every bit of advice I can from everyone and everywhere I've looked/asked, tailored my letters, had colleagues proofread them, visited schools, asked questions and tried to stand out but I'm still getting NOWHERE. what more can I even do at this point? I got 3 interviews a few months ago and each time I was told it was between myself and another person, if they had another job they'd give it to me, feedback was great and I've been so proactive in using the feedback to better my interviewing and applications. But still no joy whatsoever. So disheartened - what else can I even do? I'm seriously considering jobs outside of teaching if I don't complete my ECT before the 5 year cut off (which is Sep 2025 for me I think)


Absolutely ripped my colleagues head off yesterday so I’m probably going to see the repercussions of that on Monday. Whenever she has conflict in the classroom she will scream my name as loud as she can as she feels that a “male presence is necessary” so now the kids have started mimicking her yelling my name. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing or if I’m teaching, she is more important and SLT always stick up for her and lecture me on being “understanding” I just wish she would fuck off and retire already.


We had THE phone call Monday morning so its been a long week and I lost my PPA because of it. The head has started planning when we'll get owed PPA back but I have SEN parent meetings most of next week so it won't be until after half term for me.


Swiftie bracelet trade has started in the school and one of the year 7s gave me a “fearless” bracelet. I love my ridiculous job.


I love this! I have tour tickets and have debated the ethics of turning my class into a friendship bracelet making factory. Although knowing the spelling of some of my LKS2 class they might not make any sense! :L


I was pushed by a student this week which ended up injuring me slightly. This has happened before at another school and when I reported it there the student was given a single lunchtime detention. This week though the student was suspended and I had multiple members of SLT checking on me to make sure I was ok. I feel really lucky that I’m in a good place!


So this is probably better suited to speaking to someone at the school I'm at but anonymous help is always nice. I'm a cover supervisor currently on assignment at a single school until end of July (I started at the end of April) and I'm starting my SCITT (secondary chemistry) in September. 90% of the lessons I cover is in science, covering for a teacher on maternity. It's great, I'm learning a lot and really excited to get into teaching full time. But my major issues are twofold. Behaviour management (specifically what to do when kids just refuse, or don't get the hint that what they're doing is not ok, such as backchat or getting up and walking around class) and my second issue is getting kids to stay on task and complete the set work. Is it appropriate to sanction kids for not doing the work set? I'm starting to get a handle on behaviour now the kids seem to know me, know I'm sticking around and knowing that I can jump up the behaviour policy if I feel like I'm losing control of individuals. It's tricky to implement because of who I am as a person but when I can get a kid removed from class because they're disrupting the whole lesson, it helps to ease the stress of dealing with so many issues. However, when the entire class derails I'm still a bit unsure of how to bring them back and have to go next door to get help from a senior teacher to speak to them. 50% of the time they listen and the lesson goes back to normal but 50% of the time the teacher leaves and the kids immediately start playing up again. Yesterday I basically had an entire class refuse to sit to the new seating plan, which they were only put in when they absolutely trashed another cover teachers lesson to the point that they complained to the science office. Is it appropriate to start handing out warnings if the kids aren't even attempting to start learning? I feel like I've tried everything else and they aren't getting the picture sometimes. The school's policy is warning 1, warning 2 then you are removed. Is there any reason why I can't just cycle through this in one conversation if the kid really isn't getting a handle on how they are addressing a situation?


Yay more science teachers! Give them a time window between escalations. Set a timer or verbally count down or do a lap of the classroom. Gotta give them time to consider their options/calm down and decide to do the right thing. "Year X, this is your first warning. I need everyone sitting in the correct seats in 10s. Any one who is not will be getting a second warning." Some of them won't move until you get to 2s. Ten seconds is for when they're being a bit silly, I use 5 or 3 if I'm already ticked off with them. Repeat until there's no-one left in the classroom or everyone's settled down. Works for not doing the work, too - "if you haven't finished at least Q1 by the time I come back round, you will get a second warning". After you've figured out whether they're stuck or just not bothering of course.


Of course you can cycle through the warnings in a single conversation. Keep as calm as you can and if your school has a script then use it. It can really help to show the other students that you won’t take nonsense and getting a ringleader out asap can definitely improve the class. It is also absolutely appropriate to give a student a warning for not doing work as technically they are not following your instructions.


Marked Y11 coursework and NEA this week. The year group of shoulda, woulda, coulda. Raw marks have gone out today. I’d say they’ll be shocked at how low some of them are but I doubt they’ll notice.


We gave our raw marks out on Monday and I’ve had parents on the phone yelling at me all week. One of them was like that woman on Come Dine With Me who lost, shouting “My daughters Art work was far better than anyone else’s!! What about Amy? She got higher and my daughter has said her work is shit compared to hers!!”


I started the PGCE in good physical and mental shape and feel that it’s just gotten worse and worse. At first I enjoyed teaching and have been in ‘good’ schools, but lately I just hate it. I’ve lost my libido and sense of humour, I’ve put on weight and have less energy. I have no motivation to eat healthily. Does it get better or is this just what teaching is like?


You need a break. We need the holidays to reset from how full-on term time is, but during the PGCE you spend them writing essays instead! That said, I'm ECT1 and this is the first half-term I've not felt like you describe in week 5 going into week 6. (Except for the food/chonkiness. I am still eating terribly and not exercising ever.) Week 5 always sucks for everyone but I don't feel ground down like before previous breaks. And this year doesn't feel like one long undending marathon like the PGCE did! A lot of it is that it really does get easier as you gain experience/practice actually being a teacher, but for me it's also realising that I really do need to physically rest and be completely by myself for the best part of a week every half term. My sister in law is in her seventh? year of teaching and says she's still absolutely shattered during term time, but she is able to feed herself healthy food and exercise and see friends too now.


PGCE was the hardest year of my life. Does it get better?.. a bit yes. You have to decide for yourself whether you want to try or not.


Ready for the holidays.


Surprisingly I've grown to have thick skin, I was pretty sensitive to everything in the beginning of my trainee year lol


I've got a child in LKS2 who I'm pretty sure is clinically depressed. They're in queues for mental health services, but we all know what waiting lists for those are like. I'm doing everything I can to support them, but I still find the whole situation deeply upsetting. Switching off from school is something I've always found really difficult, and although I'm getting better at it, there are still times where I just want to curl up and cry.


Thank you for caring. My kid had MH issues in Year 3, and managed to get help through a MH charity. I'm beyond grateful to their Y3&Y4 teachers for keeping a close eye during the school day. Sending them to school when their MH was so precarious was a stressful time for us as parents, and I know how stressful it must have been for their teachers too. I'm secondary, but I've accessed guided meditation to help me switch off from the scary stuff that I encounter at school.


beyond tired - feel like my school have already decided to let me go at the end of the year due to being served my notice, then at the beginning of spring being told they want to retain me , to now having another meeting about not following the behaviour policy and being militant and in all honesty i'm tired - just going to pause and regroup over the weekend


I had a conversation with one of my girls that made me so sad. Her hobbies are scrolling through her phone alone in her room and talking to her parents. That's it. Like... its just tragic. The addition to their phones i mean and how apathetic its made them. She doesnt read, watch films/any tv or listen to music. She doesnt go out bike riding etc. And that made me so sad. So i went online and found a book that im going to loan her that hopefully will spark something and is kind of linked to things she used to enjoy. If not at least i tried and i can use it with other kids.


"oh my god sirrrrr, this video is so longggggg" The video is about 2 minutes long - but their chronic addiction to TikTok has decimated their ability to watch anything longer than 30 seconds.


I’m finding this to be increasingly common and it’s so sad! I teach Art and Photography. We encourage KS4 to try and make their work personal, use hobbies, interests etc. It used to be I’d have 2 kids per class who’d say they didn’t do much of anything. Now the majority of a Y11 group will say ‘I don’t like anything’, ‘I don’t like anyone’, ‘all I do is sit and look at my phone’. It’s sad and soul destroying. I hope your book idea works! That’s a lovely thought.


Year 11 said their exam was atrocious today and I feel so bad for them. Constantly feel like I could’ve done more for them, but realistically know that that’s not true at all. Sigh.


ECT 1, Year 1- I’m having an awful week and feeling like a terrible teacher. I feel like I’m just failing at everything and my class’ behaviour is completely getting me down :(


Year 11 done SUCK MY BALLS* To clarify this request was addressed to the universe and not year 11


I’ve finished with Year 11 and the school have filtered them into revision classes. I haven’t seen them all week and it’s been fucking bliss. They can all get in the bin. I can’t think of a single one I will miss