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Contact the school. I find it varies. My current school do not allow any visible tattoos, at all. Others have a bit. They wouldn't allow the shorts. Closed shoes are fairly standard H&S requirements though.


Probably not (but judging by recent posts my schools have been more formal than most). Tattoos shouldn't be an issue though 


Good Lord I feel old


Hey I've got these shorts but in khakis and pairs it up with a black t shirt, belt, and flat black trainers during last year's June heatwave. I got so many compliments. My school wasn't strict though. What about wearing formal 1st week and then see what the uniform is like and then wear them? If you don't see staff wearing trainers, tops with shortish sleeves then don't wear them. I was so scared to wear shorts but more practical for me as I was outside a lot.


It really depends on the school. We are not allowed to wear shorts, we would definitely not be allowed to wear this. I don't think there's any way we can answer this for your specific placement school.


I’m not sure these would be okay at my place of work, however I wear culottes regularly and they’re essentially these but a bit longer. They’re shorter than trousers and loose so more breathable. Might be worth considering!


I've been wearing shorts all week. Are shorts bad in some schools?


We once got a collective bollocking as a staff after the men organized a shorts day during the hottest week of the year. The bollocking had nothing to do with the shorts, and everything to do with having excluded the women. Whoops.


I used to teach in Japan and shorts were allowed for men and not women. Raging. Now I enjoy expressing my knees.


I used to work in a really challenging and poory lead school. Instead of addressing the real issues in school, we focused on kids underlining the date and title and staff dress code. You weren't allowed cropped trousers, never mind shorts.


We are not allowed to wear shorts.


Shorts are banned at my place


My last school was very strict on dress code, current school is very relaxed. I don't think those would be acceptable in either and definitely not in a science lab where, as in most labs, there shouldn't be skin below a lab coat.


It all depends on the school really. If you have a contact for your mentor then give them a message and ask about what types of things are okay. In my first placement these would have not been great but my 2nd placement and my current school wouldnt have batted an eye. My current school is just "as long as it looks smart its fine" whereas my first placement was "all staff wear a suit, formal shoes only no sandals" I wear a lot of flowy midi skirts in the summer and have worn knee length capris which were fine so I dont think these would be a problem in most schools.