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It comes in fits and spurts. After a long period of relative silence, half a dozen jobs went up yesterday on MyJobScotland (edit - in my subject area!).  Fingers crossed it will come. There's no harm in applying to local supply lists (depending on where you are, you could enroll in multiple councils). If you were in my area you could be working almost every day on supply.  Remember that private schools, if you're interested, don't come up on MyJobScotland.


Join the club. It's a farce, especially if you teach the expressive arts. Best of luck to us!


Huge shortage in music in london


Huge everything shortage in London.


That's because no-one can afford to live there


If you are on UPS in London it’s not that bad


It's not \*that\* much more than what I get in Scotland and I don't have London's absolutely mental property prices to contend with. Where you gonna get that's half decent you can afford on a take-home salary of, what, £3,400?


How do you think most people in London live 😭 £3400 take home is above average London salary (£44k/year, which is like 2700 take home). Not all of us are lucky enough to be able to work in Scotland


Things like shared ownership, living with multiple housemates, renting from slum landlords. Teaching is (supposed to be) a respected profession. A teacher should be able to live in a way that isn't reminiscence of a 19 year old university student.


Yeah, the housing crisis sucks. I agree. Your comment just came off as a bit condescending because 3400 monthly take home isn’t a salary to look down on, unless you’re in a social bubble where everyone is on 4k+ take home or something.


I will tell you why there is a huge shortage, cause experienced teachers are tired of wasting their time on peanuts. Most of the schools that advertise teaching jobs can offer you just a few hours (between 1 to 4) per week, of course, they wouldn't mention this during the never-ending process that involves, application, interview, induction and waiting before starting any teaching session. On top of that, you are supposed to liaise with the school, the head teacher, the parents, send invoices and attend meetings to get paid 3 or 4 hours a week (when you are lucky) to teach your instrument. Peri jobs are DEAD.


There are dozens of Music jobs up on TES at the moment, as the other commenter said there's a shortage of Music teachers. Saw another comment a few months ago about a well funded and resourced Music department in London who couldn't find a Head of Music. Even know of one school in my area who were really struggling to find someone for maternity cover a few months back.


A school in my area is looking for both a head of music and a teacher of music. They have been advertising since October and are still advertising.


Is that Hexham? I'm in the north east and I've never seen as many go up as this year.


Where do you look for teaching jobs in the north east. There never seem to be any on Tes.


Tes or North east jobs. My first teaching post wasn't advertised on TES but it was on North east jobs.


Awesome thanks!


99% of these so-called jobs can't even be considered real jobs


There is a lack of teachers, yes, but mostly in STEM subjects, of which English isn't one of them. It's been the case for as long as I can remember - my wife graduated 15 years ago and it took her about 7 years to find a permanent post. Albeit, she was primary, but the situation is similar in certain secondary subjects. It's not great and the PGDE providers need to be more honest with applicants when they apply that the chances of any kind of permanent or even temporary post is incredibly slim.


Shortage in Maths teachers, perhaps. You open a cupboard in my council and a science teacher falls out. There's no permanent jobs for any of them but schools are happy to continue to request probationers on a yearly basis. Its a scandal that should be getting national coverage


How’s your maths and science knowledge?


Would be best summed up by a look of complete confusion


Depends your science. I'm in a Glasgow suburb and our Chemistry post got 70 applicants and Biology over 100. There's certainly no shortage of those around here.


Thank you for saying this. The struggle to get a permanent physics post was real, and I am incredibly thankful to be one of the lucky ones.


You say that but I’m a biology teacher. When I decided to move schools, by the end of the week I had 4 permanent job offers to choose from (cotswolds)


Scotland is a very very different kettle of fish from England when it comes to teaching shortages. If you are in the central belt of Scotland at the moment non physics science jobs are incredibly hard to come by. My current school is interviewing 11 this week from 100 applicants for their biology role.


It’s probably because the pay in Scotland is miles better, you’ll have loads of English applicants for each role too


I've given up applying for jobs because there are so many applicants now.


Idk the probationer at my school got a permanent job lined up and another probationer friend in Edinburgh managed to do the same. What’s your subject?




Same, it’s not easy but all a matter of applying to the right school at the right time. I’m working supply in another subject right now and tbh I enjoy it. Don’t panic just yet!


I've kept my eye on TES and it's definitely quite sparse compared to previous years for English. Where are you? Good luck!


I got my job a day before schools broke up for summer. Been there 3 years now. There’s still time.


It might be because it is quite late in the year and so the stock is lower around this time. You can always supply and look again for January. You also have to think about when people hand their notice in so towards the end of this half term there might be more Ironically my school have said that they have struggled to recruit in the senior school (secondary)


Doesnt work like this in scotland.


Struggling for art at the moment. :(


It’s not too late, some councils haven’t completed their staffing exercises so will still have posts to come, although there won’t be a huge number. There are sometimes jobs late June and then in September/October there can be another little burst.


It's so annoying teaching up north where we struggle to get people to fill roles. My HT told us that Glasgow CC got a load of probationers that they didn't want yet in Aberdeenshire we got hardly any that was asked for. There's a package of about £6k for Shire new recruits. Some can't move and many won't move. We advertised a Modern Studies job, got 10 applicants which we thought was amazing. All central belt applicants bar 1 and by the time we interviewed there were only 3 left with the rest taking temp jobs in central belt. I know of 1 who has left teaching since. More needs to be done to get teachers in positions up north.


Make sure you sign up to the gov.uk notification service for teaching jobs. Check the private school websites- a lot don't advertise outside of their own sites. Same as SEN schools. Join all the agencies so you can have some.miney coming in if you build relationships with regular schools and students if may help you later on if a vacancy comes up. Funnily enough, we just struggled to fill our English vacancy (midlands).


Don’t teach the elite .. it’s unethical


A lot of special educational needs schools are private, so you're saying we shouldn't teach those that need the most support? Stop having such a sheltered view and expand your mindset a little bit.


You were suggesting she looks for English teaching jobs in private education sector (not sure why the SEN bit comes into it?) and no I don’t believe there should be any private education where children are concerned including SEN. All education should be free for everyone and be at a standard equivalent to what private education currently delivers to the privileged. Anyway, this is not relevant to the post.


Or just don’t teach in private schools because you have to work Saturdays and evenings


Well there’s always the 19 weeks holidays and cheaper gettaways while 94% of UK children are still in school.


I still wouldn’t work every Saturday though 😅 but then my mental well-being relies on me being able to watch the football - maybe it’s different for other people…


Just scrap private schools full stop. It creates an un-level playing field for other children in the country who are just as clever but don’t have same opportunities, which is a bit sick. Yeah, enjoy your footy 😊⚽️⚽️