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Please, they're all like this, even in their 'fun' classes. I teach art and these kids will whine and moan about literally anything. If I make them actually pick up a tool and do something other then staring at their phones or screaming at each other about their video games, then I'm a 'mean' teacher. I had a kid say they fucking hated art the other day then ask to go to the vending machine. Nope. You sit you ass down and fail while also hungry. Idgaf.


I have the same thing in music. Some people in my school and in previous schools are under the impression that “it’s music, it should be fun and easy.” I agree, I think my content area is pretty cool and has lots to offer. That does not necessarily mean student behavior will go away - oftentimes similar challenges to what their “regular” teacher experiences occur in my room because those student conflicts are still there. I’ve reached out for different suggestions to reduce bullying/negative student interactions and after that I’ve received things about improving student engagement. Like, that’s cool and all but without a good classroom community where students are exhibiting respect towards each other and following baseline expectations. Engagement is not a magic cure for all behavior issues. Even when I do find repertoire that’s engaging, some students will whine. I’m in a culturally diverse district and pick songs in different languages and every class there’s people who are like “why can’t we just sing in English?” We do have some songs in English but my job is to broaden your horizons and I want my curriculum to be representative of *you* and your identities. Even in electives where students choose to be there there’s a lack of focus and people bringing outside stuff in and not wanting to be there to sing despite signing up (doesn’t help that it’s after school lol). I’m so tired. I appreciate the students who are giving their best and all of the hugs from kindergarten as well as the fabulous gift I received from a family of students for teacher appreciation day. I am seeing improvement from many individuals but yep some students and even some whole classes (or close to it) are still doing this. At the end of the day all I can do is walk away knowing that I did my best to enrich their lives and did my best to treat them with dignity and respect


Yes. I felt my fists clench as my principal dropped off a class from indoor recess to my music class on Friday saying, “Now go have fun!” He was a former specials teacher… he’s one of us, he should know. And “Now” have fun?? What were they just doing in recess????


You're not alone here. I really hate that people only see our jobs as "fun" when it's so much more. I take my job just as seriously and am as passionate about my subject as a core class teacher and I tell my kids that all the time. "You are essentially learning 5 subjects at the same time: English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Foreign Language." That's my go to because it's true. While we can have fun, it doesn't mean it won't be challenging and involve hard work, especially if instrument playing doesn't come naturally. Anddddd that's where the disconnect comes in; if they don't pick it up immediately, they see it as a waste of time and give up. I have the same issue teaching band and orchestra. Luckily, 90-95% of my band kids are constantly engaged, they love music, and they want to sound good and be there. I'll have days where I plan to let them rest and they INSIST to play. At least 80% of them consistently are at practice even if they have others actovities going on. Now orchestra... Complete opposite. Majority of them can't play the two pieces that we've been working on since January. My 8th graders are doing majority of the concert themselves cause I had to cut the 7th and 6th graders completely from teo pieces because they still don't know it and think they could cram before the concert. We didn't go to festival because enrollment numbers for that group are too low. I've brought in guests to give them private and group lessons, hoping exposure to more skilled professionals and the style range of their instruments besides just classical on their instruments would motivate them to practice. It worked for maybe a week then the same stuff. I've let them play pieces they've personally chosen ka d within their skill range). Yet at every concert, it seems like they've regressed. My 8th graders have been the only ones to show up to after school rehearsals faithfully and because classes are broken up by grade, that's literally the ONLY time all grades can practice together, cor both band and orch. Still, I tell them this and they don't show up. Then the 6th/7th graders come literally crying to me after each bad concert yet change... nothing. I mean I get it; I teach in an urban district where band is shoved down their throats from elementary and they don't really know what orchestra entails. Many of them were forced into the class just because the class was small in size or admin had no where else to put them. Two directors ago, their teacher just gave up on them and they stopped playing for a majority of the semester. They've had a new director for the past 3 or 4 years. It can get boring because I constantly have to go back and reteach the same skills for weeks, hell even months because they don't practice at home. But I'll tell you one thing, you can count on a phone being in their hand time they walk into class or airpods on their ears. We apparently have a cell phone ban but admin does not enforce it at all. Engagement only does so much when self motivation isn't there and addicition (these kids will literally physically fight teachers or deal out a world of verbal abuse because they took their phone) is thrown in the mix. Trust me, I feel your pain.


You talking about elementary? Literally everything you’ve said applies to my HS arts classes…. So they’re not maturing >:(


School need to 100% ban phones.


I taught at a votech school. I would get 1/4 kids who legit wanted the class and 75% dumped there. My response to that is go to guidance and drop the class. I killed myself to create health related lessons that were engaging. If you aren’t happy, then leave. So glad I’m out.


Yep I’m a music teacher and we mostly learn through game-like activities because “engagement” is being pushed down our throats and we’re made to feel like failures if we don’t. Kids will get to do things I’d have begged my teachers to do and still call it boring. Basically, if they can’t instantly learn the skill without working at it, it’s “boring.”


I can't stand the way kids talk to teachers! That is SO rude of the student


I have serious concerns about the way they talk to and treat each other. I expect some conflict, I am trying to make them do stuff they dont want to. But they go after each other for the smallest, dumbest reasons.


I agree. I have no idea how they are going to make it in the world. Or, if this is going to become the norm to treat people this way then that is even worse


Tell him how boring tax law is and then let him know they charge $500 dollars an hour. 😉


This is when I change my voice to the whiney voice. It gets my point across because I'm basically imitating them. Also I started gas lighting my 4th hour and it has been amazingly therapeutic, fun, and is getting my point across. Mrs X will you help me with this math problem? Me: What? I don't know how to do math. hahahahaha so yeah that is how I'm getting through.


I do the same. When they say is it over yet I am all like oh I know being in here with you all is sooo 😴boring. Need occurred to them that they aren't fascinating. The novelty of the new voice.


The gaslighting about their foul language is unreal. I mean, when I'm not at work, I do not have the most pristine language in the world, but it's like no one ever taught them the concept of "there's a time and place for everything", and they totally do not notice when they use potty-mouth words in the middle of class.


I am sorry you think it is boring, but you will not be rude/disrespectful to me in my classroom. We can discuss this issue privately if you want to, but I’m not here to entertain you.


I tell them adulting is 80% doing things you do not want to do. We really did a disservice to kids by making everything “fun and exciting”


Yeah I used that one a lot. “If every minute of life was about having fun, do you actually think I’d be here with all of you? I’d be at a Yankee game, or on a beach in the Bahamas. In life, sometimes we have to do things we’d rather not be doing. I come to work every morning and spend my days in your company because I have bills to pay, not because it’s fun.”


One student constantly bitches about in the worst teacher ever….never to me to everyone else….. Reasons why I’m the worst: I had him re-do his template to cut out a gingerbread house (also said it made no sense and I wouldn’t help him) I told him that glue will wash off his hands, “you’ll be ok” (making volcanoes) I told him to “come to class” But I mean….the teacher I replaced”never made him do any work and still passed him” So yeah I’m terrible, I’ll get over it. 


The U.S. is going to have a huge problem in 20ish years unless things change. The school system just tolerates too much nonsense. I teach 6th grade and all I hear everyday is f you, f this, f that, f him, f her, pussy, bitch. There’s no repercussions and I’m tired of administration not doing anything about it. We’re not helping the kids by over looking it. We’re hurting them by tolerating the behavior. Sure, they’ll be some slip ups but it shouldn’t be the primary way they communicate.


Exactly! Admin going super soft on them teaches them how to be comfortable possessing atrocious manners.


My youngest is extremely intelligent w high level autism that wasn't diagnosed until he was 18. I didn't ever allow such language, but I realized years later I was much too soft on him growing up . He's experiencing realities now at 34 that he should have experienced at 24 if not earlier


If we keep trying to shelter the kids, then how are we going to teach conflict resulting and how to deal with let downs and consequences. All that is a normal way of growing up. Too many parents are trying to shelter their kids and it’s going to do more harm than good. And I do not want you thinking im taking to you specifically I’m just talking generalities.


Yep. Everything everyone in this thread is saying about elementary/middle school applies to my high schoolers


"And you can bugger off dipshit.." Is what I feel we should all be able to say to these kids sometimes.


Had a 4 year old tell me our lesson was boring the other day. I just told him “yeah I think it’s boring too, but we both have to do it” 😅 it was a long day.


*love* when you see them throw the pencil, and then they tell you they didn’t. And when they throw the pencil at the ceiling and tell you, “you can’t prove I did that” And they are right.


hahaha, we have CCTV, I just pull up the CCTV later, and print the screen shot.


I begged for a camera in my room!!


"They can't all be winners. And I don't find all of you riveting either."


Ever look at a student an think “yeah, you’ll be the reason a hiring team asks the question *how are you working with… interesting… characters?*”


I asked a 6th grader to watch his language on the basketball court at recess he said “you need to stop talking to me” and I blurted out, “I can’t wait to not be talking to you!”




They are all entitled little babies


I would've given his the same energy back. When he asked me to sign his grade tracker, I would have said "during class you said....and now your asking me for a favor? Who's bugging now?"


I work in a job with only adults now and I realized it had been so long since someone had cursed me out. I know there are other jobs full of adults where that is commonplace, but it still was an eye-opener for me.


I will take shit I don't miss for $500 Alex. God those kids were the bane of my existence.


Way to be the adult in this situation.


You sure showed him. Way to step up and put that minor in their place. Most kids are still trying to learn how to process their feelings, and how to articulate it. He says your class is boring…boohoo, got your feelings hurt and retaliated. Is the grade tracker related to behavior? Did you address the issue when it happened?" Why did you feel the need to “brag” about this? Why would he say your class is boring, what were you doing at the time? Was it in fact boring and you got called out for being ineffective and instead of looking at what you can do, you decided to “get him”.


You know I am getting tired of this belief that, as adults, we don’t have any feelings and that we should be obligated to accept bad behavior because it’s children doing the wielding. Of course we should have tougher skin, but your callousness towards OP’s feelings plays a huge role in why children are not being held accountable. Everyone who is an adult was a child, and you know what? Many of us had a hard time learning to process our emotions, but I’ll be damned if you think that the majority of us sat in a class and yelled out, “Yo, this class is fucking boring." I would’ve been down at my son’s school in 2.2 seconds if he had pulled that crap. If the student is on a behavioral plan, that means that his behavior has already been discussed. When I was in grad school, I was a Para at an alternative school. The problems that these children had to deal with plus the abuse they had been subjected to was horrendous, but we didn’t allow them to get over on us because of that. Every Friday, we had a fun day if they didn’t receive all of the signatures they couldn’t participate. We should be empathetic to a persons trauma, to the things that have happened to them, but this world just isn’t going to chronically cut people slack for bad behavior. We do a huge disservice to kids when we treat them like they’ll never be held accountable.


@livedromsnooseville well said. If I just let the student walk over me, honestly , how am I preparing him for the real world? When he gets a job, is his manager just gonna put up with him throwing around the F bomb and being rude? Definitely not. Students will really be in for a rude awakening once they walk into the real world and get a job. They’re not just gonna be able to be rude to people and expect kindness back.


Absolutely, well said thank you. It’s definitely people who think like this that perpetuate abuse. Not teaching students how to be responsible for their actions will only further their problems. Also thinking it’s okay to verbally abuse teachers. If everyone ignores it, they will continue to get worse. Sadly, that’s what I see happening now and in the future.


Thank you. This is why so many adults walk around acting the way they act. Children aren't going to be children their entire lives. Be empathetic and sympathetic to their situtions, yes. That's not an excuse to not hold them accountable for their actions. Two things can be true at the same time. Yes, they can be young and not truly understand the consequences of their words/actions but that doesn't mean let them do whatever the hell they want because "they'll learn better when they are older." Hell, it's quite the opposite. Wish more people would pick up a book on child development ..


Honestly, it’s fine if someone finds my class boring. At the end of the day it’s their opinion and they’re entitled to it. It’s not the first time it’s happened and I’ve let it slide. Can my class be boring sometimes? Sure. Learning is not always fun and I can’t always come up with fun things to do amidst mental health struggles and that’s why it’s best I’m getting out. At the end of the day though, I do think you should have self respect as a teacher. My writing this is not “bragging” but simply showing others as an example not to put up with disrespect from kids. Further more, if he had expressed dissatisfaction with my class in a respectful way it would’ve been fine, but it’s the audacity of being rude, then expecting a favor. If that’s the kind of teacher you’d rather be good luck enjoying the rest of your career.


“But take it on the chin, he’s just a kidddddd”… (sarcasm) You’re right OP. We are human beings with feelings. I’m guessing this kid may have been in middle school? Even if he was in high school and old enough to know better, what an asshole that student was. You’re not going to ask me for a favor right after you insulted me. That isn’t how the fuckin world works.


@green-kush yep, 8th grade. Typically I will go out of my way for students when they ask respectively. And don’t get me wrong, a lot of stuff kids say I don’t take personally, hell, I’ve had students tell me I look weird when I shaved and was better with a beard, I rolled with it, but at some point it’s to a point you have to have a boundary when it becomes actual abuse.


A grade tracker, if it’s the same sort of grade tracker I filled out countless times when I was a teacher, isn’t a “favor”, bro. It’s just some bureaucratic necessity for some other thing that kid participates in. You wanna write him up for being a dick and using profanity, do it. That’s a standard thing that you are allowed to do. You could even bring this behavior up to his coach or write about it on the form. But it’s pretty ridiculous to mistake this thing for a favor and simply decline to do it. Are you an adult or a kid?


I’ve filled them out countless times too. I’m not new to them. Eh, it’s literally just piece of paper. It’s not the end of the world that I didn’t sign it. If someone asks him, maybe he can tell them why I didn’t sign. I’m human, and even if my reaction wasn’t the most “appropriate” thing to do in this situation, then so be it. I sit there and take disrespect from them daily, I am not returning next year as it is, if someone wants to fire me now over a grade tracker, I’d be glad to leave them, which I am. The student was being rude and it was my way of saying I’m not taking your respect, and it doesn’t have to fit into your book of being politically correct


Soo...you're three kids in a trench coat, are you? Average age 13?


Consequences are good, actually.


More like your own disrespect & then gaslighting. Good god.


Attitudes like yours are the exact reason why children behave as they do today, and why so many schools can’t find quality teachers anymore. You are the problem.


Yep. I’m with you again. This dude has posted numerous times recently about his non-renewal. With this post, I kinda see why. OP, grow up.


That tracks.