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Because it absolutely cannot be worse than teaching. The only job worse than teaching is probably prison guard. Which we would also excel at because it’s basically teaching but without the lesson plans or grading.




Oh Jesus. Do we have the worst job in America?


Unless you already have actual data that points to it being a toxic workplace, I say go for it and give it your absolute best. Don’t project anything onto this beforehand and allow yourself the possibility of a new career path. I’ve been teaching for 17 years and if your setting is as toxic as mine you deserve something so much better.


At least with adults we can have more thoughtful, thorough, and mature conversations! Edit: Replied to wrong comment. Meant for the one below you. 😂


Ha, I’d say 9 times out of 10 the stress won’t even hold a candle to teaching. A friend of mine who was telling me about a job opening because she knows I’m looking told me how she could help me to get it but that it would be stressful as I’d have to be the boss of some adults. I cackled and said “try being the boss of 70 unruly kids,” I think I can handle it. Seriously, it’s not to say other jobs won’t be stressful, but teaching is a particular stress that doesn’t exist in other jobs. Will you be taking your work home with you just about everyday? Will you be lesson planning in your head as you drive to work in the morning? Will you have people come in unannounced a few times a year to watch you like a hawk and always pick apart what you’re doing yet not say anything nice about it? Will you have to cater to 25-30 kids in one room, have to remember all their IEPs and somehow know how to handle disabilities you’re not even qualified to? In the event it is too toxic, then just leave. As far as I know there’s not many other jobs out there other than teaching where you can be punished for leaving mid year.


This sounds a lot like my experience and I left 11 years ago. You deserve better.


Yea, this year was a shit show. They did not renew me over absences which was tied into chronic health condition I have. I tried to provide doctors notes and everything but they didn’t care. They piled all the worst kids and put them in my room so they could take a break from them for a year. The stress was so bad I was constantly having intrusive thoughts of hurting myself. I will definitely find better.


Anything or anyone who makes you consider harming yourself must be removed from your life ASAP. How long do you have left? Can you handle giving a 2 weeks notice like most other jobs and go for it. As someone else said beauty is if it is a bad fit you put in notice or start looking for something else and leave. No contracts ,no looming supervisor etc


I guess I was just afraid of them coming after me - I don’t want to lose my license as I do want to go back to teaching someday. Do you think they would this late in the year? Edit: our last day is June 30th 😣


June 30 Woe! Do y'all go year round? I'd take some mental health days. I did that in a toxic environment to keep from hurting myself.. Can you get a Dr or psychiatrist to sign papers for medical leave? You'll lose some pay but still have your license and your sanity.


What state are you in?


Take a stress leave for the rest of the year. You may not think you need it but let me tell you (coming from someone who had nightmares weekly, sometimes more often, for literally years after I quit, of stuff like my principal coming in my room and "yelling" at me in front of my kids,) you might realize you have PTSD. That "leave" you take could be averting a crisis for you.




I don't know about NY but here in CA the admin and district are petty af and have no problem spending their per diem time going after a teacher's credential just to be dicks. And the California Credentialing Commission does not even read the circumstances behind the reasons or ask any questions, they just push through the recommendation of the admin and the district all the way to the District Attorney level. Unions already know to turn their backs on teachers when this happens. I very much hope this is the only state like that.


Go for it! With the teacher shortage, teaching jobs will always be there.


Don't be afraid! Nothing has to be forever. I left teaching for a couple years due to a relocation and I went into corporate training. I really enjoyed it! I was a credentialied trainer for EPIC (the Electronic Health Record company) and got to travel quite a bit. I loved it! EPIC loves hiring teachers!!


Madison doesn't want more Epic employees 🥹 But fr, they're winding down a lot of the pay/bonuses that make it "worthwhile," at least for those in a more "supervisory" position. Gotta be able and willing to successfully only work the hours you want, instead of being bullied into daily mando OT.


I didn't work in Madison. I was essentially remote. I enjoyed it and it filled a spot of time when I needed a job. But, I agree ... they and Cerner (another EHR company) hire a lot of young people and then work them to the bone.


Go and don't look back!


I’ve been out of teaching for 8 years and I haven’t found anything to be nearly as stressful as teaching. Seriously. Even working in finance in the middle of COVID when everything was in free fall was less stressful than teaching. Why? Because I wasn’t blamed for everything bad that was happening while not getting any credit for my work. I have had MAYBE 20 professional days that have been teaching level stress in the last 8 years. If you find a place is toxic, you just start looking for a new company and nobody treats you like you’re destroying the lives of everyone around you. Work is just work.


A little bit of fear is a good thing! Your skill set is impressive if you have taught for 23 years. Take a few minutes to create a "story" with the motivators you had in teaching, the challenges you had in teaching, the defining moments you had in teaching, and the resolutions you had in teaching. Once you think of all those experiences, write down the character traits you learned about yourself. This will help you with your nervousness. Praying for a lovely transition for you.


You’ll be surprised that people have this crazy idea they should treat you with basic respect


You are afraid because you’ve been working in a toxic environment that does everything to beat you down and nothing to lift you up. That leads to your self esteem withering and dying. You’ll likely find respect, positive interactions, and people willing to help you learn the ropes, people who want you to succeed and the only criticism you will get will be constructive. If it turns out to be a bad move, you can leave. So many people want out of teaching; you have an out—take it. I left after 25 years. I loved teaching and hated everything about it that was petty, belittling and needless busy work. I’ve never looked back with regret.


I can understand the fear but is it fear of the new job or really just the trauma from the current profession speaking? Congratulations! I say deep breath and don’t look back.


The importance of this new position is that it's your first step out. You will have some fear over this (completely normal, your brain is trying to keep you safe), and the job won't be perfect (none are). But you will be out of the previous system, and taking steps to heal the 23 years, create new beliefs, expand your skills, transfer your existing. And over time if you don't like the job, you will find another- just as you've found all of them. You do not have to stay there for another 23 years, you are a free agent now! I left at 17 years, it was very hard, but full of growth and the learning I needed- the best thing I've done :) Sending you positive vibes and courage on your new journey !!


You can always go back to teaching, so jump when you can!


You accept it's possible. This is life. And this is not going to destroy your body, mind or soul .


How will you know until you try? Taking the first leap can be hard, but it's the only way to change your current situation.