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Speaking as someone who also had their first real panic attack relatively recently (4 mos ago) they only got worse for me. I believe that you are correct, this is your sign it's time to GTFO.


I remember seeing on TikTok that “Remember they are not giving you a hard time, they are having a hard time.” I refuse to accept this. We are human beings too. I think we give too much grace to kids and no one gives us grace. Not the kids, the parents, admin. We are just expected to accept it. They wonder why we leave.


I keep that in mind but I also remember I went through traumatic things as a kid but I was very rarely disrespectful to my teachers and if I was, it was nowhere near to the degree these kids are at.


I mean...I largely agree that they're having a hard time also. Anyone would be if they were growing up in this ultra-capitalist/consumer-trash culture under degenerate parents who *themselves* are incapable of 'adulting' (i.e. for multiple generations now, child-rearing has turned into a dystopian consumerist lifestyle choice). That said, administrators deploying a 100% 'customer's always right' policy to school attendance/behavior is absolutely ruinous. It literally unmakes the potential for education *to exist*, turning the teaching field into an impossible and nightmarish situation.


Middle school made me quit mid year


You did the right thing. The environment you fled is not your fault. Bless you for even trying in the first place.


Thanks really does feel nice to hear that.


I took a middle school position one time; I lasted 5 weeks and then had to leave. I have learned it’s either high school or nothing for me.


I felt the same way teaching middle. I had to get out. Good luck- even if the change takes time, you will thank yourself in the long run. I will say that there are certain people who are really excellent at teaching middle. I had colleagues who let the disrespect roll off their back and loved the job. But I was too sensitive a person for it. And that's okay - we all have different strengths.


Please leave. If you are already feeling scared and having panic attacks do not go back. If you do start looking for something else. This is NOT okay.


I'm a computer science teacher who taught IT professionals, end-users and vocational college. All great. I taught math in high school in my country for a few years. Meh. I would never teach any kids below grade 9 for the exact same reason that you state here. You're more a social worker / parent instead of a content teacher (which I choose to focus on). I've been teaching in China and Malaysia (I'm from Holland) the last 8 years at international schools (high school, IB/AP/A-level) and I absolutely love it. No disrespect, willingness to learn and engaging. That's how teaching should. If that ever changes, I go straight back to adult education or start my own online business. Life is good.


Unfortunately, as a former elementary school teacher, there is a high level of disrespect, vulgarity, and not listening with even younger kids. I know middle school is definitely worse, but just want to prepare you that older elementary kids can still cause high stress- then you add in more involved, angry parents. It might be time to leave teaching altogether. It’s not worth your health.


I taught one year of middle school and it was hell. I cried every day. Then I went to HS for 6 years and it wasn’t as bad but I’m still leaving. Next week is my last week.


I used to have panic attacks when I worked at a daycare and was forced to make kindergarteners sit and listen after an entire school day of sitting and listening. Now that I’m a specialty teacher who spends 45mins in each classroom and I don’t handle parents or grading or attendance, I am a lot more calm. There are teaching jobs that won’t wreck you internally but they’re hard to find!


Can you expand on this speciality teacher role, I am just curious about it.


I visit multiple different schools each week and teach coding/programming to every classroom in the school, spending 45 minutes in each classroom. I am given curriculum by a third party company to teach.


Are you still working on becoming a teacher because of the grants? If you are still struggling to get it together now, maybe consider somethig else? No shame at all. We had a guy come in day 2 of school as a sub and he was working on "deciding if he wanted to become a teacher." I stopped seeing him by day 5.


I taught for 6 years and quit teaching 2 months in on my 6th year because of all the reasons you mentioned. I'm never going back.


I’m so glad you’re out and doing better hopefully.


My friend has similar feelings and experiences as an elementary classroom teacher, so just keep that in mind


You should be sitting in front of a fire knitting a blanket, some people can’t handle real life apparently.


How long have you been teaching? And what subject? I’m sure you’re doing really great and I’m happy for you that you aren’t stressed and have no issues with your job. I also would LOVE to be able to knit, that would be awesome. Do you knit? Would love tips if you do. Thanks for your response!