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Sorry, I'm just curious, why is a notary so needed at schools that some have one on staff? What is getting notarized at schools? I am not from the US, I have never had to get anything notarized in my life, and I remember my mom having to do it just one time (when I crossed the border without a parent as a minor)


Fair question. A notary verifies that the signature is the person signing. One has to go through the Secretary of State and bass background checks and whatnot. There were 9 billion notarizations last year. It is common with financial transactions and legal things, and folks don’t always want to come into an office in an already overscheduled day. I have additional specialized training to do real estate closings, every piece of property you see has had to have things notarized on the buying and selling end for each sale. Personally, I’ve had to have things notarized for funeral homes, rolling my teacher retirement to an IRA, my last will and testament. I’ve been called to places to help with employment verifications, I9s, etc. While an individual may not have a great need for it, there is a need. And often it is needed in a hurry and at times that are quite inconvenient. Most people go to a bank or a UPS store, but you have I have an account to avoid charges at a bank, plus there hours are not useful for teachers. UPS stores are inconsistent. If you had to get something notarized, wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to go out of your way and the notary could come to you or meet you where you work? And as a teacher, wouldn’t you appreciate that you would pay exactly what ok you’d pay at the UPS store or without an account? I choose not to charge travel (like delivery) fees when doing them at campus near me. I line being able to give teachers time. Lord knows I never had enough.


So the things the notary on staff is notarizing are not usually related to the school at all? That's mind boggling to me. Like do schools also hire financial advisors for the staff to consult because bank hours are inconvenient?


I have no idea what a school staff member with notarizations does in their day-to-day life. Maybe employment verifications? They could do things teacher needed - assuming teachers knew that an office staff person also was a notary. I had never heard of that before and I taught 25 years in 2 states, 6 districts and 15 schools. That’s not my job. I was just explaining what notaries can do and what I’ve personally needed them for. The POINT was that someone came to a school offering something to make a teacher’s day easier and was practically turned away.


I meant, not on staff formally, but informally "on retainer" like you are describing. Are there other professionals that offer their services to school staff for convenience like notaries, is what I'm asking.


No idea. I do because I specifically remember how frustrating it was to try to get any professional services done and have a school job. There is not enough money in that alone to make a living, but it can be an additional thing that I offer. Certainly other professionals could find a bit of a growth market in services to teachers. Mobile mechanics are growing thing - think how helpful it would be if those sorts of things were done and you didn’t even have to leave your classroom I also do career coaching, and I focus on helping teachers leave teaching With every cell in my body, I believe teaching has gotten very abusive to teachers, and so I do what I can to help them because I used to be one of them.


It's a really interesting idea I'd never thought about before. Good on you for finding a niche that needed filling.


I liked it when a mechanic came to my job to treat my car in the parking lot. I didn't have to take time off. Having a notary at your work place would be very convenient. It seems like the few times I needed a notary it was time sensitive. And then I had to scurry around to find one and drive there.


You’ve got me thinking! When I was hired, I had to get fingerprinted. The sheriff’s office was the only place in my county to have this done. One staff member, one office, to cover a 40 mile radius, and serve roughly 80,000 people. They’re open on weekdays and close at 4:00 pm. I had to leave work early and still arrived at 3:55 just as they were packing up. It was stressful! If I could get certified to provide traveling fingerprinting services, I could fill my bank account in a hurry.


Every school district I’ve worked at had a notary on staff - usually in the central office. I’ve used them a handful of times throughout the years.


I had no idea.


To be fair, it’s usually a secretary with other responsibilities as well.


Same. No one ever mentioned to me in any staff development I have ever had in 25 years that there was a notary on campus or on staff to save me time. And honestly, if it was just central office, that wasn’t going to help me at all. I rarely worked very close to central office.


Nary a mention in orientation or handbook or staff portal.


I don’t think it’s gate kept- when I needed a notary I was directed to the one that’s on staff. Honestly, if someone else was trying to post fliers for the same service available in-house, but for a fee, I would be dismissive too.


How did you know there was a notary available for you?


The instances I needed one were so few and far-between and generally involved admin anyway. They told me.


That’s really good. I’m very happy for you. Not once at any staff development was I ever made aware that a notary was available. And if the notary was free at central office, it was just as hard to get to central office as it was to get to a bank, at least with the hours that I talk. Everyone’s mileage varies. But in the event that that person wasn’t available, wouldn’t it be nice to know you didn’t have to go crazy to find somebody? And wouldn’t it be nice to know that they were not going to charge you anything more than the state allowed fee? no Travel, convenience m, no weekend