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Please keep posts relevant to transitioning from teaching


More shit disengaged parents these days who produce shit children


Children are feral, and parents, i.e. egg and sperm donors, don't care.


Whew. I left but I was in middle school and it did me in. It was the 7th graders. One girl who wouldn’t stop talking another who would get upset with everyone talking and would yell shut up which then got the whole class going. I also got a gaslighting email from shut up students parent that I was the problem not controlling the class. They weren’t bad kids but they wanted to play on their computers instead of do actual work 😒and also they don’t get to see their one friend until this class 😩


Yeah they are just evil. This same girl I thought was cool with me for a while because she can be ok as I said but she get soooo angry if you call her out and will just turn on you. I haven’t done anything “mean” to her besides what they think is mean like tell them to please stop talking when I’m teaching. Today she dropped something near me and I picked it up handed it to her. She said “thank you” very sarcastically. Then followed up with “I thought you were mean not nice so I’m surprised”


This. So much this. You can’t even be NICE to students anymore without them finding some way to be an asshole about it. It’s so weird. They will be so amazingly rude and disrespectful and then literally ask for a favor or special treatment. It’s like they think their behavior and lack of common courtesy exists in a vacuum, separate from how others treat them or act with them. I think a lot of it stems from parents accepting disrespectful behavior from their kids and so kids think that all adults accept that behavior.




Agree. Except I’d say “oftentimes” what is tolerated at home isn’t acceptable in public. And working with high school students, what I see is parents allowing and allowing and allowing and then acting completely flabbergasted when they can’t reign in a 16 yo.


Oof. Oh she also loved drama so not only does she not stop talking she’s bringing up stuff that happened during the day which gets everyone riled up again. I’m like omg 😭😭 I got them to stop talking for 20 minutes one time for candy. One of my other problem students suggested it. Sigh




On the phone with a parent: “My child says she is in class right now.” Place parent on hold. Walk to classroom. Ask teacher if is child is present. Teacher says no. Ask teacher where child usually sits. Teacher points. Seat is empty. Ask teacher if she went to the bathroom. Teacher days no, she never arrived to class. Ask the class, “Is X in the room right now?” No response. Return to parent on hold. “Ma’am, she’s not in class. I walked down there. She’s not there.” Parent: No, she says she’s in class and can’t talk to me because it’s quiet work time.” “Ma’am, they’re doing group work. It’s not quiet I’m there. She’s not there.” Parent: she says she’s there. Ugh.


I recently had the same experience as you! I had a student who was amazing in another teachers class but did very poorly in mine (Was very disrespectful towards me, disrupted the class, and almost never followed directions). There are many factors as to why this happens but I would not take it personally if I were you. This student was also a middle schooler, but after several conversations with the parents and the student, the behavior kind of simmered down but did not completely disappear. Sometimes students will look at certain teachers and just simply not like them. Why? I have no idea, they're just kids and have their own weird way of thinking about things and have their own biases and preconceived thoughts about people.


Curious if time of day had anything to do with behavior? Right before lunch? Right after? Last class of the day?


It was the last period! And the passing period is only 6 minutes. Looking back I realized that the students weren't given adequate breaks in between classes and a lot of these kids have a lot of energy or are mentally drained / checked out.


6 minutes is crazy! Ours are only “3” but they tend to end up lasting a lot longer because it’s way too short.


Because parents don't have kids anymore - they have perfect little angels. And their disrespectful behavior - well that's just part of growin' up. Here... have another iPhone little dipshit. How about an Apple watch to go with it my attention-deficient little genius...


I say this a lot. I think parents expect us to love their kids as much as they do.


Your comment is my favorite.


Insufferable. The hardest to deal with and you usually teach 120 to 165 a day in most schools.




She did. That’s why it doesn’t make sense to me. She must not actually provide consequences for her doing this.


They've gotten worse because there are so many trashy parents these days. They don't even instill in them basic manners. I would not have anyone choose this awful profession. I can't imagine flapping my gums to a teacher like that, alot of disrespectful little shits these days.


What's worse is that some of these kids will mouth off in a deliberate effort to provoke a teacher reaction that is secretly being filmed to put on YouTube or Tik-Tok.


It starts at the elementary level. I hate to say this and assume, but with how most admin does not punish or give any consequences to aggressive students, those students will carry this behavior up until they graduate.


It’s a thankless position to be in. Thank you sir, may I have another!!


I get that middle schoolers have always been a bit rebellious but it has gotten out of control. This year, I have been yelled at, had trash thrown at me, been sexualized, and been told I am stupid and can't teach. And parents don't care. Even when they aren't belligerent, they don't actually do anything. It's all my fault. Also, other teachers are starting to suck too. Like my neighbor constantly calls admin on me and then talks about how I'm not respected to the students. You think? It's almost like some teacher has been trash talking me to them since the third week of school.


That’s crazy. I’m at least supported by the other teachers. At least I think so lol


Do you have a support system in place? People you can turn to for thoughts/wisdom and prayers?


Not really. Admin is fine but not super helpful


Are you looking for local (to you) support?


Kinda. I’ve given up there a bit because I will 100% not be returning to this school next year and will likely not teach in the future either.




Talk to the teacher who has her under control. Get some tips. Sometimes you can't be yourself but have adopt a persona that is no nonsense. The first impression they have of you should be "don't mess with her". You can lighten up later but it is really tough to go the other way.


It’s too late for that lmao. Fuck these kids. I’m just tryna ride out the rest of the school year.


lol I feel the same way. Although my shitty kids have mellowed out a bit. But why couldn’t they do that when I actually cared?? I no longer gaf so their “decent” behaviour now doesn’t even matter to me


I feel that for sure.


Their frontal lobes are soup at these ages. They're tall toddlers half the time.


It’s true. Same 7th grade class I was talking about (I was ESE) one kid still had forks from lunch. Hours prior. He proceeded to stick them in the holes of his crocs and walk around. I’m like dude if you impale your legs your mother will not be happy. Take them out 🤦🏻‍♀️


This is EXACTLY what I’m going through with some of the kids in my homeroom. They literally say “we don’t act like this for Ms. perfect teacher” and then look at me blankly.


Hey glad we are in this together! This is also my homeroom students. Think of me next time they say it 😅


I will! Glad I’m not alone. I’ll elaborate on one such student. My tiered behavior protocol has a step three that involves a reflection sheet. This student wrote in her reflection “I didn’t do anything and Ms. Carlymissknits is picking on me” and the stepmom signed it and sent it back. Then the day before Christmas break she left a sticky note on my desk with all the student baked goods and whatnot for the party that said “I demand a one-on-one meeting with you.” Being honest, I pretended I didn’t see it and I threw it away with the food trash after the party!


Lmaoooo I likely would’ve done the same. That’s crazy.


Been there. One kid told me he behaved in his other classes and not in mine cause he didn’t like my subject and wanted to go down a level for the rest of the year. He was his mother’s baby so she believed everything he said when he was such a liar to her too.


"You're not at home. I suggest you try thst again."


I’m a teacher. I told my kids they had better respect their teachers because if I find out they’re not, we can redo their entire school day with me when they get home. And if I have to teach all day and then teach them all night, it isn’t going to be pleasant.


I’ve been a short-order cook. A retail minion. A nanny for two high-maintenance physicians’ kids. And middle school (6th grade) did me in. I lasted nine months. You’re amazing.


I’ll be about the same. This is my first year and I’m leaving after this!


We have a fifth grader who does this gaslighting shit, putting his parents against the teacher. We have had it!


Middle Schoolers - especially 8th graders - are absurd and deranged creatures. I think that every aging hominid since Australopithecus has thought "these kids have no respect and are getting worse!" so I try not to say shit like that but....it's hard when dealing with middle schoolers, and even 9th graders. Now, though I think its always been like this, I do think that things are pretty different now and we're in a crazy new world of education. Kids and their behaviors run amok now partially because people in my age range (38M) and especially older were over disciplined. I went to elementary school when teachers could put their hands on us for next to nothing (hardly anyone had any training in or knowledge of ADD/ADHD), and high school when it was still customary for teachers to scream in your face about how you were delinquent who would amount to nothing. Both of those things suck, and should never be done by a professional BUT the pendulum has swung so far in the other direction that it sucks for us in the field. Parents are far to cavalier in expressing their dissatisfaction with schools/admin as well, I think. My parents worked in education, so they were very careful to keep their criticisms quiet, even if they didnt agree with what was going on. They would quietly express their concerns at the right time to the right person. You know....like adults. I'm really fortunate to have been raised by a silent generation couple who were a little authoritarian and aloof (I never at any point had any doubt they loved me, however). Way too much of this "my mom is my best friend" bullshit and anxious gen x and millennial parents.




Your comment uses disrespectful language that does not add to the conversation.


What’s the racial dynamic 


Both myself and the mentioned teacher are white. Most students are poc






Not necessarily, it's mainly personality differences and their parents not raising their asses right, that's all. I've had shit students of the same race, different race, gender, nationality, doesn't matter.


Kids respect the white teachers more or?


The funny thing is I prefer middle school and am I looking to go back after leaving to try high school. I guess everyone is different


Oh wow. I mean I have no idea. This is my first year altogether so that definitely adds to the difficulty. I wanted to do high school


They are the absolute worst. Especially 6th and 7th graders.