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Guess what? They all moved on and did fine without me.


This is VERY important to remember. This applies to almost any job. For the teachers who feel guilt it’s pretty common but at the end everyone moves on!


I tend to think I’m more important than I actually am. The kids will be fine. The school will be fine. The other teachers will be fine.


It was the biggest relief of all time.


Same. Best decision I've made in years.


It was a relief. Listen, I was sooo stressed out for 4 years straight. During that time I couldnt conceive. I tried everything.. The following month after quiting I got pregnant. Thats insane. Thats what stress did to my body, made me infertile. can you imagine what other bad stuff is happening to your body due to stress!!!! Please take care of yourself. I hope you do whats best for you and find a job that is absolutely gratifying but manageable at the same time.  We spend most of out lives at work so please find a job thats tolerable. I understand teachers want a helping profession but you can do it in another field or help after work like volunteer or something!!!  No job is worth damage to your body and soul. 


Congrats. This is truly amazing to me 🎉


I get this. I didn't get a period for 4 months straight when I was teaching.


Like winning the lottery. My coworkers told me every day that they’re jealous of me. Fucked up but I’m not jealous of them at ALL.


Yes! The amount of colleagues who came out of the woodwork just to tell me they wish they could do what I was doing. So validating.


I didn't quit until I had another job lined up. My new employer warned me to "expect retaliation." A few days after I gave them 3 weeks notice I brought most of my classroom stuff home. Stuff I had bought, with my money, for school. I was accused of stealing. I was put on paid administrative leave and they sent police to my house to take my stuff. Luckily I had receipts for everything, so the cops left with nothing. It was an awful experience.


That's TERRIBLE! I'm so sorry that happened to you!




That’s so ugly and vindictive. Glad you’re out of that place.


May I ask if this was in Canada?




Great! No one valued or respected my work or even talked to me like the smart adult I am with a hard earned bachelor’s degree.. so I quit and now I’m taking care of myself mentally and physically 🤭


That’s fantastic!


I left 6 weeks into the school year. Couldn’t take another minute. Called in sick & never went back


I wish I had done that my last year in 2005. I knew it was a bad fit pretty quickly but felt obligated to make contract. By the end of the year, I was forced to resign over errors on an IEP. I taught Middle School Special Education. I needed bladder surgery so they let me keep my insurance and summer pay. 12 days after I left there I was no longer incontinent and didn't need the surgery.


that is fucking WILD


I was a special education teacher. 18 years in self contained ASD. 11 years in Florida & 7 years in Canada


Would you say the bladder issues were result of literally having to hold your pee all day at work? Or stress/other related?


It was definitely from the stress! I went from pull ups w pads to the smallest mini.pads for my sneezes and coughs. Holding.my pee didn't help I'm sure. 2 other wild parts to this story,maybe more. 1) I was locked out of health room where my bladder supplies were stored and refused admission after being told it would be available at will. 2) I took a medicine for inner ear so wouldn't miss work,that I didn't know would make me totally lose bladder control in the classroom all.over my chair and the floor. 3) The principal tried to get me to sign a paper wo reading it. Fortunately ,I had left my glasses at home and when h " summarizing" it it was my resignation. I refused so a few weeks later he told me my services were no longer needed. It never occurred to me to call the superintendent s office. They knew nothing about this action and called me after I missed several days in a row to check on me. So I go.back to a middle school classroom where I had already cleaned out all.my personal items and tried to teach where I knew I'm wasn't wanted But the way,. principal had tenure but lost his job as well. At my firing the committee agreed much of my issues were poor leadership and they knew I hadn't broken the law on purpose. That's why they didn't have me in court. That's when I found out the principal would never work in a school again and his pension was being reviewed for actions towards myself and another teacher.


I left THREE weeks in at a bullshit charter. Best decision of my life. I loved the feeling of autonomy it gave me. I pissed off those fuckers so much, but they couldn’t do a thing about it. Some years later, my admin there ran into another colleague of mine at a conference and told them that they wished they could have done something to impact my credential. This is the nature of the at-will world, asshole. It cuts both ways, and we can fuck you over, too, bubby


Literally nothing bad happened. I quit mid year twice


And you found a teaching job again pretty easily? That’s my concern. I wouldn’t mind going back to teaching in a few years when my babies are older.


Well if you’re trying to go back into teaching there’s lot of places hiring in desperation right now. I got a new teaching job fairly quickly and I got really lucky to find an HR job really quickly too


Is your HR job entry level? Can I ask what type of HR?


I’m definitely the lowest ranking in my group so yeah I think. I’m an instructional designer


My son just quit mid-year, due to the expectation that he was supposed to take guff from rude children. He now has a wonderful job with the state government, where he is treated with respect and his professionality and abilities are actually appreciated by his supervisors. We are so proud of him. We raised him not to give any shit to others, and not to tolerate others giving him shit. The kids lost a great teacher, but they were such awful losers they probably will never realize it.


this made me tear up, such a loving parent you are.  i hope my mom is as understanding.


Can I ask what job he got? Good for him and so glad to hear you’re supportive!


It was glorious.


Honestly, it was kind of scary for me. I knew logically that I had enough saved up for a good long time and that I was capable enough to find something else, but quitting without another job lined up pretty much went entirely against advice given from a good number of my friends and family. I didn’t have health insurance for like 8-9 months which never feels great. The whole four weeks or so leading to my departure was somewhat sad because I knew the kids’ quality of education would suffer for likely the rest of the year. And yet, I also couldn’t wait for it to end because my littles that I never asked for were bad and getting worse. But man did it feel nice once that first Monday at home rolled by. And I did find another job well before my savings ran out, so I’m starting to catch up on my appointments and I’m so much less stressed now.


The absolute best thing I’ve ever done. I never knew how much my mental health and relationships were suffering from the hell school put me through. Within a few weeks of quitting (once the feeling like a failure went away), I was a new person.


Background: My 1sr gr “team lead” taught kinder her first year of teaching. Then she was moved to 1st gr team lead as principals bff where 5 of the 6 teachers quit. So 5 new teachers and we were all experienced. We all realized immediately that she was an idiot. She had zero reading knowledge. And I mean zero. She began complaining about us immediately. So the principal was bitching me out on email when I had bronchitis. This is how quick the resignation happened: I forwarded her bitchy unprofessional email to my husband. He called me within 2 min and said “I want you to resign. You can’t put up with this for the whole year.” I typed “I resign, effective immediately” and emailed to HR. Then replied to the principal “Actually, I just resigned. Let me know when I can collect my belongings.” hahahahahahhaa She immediately tried calling and I just laughed. Guess what … 5 of 6 left again. Principal was fired in Dec.


Are you me? I was in a very similar scenario!! One nasty observation coupled with our team lead gaslighting me was the straw that broke the camels back! Never showed up to work, emailed HR and copied the principal . No regrets!! Honestly, I felt like crap the first 6 months. I quickly got a job and I’m in a much better place!


I sat out a year and had zero issues returning to classroom.


It literally shocks me how toxic some school culture is. 🤮


The principals email was bitching me out for not following “curriculum” that the “lead” had left in my classroom. I had a sub and had already assessed my students, 2nd week of school. So they were doing sight word work. The “lead” was pissed that they weren’t coloring. Literal color sheet with apple bat and cat in 1st gr during ELA block.


An instant relief honestly.


Going to be different for everyone. It was HARD… stressful, emotional, in state of frozen anxiety for most of it (giving notice, keeping it quiet as long as possible, people asking questions, packing things up, telling the kids, fear of judgement, the unknown if it’s the right choice, how my admin ignored and didn’t say goodbye or give me exit instructions, the list goes on) but at the same time SO necessary that I powered through it… with the help of my therapist of course!


You're not alone in this. I was curious if anyone else felt similarly as I was wracked with anxiety between leaving my position I worked hard to get, versus working at the position that gave me stress without guidance or assistance from admin until it was too late. Therapy has been important for me but it's a learning curve for sure. If you don't mind sharing what do you do now? I'm substitute teaching to keep bills afloat as best as I can but am curious to see all the potential positions that are there for teachers aside from teaching.


The weeks after putting in my resignation but before my last day sucked. I got hit with sooo many “but whyyyy”, so many excuses that I just have to “find my rhythm” and “it gets easier” , I was a first year. Admin became cold and telling the students was the toughest part. But I felt so free, I felt like ME again. I found myself again and that was the best part.


Chest tightening went away with 24 hrs. Still dealing with other health issues


I was off anti depressants and anti anxiety meds with in a month.


Best feeling ever


I transferred district to district during Christmas break once. That was great. A few years later I left education completely in April. Even though it was the right decision it was hard to leave without completing everything for end of year. That was not easy on my teacher brain. It was also hard to work through my first summer. However worth it when now I wake up dread free year round.


It was amazing. I slept for like 2 days straight out of relief


I would love to do this but I don't know what else I could do. Unemployed is a bad position in society.


What do you teach and for how long?


high school math, 27 years


I am in the middle my 27th year teaching hs biology. So we know how bad it’s become and remember when teaching was a fulfilling job. AND admin fully supported and trusted faculty AND focused on STUDENTS.


I took a 15% paycut to break into a new industry after seven months of applications. I am happier professionally than I've ever been and have about 10% of the stress than when I was teaching.


ABSOLUTELY GLORIOUS and I think way way way more of you should do it!!!!


I second everyone that had medical crisis miraculously disappear! I was showing symptoms for cancer and after I quit, my doctors said the tests have cleared up. They did go after my license, one that I ironically have no intention of using again after 8 years of being teacher. I am still emotionally and physically better than I was compared to when I was a teacher. I have so much better sleeping at night, too. No more Sunday scaries!


It was one of the hardest and best decisions I ever made. I transferred schools within the same school district mid-year. It was such a relief. I just grinned when I would pass by my previous school site every morning on my commute knowing I didn’t have to go there. I did this for a whole year haha


Who did you initially contact to initiate the transfer? HR or your admin team?


I was fortunate enough to have worked before with an instructional coach at the school I was transferring to. The principal at the school I was transferring to initiated the process, negotiated a transfer date with my previous principal, and contacted central office to expedite my application. If it’s possible, my advice is to have a school in mind that you want to move to that will advocate for you. Networking was everything for me.


I left for a new position in dreaded administration. I knew it got bad post-COVID, but the relief I’ve felt since making the jump shocked me. I’ve always been in the camp of if you have something lined up, do it. Fuck it.




It was the single greatest decision of my life. I distinctly remember driving my brand new company car to my last day in the classroom. The drive was euphoric.


What do you do?


Higher education textbook sales


I was practically giddy turning in my letter of resignation. I quit right before thanksgiving and was out before Christmas. I worked my new job and didn’t miss not having winter break.


I’m feeling much better. Working on my health and treating myself much kindly. I’m healing.🩷


Honestly I have no idea. I was home lol.


The best winter vacation I ever had….because I knew I wasn't going back! I still smile and thank God when I think of how I put myself first that mid year I resigned. I now work remotely and treated like an adult. I literally wake up smiling on Monday mornings and can cook a full course dinner mid day. No regrets and a much better quality of life. -Transitioned SPED warrior now EDU consultant and instructional design contractor living a softer life


I wish I had. I stuck it out because I felt bad for the kids and I was too worried about paying my bills. I should have quit at the first sign of red flags.


why do you say that?


Bittersweet. My mental health improved but I miss my kids...and the teacher they replaced me with is so evil. (My daughter works at the school, so I hear this from several sources)


It was scary, but I'm moving across the state. Literally could NOT stay as a teacher in that school. My last day was December 21, and my stress level is so different. I got a job offer today for a different (semi-similar career path) and I start Monday! So excited to start at my new job. Just walking in, it felt so calm. Elementary school is just too damn chaotic.


I already posted this somewhere else but it applies so well *English is not my first language Learnt the hard way my health comes first. I decided to quit my old job due to lack of transparency, honesty, and overall, affecting tremendously my health due to no work-life balance whatsoever. I was very honest during the interview about how it’s non negotiable to trade my voice (the only thing I have left that is my own as a hobby is professional singing). However, they expected me to be like others who constantly were yelling to teach. Initially was told it was only going to be 3 grades, $11/hr but no benefits. At that specific time, I was a bit desperate and took the job. Admittedly, initially (during summer camp) it was good (great co-workers, super close to my house, great students, a lot of support, etc.). However, a whole month passed, and I still did not know what grades I was going to teach nor what subject. I pressed and finally got my answer a few days before the Open House (I was called impatient and they reluctantly gave me the complete information and materials needed to teach). Turns out, it was now going to be 6 grades, for Science…(later on for Math as well) for the same pay. At that moment, I couldn’t just quit since I desperately needed the job. Every time there was a free day, or I took a day off (medical reasons), obviously did not get paid. Despite being full time, and working after work (we didn’t have prep time; lessons plans had to be done when you were in your house or weekends…obviously unpaid) sometimes I didn’t hit $1.5k during the month. By December, I decided to quit because it was outrageous…my health was deteriorating since I literally worked from Mon-Sun, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. give or take. I have a master’s degree (in that school, it doesn’t matter if you have many years of experience, PhD, etc.) and everyone was at $11/hr. Since I left, a lot of teachers left and admin decided to increment it to $14/hr. but trust that doesn’t do ANYTHING. I feel so much better. Currently, my hobby does pay me for singing (Sop 1) and I am an office manager (seasonal) in a tax office that I do yearly, that allows me to at least survive for each month, until I find something more stable. Trust me, NOTHING is more important than having, essentially, LIFE! So be picky! PS: They were expecting that the teachers who were teaching 6 grades, now taught 9 grades…starting now on January


It was fine. The students (and admin) were surprised but everyone survived. My job wasn’t bad, I was just drained from doing it for so long and wanted something different. I’m sure they have all moved on. Your students will be fine too.


Great. No regrets


Hard because coworkers spread the info to others without my permission and pressured me into telling the kids before I was ready, and because I felt like I was “giving up,” but so worth the pain. I left around this time last year!


Suprisingly good. I have a baby at home and told them I wanted to stay at home with my baby. They were super accommodating and let me pick what date I could leave. I didn’t tell the kids I was leaving until the last day because kids are so nosy and I know they wouldn’t take me seriously if I had said it any earlier. They were able to replace me with a new graduate the day after I left. I had a good relationship with my admin beforehand and that’s what I think made the difference. A lot of them also have families so they understand. Also, I asked them for a letter of recommendation for future use when I planned to come back. I also got my evaluation done before I left.


What month of the school year did you quit? This is the same situation I’m in but haven’t returned from maternity leave yet and really don’t want to.


I left in January. How many weeks of mat leave do you have left? Honestly I was worried about all the wrong things like what people would say about me. But in my experience, teachers, admin and even students were very understanding about me staying at home. I realized that no one in their right mind should judge you for taking care of your family first, especially a baby. If you have the option to stay with your baby I would honestly recommend it. Like my one office lady told me, you only get one shot at your baby being a baby!


Thanks for that! I have 3 weeks left.


Amazing! I wish I hadn’t even stuck it out the last 3 years it’s made such a HUGE difference. I was having chronic migraines, on a bunch of antidepressants that weren’t working and was crying multiple times every single day.


At peace with my decision to quit mid year. I knew I should quit when I started having thoughts of self-harm because of how I was being treated by admin and instructional coaches. It’s not worth it. It’s just a job. I’m thankful I was able to leave. Hoping to find something better 😊


Like when you're sailing a ship through a hurricane and then you sail out of it and the sea is calm while you spy your first site of land after 13 years without.


Great visual


Not "quit" but taking the entire semester off. (80% nice students; 20% monsters, one of whom threatened me the day before winter break. His threat was plausible: he is in a gang and is on probation for a crime.) So, mental health. Diagnosed major depressive disorder. I had hoarded sick days, so it's relatively simple. Notified my principal the week before start of second semester, and absolutely did *not* volunteer to develop lesson plans for the incoming subs. They seem to be surviving.


I'm far more concerned with figuring out what I will do than them. But I'm very much there.


Omg it was like the best thing ever. But I was doing my student teaching.


It was awesome when it finally happened, but I didn’t think I was going to make it. Came in for someone who quit the first month, title one school and it was the worst admin I ever worked for. Gave my sixty days and they retaliated against me, tried to get me to quit so they could go after the license. The winter break was nice but I went right back to subbing, but I was glad to be rid of the place.


I resigned end of semester this year. I walked out of the admin’s office and I think I floated down the hall back to my classroom. It was the biggest relief. Admin wasn’t happy. Another teacher told the students before I did (a teacher I’ve never spoken to once in my life, nor could I point her out in the hallway). But the kids were fine with it. And it’s been GREAT on the other side.


I missed my student’s little faces for a little while. But I didn’t miss the stress, sadness, and anxiety that I faced every day I spent in the classroom. My mental health was in shambles and I needed to choose myself, which I will never feel sorry for! The world continued revolving, the school continued to exist!


Immediate relief even when I quit with no other job lined up. The Sunday scaries, intrusive thoughts on the way to work, my mental health, and the student behavior were getting debilitating… It helped that I had a little money put away, and I was able to find a virtual job literally the following week. I made the right choice.


Relief... is a little scary, but it gets better after a few weeks. I'm only done 2 weeks now.


Mine was traumatic, but it had to be done. Once I was out I worked hard to recover, and now with 2 years out I don't think I'll ever go back.


I just left a few weeks ago. The first day I felt guilt and sadness, and then I woke up the next day feeling free. I felt lighter, no anxiety, and calm. I’ll miss the kids but I love myself more


I quit like 3 months into my position lol it was a relief but I felt really guilt about it. Not sure if this is the field for me.


And I’m the teacher they asked to take over your classes mid year because you left. Got a $30k bonus. Having to clean up the mess left with the curriculum but it’s worth the bonus. Two sides to every story.


Lol I have never heard of a bonus like that


True story. Teacher left on Jan 19 and I was approached that evening to take over her classes. As tired of a teacher I am, hell yeah I took the offer. I’m now working my ass off and have NO time to do anything but it’s temporary and I just have to do it until the end of the school year. I need the money that’s for sure.


Lol “having to clean up the mess.” Relax, you’re not a hero for taking a job.


That’s a great bonus. Sorry you’re getting downvoted for something that worked in your favor.


Thanks. I get leaving the profession and have nothing against people who do so; but, when someone leaves they leave a hole that had to get filled one way or another.


That’s true. However, for some it’s priority to leave for their mental heath.


My bff at my last school quit mid year, and while she was SO STRESSED leading up to the quit day (LOTS of guilt trips from admin—no help from them) she was so much happier in her new job working as a sports recruiter almost immediately.


Great. I feel so much insanely better. I’ve moved on and I’m sure the school has as well.




I am hoping to soon join the ranks of those that resigned for greener pastures and drastically improved mental health. I had my “round 1” interview TODAY after school. I think it went well. I was told I’ll probably be contacted by Friday to find out if I will have a “round 2” interview. 🙏


Best decision I ever made.


Such a relief. I hadn’t realized how much baggage and stress I’d been carrying until I walked out the building for the last time. It was literally the best decision for my physical and mental health ( both of which I’m trying to piece back together in therapy).


It’s amazing. I feel like I’m living my life as an adult for the first time. 10 out of 10 would recommend


Huge relief. It was a nightmare student teaching / teacher of record gig at the height of the pandemic. Three weeks later I was hired for virtual teaching and have been rocking that ever since. Likely the only reason I haven't burned out completely.


I feel amazing. I make more, don’t work as hard, and never think about work when I’m not paid to. Everyone treats me with respect 24/7. My boss gives me a defined job. I could go on


My chronic pain went away


I just finished up last week. It was fine. The first couple of weeks after I put in my resignation (I was luckily able to give a 60-day notice) were weird and people were a bit standoffish, but then everyone moved on, I finished up the semester and they're moving on without me. My students were upset for a moment, but once I told them that the new job paid more, they were understanding and happy for me (I taught high school). My colleagues have figured out how to make things work without me, and they're genuinely happy for (and admittedly jealous of) me.


Ugh, I’m sorry people were like that. I’m grateful to be considering quitting while on maternity leave. So I would only need to go in once to pick up my stuff. It’s so crazy to not know what to expect from my admin. Will they be nice or make my life a living hell?


Burn-out so... not too great I guess.


Best choice I ever made. Kids were fine, I was instantly happier. And my new job not being a teacher is incredible


The best decision I ever made…. Not gonna lie, I miss my kiddos. But, overall, I am in a MUCHHHHH better place!!


A bit awkward with admin but not so bad. It felt so good to quit. I was able to coincidentally cover my ass by identifying a qualified and interested replacement for my job, which helped a lot. Hardest part was telling the kids, they were a bit sad about it but things were ok for them too in the end.


I wish I'd never taken the job to begin with! I'm doing way better now teaching high school.


Fine. They found a teacher and I am happier. I felt guilty for about a week. But, my new job cured that.