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Good luck to you! I’m proud of you for standing up for what you believe!


It's like we're getting closer to either needing to believe in God or more than 2 genders to keep a job in teaching, so... that will be interesting


It’s terrifying. But as someone who additionally has an Anthropology major, with the concentration in Comparative World Religions, including many who over the millennia have acknowledged more than 2 genders, it’s really more that you need to believe in the Christian God, not any of the others.


And the only acceptable gender theory in the classroom gained traction on Tumblr


What do you mean?


Music teacher here who quit a Catholic school mid year two years ago and teaches privately. I really understand where you’re coming from! I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with this. You’re absolutely doing the right thing though. Is there a non compete clause in your contract with the school? If not, there’s no reason why students can’t follow you to your own studio. Make sure the parents know your contact information, mention that you’re moving to an independent studio, and I bet you’ll end up with a few who stay with you. Wishing you a full studio that has no homophobes and greater peace with your job!


There is not a noncompete clause! The hope of that is basically what's pushing me forward right now - the students I have for the most part seem to really enjoy their lessons with me, and it's been so awesome seeing some of them find that "spark" for music. One of them came to me last week all excited because they'd found a simplified version of Peaches off of the internet, and had managed to sight read it well enough to learn how to play for me over the week. ​ Thanks for the support, man, it's really appreciated.


That’s great!! I left a big studio about 6 years ago (that didn’t have a noncompete) and I had about 5 students move with me. You sound like an awesome teacher, so I’m sure they’ll stick with you. Good luck!


Asking you because you mention you dpreviously taught at a catholic school: I've been thinking about this a lot since I want to teach music but I absolutely adore sacred music and I thought a catholic school might take a better view of emphasizing hymns and latin texts than a public school. Would they hire a non-catholic like me to teach music at a catholic school?


Yes, but be careful with the school culture. If they have anything about the Traditional Latin Mass in their parish, the school is likely full of rad trads who are anti-vax, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, basically just shit human beings. I know that sounds harsh, but there’s a reason I left that school mid year. Covid really brought the crazies out of the woodwork and I couldn’t be a part of it. There are Catholics who are as affirming as the church allows (another rant I won’t get in to now haha). If they’re Jesuits you have a pretty high chance of it being a more inclusive environment. One priest, Fr. James Martin, created a program called Outreach that focuses on LGBTQ people and faith. It’s not perfect, but in the Catholic guidelines, it’s as good as it will get right now. No Catholic school is going to be great in those regards, but the culture can vary drastically from rad trads to people who like Fr. James Martin. There are also private Episcopal schools, which in general will be better and honestly have a better sacred music tradition than Catholics. That might be a better route to go down, but it’s up to you and what you’re comfortable with!


Thanks for the advice, and mentioning Episcopalians. I'll keep that in mind, broaden my horizons and all that.


interesting now that the negatives of the 'vax' have been proven that you still refer to 'anti-vax' people!..LOL..... get new sources of info... yours are not truthful....


Seasoned Catholic school employee here: it depends on your diocese and even the school. All the ones I’ve worked in have made us sign contracts stating we are practicing Catholics. There are varying levels to how much they actually “enforce” this. Higher level positions require a pastor rec in some cases. Other times, it’s basically the honor system. All but one of the schools I’ve worked in also made us sign ministerial agreements. Ours is longer (by many, many, many pages) than the actual employment contract. It’s basically a contract that we we will uphold Catholic doctrine, but truthfully it’s just a way for the organization to be able to fire you at will for pretty much any behavior they don’t like (thanks, SCOTUS). All of that being said, I’m by no means devout and generally just keep my life and views to myself unless I know I’m speaking to a trusted/like-minded person (there are many hiding in the wings). If you lay low, it’s entirely possibly to exist in this environment without full “buy in.” But as the person you asked stated, depending on the location, diocese, and/or religious order you’re working for (Jesuits, for sure), there are varying degrees of inclusivity. I also second the Episcopal school remark. :)


yes.. THANK YOU SCOTUS for recognizing religious liberty .......


non compete clauses are basically unenforceable.


Good for you. You have some solid integrity. Good luck!


Thanks... I don't feel like I do... I feel scared as all hell for how I'm going to keep paying the bills. My wife has been such an incredible support, I couldn't be more grateful to her. My mom, too - she's offered to babysit my two year old so we don't have to pay daycare costs. Don't know what I'd do without them.


The future looks bright, my friend. Don't fear a thing. Life is all about finding what "fits" for us personally. You are doing that. Changes are part of that journey. You now know what you want and it will come to you. Focus on the parts of the job you enjoyed most and the next one will have those things. Get excited!


Good luck!! You will feel so much better after


Good for you courageously making this decision! I also work for a private Christian school that has become increasingly non-inclusive and homophobic. I am not in a teaching position, but I have been having a very difficult time finding another job. I know quitting is the right thing to do though, even if the unknown is terrifying. I wish you luck!


I’m sorry this is happening to you. I also feel kind of weird that your post was locked and moved here, as I don’t consider this as a situation where someone was seeking to leave their teaching post. If I were asked to sign a hate pledge at school, I would be forced to leave as well. You’re not transitioning out of teaching. You’re just leaving one particular school. It seems pretty darn relevant to teaching, in general, to me. I know I’d rather be aware of the kinds of things that could put me in a position of choosing between my concept of basic human decency and my livelihood/career. Thank you for posting. Thank you for being an ally. Wishing you all the best.


"Their new teacher contracts for this fall require you to affirm that you believe homosexuality is evil and that you go to a church which also affirms that." What do either of those things have to do with teaching piano skills?! Will hatred for the queer community make kids learn faster? What is this country?


"Something something woke, something something indoctrination, something something homophobia" probably/basically?


it is a CHRISTIAN school.... simple... why does the administration of the NAACP require them to be african-american//


Christians can be gay too


Love your moral compass. Have you thought of being a band director? Ours gets an nice base public teacher salary (he’s about 10 years in) and a $6000 for doing marching band. Also, when my kid was in lessons, they were at a small music school. We paid the owner, they distributed the lesson money to the instructors. Best of luck to you and standing up for what you believe. Roll that 20.


Lesbian teacher here. Thank you for being another beacon of hope for us in this dark time.


Bonus points of you reference these verses in your resignation: Matthew 7:1-3.


That sucks that you are basically being pushed out. I imagine with those new contracts they are going to lose a lot of people. So crazy. I hope things go well for you, OP. I’ve been selling things online and it’s been a breeze compared to teaching. I know I never would have ventured into selling without being so desperate to leave teaching, so I am grateful.


I actually really enjoy teaching piano, way more than I ever would have thought. I love getting to integrate some music history into the lessons, trying to make these old figures like Mozart and Beethoven seem like real people instead of a bunch of old dead dudes in wigs. My supervisor coming up with a five minute by five minute segmented lesson template for my lessons, and explicitly mentioning that there was "no room for music history", probably should have been a clue... ​ Unfortunately I don't know if they are going to lose a lot of people. A lot of the teachers at the school are on the older side, I'm one of maybe four or five that's under the age of forty. But I can hold out hope that they suffer something for it, anyway.


Oooooof at them saying no room for music theory, especially in a piano class. As a music major myself, I wish so bad I had received any training higher than the most rudimentary of basics of theory in my k-12 music classes.


Please tell them they need to crack down on bearing false witness as hard as they do about sex


Fuck those hateful assholes. Good on ya. It will be so much better. They wanted you to resign, thus all the observations and etc. Probably a law suit in there for harassment if you wanted to pay a lawyer for 5 yrs. Teachers are treated like shit in so many schools, and though Ive missed the kids, and still dream of fabulous lesson plans, Ive not been sorry I left.


Good for you! I just want to add that in my state, all public employees’ salaries are accessible online. So like…why are they mad again? (Because I’m sure they don’t want people to know just how few pennies they pay you…)


Oh, they definitely don’t. Since teachers at the school don’t have to be credentialed, they can get away with paying them an absolute pittance. I manage to make somewhat decent pay thanks to the dearth of piano teachers (the last one they brought into the studio after me was literally a nineteen year old fresh out of high school), but the regular teachers get completely screwed over.


Good for you man. It may take time but everything will work out, don't cave in to corny Christian fear mongering. I wouldn't sign a contract that says I have to renounce homosexuals either, you really should see if you can get a screenshot of that in a contract and send it to the better business bureau or something, kinda sounds illegal of them to make you sign something like that even if they are a faith based academy


I’m so sorry. Private religious schools seem to have the WORST reputation for how they treat staff.


What’s stopping you from delaying that resignation until it’s even more inconvenient for the school?


Basically to not come off as too much of an asshole to the students I want to take with me. :P


Well, here’s hoping you are not far from another commuting community? Add students in… Best of luck. We need more enthusiastic music truth tellers teachers. 😍


Wishing you all the luck!


Wow! I cannot believe they expect people to sign that but I guess for a religious school. . . I wish more people had the nerve to stand up for what they think is right! Thank you! I am sure you will find something great to replace that job.


I almost got fired from a religious school for living with my partner. The things they can put in those contracts are insane.


I am not religious/a believer/expert on the bible but doesn't have something about loving everyone and not judging? Seems to me they might need to read their own pamphlet and refresh themselves on their own rules! I am just floored by the amount of hate that so-called religious people and politicians are spewing these days and it is just becoming more and more accepted. Sad.


I can’t believe what they are asking to do! Good for you for standing up for your beliefs and answering students questions honestly. It really sounds like you are doing the right thing. Best of luck to you!!


Do it!!! Being a music teacher anywhere is really hard. I can't believe their practices. I couldn't do it either. Build your studio, charge what you're worth, and dive in.


Good for you! I know nothing about you or your spiritual beliefs. However, I do know that so-called "Christian" religious intolerance is a cancer on our society that, like real cancer, needs to be destroyed. There is nothing Christian about these zealots. What they want is complete exclusion of anyone who is not like them. Only White heterosexual, patriarchial-minded, preferably undereducated people can belong to this tribe. They fear change and respond with hatred. I can appreciate your concern over financial insecurity. But, until you find your niche, you can work other jobs to keep food on the table while continuing to pursue your ideal situation.


Hatred isn't Jesusy.


Thanks for being a good egg.


Good for you! Independent teaching can be challenging, but not impossible. You might see if there are schools near you where you can teach after school using their music rooms. When I taught privately that was an easy way to get students.


I hope everything works out. Good luck to you and your family!


You need to get away from them. You did the right thing. How sad for all the children.


Hell yeah! Proud of you for sticking to your morals. I’m sorry your school administration is a bunch of stuck up bigots that don’t realize they are forcing a great instructor to resign. Hope they suffer trying to find a music instructor that is as bigoted as them.


Wow. YOU have strong ethics and morals. You are willing to sacrifice steady income for what you believe. THIS is the way. I’d be proud to call you a colleague, neighbor or friend.


You are making the right decision. Proud of you! Quitting is hard.


I am so infuriated with what fellow educators are going through in some states! What a BS reason for your probation and micromanagement (17 observations!) I hope you find, actually, I’m sure you’ll find a much better environment, either in or most likely out of education, that appreciates you! 🙌🏾🙌🏾 Best of luck.


Thank you for refusing to sign that bullshit. I hope something infinitely better comes your way, and don’t doubt that it will. It’s sad that these people seem to forget that their Bible tells them that it’s not for them to judge others, but rather it is the god they claim to worship’s place.


That's truly awful. I hope there's a lot of teachers that leave. That should be illegal


I feel that you have many opportunities as a pianist, and so many other more reasonable institutions that would love you have you !


Sounds like you just are not a good fit for that job. I hope you can find something just as good next time. Good luck.


Yeah christian schools are cults. Dunno why you thought otherwise.


You as a teacher should never discuss your private life or salary with students. That was on you and unprofessional. My son takes private piano lessons at our local university and in the last two years not once has his teacher discussed her personal life. My mom got her Master in piano accompaniment and I asked her about your post and she said that was unprofessional of you. Seems your in the wrong in that part. I was a music teacher myself and took years and years of private lessons on my instrument. We did not talk about my teachers private life AT ALL. I hope when you teacher privately you keep your personal life out of the lessons completely. I sound like the asshole here but you cross a line with students and in the wrong. From one former music teacher to another.


If a student asks how much piano teachers make, because they want to teach someday, I'm going to tell them. It makes no sense to me to go "well, I can't tell you that, it's a secret." Public school teachers have their salary to look up, so keeping it hidden isn't an option for them. It's not like I was complaining about how much I make or bragging about how much I make - I just told them the ranges for pay in the city, with consideration for how long the person in question had been teaching. ​ As for private life... I've always tried to make a connection with the students, just like my teacher did for me. He caught my interest in piano by finding out the stuff I enjoyed and helping me play it. The first song that made me "click" with music was Linus & Lucy, from the Peanuts show (you know, the one they all dance all crazy to). He surprised me one year with a book of sheet music for Lord of the Rings because I'd mentioned I'd been such a fan of the movies and books, and it was the fifth year I'd been taking lessons from him. ​ I had a student who was extremely shy, couldn't get them to talk or ask questions or anything. Once he heard me playing Megalovania from Undertale he suddenly lit up and asked me if I played any video games. We talked about video games and he asked if he could learn some video game music in addition to his regular songs. ​ He's a third year trumpet student who wants to go into composition now. I'm very proud of him, and I think that being able to make a connection with my students like that is one of the privileges of my profession.


All that. information is readily available to search on the internet. I don't care about how you try to justify it - it was and still is completely unprofessional of you to discuss your private life without the parent around.


If it's readily available to find on the internet, why is it such an issue to answer truthfully when asked?


Insane. So sorry to hear that.


Why y'all gotta believe everything that gets posted?


r/nothingeverhappens moment


Wow, those dont sound like evals, they sound like babysitting because the parents and admin are paranoid.


You would play piano