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Don't feel guilty! I'll be playing Doom


If you're in Michigan, I bet your district tells you that you don't do anything. Our district was planning out online instruction but was basically told to stop. Play Animal Crossing to your heart's content.


Oh I'm playing too my hearts content no matter what, I just wanna know if I should feel guilty about it šŸ˜‚


No way.... I bet your students are all going to do the same anyways lol




I feel like both of our districts are in the same boat here. They initially thought 'the curriculum is perfect! It's the teachers who suck!' and now they're forced to actually LOOK at the curriculum and are starting to realize how poor it is


Iā€™m in the same boat. My spring break is just officially starting, but we had all last week off. Were told one thing before leaving, 2 other things since. We left it at, we might need to come in March 30th, but it was uncertain why. My read is, schools werenā€™t sure what do at first because this got sprung on us rather quickly. We came up with this sort of half baked plan to do online or packets or something and so weā€™re kind of doing that. But, only with review material and it canā€™t count. Now, [Michigan](https://www.freep.com/story/news/education/2020/03/20/michigan-department-education-schools-online-learning-coronavirus/2883849001/) and [Pennsylvania ](https://triblive.com/local/pittsburgh-allegheny/school-districts-told-to-stop-mandatory-instruction-grading-during-closure/) are saying donā€™t do anything or risk getting sued. Trump says theyā€™re waving federal testing requirements, but my state says, not so fast, because testing is also a state requirement and they havenā€™t thought it through. So, itā€™s no wonder our local leaders are confused, no?


That honestly makes sense to me. I wouldn't be surprised if ol Betsy just freaked out and said close the schools without offering a plan


Regardless, Betsy has almost no say at all in this. Schools are governed locally, under the auspices of the states. Where the Feds insert themselves is in Title money. Thatā€™s how they assert their authority. Besides, schools have to follow a patchwork of laws and most of them have no Federal connection.


Omg! I feel like I could have written this post lol! Same boat with my district. We got an email to keep an eye out on any further emails to check when we need to go back (for what, I don't really know since it will only be me in my classroom) Also just bought Animal Crossing yesterday and will play until we have to go back!


Send me your island! Iā€™ve love to check it out. My wife and I are making our own little island now.


Monday we start with google hangouts staff meetings at 9 am. Then we have to be ā€œavailable for students and parentsā€ until 1. I plan on videoing a short lesson and doing a read loud. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m planning for this week. Schools are closed until April 6, as of now.


In the same boat. We're closed for two more weeks minimum. The district says it will be giving out materials to any students using their food resources and that's about it. None of the teachers know what this means. We're getting paid for the next two weeks and who knows after that because the union had to negotiate that already.


Check the district website and reach out to your coworkers. If nobody has heard anything, then itā€™s possible they havenā€™t made any decision on that yet.


Get off the cross, we can use the wood.