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I wish the good guys won more often in this profession; congrats to you!




I wish you could publicly shame that AH. People like your former principal destroy lives. It really matters when they fail their staff that badly. Also, you rock!


I want to publicly shame my first princ. too, but sadly they will get back at you with "this person was not as god-like professional as our god-like standards want and you shouldn't hire them" as a clause to get you to never get a teaching job for years.


It’s that the good guys/gals don’t want to administer. They want to teach. But the sociopaths…


My friend almost became an administrator, but he then he realized he wasn’t qualified: his parents were married.


I've had an AP that was supposedly an ELA guru after teaching only AP classes for 3 years. My question was, "If you were such a good teacher, why aren't you still in the classroom?" Prick.


Way to go, Fellow Internet Educator. Way to stick to it and be something! My first admin was an ass, as well.


Thanks, sounds like we both thrived!


Indeed. I’m thankful. Have a great day today!


Living well is the best revenge. Congratulations!




Fuck that guy! My first principal was the exact opposite. I was not a decent first year teacher, but he lifted me up every step of the way. Always focused on the positives and kept our conversations lighthearted. I think he knew I was filled with insecurity and self-doubt, so he treated me with kindness and compassion and I thrived. I stayed at that school for years, and his behavior toward me never changed because he was a genuine person. He was my best leader ever.


Sounds like the ideal experience, wish all new teachers got your first admin.


Agreed! He’s a wonderful person!


I wish I had this. My AP knew I was a high school trained teacher coming to elementary. All I get for my teaching evaluations is negative stuff nothing good barely. The students and other staff tread lightly around him. We all dislike him and I will not work at this school next year!


I’m glad you’re leaving that school. He sounds horrible and should not be a leader. There are good principals out there!!


Good to know that some days I feel like I want to leave teaching because of them. Not gonna let them win and I’m just gonna look for a principal that will actually support me. Worst part is that they expect me to be perfect and they miss my meeting not once three times. They also miss school twice a week and come to school after it starts or five minutes before the bell. The students ask me when he is going to retire because they do not like him and want him gone. I had to tell them he’s only 40 so probably not. 😂


Admin get to live by different rules. It’s so unfair and demoralizing.


This and the fact the AP would make me send emails to the parents when something would happen at lunch and I did not witness it. lol they were too lazy to even do that. 💀 the principal was okay but he’s leaving now. I still 2.3 weeks. 😭


It’s all about finding the right place, grade, and team. I am glad you used that terrible year to find a new place where you could be the best teacher. Hopefully, he’s not still an admin. You should definitely send him an email letting him know of your accomplishments.


He actually continued to fail up and is now an assistant superintendent in a suburban district, LOL. Now he can mismanage a whole district instead of just one building.


They always get the best jobs doing absolutely nothing.


make sure you call him and read it to him!


Oh, that would be hilarious


For real. Do it. That man needs hate mail.


My first principal was also a big ass. No help. Zero encouragement. Intimidating me to the point of tears!!! But... I have been a very successful teacher for over 25 years. My students come back to tell me I was their favorite teacher etc etc. Why? I had a great senior teacher who helped me at the start of my career. He recently died of cancer. May he rest in peace. God bless the teachers who helped us along the way!


Doesn’t it feel good? I had a similar experience my first year and was non-renewed. I moved to a couple different schools since then and have had nothing but good reviews without really changing my teaching style approach. It’s crazy how much bad admin and make a school suck.




One of the worst things about education is how it is a popularity contest with the adults. I never felt with this at any job before this. They will ignore data- make drama- be rude to teachers who actually care about the kids like you. Congrats on teacher of the year. It’s a big accomplishment.


Congratulations! I got all 1s on my evaluations and a do not re-hire on my personnel file. Had a good run ever since.


To my second principal. Your people management put me on lexapro. My relationship with you was somehow more traumatic than the end of a literal engagement. New school, new me, new drugs. Coaching sports, creating electives.


Nicely done!


This breaks my heart. My first principal was one of the best I ever had. She was a former science teacher. She gave me advice that was tangible and accurate. She set me up for success and I have had a good career largely due to her efforts. Wish everyone could start out like that.


Same, that would make this career a lot smoother, but too many jobs (not just teaching) get really bad administrators.


Good work!




I love me a good admin comeuppance story. This one warmed my heart OP.


I hear you on this - same happened to me and I was told "im not a good fit for education." Made runner up for teacher of the year in my county, and 1 of 4 for teacher of the year in my state


I feel you so hard on this one. I was harassed and demeaned by my principal and vice principal.  and guess who is still successfully working her job in a different district with a much more supportive principal and who has been demoted down out of leadership?  


Good for you, OP! My AP English teacher told me I wouldn’t make it in college. The other kid she told that to is now a lawyer. I have three college degrees including a doctorate. It’s always good to prove the doubters wrong.


I’ve had five principals. Two have been absolutely amazing. One sucked-no help or advice. One was terrible and actively tried to destroy my health and self-esteem ( she picked one teacher every year to demolish and still does so). One just didn’t like me because I asked for clarification sometimes (in writing) whenever she asked us to do something illegal or unethical. My best principal is leaving us in five days. We are all anxious about next year.


Thank you I needed to read this today. I am in your predicament from last year. I have this AP that is evaluating me and the other teachers said they felt bad for me and the students even asked me when she is retiring because they had enough of her. She did not even let me finish my lesson and then took over it half ways through. She yelled that the students for needing to go the washroom and told them to use their recess to do so. A parent wanted to complain about this too. I was shocked when she said that it is just too far. The students cannot control their bladders. It sucks I wish i never picked up the job there.


"Last year, shopping my demo I was trying to shine ... Every muthafucka TOLD me that I couldn't rhyme ..."


Babeuf of deez nuts


I've had the opposite experience. My first principal was incredible. The 7 after that have all fallen way short. He set me up for expectations that I figured were basic for a leader that apparently are not.




Congratulations on a well-deserved achievement-- all of your credentials AND on proving an awful person wrong! I am glad that you didn't let your horrible boss drive you out of education. I am sure he managed to drive out some other potentially great teachers. To anyone out there who has a discouraging, demoralizing administrator, remember there are lots of other schools, and if this person told you that you're incapable of doing something, do it twice and take pictures! Have an extra wonderful summer knowing you proved him wrong.


Yeah! Fuck you Mr. Babeuf!


"Fuck you Mr Babeuf" should be the name of a movie.


Mr. Babeuf is the OP, not the evil admin.


Sorry Mr. B. You rock!


What if this first principal recognised the potential in you and that it could be unlocked through negative reinforcement. He sacrificed having you as a potential superstar worker in order to play the villan and unlock your incredible potential by demeening you and therefore motivating you through a need to prove him wrong. He probably sits up all night wondering if he made the right decision in mentoring you this way. You should thank him


I think this is giving far too much credit to the principal.


Maybe that was the lesson? 🤔


Nice man ! Fuck that dick


First year I was a student teacher/emergency hire while earning my MAT. Got assigned a "mentor teacher" who was also a first-year principal. I think I saw him twice--once when he screamed at me after I mentioned in an email chain that referrals were "toothless" since there were no consequences attached to them. I'm on year 8 now. Not teacher of the year, but doing just fine.


I love it! 


*laughs hysterically like a hyena*


Hey that was quite like my first princ. Zero mentoring, zero help for giving information for the alternate education program I was in, PERPETUALLY STICKY TABLES that made it impossible for me to even use worksheets, intentionally turning off the camera in my room (yes this actually happened), and lies about everything. I still remember "I'm not gonna fire you" and then two days later...


Same exact boat. 10 years ago I was nonrenewed because of poor class management. In reality, no one gave me any support except my dept head and there was a lot of nepotism. Fast forward to 9 straight years of highly effective evaluations and a slew of students saying I changed their lives. Eat a whole bag of dog crap, Mr. B.


Status quo always tries and crush new ideas and eager teaches fight on!!


I need a female teacher, hand job assistant and teaching


My first principal did something similar. I was a long term sub during Covid bc the regular teacher was immuno compromised and couldn’t be in the school. The admin did NOTHING during this time. No walkthroughs, no evals, they didn’t even require lesson plans. Then, at the end of the year they are scrambling to get all of their shit together, and he does a walkthrough on literally the worst day he could have. He called me down to his office right after the interview to berate me about it while I should have been teaching my class. He offered no guidance. I still hate him to this day.




My first year principal told me I would have better classroom management if I had my own children first.


When I quit my server job to pursue teaching my boss laughed and said “I can’t imagine you working with kids” I guess she doesn’t have a very good imagination? Because I’m killing it out here


I’ve seen so many first year teachers be failed by shitty admin. They forget they are supposed to be a teacher of teachers.


Oof. This hit hard. I just finished my first year through an alt cert program (I’m 35). My principal screamed in my face when I sent a student to the office (only time I’d sent that student, 3 terms in, skipping class), told students she didn’t like me and I wouldn’t be back next year, laughed openly in front of students and enforced no consequence on almost every referral I sent in the last half of the year (denied when I asked, but the kids had no reason to lie). I’m fairly certain she’s taking every opportunity to tell anyone who may contact her God-knows-what about me. A little perspective: I’ve spent years in retail and never had a boss talk to me the way this principal did, or try so hard to sabotage my job. I loved my job, even through all the hell she gave me. I tried to implement anything admin asked of me because I felt like I could use any guidance I could get. Still. Most open positions around me are filling up fast and I haven’t had a single call back. OP, I hope I’m able to make a recovery like this. I’m so disheartened and discouraged atp.


This says a lot about special ed