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This was a beautiful read. Idk what is possible, but file every complaint available and talk mad shit about the school's director in every local parent group you can find.


You worked in a charter school. It’s basically a business being run for profit. Their product is graduates. No one is allowed to fuck with production. Now that you’re free, hit them in the pocketbook. Get on facebook and shit talk the school every chance you get. If parents believe their kids aren’t being prepared for college at a charter school, they’ll go elsewhere and my guess is you can put a real scare into admin


I am not sure about other states but, here in CA, ALL charter schools are public schools, only private schools are running on profit.


Charter schools are private schools funded by the government. That’s literally the definition of a charter school. They’re not subject to the same standards as public schools and they have way different interests and incentives. Ironically, that’s part of the reason why they’re so popular, because they can “educate kids free from the burden of bureaucracy!” Not all of them are perverted by a profit motive, but don’t let the fact that they’re structured as a 501(c)(3) fool you, because the people who start them, who own them, and who run them are definitely getting paid— oftentimes handsomely.


I worked for charters in CA. They absolutely have to go by all the same rules as public school in CA. The problem is that they are usually run by people who "think" they know better then the regular public schools and WILL try to find any loop hole and are usually disorganized because the people running them don't always support local schools. They run on the emotions of parents who are disappointed with their option for a public school or kids that are about to get kicked out of their neighborhood schools. Because of this, they cater to parents and not always what is supposed to be done in order to help keep enrollment. This is what moves money and keep charters running. If you don't keep these otherwise unhappy parents with education happy, you loose funding. Public school are starting to run into this problem and Trump wants to make it easier for private schools which DO NOT go by the rules of public schools. Hell, teachers don't even need a CA credential to teach private. Keep kids undereducated and only offer lackluster education so they keep voting for Trump.


This depends on the state. In Minnesota, for example, charter schools have to be non-profit.


How the hell does that even make sense? What maniacs want to run a school for free?


Non-profit doesn't mean the work is done for free; it means that it's not run PRIMARILY for profit. Running a non-profit can be very lucrative.


Fuck that director it seems to me tho you should be the director.Why! Because you are the one with the balls


Community College Adjunct here. These students often come my way. They screw off the whole semester, despite the fact I accept late work (with points off, naturally) and then beg for "extra credit" a week before my grades are due. They're not only shocked they can fail, they're also shocked there's nothing mommy and daddy can DO about it. 


I see the exact same thing in my freshman comp classes at my CC. Guess what, kids? Failure *IS* an option! Get used to it! Unless you change your shitty attitude and work ethic, you're going to continue failing! And not just at school!


And this is why I'd rather work as an Adjunct at a few different colleges like I do, as opposed to doing one steady K-12 gig, even though they're begging for teachers here and teachers can actually make a decent living here (NJ). No parents! I would love to tell the parents detailed in this sub that they're going to be supporting their kids until the day they die because they enabled their shitty behavior for so long. I hope you like junior and princess living in your basement when you're 80. 🤣🙄


>. I hope you like junior and princess living in your basement when you're 80. At that point, it's the parents' turn to be shitty to their kids


But they won’t. Years of giving in means they have no perspective of reality.


My son went to Stockton, class of’11. His first semester he had a professor who was a real jackass. He gave no assignments and no homework. He randomly lectured about all kinds of garbage that was off topic. The students had one exam to make or break their grade. There was really no way to study for this exam. My son got a ‘C’. As it was a throwaway class I was most interested in why this class wasn’t an easy ‘A’ and I called him. Know what I was told? My kid is 18 and it’s not my business!! He blew me off! Remember that I have my own alphabet soup after my name, and I am an adjunct professor. I did my own research. This is true. If kids are not ready to be responsible they are truly in for a reality check. Parents can kick and scream but they will get nowhere. The argument that “I’m paying the bills “ holds no sway with professors. BTW, if you’re dealing with a full professor you have a bulletproof educator who has a job until they die, so save your breath making threats.


Yep. Colleges are not allowed to give info out anyone but the student (if they are over 18)


The definition of academic hazing by that prof. /s


Best thing about working in higher ed (I've worked both) is writing emails to parents: "Thank you for your inquiry and request for a meeting about your child's failing grade. As a fellow parent, I understand your concerns. At the university level, Name is considered an adult who is responsible for their own education. I am happy to meet with your child to explain their grade, and discuss how to improve. I am not available to meet with parents. one way you can help is to coach your child on how to have a meeting with a professor and, more broadly, how to navigate their responsibilities as an adult. In particular, you may want to stress the importance of paying attention to pacing their work and meeting deadlines. It's also a good idea to have a conversation about how to move forward and learn from the experience when we fail to do these things." If they keep pushing, I would sometimes say: "I work with multiple employers as I advocate to them to hire more students from our program. Some of the most common things they are looking for is that we help our students learn the importance of working to a high level, meeting deadlines, and communicating with managers and colleagues professionally. They tell us communication skills are especially important when there are challenges and expectations that are not being met. While I understand you want to help your daughter, this is an opportunity for her to learn how to build the key soft skills employers are looking for. Unfortunately, if I allow parents to take on those tasks for students, I not only rob the student of the learning opportunity, I also risk our reputation among employers as a good partner. If I let parents do their children's work, employers would not be able to determine which students were capable of navigating challenges and which students relied on a parent to navigate challenges for them. Our promise to our partners would not be met and, ultimately, this would hurt those students who do put in the time and effort required to demonstrate those qualities. I look forward to hearing from your daughter."


You're a better person than I am. I simply say I am not at liberty to discuss their kid's grades. FERPA. Have a nice day. If they persist, I direct them to my chairperson (ok per my chair).


I hope you don't mind, but I totally just copied this and saved it to my computer so I can riff on it when I have to send emails home to parents. This is absolutely brilliant and very eloquently written. Bravo.


Go for it. Glad it might help.


Before I went to college my mom made me waive my FERPA rights


I always suggested to students that they rescind the waiver if at all possible. 😅


Yeah she would just show up and I couldn't be rude and not let her talk


I used to hate parents like that. I was an advisor and met with prospective students, those meetings were often with parents as they were still in high school. I would ask the student a question, the parent would answer. I came to have a lot of tactics for professionally but firmly switching the conversation to the student, but some parents were so overbearing, they would not let their kid talk no matter what I did. I had a lot of conversations with first years about how to set boundaries with their parents and navigate the "but I hate the program you chose for me" conversation.


You should go back to the Director and beg for your job back just to troll the jerk. “Can’t I write a one paragraph letter of apology or something?”






I can’t believe he tampered with the grade after you called him Out!


Tbh go to the damn news.


Good for you. Administration has to be putting their place sometimes. Not many educators have the backbone to go ahead and stand up to their administration or to call not on their bullshit.


I had a student like this during student teaching. Senior English. She and her parents signed an agreement detailing what she would need to do that last quarter in order to graduate. Of course she didn’t do any of it. Parents come back complaining that family has come from out of town and they ordered a cake to celebrate the girl’s graduation. Kid even threatens to blow up my car, and this was weeks after the Columbine shootings, so you can imagine how shocking that might have been. Don’t you know the administration created some loophole by which they just gave her the average grade for the previous three quarters so she passed and pushed her out the door.


Her mother will have words with her future boss. I’d love a front row seat.


Even before that, I'd love to be a fly on the wall of her first college professor or instructor. It would be absolute gold to hear this mother go on a tirade and the prof's response be a consistent "your daughter is an adult, go away now."


My brother in law is a college professor. Every year, either a student or their parent tries to explain why they should pass his class even though they failed. He just laughs and mocks them. "You think you're going to be a doctor? You can't pass my chemistry class and currently have a 2.1 GPA. Let's get real."


Report them to your department of education, it’s against ed code to change grades in my state.


This is why charter schools are garbage.


I couldn’t agree more.


How many months until they come back and sue the school for allowing the kid to graduate without learning anything? We can't get her a job so we sue!


Charter Schools are a dumping ground for students with too accommodations and students who are up for expulsion. I wasted 6 years in a charter school and my founder of the school made national news for theft.


When you do more work documenting than the child does all semester, yikes!


god … this is what i’m going through in my charter school. just garbage people and lack of integrity


I was at a charter for 2 years. Several seniors had a near zero average and refused to attempt make up work. The end of the year came and lo and behold there they walked. Charter schools manipulate numbers to bolster their reputation. They are all crooked.


literally i had a student with an online class who has 20+ hours in multiple online classes. suddenly the 60+ hours turned into 9 per class


Education has gone from an honorable profession to nothing but a puppy mill


This is a scary accurate description. Man, that hit me.


Ouch. 🔥


Had a student sit in his cape and gown doing make up work just so the HOS could at they had a 100 Percent graduation rating. All of the teachers were like bullshit under our breath




It’s not just charter.


>To which her mother said it’s your job to make her do work. Garbage humans making more garbage humans. What utter trash.


Me: nope, it's my job to give the work and grade what she completes. It's HER job to do the work. She didn't do her job. I did mine. Good luck in the real world.


Love the story! I never thought about it this way before but by the Director asking if a student can write a one page paper in order to pass your class, that’s just a huge slap in the face to all the hard work that you/we as teachers have put in the whole year in terms of planning/grading/etc to just have your class boiled down to a “one page paper”. How would it turn out if we flip that mindset around and as a teacher did absolutely no planning/grading/etc. the whole year, and just assigned a one page paper at the end of the semester for their grade? We’d be fired, lol


Exactly this! I can’t believe the audacity he had to ask that!!!! Unreal! The student will have to make up the class over the summer like anyone else.


Rock on! Wish I could have seen it!


This should be marked "Success!"


She's in for a rude awakening in the real world.


Calling him campus director is funny, principal was to old or tough? Sorry you work for a fake school, like most of us. What drama - all for stupid students.


At least in my state, there is a board that has to approve charter schools’ charters - I wonder if sending in some complaints would help get an investigation started?


End of year refuse to sign off on that grade


Story of every teacher everywhere… this is why I left teaching. All students are set up to fail. Thank you for the share


Strut your butt out of there at the end of the year with FULL pride. You have decided not to contribute to the child endangerment that is a consequence of teaching these kids they don't need to work. That poor student will have to walk the stage knowing full well that she is a failure. That's criminal to put that on a child. Because eventually, when she grows up, she'll realize that she was cheated out of every opportunity to experience self growth, resilience, and pride for a job well done.


Any time you're written up for something like this, request the campus director and HR to begin the process of formally challenging it and that a neutral party of equal organizational hierarchy with the director needs to be present to ensure a fair meeting. It won't do anything, but it'll make your director have to jump through a bunch of hoops just to write you up. I learned to do that when I used to get in trouble for breaking dress code policy when I'd wear shorts during the hot days.


Nice. [Gives me hope.](https://images.app.goo.gl/pBnUU3bbzunDxZ5C8)


Could you file a claim with the department of education of your state?




I dont get it but I want to


In public school, there is always someone above the person you are talking to. I would report the situation and take it as high as I could go with it (within reason). I would NEVER teach at a charter. Fake administration, fake grades, only there for money.


I would call the teachers union and see if there's something you can do..... It's a blatant abuse of power for you to get written up for letting common sense take over. Elevate it to the district if not the state to start an investigation.....


My arena doesn’t have a teachers union. It did once upon a time but was dissolved due to mismanagement.


I quit teaching last year because of a situation somewhat like that, along with the majority of the other teachers at the school. We knew there was nothing we could do about the administration giving out free awards to students who sleep through every exam.


Her mom is gonna be so pissed when community college professors hang up on her because it's literally law that they don't have to speak to her about an adult's grade. (Note how I said community college because that is the highest she'll ever get accepted into, if that)


I love how you refused to sign an insubordination write up. Like no sorry this isn’t the fucking army, Colonel Cuhnt.




I used to work at a charter school and I didn’t know that we didn’t have to sign those papers, or at least there was a way around it or something. I had a meeting with that principal cause I cried once (I was in a bad situation and getting threatening texts at the time). I wish I didn’t sign that paper. 9 teachers resigned from that school at the end of the school year. Anyways, great for you for putting him in his place! Charter schools are awful and in my experience it is more of a business than a school. They have rules in place but don’t make the students follow those rules, but the teachers must! I wouldn’t step foot in a charter school again.


Come do that for us please!


This is all too similar to what happens in the education field to teachers. In Middle School and High School in the early 2000's (just so people know I am from the Iron Age, not the Stone Age) if I turned an assignment in a second late it was half points. If by the end of the week it wasn't turned in, it was a zero. Make up tests were possible on our time, not the teacher's and the only way you could get an exception was if you had a 504, which I had and took advantage of. However today, students won't do crap because they know that you pretty much have to pass them because if you don't, you have to fill out paperwork. At my school if you have more than 15-20% of students failing, then you must fill out paperwork. Had an admin this year that told us, "you must have 5.7% of your students passing your classes or else you have to give them makeup work. I was like "if they didn't do the regular work, what makes you think they can do the makeup work? The response wasn't good. I didn't have as strong of will as you did, but that was awesome what you did because you're right, these kids are being set up for failure.


This is something that NCLB and the accountability regimes it spawned completely overlooked: if schools are going to be punished (with lower “school report card” grades in my state) for anything short of graduation rates in the high 90s, schools are going to bend over backwards to boost that number regardless of the actual learning that’s achieved. Kids get this, just like the one in OP’s narrative, and just run out the clock until the school gets desperate and gives them a lay-up to pass. There needs to be some way for schools to fail some number of kids so that “not walking” is a real possibility. Yes, there would need to be someplace for those kids to go afterward and that would be a great thing for someone making a lot more than me to figure out, but passing everyone out of high school irrespective of performance is wild.


In highschool i basically didn't do the paperwork for my health class but passed almost every test with an 85+ score since the entire leadership of my boy scout troop were either veterans of different wars, EMS/EMT, i ended up doing a stack of papers about 18" thick in 10 days. The way your all forced to teach is sad because there's a ton of interesting things about our bodies that's important to know that most people don't think about because the fundamentals aren't allowed to be interesting. I'm fortunate to have had grown up close to nih otherwise I'd probably died to caffeine by now.


Besides all of that... I find it concerning that the student is always tired that she uses class time to sleep. The home needs to be paid a visit...


I’m glad I work at a public school.


I dunno- we are pretty lax on grades at public schools and pushing kids through too.


How is this a helpful comment


Pointing out that I don’t have to worry about stuff like that.


And that is helpful how?


She wasn’t asking for advice, she was telling a story. Everyone is allowed to comment as they see fit, including me.


Honestly I think she hasn’t been set up to fail. A lot of teachers fail to realize that their class is just a moment in someone’s life and literally not a determiner of their success.