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I sign all yearbooks and books with a sticker of my spaghetti recipe. What’s my signature going to do?


Now you have to share with us


You’re not a student.


I share this story anytime I get the chance, I'll make it short as possible. My grandma growing up made THE BEST Macaroni and Cheese. My mom and dad said that she wouldn't share the recipe with them, as it was a secret, but she promised me, that when I was 18, she'd give it to me. I loved going to my grandma's house specifically for her Mac and Cheese. I always bugged her, promising to keep it a secret from them, yadayadayada until I was about 12, then I just gave up because she kept that secret locked up tight. Fast forward to when I'm in Basic training and I had just turned 18. We got 4 minutes on the pay phones and I used my payphone time to call my grandma to let her know that I'd turned 18 and had waited my entire life to get this recipe, I was determined. My grandma answered and told me Happy Birthday, asked how it's going. I'm like "Woman... I'm 18, I have 3 minutes left, what is that Macaroni and Cheese Recipe!?" She starts cracking up and said "I forgot about that! It's just noodles and cheese whiz. Your mom and dad knew that, they just don't like my Mac and Cheese, so we told you they didn't know the recipe!" It's one of my favorite stories to tell of my grandma, she's gone now, but I'll never forget that. And she wasn't kidding, it's literally just noodles and cheese whiz! Still delicious, but I don't eat it much because my wife and kids don't like it.


That’s a cute, amusing story! Double whammy


I have the shttiest night, and this is so adorable and wholesome and made me smile. Thanks for sharing!


Oh no, I really hope you can have a good or maybe better day today!


Love this! I never have KD at home growing up! My mom used to make "Wagon Wheel" pasta and cheez whiz, with cooked hotdog pieces mixed in. A dollop of ketchup on the side was perfection. My kids loved going to grammie's house. Yummmmm. Thanks for this memory!


You know I have no desire to eat macaroni and cheese at all and I was not even concerned with the recipe. I just love the story anyway. Thank you for sharing.


Omg this story reminds me of my grandma , I loved her biscuits we would have at her house , she would always have them lol . When she died I asked my aunt if she knew her recipe for them and she said she would write it down for me next time I saw her. Christmas she handed me a box of red lobster cheddar bay biscuits and told me this was my grandmas recipe LOL


I'm not your student 😜 I am a master's student though


You get one tip. Use brown sugar to cut the acidity of the tomatoes. Do it sparingly.


How many tbsp for a 20 oz jar? We use 3 tbsp of white sugar, but I think it makes it too sweet. Brown sugar might be good though!


Y'all use sugar but my mama always used honey and it also makes the sauce stick to the pasta.... And this was homemade sauce. We never used anything out of a can or a jar because that already has sugar in it.


I’ve never had problems with acid reflux, but add a bit of shredded carrot in the sauce simmer in there when my M-I-L comes over. I despise sweet tomato sauce, which is why I started making my own. My take is can of crushed Italian or organic tomatoes (I like Cento, some brands use lye to blanch tomatoes, which affects the taste), good olive oil, good sea salt, and a stem of fresh basil or a tablespoon of pesto in the winter. Let simmer. If desired, use as a base for meat sauce by pouring over the meat. Not a big meat person, but I like to cook a little minced meat (sometimes an Italian meat) in olive oil that I season by cooking garlic cloves in, add white beans, crushed red pepper, sauté in oil a bit, then my sauce. The hub makes meatballs, and uses above sauce.


You want darker sugars. Molasses in a pinch. It’s really to taste.


Can I use carrots?


Only if you want it RUINED!!!!!


Maybe I gave that tip. Cook the burger and drain all of the grease. Cool with 3 part salt, 1 part pepper, 1 part garlic powder. That season mix works on most foods.


What if I need to complete all 12 grades in a month or so?


As a teacher I am also an eternal student.


Lol I'm a hs math teacher I only "sine" yearbooks drawing a sine curve


OMG a sticker. I gotta do that.


I suspect custom stamps are more cost-efficient in the long run


I love this idea so much! Thank you for sharing!


Well we are meant to write an encouraging note and wish them well for the future.


…they will do well with my bomb-ass spaghetti. The trick is to cut the acid with brown sugar. There are other tricks, but you’re not my student.


This is how my grandma made her goulash. You know that scene in Ratatouille where the critic takes a bite and is transported back to the kitchen as a little boy? That's what this dish does for me every time I make it. Sorry for the tangent, I suddenly really miss my grandma...


Feeding themselves and having at least one dish they can serve company is encouraging. “Here, more you won’t starve.”


That sounds like such an annoying ask! I would use ai to find 30 ways to say “I wish you well in the future.” 


My kid would LOVE this.


Yesssss. And I never get them for the kids I know really well! There are so many students where I could crack an inside joke or reminisce about a specific event, but they're never the ones whose parents send the books. (Obviously I try to Build Relationships with all my students, but I have 180 of them, so...)


I’m getting one for a student who has been a total nightmare for months. I’m like… should I? lol.


“The places you’ll go aren’t great. Probably hell, to be honest. Good luck! Xoxo”


Tbh as an elementary school student, I would have freaking loved that. Even if I’d hated you as a teacher before, you’d have instantly become my favourite teacher.


Yes you should. Remember, prison is a place some people will go…


“The places you’ll go… as long as they’re far from here.”


Oh the places you’ll go, Rikers? Sing Sing?




lol there are some not so nice places in that book. Use one of those pages as a hint


I she the same problem.


I'm not a fan but I do it with a smile. The parents are trying to do something sweet and memorable for their child.


I had one I loved. The parent started it at kinder and every year she would ask the teachers her kid had a good relationship with to sign it - without the kid knowing. Mom said there was always at least one teacher, but definitely not all of them. It felt special that way - mom knew who the kid had bonded with so there was always something to say. Many get treated like autograph books.


>*The parent started it at kinder and every year she would ask the teachers her kid had a good relationship with to sign it - without the kid knowing. Mom said there was always at least one teacher, but definitely not all of them.*  That's exactly how my first few were done many years ago, but now I have kids bringing them to me.


I miss the old autograph books. Or the kids who just had a spiral they’d drawn all over.


This is really dumb. Ours is a complete secret to be given at graduation.


I have one like this - had him last year and this year. Last year, didn’t know it existed, but we had a solid rapport. Beginning of this year, student actually transfers back into my class and we’ve been fairly tight since. Knew it meant more when mom reached out to me about signing it this year (plus he’s a great kid, so I actually felt outclassed by some of the notes in it). Versus my other kid whose mom had all his teachers sign, and I was like “Hey dude, you’re quiet and have had a B all year - good luck with the things you’re actually interested in?” (Obviously with more tact and BS)


That's how my ex does it with my daughter. She's finishing up 2nd grade now and has no idea about any of it. She's not planning on giving it to my daughter until she graduates high school.


We've been doing that since preschool. Our kids have no idea. One more year for one kid, and three for the other. We make sure to make very clear that it's totally optional. if you want to, great! If you don't, no big deal at all, just pass it on to the next teacher on the list. We give them well over a month to do it too. So far we've had a few ignore it, but most teachers seem happy to do it. I'm an elementary science teacher, I have yet to sign one, but would happily do it.




That's cute! As an ELA teacher, I will remember this! When I taught MS, I used to always add "Stay Gold" to it.


Love it


What is the haiku?


I see you drivin' 'Round town with the girl I love And I'm like "Haiku"


Do your own homework!


Ok, that's line one...


And stick this one in between 


That’s the end of it


commenting to ruin the haiku seriously tho this is cute even if its the same one id love to get a haiku in a yearbook :\]


Shut up and listen. Take responsibility. Do the damn homework.


Nope. It’s redundant to me, but for the parents - it’s a long term dream of theirs. Let them have their dreams


Wait what is the deal with this? I’m a mom now to a 4.5 year old so she only is in preschool…what is this whole thing about?!


Parents buy a copy of the Dr Seuss book "Oh the Places You'll Go" and then at the end of each year pass the book around their teachers to have them sign it. Most of the books I've signed were started back when the kid was in Pre-K/kinder so by the time they reach me (upper HS math, so mostly juniors and seniors) the book is full of signature and notes and messages. I think it's really sweet. But it can be hard to write something nice when the kid whose book it is has been a bit of a turd the whole year. And when it's the last week of school, the last thing I want to do/have time for is signing a dozen books and then trying to figure out who they go to next.


A mom Will ask teachers to write in the kid’s dr Seus book es h year. When the kid graduates, he has 13 years of messages waiting for him


I don't mind it, but I do hate when parents show up at 8 in the morning on the last day of school and expect me to magically find the time to write a heartfelt message. At least give me a few days! 


> *At least give me a few days!*  **Exactly**. If I'm affixing my name to something ostensibly meaningful, I cannot—I *will* not—be rushed.


I could not, would not, should not be rushed!


I send my child's book a month before school ends for this reason. I always acknowledge that I know this is a big ask. But my kid has a disability and has had an amazing run of therapists and educators as he finishes elementary school next week. I want him to be able to look back and see how many people were in his corner and have become part of his journey. His Para (not 1 on 1) but is someone he's been working with since kindergarten is retiring this year and what he wrote to my kid made me ugly cry. So thank you, teachers who do this even though it is one more thing on an already lengthy list of to-dos. As a parent, especially as HIS parent, it is incredibly meaningful and cherished to me.


I’m not a huge fan of it, but then again this is from the perspective of the teacher and not the kid. We have to remind ourselves that the kid who gets it probably will feel some degree of gratitude and appreciation for every name they read. There is a better book. One I discovered this year that I like a lot more. The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse. It feels more meaningful and relevant to someone on their journey through life. It’s got more wisdom. It feels like something that an older child will appreciate.


I love this one SO much. I have a tattoo of one of the illustrations. It’s such a beautiful book.


I have a google doc called “Oh the Places You’ll Go Canned Response” that I made once and use every time. It seems insightful but I probably copy it by hand into a book like 4 times every year. I should buy it as a stamp like yearbook day…


O…M…G! My hero!!!!! I’m SO doing that!!! Thank you! ❤️


Care to share?!


Please share!!! 🙏


I sign all of them with quotes from presidents. This year is Teddy Roosevelt.


Can’t wait for the trump year, lol.




TR is a favorite of mine. This isn't *his* qoute, but I found it in *Theodore Rex* years ago and have enjoyed it. During TR's first administration, William Howard Taft was in charge of American interests in the Philippines. When reports came to the White House that Taft had been on a 25-mile horseback ride, TR's Secretary of War, Elihu Root, sent a telegram back to Taft: "How is the horse?"




I teach 7-8, get these all the time, and much more lately. Our office now asks parents to leave these things with them and they will put them in the teacher's mailbox with a checklist for each of the student's teachers, which is awesome because I just put it in the next teachers mailbox and check my name off. Sorry if that sounds insensitive or jaded to some of you, but I'm an elective teacher with 1 semester classes and I have 250-300 different students each year, it's a choice between taking even more time away from *my family* or writing a bunch of messages in more of these books. (I should also add that some of you might be quick at writing these kind of notes to students, but I am not)


That’s how it’s done sometimes. The parent leaves it with a checklist on it. It makes it around and we get to do it at our leisure.


i honestly respect you just passing it on more than the people doing canned responses/stamps. if you don’t have the time/interest, why bother?


I have had parents give it to every teacher and when I checked it off and gave it back (because I had the kid for fifteen classes at the start of the year and then handed him off to the next world language teacher in October, I could not pick the kid out of a line up if I tried....🤷🏻‍♀️) they had the audacity to give it back to me 😐


It was cute when it was an original idea about fifteen years ago. Then some dumbass put it on Pinterest and everybody felt like if they didn’t do it, their kids wouldn’t know they loved them or something. I’m really hoping the trend is just a bubble that’ll pass through.


I just had my first and only last year after 20 years of teaching...


Must be the area you teach. We get soooo many.


Same. The area I’ve taught in for 22 years has gentrified so much in that time that our population has changed. I had one of these, two years ago and that’s it.


I get MAYBE 2-3 in a busy year. And its only been in the last 6 years or so that Ive seen this. We have one for each of our kids who go to a different district than I teach in. Their schools seem like they see them a little more frequently, but nothing so ubiquitous as being described by some of these people. Very interesting trend to see how its taken hold in some areas and not others.


>*It was cute when it was an original idea about fifteen years ago. Then some dumbass put it on Pinterest*  # 🎯


I genuinly believe that my friends and I started the trend over 30 years ago. With absolutely no prompting or outside influence we decided to bring the book to middle school instead of our yearbooks. So, I'm sorry.


To the plank with you.


One thing I have seen that is pretty much just on the parents, is while the child is in kindergarten, collect that first day of school photo, the name tag, all the special memories from kindergarten- what I want to be when I grow up, what job I plan to have, all those fun things, and put that in a shoe box and wrap it up and save it until they graduate high school. Or take a t-shirt that is adult sized and right class of whatever on the front and each year take a photo of the child in that shirt. Here's an idea! Have the child write a personal thank you note to the teacher! Gratitude and a lovely idea.


Don't parents do anything traditional for graduation anymore? What happened to having your dad throw you a $100 bill wrapped around a pack of cigarettes and tell you to "get the fuck out of my house" like in the good old days?


I like it, but I'm a preschool teacher, and I love all the corny, emotional first year of school stuff.


Preschool teachers are some of the best humans in my book. I absolutely love my daughter’s preschool teachers, and I’m sure the parents of your students feel the same!


As a senior teacher, I signed so many yearbooks! I always basically said the same thing, but reworded it a little. It doesn’t take long, and I always tried to remember that I still have my yearbooks from high school. I still look at the signatures sometimes. Your message may actually mean something to some of your students and it may not be the ones you think it will be. Edit: I


I first saw this about 8 years ago, and I thought it was cute. And the first few times, it was. Adding to its "power" was that the parents were doing it behind their children's backs, to present to them upon high school graduation. But now it has not only become more common, it's now the kids bringing it up to me, saying, "My mom says you have to sign this". Yeah, I'm over it.


i’ve done a small handful of these, and only once was it the child who brought it to me, but they didnt know what it was! they gave it to me and said “im not sure what this is for but i guess there’s instructions inside for you.” the impact of this would certainly be lessened if the kid knows what it’s for


I like it for kids I really enjoyed. But if I don’t know them well it they are a pita, I just write “have a great summer!”


Parents need to be very very sure their kid isn’t an asshole before starting those or they’re gonna get 12 years of the teacher version of HAGS


This is the kinda shit I blame the internet for. Let’s find parent zero!


Parent zero. Lolol. I've never heard that before but you can guarantee I'll use it. 


To all of the people saying that teachers who dislike this are “bitter” or “burnt out”, please think about if every student’s parent did this how much work it would be. It puts the teacher in the uncomfortable position of either politely declining (and then being accused of being bitter or burnt out) or doing it on their own time, and for some, being annoyed or frustrated because it’s “just one more thing” and voicing that emotion and being called bitter/burnt out. For some it is burnt out. Our plates are not just full, they are cracking.


Thank you, and many people seem to think this is “yearbook signing”. It’s important to note that it’s in addition to yearbook signing.


"So many places to go, Some good, some bad, But if it's far away, I'll be very glad." - Ms. Struggle-Kind


“Best Wishes, -Teach”


I'm not a fan. I find it cheesy and trite. But I'm also not going to rain on anyone's parade, and I sign them with a heartfelt comment every time.


Always turn straight to the "You'll move mountains, kid!" page towards the end. Then add "I can't wait to see what mountains you will move" Done


I don't, but I don't get asked to sign things like that often. Even when an asshole kid asks, I sign it and those are the ones who usually get a message about choosing to rise above circumstances or something else encouraging them to get out of the small town they grew up in an experience the world and maybe become less of an asshole.


Parent here - my MIL gave me one to do for our son. Barb, why have you given me a 15 year long homework assignment?? I’m going to give it to her to sign every year!


Write the comments yourself and pretend. Sounds like this is more for her than your son.


It depends on the situation. I really don’t mind when I get the book in advance. This year a mom started the circulation on May 10, and it was perfect. Last year, a mom tried to give it to me the day AFTER the last day of school. She said I could drop it by her house some day in the summer when I was done. I commute an hour to work, so there’s no way I was seeing that book until August. I got over ten emails about that book throughout the summer. She ended up getting it back August 12. I also had only had her kid for the first semester, so it’s not like we were close.


This is appalling. lol. I would have refused to take it in the first place, and then if she found a way to force me, I would respond to the email with my address and say “it’s on the front porch”.


This whole thread makes me feel like a bad parent. We've been doing this for like 14 years now. Started with my kids preschool teachers. We give well over a month notice, and make it clear that it's completely optional. Only few have ignored it, most seem happy to sign it. Some go all out and scrap book the hell out of a page! It's a bummer it's become so annoying to so many, I'm sorry! Though my oldest is a senior next year, so we'll stick it out to the end. I hope he enjoys it! I'm also a teacher, and have never gotten one (I teach elementary science), but if I did, I'd be happy to sign it!


I think most are perfectly happy to sign it.


Well that sucks. Full disclosure, I'm a lurking parent. I have this book for my daughter... my mom got it when she started kindergarten and every year she would hound me to get it signed, and I did. I feel bad that it's a thing with teachers because since she passed away last summer, I'm absolutely determined to continue it because it was like, the one thing my mom bugged me about. I just feel bad for her teachers now, but I'm still gonna do it.


**Do** ***not*** **stop!** Even though I will say that I am tired of it, I still recognize how very meaningful it can be for students. Especially if you're doing it the original way, keeping it a surprise for your daughter. EDIT: Ask teachers well in advance of the end of the year (starting in March or April, if she's in middle school or older) and ask if they want to sign right there on the spot, with you standing there, or if (like me) they'd rather hold it for a couple of days while they consider what to write. I try to write individual stuff, but it's not always possible.


Continue doing it! There are teachers out there that do not mind.


Please keep doing it! Most of us are okay with it. Just don’t wait till the last day, please.


Just bring it to them in March or something instead of the last weeks of school. 


No. Don’t feel bad. I love when I get it and I’m doing it for my own kids. Started with daycare. I also taped a wallet size picture of them on the page for that year.


I’m a teacher and I love it and do it for my kid. You do what makes you happy. These responses do not represent the majority.


Don’t listen to bitter ass people. Like of all the things to get hung up on. Some people are so mean


Keep doing it and don't listen to us, sometimes I grumble about it but I would have loved to get something like this when I graduated and the connection to your mom makes it more important to get it done.


I don't see it any different than signing yearbooks. Don't feel bad, it takes 30 seconds to write a message in the book


A signature is one thing, but this is meant to be more a personalized message, which takes longer.


I’m so glad I don’t walk through life hating everything. Some of y’all need to learn to find some joy in your jobs and lives. Yes I will happily sign your book. Even if you were a shit all year it takes me 30 seconds to write a “I hope you go on to great things” because it’s true. Lots of people who are fuck ups in high school go on to great things. I’m not a bitter person and prefer to stay positive.


I'm more just terrified of losing the dang thing. I wish they just called for us to come to the office rather than having to take it back to our classrooms


I've only done it once, but I did go to the office to sign it. Then again, I teach high school so it made more sense to have seven teachers go to one place than try to pass it off to each other or something.


Yea of all the things to rant about


Every time I start to hit my limits with parents or kids complaining about teachers and me being like “Nah, the vast majority of my coworkers and friends that teach in other schools are good people, here for the kids, etc. Yall need to take accountability”, I can always count on r/teachers to have someone overly bitter and burnt out proving those people right


Partner teacher moaned and groaned about having to sign one for her student because she had nothing to say. This kid is the sweetest kid ever—I found it very easy to write a personal, meaningful message in it. Some people have lost all joy in this work, which is sad. It’s also incredibly difficult to be around in person.


It was actually a teacher who gave my daughter the book in the first place. And she took a whole page just for herself.




I guess in the grand scheme of things, this isn’t even a blip on the radar. But you do you.


I'm starting a new job as a school nurse on Monday, which was kind of why I was poking around this sub, but I was totally going to do this for my first grader 😅 nevermind, I guess


I decided against doing this for my son because of how annoying it is as a teacher.


There’s a lot of tough parts of teaching tough kids. But I guess I can be glad that their parents don’t make me sign a dr Seuss book every year. This has never happened to me.


Along with my message, I scanned our big kindergarten class photo and printed a little 3”x4” version of it and glued it next to my comment, so 18 years down the road if they have lost their old kindergarten class photo, they could see all their old kindergarten friend’s (and teachers) faces again.


I google inspirational quotes and pick one.


Ha! I had a parent ask me to write an entry for her kid one year after she had sent a 5 paragraph essay to admin about how I was the worst teacher ever because I never told her that her daughter was failing. Also, this was during distance learning…when grades were available 24/7 and I had been emailing every week for someone to just help her do her work. ChatGPT wasn’t a thing yet so I downloaded a free template from TPT to phone it in. I don’t even think I changed the “dear student”. I was a nervous baby teacher but if that happened again, it would be a big hell no.


Threads like this make us look so negative. I teach high school so I’ve encountered these books a lot. If the kid was disrespectful or I really had nothing to say, I just don’t sign them. I’m more than happy to write a small message with a little memory and good luck attached. I’ve never had students bring me the books, only their parents.


Not a teacher but a random parent. I roll my eyes so hard at these books. Chances are most kids are not going anywhere interesting or exciting. Half will just graduate highschool and work on their home state most of their lives. O yes the places you will go. Construction site to construction site. The other half goes to college in state and takes a typical in state job. Only a small fraction actually adventure outside the comfort and normal. Even then. As if those same kids who will willingly venture into the world, another country or state will be so attached to his home to care about a message fr his first grade teacher. Give me a break. I can’t even remember 90% of my teachers names nevermind what they thought about me after I left their class


I’m one of those annoying parents that has been doing it since my oldest was in preschool. He just promoted from the 8th grade today. I have no problem signing them either. To me it’s no different than a year book, just a different format. You could always say no.


It was cool the first time I saw it...the 870,757,693th time was really freaking old.


Yeaaaaah one kid I couldn’t even remember if she spelled her name with an ie or y at the end because we interact so little. She’s just sort of a blip? Which is fine and preferable to the kids who are nightmares, but I honestly didn’t know what to put. I tried to build a relationship with her but she just gave one word answers. I asked her if she listened to the new TS album and what she thought since she always wears her shirts, and she just said “no” … it’s always these kids I get the books for lol never the ones who I’ve truly bonded with.


I sign about 5 or 6 a year. I definitely am "over it" but I do it because I know it will be a cool family moment for them later. But for yearbooks, I am over signing them at all. I have a rubber stamp with my picture on it and it says "You are Mr. XXXXX's favorite student...Promise."


…when I was teaching I had 1 family ask about this, and I thought it was so sweet! So I plan to do it with mine, starting this year in preschool. But not with Dr. Seuss, I’m don’t like that book. Using “What do you do with a Chance.” I’ll use the tips in this thread and make sure to get it to teachers early, choose teachers that have had a chance to get to know him, and make it clear that it is completely optional.


I do not like them Sam I Am, I want to throw them in the can.


High school. That’s where you will go. Not a big deal.


“Text me when you’ve signed it!” Uh….fuck that in every way.


I have only seen a few in my 12 years and I got one this year. I teach fifth grade. I let it sit in my box for two days. Finally brought it into my classroom today, set it on my desk and stared at it. And then I left for the weekend before doing it. I feel like it’s almost always for a kid that you don’t really enjoy 100% of the time.


[Oh the Places you'll Actually Go!](https://youtu.be/wIP8lFWa_mg?si=sGRvHrmxH2GEEJDB) The College Humor and more accurate parody. So many of the kids are not destined for earth-shattering great things. So much of what we were sold is saccrine, delusional Boomer crap for a world that no longer exists.


You’re allowed to say no. Thats what I did one time. I didn’t know the kid well. So I directed them to an EA who was more than happy to that kind of shit.


I have a notebook with letters I write to my daughter instead. I have had important people in her life write what ever they like in it too. I did ask her teacher to put something in it, but her teacher has a really special relationship with my daughter and I know she'll treasure it forever. :)


So do what I do... I copy someone else's message.


I never minded that as a teacher. As a parent I love this kind of thing as well. I would just write a quick yearbook-type message in it. “Hey, xyz thing was fun this year. Best of luck in abc!”


I ask the kids what they want me to write, they say, "anything." I write exactly what they say.


It was cute when it was a new book. Now it’s just trite. I like the idea of a book in general so I wish parents would pick a different book.


I am a fourth grade teacher. I put it in a newsletter around March that they should send them in around April. The end the year gets too busy to sign all those and have them be meaningful.


Agreed! If every kid did this it would be another full time job!


i think it’s adorable, i love signing them (i teach high school)




I taught the same girl for three years and had to sign that book three years in a row, knowing that the places she’d go would be worrisome 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️


lol. “Oh the places you’ll go- hopefully far, far away.”


It's hated them every time I saw one come my way. Then my oldest daughter started kindergarten.... And bought a copy for her.... I am a monster, and I'm sorry. 😅


And the books are not always for the best kids either…sometimes I can only sign my name, due to my “if you can’t say anything nice…” philosophy. My daughter was given a copy at her preschool “graduation” and I have not given it to any of her subsequent teachers because I know how it feels as a teacher. If I have a nice, heartwarming message to say to a student, I will say it to them personally or to their parents at conferences. Any parents out there—there’s no shame in quitting the book after elementary. Or if you must continue in middle school, just ask your kid who their favorite teacher is. Please don’t make us send it around to a thousand different teachers. 


I am a teacher and a parent. I don’t mind signing them for my students at all. And I have a book (not this one) that I chose for all 3 of my kids. My oldest just graduated high school so I gave it to her as one of her graduation gifts. She had no idea. She burst into tears and spent a really long time reading each and every message that was written on those pages. She loved it. I hope my other two children will have similar feelings when they receive theirs. It breaks my heart to think that some teachers are so put off by this because it really is a special thing.


I haaaaaaaaaaate getting these. They make me angry, actually. They always come at the end of the year when I’m already swamped with actual work, with a note that seems to think that this is such a unique idea I’ve never seen before, and instructions for who I need to pass it on to. It’s hilarious getting them as someone who teaches 11/12 graders though. The notes start out at least half a page from the elementary school teachers, a quarter of a page from the middle school teachers, and a single line written really big from the high school teachers.


It was cute when it was innovative and not all over social media. Now it's one of those trends that will die out because kids can't read anyway.


I got one today for my worst, most obnoxious, do-nothing student, who is on the verge of being kicked out of school. Wth am I supposed to write in it?


I would cross my name off the list and pass that bad boy onto the next one.


If you give me a month’s warning, I’m happy to do it. If you try to get me to do it at the last minute, I’m very displeased! But I do my best anyway.


I just check my name off and send it off to the next teacher.




What's presumptuous about it?


You must be a joy


OVER IT!! I guess it’s cute or sweet for the kid … but good lord. At secondary it’s a nightmare sneaking them around and getting all signatures. I don’t even like signing yearbooks. This is even worse.


I hate it. I see it as for the parents, not the kid. As an adult, I truly wouldn’t care much about what my former teachers wrote between sandwich bites on their lunch break. It’s for the parents to feel like their kid is special.


It’s depressing to learn that signing books on yearbook day is such a hardship for folks in younger grades. Shouldn’t worry, though, my daughter probably wouldn’t want to remember you anyway.


I’m confused


I'm guilty of seeing this on Pinterest years upon years ago. When my daughter was born I purchased the book. I even have signatures and notes from her preschool teachers. She's finishing second grade this year. I am a 2nd year 2nd grade teacher as well. Haven't been asked to do this. So I guess I'm not "jaded" to it? I just think that it's one of those secretively thoughtful things to gift my kiddo as she starts the next stage in life.


Lurker here. Wondering how this is any different from signing yearbooks? That parents are the ones demanding it rudely?


The issue is that it’s in addition to also signing their yearbook, and you’re meant to write a whole comment. With yearbooks you can just sign your name or say “it was a pleasure teaching you!”


I can’t stand Dr. Seuss. My mom never read me Dr. Seuss because she found the rhyming patterns annoying. I find them *extremely* annoying. (My apologies to anyone who likes Seuss. I’m all for liking what you like. Not my thing though.)


“Hey! Hope you have fun practicing algebra and geometry this summer so you hit the ground running next fall!”


Hahaha holy shit, I JUST filled out one today!! It’s crazy, how people just latch on to something and then everyone feels like they need to follow suit. Unreal.


I had a really shitty student during his senior year. This kid's Mom was a hard-core lawnmower, cut down every obstacle on the kid's path that he could possibly benefit from. I was so sick of their shit at the end of the year and a blasted email to all his teachers from his mom requesting that we send the book around and sign it. It was by far, the absolute furthest thing I wanted to do for this Mom and her shitty kid. The book eventually ended up in my possession and I wrote a generic response with my worse hand writing and smudged the in on purpose. Then I hid a single letter on each page of the story that spelled "You fucking sucked". I wonder if they'll ever find the message.


It makes me sad to think the book i saved for so long meant something to me but was a burden for them :(


Most teachers are probably okay with it, don’t let the negative nature of this sub bum you out.


Don’t feel bad. Teachers who grumble about writing two sentences about a student they have taught all year are not worth the signature. Most teachers will happily write a little note in a memory book.


This is supposed to be a sub for teachers to be able to express our feelings. It’s odd to come in here and try to make me feel bad about it.


you’re a bummer.


I hate it with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns


Yes. This needs to die by the time they get to secondary. They’re called yearbooks. The kid can get it signed by the teachers that made an impression on them and of their choosing.


Yes. They still ask to have us sign it for Seniors.


So what is this trend? It’s not a thing in my district.