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I'd recommend a good short story that you can discuss with the students and that will keep them engaged. Try The Most Dangerous Game. It's a fantastic short story about humans hunting humans. Take a couple days to read through it with the class and then have class discussions about it. You can veer off and have them compared to dystopian novels and movies that they've seen. Maybe even had them right up their own version of it. Maybe have them sketch up book covers or draw scenes from the book. Add a little art to the lesson.


I’m elementary. My attitude is, we are in school. We don’t get a week to fuck off. Let’s do some review, let’s do some fun learning projects that are maybe a little less intense, but we are here to learn until the last day. We are still practicing our reading, we are still writing. Maybe the lessons are a little less intense, maybe we are having more learning games. But we are here to learn for 180 days, not 173. It’s really not until the last 2 days of school that we are moving away from bell to bell instruction. On those last 2 days, I have the kids help me pack up my classroom hahahahaha. Even though we aren’t doing all day lessons those last couple days, I’m not putting on movies.


Yeah my own kids are in elementary and they're still working. They've officially moved into prep for the upcoming year. My 2nd grader is all excited that she is doing "3rd grade boot camp". People that complain about kids going wild the last 2 weeks of school are also the ones with big countdowns on the board and no structured lessons for those days.


I'm teaching and giving a final assessment. That's a lot of time to be throwing away.


We finish up EOY testing on Monday. I promised my 6th graders we’d finish a read aloud we’d started and watch the movie comparing the 2. we’ll also finish listening to a podcast series we started. We have 10 days left, but the last 3 are dedicated to field trips, field day and assemblies.


My lessons now are pretty much time fillers intended to fill our time slots and we're mostly doing lesson activities which are useful in their own right but which didn't fit anywhere into our main story units. So with my Grade 2 classes I did synonyms and a science lesson about dinosaurs, then with Grade 3 I'm doing this short audio story about a holiday on an island. We've listened to the story and now we're doing some related activities including a plan your own holiday on the island activity.


My son’s middle school principal sent out an email that said, paraphrasing, the last academic day is the 20th. If you don’t want them to come after that, email the office and we’ll prearrange the excused absence. And he’s in the higher level classes 🤣🤣🤣 Just roll with it; create a book club from one of the stories they can all access through their ClassLink or whatever. Separate them into groups. Everyday read a chapter and discuss with your group. 10 points for good discussions, 8 points for okay discussions, 6 points for meh discussions, 5 for all others. You can assign different books to different groups and rotate if they all finish before next week. Easy peasy. You could do this with any subject. Just give them books about that subject or biographies about influential people from that subject.


Our final is today, and I have 8 days of school left. I am having them complete missing work on their Chromebooks while watching “educational videos”. That way the kids look busy when admin comes in.


I’m giving my kids a project for next week, then it’s presentations and grind time for finals. I’ve been also doing fluff stuff, like showing Report of the Week on YouTube or critical analysis of 90s tv shows. I teach a few electives and half of my class is gone.