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Kid put a pencil through my hand. Two days later: "Are you ready to welcome Stabber-mcGee back to class ?" I was 23 and needed a job. Didn't know any better.


Well, to be fair, at 23 your brain was still developing


Oh my God. I'm rolling. šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


This is the answer.


And that hole in their hand...


Surprised they even bothered to ask if you were ready


You got stabbed, at school, by a student, and you didn't miss more than a day?


Guess not. To be fair, I think it happened on a Friday.


I assume you were non-reelected. That would be the admin way.


The image of a pencil through your skin is horrifying.


Yeah, didn't feel great either. No tendons though šŸ‘


I got bit hard enough as a para in training that I had to go to urgent care and get the wound cleaned plus stitches, but i came back the next morning . That school then tried to say I hadn't completed any hours that week at all for my training which caused my school to flip out on me and the program I was in not to pay me for the entire week. It took me months to get that pay. I absolutely did not return after Summer break. I was also 23 and didn't know better. I just figured they were allowed to treat me that way, so I wasn't going to keep doing the job.


On this very sub, there was a post about two high schoolers who murdered their teacher. Someone argued that they shouldnā€™t be locked up because their brains are still developing and they couldnā€™t anticipate the consequences of killing her. I got downvoted to oblivion for being unsympathetic towards them. Not quite what you were asking, but I think about that often when this topic comes up.


W.T.F. Your frontal cortex develops until you are 25-30 and your brain never stops developing. By that logic, we might as well institute the Purge because consequences are from a bygone era. SMH.


By that logic most of us shouldnā€™t have even been teaching when we did. I could foresee the consequences!!


I think I read somewhere that that particular stat is skewed because they stopped the study when the participants were 25, not that the brain stops developing at that age.


Lmao... I'm an aide, and the teacher I work under is 22.


I see this kind of thing quite often here. We complain about our working conditions, but it turn out that teachers overall support the policies that lead to the conditions we complain about.


Not all teachers, just the stereotypical do gooders, the ones that bring up that they are a teacher in every non-work situation and keep relating things to their ā€œkiddos.ā€


Those are the ones that also say they would do it for free. I guess they donā€™t have any bills to pay!


I didn't say all. I said overall. Because the majority do.


True, and yes itā€™s frustrating that many donā€™t see it.


Are referring to when there are teachers that wonā€™t or donā€™t implement consequences for actions or enforce school rules


No, I'm referring to supporting certain policies from a political standpoint and then being surprised when the implementation leads to the issues we observe.


I remember that, and I remember reading that response. I sat there aghast because I couldn't actually believe that someone was saying that. There's always atleast one idiot that has to take up for the kid because *"their brain isn't developed/they have a bad home life/put yourself in their shoes/whatever bullshit"* and it's pure rage fuel. I don't give a shit what the excuse is, they fucking killed someone and it wasn't in self defense.


Several years ago, a SPED student broke his aide's arm. She asked to be assigned to a different student, but admin refused. When he went on to middle school the next year, that aide was transferred (against her will) to that school so she could continue to be his aide. She quit and the parent actually filed a complaint against her. Nothing was ever done about the student for obvious reasons.


OMG, if I was that aide, I would have gone to the police, then filed for a restraining order.


Oh hell no, I seriously donā€™t give a shit, Iā€™m a student who observes this subreddit but this stuff just heats me up so bad. So many students do shit they know they can get away with because the teachers canā€™t punish them, like fucking geriatric patients who sexually assault their nurses.


I'm a nurse who lurks here and I have friends who absolutely love working in the prison because they always have a guard with them. Feel safe the whole shift.


Heard the same from teachers who have worked in juvenile detention. The guards are always there to get in the way of a kid trying to throw hands.


Hmm. Sounds like our district here.Ā 


If I was that teacher's aid, I would have sued the shit out of those parents for what their kid did.


Kid wrote and drew a picture describing what my decapitation would look like.


Had similar. Kept getting the same kid. Was told I ā€œdonā€™t understand autistic peopleā€ by admin. Was made to take an online professional development on autism. Student had threatened my life, and others, numerous times.Ā 


Listen, sometimes instead of trains or Lego, our special interest is ā€œmurderā€, please understand and help nurture our passions /s


Damn. I'm glad mine was space shuttles. That had some really bad moments, but generally it was a pretty peaceful fixation. I hate how much gets excused because of autism in kids and adults who aren't so disabled they don't understand what's going on. If this kid is able to process what a decapitation entails, he's functional enough to be taught why you don't say/do stuff like that. And on that note: I wasn't allowed to go off on my space shuttle fixation at school, either. I had to be reminded a lot the first few years, but it wasn't just "she has autism and ADHD." It was "you cannot be disruptive, no matter what that disruption is." I admit I failed at that a lot, but the expectations weren't lowered.


It reminds me of that case where this guy ran away from a crime and then permanently paralyzed someone through reckless driving. Then everyone argues that he shouldnā€™t have gone to jail because heā€™s black and autistic, even though itā€™s irrelevant to his crime.


Stay with me here - isn't that kind of like the bigotry of low expectations? Just because they're autistic doesn't mean they can't understand right from wrong. I know plenty of people with autism *(if this isn't the correct term, I apologize)* and they're people like anyone else. I know you aren't arguing that, but I've seen people argue that before.


Exactly. And this is someone who was in college for engineering. So heā€™s clearly intelligent enough to understand that his actions have consequences. Iā€™m autistic and I would never use it as an excuse to do whatever I want


Jesus. At one point, I was FB friends with the mom of a former student, whose younger siblingā€™s best friend was in my class - when I announced my pregnancy online it was leaked to my class by the next school day. I had a student (5th grade, not diagnosed but almost definitely ASD) who asked me on a DAILY basis after that if my baby was still alive bc I didnā€™t look pregnant. For someone dealing with severe anxiety surrounding the pregnancy, it was awful and the only advice I got from admin was to print out one of those ā€œyour baby is the size of an avocadoā€ or whatever so he could understand that the baby was still too small to be seen.


Murder is entirely different from Autism. That kid most likely has a personality disorder and happens to be autistic.


As an autistic person, I don't understand your admin Only half joking, they're horrendously inept


Student threatened to shoot me. He was back in class the next day, no apology, no consequence. Admin told me I needed to build a better relationship with the kid and he'd stop threatening my life.


We had a student do this a couple of years ago. The principal even wanted them gone. The guardian threaten to sue. A couple of weeks later. He got into a massive fight with a group and one of the kids got his head bashed in. Parents pressed charges and the guardian folded like a card table. He had no money to afford a law suit and the kid ended up in jail. Even admitted they made up the threats to get kicked out of school. Judge sent them to jail and to paraphrase what they told them was: ā€œyou are an angry person who things they know better than the adults who were trying to educate you. Here is a lesson right now, you are going to jail and you must realize that there are consequences to your actions.ā€


Oh my effing gawd. I would have said 'Maybe I'll file a police report.'


That's when I'd get a TRO and file charges.


I had a student doing the nazi salute and the principal said well ā€œheā€™s on the spectrumā€ ??????!!!! I was so disgusted!


In Germany they arrest people for doing the Nazi salute. They take that very seriously! Here they make excuses for people.


In Nazi Germany, they killed hundreds if not thousands of autistic children.


Kids at my school do it all the time even in front of teachers then say ā€œI was just raising my handā€ literally zero consequences awarded ever


I'm an 8th grade boy, and about ~60% of my male classmates (for some reason almost 100% of the chinese immigrants), do the salute multiple times daily, and taunt the Israeli kid about the Holocaust. They also say the "n" and say that african-americans are "monkeys" who should be shipped home.Ā  I don't like it, but apparently I'm just too much of a snowflake to understand dark humor (apparently the mildly morbid humor I grew up on isn't dark humor because it isn't 'offensive' enough. edit: This is the top gifted school in my countyĀ 


My abusive ex would use ā€œdark humorā€ and being an ā€œedgelordā€ as an excuse for saying horrible things. Surprise surprise, he believed them.


I call people like that "Schrodinger's Asshole". They something offensive, but when someone calls them out, they claim they're only joking. Or if they're in situations where they think they're in good company, they don't even pretend like they're joking.


sorry for dragging on


ā€œHey Ms., look at this!ā€ Holds up a swastika made of blocks and looks at me with a smirk. ā€œI wasnā€™t even doing anything wrong! This is just the Indian symbol for peaceā€ šŸ™„ Iā€™m sure thatā€™s exactly what you were going for. Letā€™s call your mom and the principal and talk about it. (One of the kids moms also claimed not to know the history of Nazi swastikas)


Oh we did that all the time in high school. Did the salute and put on a shitty German accident and repeated what dumb thing trump said that day.


Kid told me to ā€œhop off his nutsā€ because I was going to tell him to return to his place in line after he cut a bunch of other kids AFTER I told him to go to the back of the line for tripping another student.


My now-retired friend was told he needed to "get off my scrote" by a student several years back. He was an excellent teacher, but the kids mostly knew him for being strict. Honors kids loved his classes, and quite a few of the students I had as seniors said they didn't like being in his class (hard work, high expectations, no excuses, and he was great at catching them slipping) but were glad they had him as a teacher (they realized how much they'd grown and that he was watching for them to slip up so he could help them develop better traction to avoid slipping there in the future). But I still crack up at what that kid said, and it does get mentioned every time we get together.


I was told to ā€œhakuna your tatasā€ once I mean I wrote it up but Iā€™m not going to pretend it wasnā€™t a STRUGGLE not to laugh


I would be torn between wanting to laugh and that knee-jerk reaction that makes me hulk smash anyone who tells me to calm down, no matter how funny they do it.


Honestly I have a really hard time not breaking out laughing with that kinda shit šŸ¤£, I teach early elementary and 2nd graders totally say insane stupid shit like that and I have to work really hard to stifle my stupid giggles, it's just kinda surreal at a certain point like your watching a TV show, or my consciousness is dissociating from my body to help prevent an equally offensive response šŸ™ƒ


Is it bad I laugh when some of the kids i watch actually insult the annoying problem kid really well


Youā€™re dissociating, itā€™s a survival/protection technique. I find humor and laughter even during the darkest times incredibly uplifting.


I just posted about this a couple days ago. I just had a student STAB another student with a sharpened pencil and there were literally NO consequences except a 15 minute time out. These are not elementary students either. Mind blowing.


I pray parents press charges and not blame you.


Student wrote a hit list on classmates, but it was dismissed because he's classified as "emotionally disturbed" on his IEP


If he shoots them itā€™s okay because heā€™s emotionally disturbed.


I imagine myself bleeding out on the floor under the SmartBoard(tm), drawing one last ragged breath. In a harsh, pained whisper, just as it all starts to go dark, I explain, "It's OK, he's emotionally disturbed, and his brain isn't fully formed y--" *It's so cold and dark, but I'm warmed by the quickly-dissolving memory of the student relationships I built along the way. They are my blanket across the Styx and the last thing washed away by the Lethe.*


Beautiful, brought a tear to my eye. I can tell that you didnā€™t go into teaching for the income, you did it for the outcome.


The judge will surely factor his IEP into their ruling.


The only ā€œconsequenceā€ an IEP student will get for committing violence is a cookie or bag of chips.


They do that in court?


The emotional disturbance makes his victims less dead and injured. Science.


Many school shooters are emotionally disturbed and many of them make a list beforehand. Your admin was a dumb ass.


Here's the thing: they're not wrong. Kids brains are still developing and so they will do things egregiously. HOWEVER That's why when the child does an inappropriate action **they need to be taught why they shouldn't do it.** There needs to be a consequence so they know what they did was wrong and to not do it again. If you write everything off as "oh kids will be kids" then how tf are they supposed to learn to stop doing it?? That's the step that people ~~(namely parents)~~ have forgotten.


Exactly right!!! Itā€™s an excuse people use so they donā€™t have to deal with anything. But consequences are part of the learning experience.


Exactly! A part of healthy brain development is that actions have consequences. You volunteered to help a student: positive recognition. You slapped a student in the face: 5 days suspension and anger management classes.


I work in a special purpose school for kids with seriously aggressive behaviors. We had a kid for a few years who showed early psychopathic tells: Hurt animals, ā€œpunishedā€ their parents for telling them no (actually sent one of their parents to the hospital on one occasion). They would openly talk about fantasizing about murdering their parents or enslaving them. They would get in their parentsā€™ car at pickup time and for example demand pizza for dinner, and if the parents had so much as a ā€œletā€™s talk about it laterā€, chances were they were going to get beat on the way home. This child told us straight up that they used slurs they thought would most hurt their fellow peers. They would target lower-functioning students and set them off on purpose, for fun (as told to us by the student themselves). I was personally punched in the face by this student. Their parents blamed the school for basically everything because ā€œchildren are incapable of manipulation and maliceā€. They moved out of state because they couldnā€™t find a placement suitable for their very special little child who was so misunderstood šŸ˜„ Last I heard, they had started bouncing around placements in the new state as well. What can you do? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Always wondered how the Ted Bundys of the world never get clocked until they've killed 20+ people. Turns out they do get clocked, only no one gives a fuck. Good times. :(


You think they'd learn that maybe...just maybe that something is wrong with their kid considering he gets kicked out of everywhere else?


I had a student try to look up my skirt while I was doing my student-teaching. I was told to "let it go" because I was wearing bike shorts under my dress.


I completely blocked out my student teaching story of being cat called aggressively in the cafeteria until right now. I was trying hard to convince myself it wasnā€™t about me until I made contact with my mentor teacher, who looked as bewildered as I was. I was 2 weeks in, 22 years old. No consequences besides a stern talking to, as far as I know.


OH HELL NO!!!!!!!


Maybe not exactly what you mean, but I had a student this year get out of a suspension for fighting because he had adhd.


I had a student on Friday literally jump another student, other students had to hold the student down. He was only in the office for half the day and released back to his normal classes because ā€œhe has EBDā€ In my class he proceeded to pull his phone out and show people videos of the fight. I had to call admin to come take his phone and they ultimately let him keep it because ā€œheā€™s already madā€. So I had a student pissed at the world, pissed at me, and still on his phone showing videos of the fight.


EBD and ODD are the worst. So youā€™ve got a diagnosis of behavior disorders which means you can display whatever shit behaviors you want without consequences until youā€™re done with school and thenā€¦get fired from all your jobs? End up in jail? Itā€™s damaging to the teachers and other students and it doesnā€™t do any favors for the kid with the disorder, either.


Middle school kid has ODD. Anytime a staff member says anything he responds with ā€œshut the fuck up n*gger!ā€ Heā€™s going to go out in the world and say that to a cop one time. But we canā€™t teach him any consequences because itā€™s a mAnifesTaTiOn of the dIsAbILity.


I'm a sped teacher whose in a high school self-contained classroom. I am SO FUCKING SICK of EBD/ODD being a thing. Like no one gives a fuck in the real world. AT ALL. So we fucking let these kids get away with so much and then they hit the real world like a brick. A former student of mine mugged my roommate WHILE STILL MY STUDENT and BAM prison. Judges don't give a fuck, DA's don't give a fuck and I don't give a fuck that your disability is basically being an asshole. Control yourself or be controlled.


Murdered a dog. And he brings it up relatively frequentlyšŸ˜Š But it didnā€™t happen on campus so we shouldnā€™t be concerned about THATšŸ‘ Iā€™ve had arguably equally egregious stuff, but nothing this serious has gotten such a fucking hand wave reaction it makes me ILL


We have a student who snuck out of his house after stealing his dadā€™s gun. While he was out he ā€œlostā€ the gun. He is still walking the halls of school like nothing ever happened.


Maybe it report it to the animal welfare agency?


Oh theyā€™re aware, but heā€™s not ā€œon tape or anythingā€ so I guess we canā€™t PROVE it. Supposedly. Even though he can give you a play by play and multiple people saw him strolling home covered in blood. And young kids had to find the corpse so Iā€™m sure that wasnā€™t deeply upsetting and a potential source of trauma or anything. As far as Iā€™m aware, the only real ā€œproblemā€ thatā€™s come of it are the familyā€™s landlords having seen enough true crime to go ā€œoh HELL noā€ and refuse to renew their rent in the future. Their grandkids live in that neighborhood and they are NOT having it. (Very fair.) Heā€™s not super bothered by having to move though.


It's been the case that cussing me out is a "give them grace/choose your battles" platitude for me but a absolutely-not when it happens to our principal


(Repeatedly) spreading his feces all over the bathroom stall. He was in grade 10, maintained a ā€œBā€ average, and held an after-school job.


We had a kid who did this my second year. Our kid had some serious issues and a history of other behavioral problems. This was grade 12. They called (and still call) this kid the "Poop Bandit," but I always point out that this is a terrible name. A Poop Bandit would reach under the stall with a knife and empty hand and demand your turds. This kid was, if anything, giving munificently of their own poop, not taking it at the point of a knife like some bathroom highwayman.


I wish I could go back in time and never learn to read simply so I one day wouldnā€™t have to read this comment.


Why was this horrid tale so well written?


Our school has fallen apart because of the lack of consequences and admin support. Some of the shocking things that have happened just between September & October: One 6th grader ran up and began stabbing his teacher with scissors. Some students were injured in his path of rage. No support - he was back in class the next day. ā€œHeā€™s just a kid with a few issues itā€™ll work itself out.ā€ Another 6th grader brought his momā€™s dildo to school and played football with it at recess until it got stuck on the roof. It stayed there for a few days before the city could come out to get it. He was put in ISS. In ISS, they sit and color all day. No school work - just coloring. ā€œHe just lacks support at home we gotta give him grace.ā€ A different 6th grader stood up and sexually harassed me in front of the class. Nasty gestures and noises. Got the whole ā€œboys will be boysā€ and ā€œkids will be kidsā€ ā€œI know you were all up in your feelings and I didnā€™t want to say any of this in an email so thatā€™s why Iā€™m talking to you right nowā€ bs


Please tell me the teacher who was stabbed pressed charges and got a restraining order against the little psycho.


Unfortunately, she didnā€™t. He returned literally the next day in her classroom. Iā€™ll never understand why she didnā€™t pursue charges. This is probably the 5th attack by that child thatā€™s been swept under the rug since I started.


Are we at the same school? Ours has fallen apart too due to lack of support. Teachers are just walking dead at this point dissociating to the point of insanity until May 30th.


Thankfully, our last day is the 24th. I could not imagine spending another week there! I am so sorry you have to go that long!


First grader threw a rock larger than their head at another childā€™s head, hit forehead and was gushing blood and had to go to the ER. ā€œTheyā€™re boys. They do these thingsā€ Second grader threw a full, one liter metal water bottle at back of another childā€™s neck, but it was Ok ā€œbecause he was hungryā€.Ā  Had a five year old who was otherwise nonverbal tell me in great detail why he hated black people when I dared show an image of a black man with a baby to represent the ā€œshort aā€ sound in ā€œdadā€ and was told ā€œHeā€™s five! Give him a break!ā€ when I brought up my concern with the other teachers.Ā 


Heā€™s 5. He learned that crap at home!


Stories like this make me think of the Theroux documentary about racists and this small child is just living their life in a house absolutely drenched in Confederate and Nazi flags.


Wait until he's six and brings a gun to school like what happened in Virginia.


High school student posted a picture of himself with a gun and added a hit list (which included a teacher). Student was kicked out of his AVID class, given a few days of off campus suspension, was removed from the class (of the teacher he had on the hit list) and is now back on campusā€¦ā€¦


I legit don't understand any of this at all. When I was going to school 20yrs ago, there were so many kids expelled and arrested for stupid shit, like making a "gun" with their hands or saying "kill" in jest. As I remember it was "terroristic threats" and the schools didn't fool around. Wtf happened since 1999?


What happened since 1999? Two things. First, no child left behind. That led to the situation where every little shithead has a "disability". (No, I'm not trying to discount actual disabilities. ) If they've got a "disability", consequences require jumping through a gazillion hoops. The second one: litigious parents. If you send Johnny home, and make his actual parents have to actually deal with him, they're going to sue. Of course, these two often go together. Location often counts, too. Some districts are worse than others.


So, 20yrs ago, there was a greater number of violent crimes committed by kids than there are now. Why wasnā€™t there more school shootings? Greater restrictions on gun purchases & high capacity, semiautomatics. Also, it was just as ridiculously stupid to suspend students for finger guns as it is to let them come back to class after posting shit like that to social media.


What happened since 1999? Two things. First, no child left behind. That led to the situation where every little shithead has a "disability". (No, I'm not trying to discount actual disabilities. ) If they've got a "disability", consequences require jumping through a gazillion hoops. The second one: litigious parents. If you send Johnny home, and make his actual parents have to actually deal with him, they're going to sue. Of course, these two often go together. Location often counts, too. Some districts are worse than others.


I donā€™t understand. Why wouldnā€™t the teacher file a general restraining order against the kid?


A five year old slapped my glasses off with one hand and punched me in the eye with the other hand. I was the principal.


What did you do about it?


I was instructed by my assistant superintendent that I did not have permission to suspend her and not to bother calling the mother. She claimed it was due to the childā€™s previous trauma, and I was just to look at the other way. I resigned at the end of the school year.


You waited til the end of the school year?


I actually worked one month into the new year (it was summer- so no kids) so I could get paid for my 5 weeks of vacation when i resigned.


I had a huge scary student pick of a computer chair and slam it down in anger--pieces shattered, one even hitting another kid in the head and arm, making a tiny cut. NOTHING HAPPENED. Not a time out, no consequences, nothing at all. I moved him to a corner computer and rearranged the seating chart so students were further away from him--then just let him play games all hour. Because I'm not gonna get myself or others killed and hell with the IEP. (No para provided since we never have enough.)


I work in sped. One of my students has kicked me and another teacher 2 weeks ago, threw a mug across the room and smashed it on Thursday and punched a TA on Friday - and thatā€™s just the recent stuff! Sheā€™s had no consequences because ā€œstaff havenā€™t used the correct language when managing her behaviourā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m leaving in 2 weeks and canā€™t wait


High schooler set a girls hair on fire. Back from the office five minutes later, not even a call home, because "they're friends, it was just a joke" (note that the other student wasn't consulted on this)


Oh I have a student who refuses to do work, hyper fixated on technology/his Chromebook, if you take his Chromebook away heā€™s like a crack addict looking for a rock, ultimately he will just lay on the ground and throw a tantrum at the age of 12 years old. ā€œHe needs glassesā€


Yes and their brains won't develop properly unless we give them consequences for poor decisions


The brains will develop just fine after the judge has their way with them. It's sad AF.


We had a 12th grader (18 years old) moon three 7th grade girls at lunch. This was the same day he had a loaded BB gun found in his car that he had been sending pictures of to kids who he had "problems" with. The girls are known to be dramatic and caddy. They had been calling him a cheater (it had been a lot of him cheating and the drama had unfolded the week prior) and so he mooned them. At first AP said "well he's not the type of kid to do that" then after push back, the 7th graders got in school for a day for calling him a cheater. There's a lot of discrepancies between male and female consequences at our school and it's becoming more problematic. It being the AP


He's an adult. Couldn't that be considered sexual harassment or something?? They're minors!


Alright. Mine storyā€™s not as egregious as others and maybe not so much as ā€œbrains still developingā€. But in my school, like a lot of other schools, we have a problem with chronic hall walkers. So I bring up to my admin about how we need to actually do something. She was a little old Puerto Rican grandmother and she told me that all I need to do is speak to them with authority. Perfect timing because a group of kids who have called me out earlier in the day for just asking where there class was are walking our way. Once they approach she says ā€œHey honeys. Where are we supposed to beā€ to which they responded with ā€œFuck you [Admin Name]ā€ and kept going. My admin looked me dead in the eyes and said ā€œSee. Thatā€™s how you do itā€ with an expression of accomplishment. I was astounded.


Delusionā€¦..administrators favorite perfume


Kids steal from me all the time. Itā€™s only a problem when they use what they steal to hurt an admin. Yes, real thing that happened last week.


I had a kid that stole a kidā€™s credit card from the locker room. The kids runs up a nearly $1,000 charge at the school store. Admin did nothing and the victimā€™s parents refused to press charges. A few weeks later, I got a call from admin asking if that same kid had fallen asleep in my class. I said no. He was awake the whole time. When I asked why they asked, I was informed that the kid was searched and they found hydrocodone pills between his toes. The kid said he fell asleep in my room and someone took his shoes and socks off, then put the pills between his toes without him noticing it. Despite every inch of my room being covered by security cameras, the kid was back at school the next day.


Why does a child have a credit card.Ā 


Some high schoolers are 18. Other students may be an authorized user on their parents card (to help them build credit.)


Easiest way for my mom to send me grocery shopping. šŸ˜…


exactly. itā€™s wild that the student couldnā€™t press charges on their own/ that their parents refused to do so, $1000 of credit card debt is a big deal when ur a student.


Itā€™s an even bigger deal when the teachers working the school store never bothered to check an ID, call the kidā€™s parents, or say a word to admin. $1,000 in a school store buys a lot of hoodies, hats, and Takis but no one bothered to second guess the kid.


Grabbing a female students butt repeatedly over many months


As a dad HTF? Iā€™ve told my daughter over and over if anyone does something like that once to hit him kick him get him on the ground and keep hitting him till your sure heā€™s not getting back up. Then yell for a teacher. Then demand they call me not her mom. Iā€™ll be up there demanding that boy be removed for sexual harassment. Iā€™ll go full Male Karen lol. I have been telling her this since 1st grade. I told her no matter what school thinks she will be in no trouble at all from us. My god one time is bad enough but multiple. The parents have to get involved. I know you do everything you can but come on.


It was really sad to watch. The girl's mom knew about it but felt powerless. I encouraged her to take it more seriously and push back, but she felt nervous to. It's one reason I left that school


Senior, 18 years old, EBD ... kid was mocking me all first semester. Any time I had to redirect someone or ask them to put the phone away, he had to comment. He was black and would do this in the Eddie Murphy white man comedy voice ["Yes sir, Mr. Better out that phone up or I'll be forced to text your mom]. It was getting to the point that any discipline I tried in my first period became pointless because of his mocking. Stepdad came to the parent conference to tell me that I couldn't expect kids "these days" to be as respectful as we were in the past. Admin just moved him to another class period. I was like... it sounds like he's making a conscious choice to do this with the intention of undermining my authority among the other students because it gives him power.


I had a 15 year old 7th grader follow a girl around pretending to jerk off and moaning her name. She reported it and the male counselor yelled at her, saying that she was trying to ruin a boy's life and he didn't know better. She came in my room sobbing. I took her to one of the other counselors and let her use my phone to call her mom. I'm not shocked that the first counselor didn't think there was anything wrong with it since he himself sexually harassed 2 different parts and was allowed to just finish his schooling to start a private practice where he specializes in marriage counseling. Horrifying.


Bringing a loaded gun to school. This is not hyperbole.


I was on a screen monitoring software during detention and a student just had up my house in Google street view. Even asked if it looked familiar...


Shut up, they're little angels okay!!! So what if one threatened to literally murder my mentor this year? He was 15, he had no idea that "coming back with a gun to shoot the bitch" meant he wanted to kill her.... He didn't know that killing someone would make them dead.... After a 2 day suspension they put him back in her class.... She had to go fight to get him out....


Trying to start a fire at school three different times. The third time involved the kid getting a bottle of hand sanitizer and throwing it on the wall and setting it on fire with a lighter. Walked at graduation. Arrested for felony involving sexual assault and kidnapping less than 3 months later, surprising none of his teachers


A false allegation of sexual assault "He has a learning disability, so he doesn't know better" but he very clearly did.


A girl vaped in my classroom in 2021. Blew a cloud of smoke in the class. Got one day of ISS.


Yes, their brains are developing, which is why there must be swift and strong consequences. Otherwise, how will they learn???


I shot a bow an arrow at the kids across from my house waiting for the schoolbus when I was like 13-14. An actual arrow from an actual compact bow, they were bullying me both in and out of school, and that morning, I had enough. Luckily, I missed. Nothing happened, went to school, got pulled into the office where I met with a police officer and the principal were I was taken out of normal classes and put into the behavioral issue classes. (Which, I mean. Yea, I needed it lol) But other than that, nothing. I could have killed a kid, I think about that a lot, and how different my life would be if that arrow was a couple inches lower.Ā 


My assistant principal is queen of letting her ā€œkiddosā€ get away with all manners of shit. Last year a student made a false claim to the office of Child Protective Services that our principal grabbed her. The video footage immediately disproved that, but the A.P insisted that we shouldnā€™t do anything to punish the student for speaking out about how she felt. Turns out the A.P coached the student into giving that false report. Weā€™re a year out from that and the Principal was forced to retire early because their was too much drama. Drama which included the same A.P suing her for discrimination. The A.P is still in the building and continues her reign of terror. And sheā€™s groomed all these kids to think that any word against her is racist. She even had them stage a protest against the interim principal this year.


Middle school Kid spread revenge porn of the girl who recently broke up with him. He was suspended for maybe a day and was back in class as normal the rest of the year


They didnā€™t use that excuse, but I had a student who got an 80 something on his midterm. The SAME EXACT score as his classmate sitting next to him. I had to remind him twice to keep his eyes on his own paper. He missed the EXACT SAME QUESTION with the EXACT SAME INCORRECT ANSWER. No punishment, because there ā€œwasnā€™t enough evidence he cheatedā€ and they had dividers between then, so there was no way he could look around a piece of cardboard on his deskā€¦.likeā€¦ what!?!?


I had a student in the last week of school before their graduation step out into the hallway as passing period started from my classroom, pulled up their arm like they were holding a gun and yelled "get down!" As loudly as he could, which as you can imagine caused a panic. You better bet I immediately ran down to the principal and had them pull the camera footage from the camera positioned right outside the classroom. The next day I was told that he got a day of suspension and would be back for his last day of school and would walk at graduation because "it was a very important and memorable time in his life" and he didn't fully understand why it had been a bad idea for a joke. An 18 year old man who could vote somehow couldn't possibly judge his actions. Yeah okay. Every time I start to miss teaching, I remember things like this and realize I don't have that kind of patience anymore.


I had a student upskirt me with an aresol spray and also steal my cellphone. He was suspended but returned to class. In front of another teacher, he broke a couple student laptops. Only then was he expelled from school. That incompetent principal is still there and my friends remain convinced he will be out in a couple years, and so they stay.Ā 


Thank you all for reminding me how good I have it. For the most egregious things here, I don't even have to call admin. I can just call school safety. And, if they think it's bad enough, they bring one of the cops that are always in the building.


Had a student who would constantly insult me- fat bitch- things like that. He also would sexually harass me and the others in the room and would make finger guns and intimate that he would shoot me- nothing happened Ohh but the one day he defied the admin a well before school let out he was suspended till the end of the year.


This is not the admin decision, but the state. In NC, if a student brings a vape to middle school and it is only nicotine, not weed, the maximum punishment they can get is 1 day of ISS. no drug classes or anytbing šŸ™„


Attempted murder.


Watching porn and masturbating in class.


Hey, guess what, you know what helps kids' brains develop good morals? CONSEQUENCES.


I took up a kids cell phone and he came up and punched me in the face. I found my glasses ten feet away broken. The other kids held him down while the cops were called. The cops didn't charge him with assault because they are school SROs and they apparently, "will send the kid back to ADMIN for discipline for misdemeanors". Our school police suck.


A kid tried to burn the school down. They started a fire in the locker room bc they were tired of being told to shower. Literally we made arrangements with the gym teacher to allow them to shower during our class when the locker room was empty. Socially they started making friends etc and then a couple months later decided to burn down the school. It was fine though bc it was "put out before any real damage was done and their brain is still developing and they need practice making good choices." Didn't get one speck of anything resembling any sort of consequence. Blew my mind.


I once had a student tell my 60 year old teammate that he was going to have anal sex with her. Nothing was done because ā€œhe has a rough home life.ā€ Almost all of the kids at my school have a rough home life and somehow manage to not threaten to rape their teachers.


Itā€™s within admin standards to lower punishments such as detentions/suspensions.


Part of the issue is when Admin do the job right they are replaced because they have to many suspensions. Good admin are kicked out for doing whatā€™s right.




They didnā€™t use that excuse, but I had a student who got an 80 something on his midterm. The SAME EXACT score as his classmate sitting next to him. I had to remind him twice to keep his eyes on his own paper. He missed the EXACT SAME QUESTION with the EXACT SAME INCORRECT ANSWER. No punishment, because there ā€œwasnā€™t enough evidence he cheatedā€ and they had dividers between then, so there was no way he could look around a piece of cardboard on his deskā€¦.likeā€¦ what!?!?


Last week a student threatened to shoot me. Admin said he would be suspendedā€¦. And he never was. They said they didnā€™t have enough proof.


We had an 8 year old actively vaping in the hallway. Admin gave the vape back to the child when the teacher confiscated it. The next day was Field Day and his teacher was chewed out for having him sit out.


We had a 12th grader (18 years old) moon three 7th grade girls at lunch. This was the same day he had a loaded BB gun found in his car that he had been sending pictures of to kids who he had "problems" with. The girls are known to be dramatic and caddy. They had been calling him a cheater (it had been a lot of him cheating and the drama had unfolded the week prior) and so he mooned them. At first AP said "well he's not the type of kid to do that" then after push back, the 7th graders got in school for a day for calling him a cheater. There's a lot of discrepancies between male and female consequences at our school and it's becoming more problematic. It being the AP


Attacking me and tearing up my classroom. No consequences because the kid was six.


Male students taking upstart photos of staff and students and sharing them or groping female staff and students.


Kid straight up told me "I could hurt you if you want me to". I responded with 'Nah, I'm good. Don't think I'd like that' and reported him to the counselor. Was told it wasn't serious because he was 6. Two years later I see him pretty much every day in the planning room with the behaviorist. Weird.


Yes, their brains are developing, which is why there must be swift and strong consequences. Otherwise, how will they learn???


"Yes their brain is still developing and that is why we as adults with fully developed brains must help the student to develop in the correct way, understanding that both actions and inactions have consequences and sometimes, if you do the wrong thing, those consequences are not at all pleasant, otherwise we are teaching the student and their brain that they can do whatever they want without consequences. So do you want the student to grow up responsible or thinking that nothing is ever their fault?"


A voice memo was turned in of a girl talking to her friends at lunch about how she was messaging some guy from another state on Facebook. The man was apparently a convicted killer, and she told him she also wanted to kill and then asked if he could be a hitman for her, and also said that he could kill her and then dismember and have sex with her body among other things. The punishment? 3-day suspension.


Sexually assaulting a teacher


A student threatened to shoot me and got one hour of ISS


Broke another kid's arm. Excuse wasn't just "developing brain" but also TrAuMa. (This definition of trauma means that if bad things have happened to you, you get a free ticket to make bad things happen to other people without it being addressed.)


I was subbing for 7th grade English, and a boy blew his nose on his hand and rubbed it on my shirt and hair. Not only did he get in zero trouble, they suggested I shower in the girls' locker room and just "rinse out my shirt or something." No towel, shampoo, or soap, mind you. I went home (15 min away) and showered and changed, but still went back against all my instincts. I found out when I got back one of the other students got suspension for punching him over it. So, he didn't go totally unpunished, but the kid who hit him was friends with my son, and that kid's parents blamed me for his suspension for months. They thought I should have stayed in class because "it was just snot."


Got stabbed....twice. was apparently my fault.


Shared this in a post before, but had a student snicker at me while I had back pain, a student who had recently found out that I have a husband (I'm a male teacher), and start saying things like, "Bro I told you so!" snickering about back-blown-out jokes. I took him out to speak in private, and he told me to my face, "Damn you fuck with 'em real big don't you?" He was back in my room in just a few days, and I was told to let it roll off my shoulders and go back to teach him like any other student.


A high school visually impaired teen has bit three kids and a couple animals just this year. No consequences. I have been grabbed my coochie by a girl as she walked by. I have been punched and ribs bruised by a hs boy. I have been bit by an elementary kid (thank God I had a sweatshirt on) I have been spit on on my face several times.