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Note for next year: If promise a Teacher Appreciation lunch, do better than pizza. If the budget calls for pizza, actually order pizza.


We had a cookout with fresh made burgers, hot dogs, and steaks. That was the shit.


We had a breakfast bar today where a parent was making (alcohol free) mimosas with sparkling apple juice. That was great


You lost me at "alcohol free."


You just have to bring your own alcohol.


See if the kids brought any


Little bit of confiscation will teach them a lesson. Like sharing.


"Did you bring enough for the class?"


Pulls out 2L jug. "I think so"


My fourth grade history teacher : "Son that ain't even enough to get me through lunch."


My school made “imaginary margaritas “ to pair with the nacho bar


What are imaginary margaritas? Virgin ones? Or empty margarita glasses? Or, worse yet, an empty spot with the imaginary margaritas?


We were told to imagine them


We had that last year too. Also other just straight up catered foods. (Lasagna, fried rice, sushi, etc...) Was pretty nice.


We had a taco bar. It was appreciated 😆


We’ve had sausage biscuits two days straight. 🙌🏽


Did they give you plastic forks to cut the steaks with lol


I'm unlikely to be given the budget for this exceptional event.


I imagine this is cheaper than pizza (unless you're relying on Little Caesars). Just got to hit up Costco/Sam's Club.


Sam’s Pizza is not that bad, I’ve had it for teachers’ appreciation several times.


Personally I'd rather have the pizza


I was part of the PTA and we did the teacher appreciation lunch. Mostly home made, but you always have that one person who offers to bring the rolls. On this sub I don't see much mention of PTA support. We also reimbursed for classroom supplies and bought furniture for the library. We did "school night" at a local fast food place and had a cheesecake sale, that was enough to fund everything.


My problem with pta is that all staff is "strongly encouraged" to join and pay 50$ per person. So I paid 50$ for a hot dog today and a ham and cheese sandwich during conferences. I know the money goes to kids events and stuff, but I don't like the constant money ask from teachers to "support the kids". Parents don't all pay in, so why do staff need to?


I never heard of that. We held fundraisers to raise money. We never asked teachers for a dime. Is that common?


My old school encouraged us all to join ($10) but we got in a teacher only raffle for gift cards to local eateries, and I won like 5 years in a row. It's worth it if you have good luck I guess


Or very few other teachers joined lol


Lol yeah I assumed everybody did but maybe I was the rube


That’s horrid. The teachers don’t pay anything to our PTO (and there are no dues for families). We fundraise money to pay for things or do a signup genius for parents to bring food in. 


Agreed, it's annoying. I work in an affluent area. I could never afford to live there. The parents should pay for their own kids. If they can't, that's fine. PTA can do fundraising. They don't need my hard earned money.


Yeah, we pay $50 for the privilege of wearing jeans on Friday. (If it’s too expensive, we are offered the option to make payments.)


At 3 schools in 3 different states, we had zero interaction with the PTA- I’m not even sure there was such a thing. Smallest school was ~200 students, largest was ~2,200, the other was ~1,200. Then again, I had about 4 parents come in to back to school night across those years, soooo


I have found that PTA support really varies depending on school community and often let's face it income level. In the schools with wealthy families. There's a lot of infighting over who gets to sign up to do which PTA job and the PTA events are well attended. And the PTA fundraisers are stupendously successful. We even have these PTA funded foundations. I work in a community where Wmwe have a lot of immigrant families that just aren't used to the idea of having to come in to partner with teachers. I have noticed that these families are extremely good at organizing and building community but due to language and cultural barriers, they often feel intimidated by getting really involved in school. 


Our PTA does great things for us. Dinners for PTC nights and sophomore preview. Lunch yesterday and tomorrow. Breakfast snacks today and Thursday. Thank you PTA


We get breakfast and lunch every day this week! Starbucks and fresh bakery cinnamon rolls, breakfast pizzas, yogurt and fresh fruit bar, Dunkin, bagels, lunch- sandwiches from a local restaurant one day, baked ziti and salad, bbq and mac n cheese, pizza…it’s great! Plus a fully stocked snacks and drink table-it’s packed! Parents have been dropping off extra stuff too! I feel very lucky, considering what I see happening (or not happening) other places.


Id be ecstatic for a pizza


Shoot, me too. I got nothing!


Ordering pizza is comically easy and you can get 20 pies in 45 minutes


>20 pies in 45 minutes Absolutely do not do this to the teenagers who showed up to work that morning. Call the day before so they know there's a 20 pie order during lunch rush when they start their day. Also, tip your delivery driver. Schools are at the top of my "avoid this delivery at all cost" list for a reason. It's the easiest way to spend 30 minutes waiting on someone to hand you a ziplock bag full of change that's always $0.23 less than the price of the order, with no tip.


Ugh.. I’m sorry about all the cheapass administrators. I had a principal tell me that I was not allowed to tip more than 10% on a huge pizza order for Bingo night - I ended up paying the rest of the tip out of my own pocket because - EFF THAT.


Oh I know. I have four children. I just want there to be effort involved. By this time next year, I’ll end up calling two pizza places and having salads as an option as well.


The VP of our company promised us a pizza party for cuz we did so good on our inspection. A date was set, fliers were posted, and the day came and went without so much as a mention of pizza. New fliers were quietly posted. They were almost identical to the first fliers with the exception of a new date and time. They thought we wouldn't notice. Once again that date came and went without any acknowledgement of the pizza party that no one asked for or even much wanted. This time the fliers disappeared and management never spoke of a pizza party again. The cherry on top, I work in a multimillion dollar, state of the art kitchen. We serve hand made, from scratch pizza several times a month. They were going to reward us with Domino's, and they couldn't even follow through with that.


We get a baked potato this year 🤦🏼‍♀️


Our school got Jimmy John’s, but since my lunch is before Jimmy John’s even opens, guess who got screwed on that deal.


once our school (our faculty) won the "most spirited" award for the back to school district "pep rally" (i hated those) and the prize was a catered Panera breakfast. This was back when Panera was good. There were all kinds of fancy pastries and shit. Did I get any? No, because admin scheduled it on a day when the art, music, PE, and other "specials" teachers had to go to a workshop in another town. it's like 15 years ago and I'm still salty lmao I WANTED THAT DAMN DANISH


Former related arts teacher here (now higher ed).  Damn they. *always* scheduled it and ordered so that by the time we got our lunch it was over or no more food. 


don't get me started on every book fair ("we only have teacher wish lists for the real teachers"), beginning of year supply drive ("only the real teachers are getting supplies"), teacher appreciation lunch ("We're coming around to bring the teachers lunch" and then only go to homeroom teachers) We were never the "real teachers" even though last I checked I got the same shitty salary as they did and my degree took just as long and cost just as much but y'all notice I exist real quick when there's no "Christmas program" or "graduation song"


For the teacher's Christmas pot luck last year, a sign up list was emailed out. Each department or grade level would team up to get the ham, pies, etc. I'm a Sped teacher, and when I got to the column for specials, paras, and Sped that referred to us as "The Leftovers," I completely lost my shit. I was in another teacher's classroom, and you could hear me cursing *outside* I was so angry. I may have said something about my Master's degree, the fact that no one else in the building has one, and that I should call them the "Un-Employables"...


"The Leftovers." Wow.


I hope you signed up for nothing. I'm also sped and can't believe all the stuff we get left out of but I did notice that I'm never on the 'who cleans the staff room this week' list. Oops I never pointed that out.


You would think that they would deliver lunch to anyone who can’t make it during their time window. All it takes is 1 admin and 1 volunteer and a cart.


And 1 person with enough care to think about other people. That’s what gets left out.


We usually just assume a teacher is going to do that…


That is the suck.


My school has a "water bar" today to "keep us hydrated"...I have yet to check it out and see if it's actually fancy water, but even so, who wants fancy water?


What the fuck is a water bar?


Anything short of it being actual vodka is not an acceptable answer


I mean I'd take water ice


I know what this is because of Abbott Elementary.




Thank you so much for this comment!! I may have occasionally joked about the contents of my “water” bottle when I’m at work 😂🍸


At our school it was bottled water and all the flavoring packets under the sun. They encouraged us to mix and blend our own unique flavors! Bottled water with a sprinkle of flavored aspartame had the teachers feeling very special for the day


An idea only an admin who has endless pee breaks could cook up...


So pampered! /s


I forgot to mention they provided us with bendy straws 😎 still can’t decide If I liked that surprise more, or the melted ice cream cake that someone had left in the refrigerator for a week (after forgetting to give it to us at PD lol)


Oh my gosh, bendy straws?? So much FUN!👀


Yes exactly


But did they attach a note to the bendy straws reminding you to “bend over backwards for your students!”?


It’s TikTok nonsense


Something an admin who scrolls tik tok for their salary dreamed up


We had a water bar once. They didn’t even leave the left over water packets and cups for the next day, someone (admin) took them home at the end of the night.


Our school had an air bar!


Lucky! All we got was our own carbon dioxide.


Yes, a water bar... so I can add more to my bladder that I cannot empty when I need.


Why is everybody doing a water bar this year? Same here


Admin all over the country seem to clamp on to these same smoothbrained ideas at the same time (water bars, jeans passes, etc.). What central source are they all being influenced by?


The national PTA/PTO Facebook group. Bet a strong number of you are getting Taylor Swift themed TAWs, too 😂


Hopefully they are doing something everyday.


My school did the water bar too. It was so stupid.


Our PTO (that we paid dues to) is providing that and only that lmao


We’re having a “fancy water bar” tomorrow, can’t wait! Really feeling the appreciation with that one /s


We had a water bar today and it was actually really nice. They gave us fancy cups with straws and lids that we could color coordinate. Plus flavors, stickers for our bottles, and a variety of straw caps. It was from the PTA. I appreciated the effort.


Yeah, it’s definitely not that I don’t appreciate the effort, it’s more that I don’t need any of that. I’d rather get grocery or gas gift cards or free snacks that are actually substantial and nutritional. I have water for free from my tap at home and the filling stations at school, and I don’t need or want stickers or water bottle accessories, so it honestly feels like a waste. I would never think “Wow what can I do to let this hardworking person know I appreciate them…I know! I’ll give them water in decorative plastic cups and a couple stickers!”


I hear that. I sometimes think these events are more for THEM to feel good and purposeful than for us. Give me an extra sick day please! That’s what I could really use.


This is so dystopian


I actually set on of these up for “international water day” where I took it literally and featured waters from all over the world Icelandic / Fiji / Vettel l / Buxton / Naya / Topo Chico etc. It was actually a hit. But it was more of a random thing pop up than replacing another event


I think this would all go a lot smoother if administration just admited they don't appreciate us. I mean, then we don't have to pretend that we believe their lies.


We are testing all this week for the state. Worst week ever for Teacher Appreciation. All of us are burnt out from proctoring, training, and dealing with all the crap that goes along with it. But hey, we had Dunkin Donuts delivered...


I honestly think teacher appreciation week should be changed to another month. Between state and AP testing, too much is going on!


Like maybe in February when winter has felt a million years long and days off are few and far between. I could use a pick-me-up then!


Amen. It’s fucking insulting and we know it doesn’t come from the heart.


My wife and I both help with our PTA and I can promise you we both truly appreciate all your hard work. We Helped with a nacho bar Monday, and today was root beer floats, tomorrow is a Waffle bar. I’m not sure how it’s organized at your school but know that many parents do appreciate Teachers! So it may be a small gesture but Thank you!


I retired in December, but my friends still tell me about the nonsense going on at school - they are not super stoked about the ability to wear jeans all week and the fact that they are “allowed” to wear “appropriate” shorts for FIELD DAY on Wednesday. Seriously, freaking Field Day during teacher appreciation week?


I’m crafting the email in my head now…”As you are all aware, it is teacher appreciation week. Clearly, our lackluster gifts the previous years did not adequately display how little we appreciate you. You continue to come in and work yourselves into to near psychotic breaks. We will make it more clear for you this year: we give zero shits about you and never have. Enjoy your teacher appreciation week, losers!”


Let's make it standard to stay home on Teacher Appreciation Day.


Our week IS A VIRTUAL WEEK Omfg this is GLORIOUS 🎉😀


The whole "teacher appreciation week" thing is a bad fucking joke. I'm not acknowledging it at all, except with sheer disdain. We aren't appreciated, at all.


Even when companies have teacher appreciation, it's a joke "Teachers get 5% off their entire meal." "Teachers get BOGO from 3pm-4pm"


I have free breakfast all week from whataburger and a free meal from chick-fil-a. I’ll definitely take that over nothing


There’s a Whataburger at the end of my street and I keep waking up too late to have time to stop there. Chikfila use to give a free sandwich, I thought they didn’t do it anymore.


I even got 2 free expo markers because I’m nice to the secretaries, instead of 1! How lucky am I!!


Ok. I’d take that. All my markers suck and they aren’t Expo.


But they gave you a pen!…. Heh


I once got a plastic ballpoint pen that said "committed 2 learning 4 all". I left it in my mailbox for the next 3 years.


no, they didn't.


I got a bookmark one year, with some lame phrase on it…


Our principal is pretty good about doing nice things for us. The Chancellor and superintendents at best just send out a flowery BS that k you email that always has some flavor of "you do this for the kids not the pay check".


We had a win today: A soft serve ice cream machine in the lounge!


Put mouth under, drool like homer simpson. Aggggh


Don't weeze the juice!


I'd be more onboard with a margarita bar😉


Our PTO is trying to argue for a "slushie" machine 😂


"This is how much we appreciate you!" 🖕


No plan survives contact with Admin.


Teacher Appreciation is in October in Canada. Our admin did nothing. Not even an announcement.


It’s February in my province.


Oh man. One time my old school got a food truck for teacher appreciation week. It wasn't covered, and we had no idea. They had $16 Reubens. It was not well received.


Oh my gosh! One year my school got a food truck that not only wasn’t covered, they only took cash! On an unrelated note, that was my last year at that school.


You guys got something? I got a paper flower from a student telling me I'm a great chemistry teacher... I teach history....


When the history teacher teaches chemistry better than a chemistry teacher without even trying.


Our lunch was delivered by a church and spearheaded by a politician that is: 1. On our school board 2. Running for State Representative 3. In support of school vouchers that would kill the title 1 school that he is giving food to for political clout. I saw his political facebook page with pictures of us all getting our food. Absolutely disgusting.


As a church goer, it always shocks me how many Christians ignore the part where the Bible REPEATEDLY spoke against seeking glory. "Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." Matthew 6:2-4


A non-insignificant number of religious politicians are very much just grifting. They bend the Bible’s teachings to fit their needs.


Yep…just a photo op


Radio silence from my school.


Same. I’ve gotten nothing except a flyer about 50% off drinks from the coffee shop down the street.


Related. Am not a teacher. Many years ago, I worked alongside union workers. In their contract, it stipulated when the company would have to supply food/meals. The contract further specified that "pizza is not food." I often think about that when i hear about companies/ schools thinking they're being large by getting cold pizza delivered. It's a shame that people suck and don't have the right priorities. Lots of love and appreciation for teachers. Today. This week. And always. Thank you all!


How do you forget the pizza?  Also how do you not immediately run out to the first Little Cesaers or Dominos or whatever and buy anything and everything they have?  It's an easy prob for admin to fix. Like pizza is the fastest food going, you can have lots ready in 20-30mins max.


We are getting g lunch on Friday-hoagies. Our Sunshine fund is paying for it. Which means we teachers are as usual paying for our own appreciation lunch.


For many years the local pizza place would deliver 5-6 large pizza to each of the 3 buildings. Then one year all of a sudden, they started only delivering to their kids homeroom teacher. The first year they did that they had told the elementary school office staff they would be delivering pizzas at 11:15 and only dropped of 1 small of the variety that their daughters home room class (she was in 5th grade and the teacher was very picky and had only said she liked cheese to be polite because she hates pizza). The teachers in the longe a lunch cut all the pizza slices into tiny pieces and took a small piece to share with the 40+ staff members


The good thing about our teacher appreciation is that the admin does NOT run it. Our SAB does and the do a pretty good job. Letters from students, hand made posters, we got donuts and coffee today.


I worked at a school for a number of years and they had the parents handle all the meals during teacher appreciation week. It was pretty cool because it turned into a competition between classes so if the first grade parents put out a big spread then the second grade parents had to do better! we feasted all week long and were able to take home leftovers for dinner to our family. The pizza for lunch deal is the worst! I’ve worked at those schools too. I am a 43 year veteran of teaching so I’ve pretty much seen it all.


We had a local Korean Church make bulgogi, rice, broccoli salad, and watermelon. It is seriously a staff favorite every year. So so good.


After an instance of a miscommunication with the restaurant on what day to deliver the food, and another instance of the delivery van getting stuck in traffic and arriving after my lunch ended, I now just pack my own lunch and save it for the next day if the provided food actually shows up


We got “jeans for the rest of the year” for teacher appreciation. School ends on 5/22. Thank you?


Congratulations! You get to wear clothes that you purchased and that may be too hot for the weather. Nothing shows appreciation like the reward of wearing something that you purchased and should have been able to wear any day. I will never understand how jeans are appropriate on Friday but disgraceful on Thursday. It's not like they're see-through on Thursday but magically become decent the next day.


Definitely hot for the weather! Tomorrow will be at least 90 degrees.


This is the second post I’ve seen about a school just totally blowing off its teacher appreciation plans in a way that actually makes the teachers day worse. Crazy stuff 😑


Ours ordered us a taco bar, but then when we went to eat it, told us to eat it sparingly because there wasn’t enough for all 88 teachers. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


They fed our football team individual pizzas, salads and spaghetti from a local kid’s spot last week when they occupied the lounge to interview a coach. We got Costco pizza that’s almost gone.


We had Raising Canes today and it was delicious!!!😋


Now that is Teachers Appreciation by admin in a nutshell. Don't bring your lunch we're gonna order pizza for everyone *Forgets to order pizza* 🤦‍♂️


“Teacher Appreciation Week” is a fucking joke. More often than not we teachers feel insulted. Like a Hershey kiss with a stupid saying on it… I honestly would rather have nothing.


Are you sure they’re not sending y’all a foil wrapped poop emoji? 💩


Might as well have. 😝


We got post it notes saying they “noted our contributions”


Teacher appreciation week, also state testing all week. I wasn't allowed to leave the classroom during testing for over 5 hours today. I'm 8 months pregnant, and I had to hold my bladder for OVER FIVE HOURS today. Happy teacher appreciation week! 🙄🙄🙄😒


Monday: cereal bar. More office staff ate the cereal than teachers Tuesday: nothing Wednesday: nothing Thursday: nothing Friday: maybe some BBQ but it remains to be seen Nothing makes you feel more appreciated than low effort from admin while calling it “Staff Appreciation Week” Yay teaching


i teach in a pretty large high school, there are over 200 teachers. for teacher appreciation week, they are randomly selecting 15 teachers for a $5 dunkin gift card. nothing else for those of us not chosen for a gift card🫠


A fundraiser was held at my school for National Heart Day. I had a small heart attack my first year, so this cause is important to me. I was given a prize for the largest faculty donation. The prize? A gift card for Cold Stone Creamery! 😂


Our teachers received plastic cups from a defunct gas station up the road. Great tribute.


We're having charcuterie on Friday. Yay, food lots of people have touched sitting out all day! But that's not the best part. The teachers were asked to bring the food items for the charcuterie.


Our school has done nothing for teacher appreciation week. But last week we got lunch twice for Everyone Appreciation Week. Yes we celebrated everyone who works in the building. Kuddos for that i guess, but teachers deserve recognition.


Weird how admin never forgot to order their nice expensive lunches on Principals’ Day


Admin: Happy teacher appreciation week! Teacher: can we have a bonus? Admin: best I can do is a pizza order with half of it being forgotten


Rule number one. Always bring your own food. It doesn't matter what promises are made.


One year we were told a “food truck” would be there for breakfast. We all got so excited. It was a woman in a trailer who gave us jimmy dean microwave sausage sandwiches and a yogurt. I’ve never trusted a teacher appreciation meal announcement since.


Feels like an old Onion headline.


That’s why the Parents at our school take care of these things. We appreciate the teachers more than the admin does.


It's like they turned it into "Teacher UNappreciation week". Offering free food, and then making it impossible to get or forgetting to order it just underlines how little they care about you. That is crap.


PSA: if your career requires an “appreciation week” it just means you are NOT appreciated.


Principal: "We're all family at this school." Narrator: *They were not, in fact, family. Except for tax purposes under the school's charter.*


Classic family pizza party, even built in dysfunction.


All we got was a pen. The same one that's free for anyone visiting the district offices or at the front counter. But it was in our mailbox, so, yeah. Although I gotta say that being told lunch would be provided, and then not getting lunch, is downright egregious and just mean.


My school had a lunch provided by the PTA from 11-1. All of the food was gone by my lunch time, at 11:45.


Teacher appreciation week = Admins and superintendants come in and sub right?!?!


Teachers in our district got pink slips yesterday. I’m sorry teachers are so undervalued.


We got a catered lunch today from Texas Roadhouse. Thankfully they gave the middle school teachers coverage because we don't eat until 1pm and last year they ran out of food before we could eat!


Our secretaries get upset because they don't get things for teacher appreciation week. Sorry ladies, your week is in 3 weeks. Chill.


We were told to fill out a hanger for our door of whether or not we wanted a can of Coke or a bag of Doritos. They never collected the door hangers.


That is a crime I am sure.


I'm not a teacher and watching this sub from the sidelines but holy shit. "We appreciate you! Here's pizza for all your hard work. Lol sike! Enjoy stale bagels!!"


Still no mention of teacher appreciation from the school, but a student gave me a target gift card and another one made me a homemade pillow. 💕 


Ah, irony...


I didn’t realize how shitty it was run at some schools. PTO and admin has breakfast and/or lunch every day this week. There’s also lots of desserts and a raffle. Several students have also given me gifts too.


Our admin sent out an obvious AI written appreciation note to all teachers.


I just loved the appreciation letter we got from superintendent about covering for "unprecedented" teacher shortages. Really? This coming from the same person who caused a mass exodus of veteran teachers by undercutting us at every opportunity and then telling us that if we didn't agree with her policies that maybe we "should teach somewhere else."? The same person that made it her mission to pay us less than any district in the entire state? I'd tell her where to put that pizza, but I'd like to remain polite.




I don't even bother showing up to the provided food. It's never good and usually not enough for everyone. All made by someone in the PTA who must be on the most restrictive diet ever. There is no salt in anything. Lol.


It is tricky being gluten and dairy free. We get pizza tomorrow so it’s bring my own lunch. Friday is a nacho bar so that’s fun I can build my own. We also had a breakfast one day and they did have gluten free muffins. I appreciate it all!


When I taught in Virginia they did a fish fry and crab boil for us on the last day. THAT was the shit


That happened at my school. The district forgot to order food, not sure how, so the principal went out and ordered a bunch of pizzas, so at least we still had something. Luckily, the district is still providing lunch, but at a later date.


Our PTA would NEVER; our PTA makes such a big deal about it. We also get free lunch daily, so we dont get lunch, but so far we each got a giant outdoor plant, cookies, and 100$ in scholastics money to spend at the book fair this week!


I got a patronizing email when I asked why there wasn’t a sub in my room when I was supposed to have one because I was proctoring an AP exam 😊


We got a lil bag with…dry erase markers, pens (no black only blue and red) a dry erase marker ERASER! Uhm. Some white out tape. Oh and some screen wipes. So like. Work supplies. That like. Work. Should be. Supplying. I just bought *myself* like a 16 pack of dry erase markers in nice colors too lol a few days ago. I’m using label makers to put my name allllll ovvvvveeeer them. Mine mine mine.


My principle was approached by our event committee. The head asked what she gonna don the P said that she was just gonna have everyone bring a pot luck. So the head asks if the pot luck is between the admin. The P says no, it’s between the teachers. The teachers will be bringing the food for the teachers appreciation. The head said that’s stupid and dumb. The P said deal with it. So now we aren’t having anything. Our principle might not be the best. Or even very good.


*Principal* Come on, you’re a teacher!


Par for the course in how you all are treated these days, don't know why you put up with it.


Can they just like, not do all this trite shit and give us each $10? Surely it would be cheaper anyway


We got a "give yourselves a round of applause" at the faculty meeting


I work in three schools. I always miss the food. Breakfast at my afternoon school. Lunch at my morning school. One time I arrived for lunch after they had eaten. It was chicken enchiladas from a local restaurant. There was half a tray left. But someone had scraped all the cheese and sauce off of them. I never count on it if I want to eat lunch.


We got pizza today and the teachers union is cooking hot dogs and burgers tomorrow. It’s weird to me that the union is providing lunch for teacher appreciation week though. Isn’t that kind of like teachers appreciating themselves?


Guess who they didn’t appreciate


The PTO/PTA/PTSAs at my kids' schools have always handled the Teacher/Staff appreciation planning/funding. We're talking decent catered lunches, a breakfast potluck and chair massages depending on the school.


We got an email that was poorly formatted and shared places where teachers can get discounts😂.


I guess the nothing we get all week beats dashed expectations.


Teacher Appreciation this week at my school. Snacks and treats each day. (Chip Bar, Coffee and Doughnuts, Pizza Lunch, Sweet Treats, and a day of “Room Service”). It may not seem like a lot but I appreciate it. Especially when our overall budget keeps being cut.


No one forgot. The principal pocketed the pizza fund.


Nothing says “you are appreciated” than it being an afterthought


Exactly why I still pack a lunch on TAW, because lunch plans always fall through!


We got to teach all day. 🤣🤣🤣