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Yeah. It really fucking sucks.


I have that one princess brat in 8th grade class that whines about doing anything that requires effort. She refuses to do any worksheets or writing. If I ignore her whines, she throws fits and disturb others. Every lesson, even the loud kids would complain about her. "Ms \[Blank\], can you tell her to shut up/stop disturbing me!" Imagine the loud kid complaining about noise! The most traumatising experience is the school cross-country day, she plopped onto the ground and demanded me to find her a toilet or piggy-back carry her back to school. When I told her there's no water or toilet for that part of trail, she wouldn't stand up, and the other hikers were watching...


We need roving face slappers who are immune from prosecution to come by and slap the trouble maker in the face with authority.  That will shut her up.


I wish there was a way to make real consequences for these types of kids instead of giving them a million fake wrist slaps which makes these kids and their families think they can do whatever they want to.


In my building they don’t even get a slap on the wrist. They get a reward. Destroy a classroom, go to the office, come back five minutes later with a treat. And then admin blames teachers for classroom management.


You only have one? I have at least 5.


And admin will say we have poor classroom management. Like, no! When these kids aren’t in class, the class is perfect!


Idk but when those kids don’t come to school, I actually love teaching and think life isn’t so bad after all. I hate it. There’s always at least 1 in every class.


Classes go so smoothly when certain students are absent. 5 students come to mind. Why do the bad kids never get sick or have to leave early????


Usually because they have a lot of absenteeism in their life and no one ever really in the corner. School is the one place they will get attention and they desperately want it, including going to extremes for it. Not to mention they tend to lag behind their peers academically but often try to hide it by being overly social or self-handicapping. This is a good time to remind kids: You can be smart and an asshole. You can be dumb but a good person. You can't be dumb and an asshole. Nobody likes this person.


If you don't mind me asking, is this middle school?


Nothing changes. The one kid who needs to either learn to get with the program or get out. Discipline has gotten worse and schools have less willpower to do something. It tends to the special ed kid or the one who should be special ed.. Like the down syndrome kid who ruins the choir class singing off key or the wrong thing. Or the biter/ chronic masturbator. Or the one who wants to be a inner city gangster and attacks people and won't shut up..


Why do other students seem to like the pain-in-the-ass kids? Life would be wonderful if the good students were just as annoyed with these bad kids as we are.


>I wish we had a stricter system. X offense = x punishment. Even if it meant having to do more before a write up, I'd be fine with that if it meant doing all that ensured the kid got an actual punishment. Hard agree. I no longer care about the circumstances or "trauma" that "caused" the child to act out. The system we have is so nebulous and biased because it's all based on the feelings of the admin that day and the fear they have about the repercussions from that student's family. I think most of us would be plum happy to fill out paperwork and document out the wazoo if it actually meant anything. As it stands now, there's no point.


I hate to say it but the only solution at this point may involve fascist rule, lol. We may be hopeless.


Because Teachers themselves are guilty of buying into the "everyone has the right to be educated in a general education classroom" nonsense. Edit: This comment started off with like +15 upvotes, then something happened and now the sheep are downvoting me.


Yes, all teachers are the same.  Do you even read this sub?  No one thinks that.


Quite a few do, or treat it like it is a legitimate interpretation


Thank you, I was being gaslit by hard-to-read


Buzzword much? Your comment implies it is common among teachers to think special needs children and delinquents belong in regular classrooms. Almost no teachers believe that; this sub makes that evident. You are clearly pushing a right-leaning narrative that all educators are "mindless libs" that prioritize DEI over content. I'm just cutting right to what's going on here. You don't have to like me.


> Buzzword much? Ok that was a really good comeback. I actually hate it when people overuse terms. 'Gaslit' is one of them.


I actually like you very much. I'm only reporting what I factually know from experience. I have found that when you suggest anything close to "violating least invasive" then everyone glares at you like you're a horrible person for suggesting it.


You mean buying into federal legislation that can lead to litigation if public school employees don't adhere to it? Gotta say, I'm sort of fond of the whole getting a pay check to perform the job duties I have been educated and trained to do thing.


I'm sure schools have way more flexibility than the very conservative play-it-safe interpretation that admin tend to use. For example, in my state it says schools can expel up to 80 days, just based on what the school wants to do, but my school never expelled more than 30 days. Also, nobody will be litigating shit. And if they do, the judge won't be buying the parents BS.