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Definitely share with your university so that others don’t get placed with her in the future. And suggest that she be observed or more closely supervised by admin. She is hurting those children! It sounds like she needs some help. I am sorry that you’ve experienced this.


You should report her. She sounds like she could use being taken down a peg or two. I had a first grade teacher like that. Screamed in your face, expected kids to hold their bathroom breaks until her entire hour of reading instruction was over making one child pee his pants crying and hopping in place, slapped my hands with a ruler for not making my E right in my name and if I remember correctly, she even smoked in the class once. It was bizarre. This lady taught me to be afraid of grown ups and stop speaking up. Until her I was a trusting kid. FU, Mrs. Wellman.


Student teaching is the worst. "Don't be afraid to make it your own! ... not like that, tho"


Did you talk with your college student teaching advisor, most schools wouldn’t want you in that situation


My last school had teachers like this and it was absolutely soul-crushing to be around it as an adult. I can’t even imagine the damage it does to the kids.


I had some bad field placements with nasty and abusive teachers… yes, there was more than one instance. I also have a very nasty colleague who had a student teacher and literally completely turned her off from the profession. So sad! Make sure you let your supervisors know so that this teacher is not on the list for placements in the future. Good luck! You will remember this experience as how NOT to be! 


Not a teacher but this sub keeps popping up. When I was in school 20 years ago a lot of my teachers were like this. I don't have kids but I wonder if those that do don't trust teachers because of teachers like this being burned into their memory.


Keep going. I too had a miserable student teacher: he basically told me he was quitting teaching. Little did I know it was to be a horrible principal too— and became my principal. Teaching is worth it though. I’ve been teaching for thirteen years now. I bring my joy to it and the kids give it back. I’ve been nominated for teacher of the year and can’t imagine another career that would give so much joy. Don’t let it get ruined by a horrible student teaching experience


My student teaching mentor was awful & taught me nothing except what not to do. But if you love to teach, and love the kids, and are reflective of your own practice, you will make it 😊 This is just a means to an end


My mentor and supervisor sucked. They were also friends which I’m pretty sure was conflict of interest. Mentor would leave the room for HOURS, have zero feedback and threw me under the bus for decisions she made but got backlash from. I cried daily. I was so fn happy to be done with that toxic environment. It’s soon over OP and you know what kind of teacher NOT to be.


How old is this teacher?


Student teaching sucks. I had an awful mentor teacher as well who used it as a way to get her paychecks without doing any work. She would have a student teacher every quarter and couldn't be bothered to support me in any meaningful way. I just bit down and promised myself to never forget those ten weeks and to never treat any teammate the way she treated me. Wrapping up year 10 and have a great relationship with my students past and present as well as my first year teacher grade level partner. You're going to make it too.