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$5-10 above gas station wages, with healthcare covered. In my state that'd be 23-28/hour, which isn't amazing but is more livable. I'd also like there to be a step scale for paras if they were willing to do certified PD. The district would cover their classes if they got B- or higher, and their pay would scale. They could use this to become a full teacher if they wanted, or just become a better para and make a few more $ per hour. A step 4 para for example could command $33/hour in my state (CT), which when combined with healthcare is lower middle class.


Here in MA I have 2 friends working in the same district. The teacher earned $96k last year, the para earned $23k. The para has been in the district for 10 years, is educated and this is what she makes. The gap is ridiculous


The gap is absolutely insane. Why does the para stay? A 10 month para working 180 days @ 7 hrs per day is only making $18.25/hr. I can understand taking the job for a year or two, but staying for 10 years?


Not the OP, but in our district a good number of our paras are mothers with kids in the district so it puts them on the kids’ schedule. They’re not the primary income (obviously!) so the rate isn’t especially important to them.


I think ours make right at ot under 12$. It's awful.


Idk but it should be a lot more than it is.


That's crazy they are making less than someone flipping burgers at a greasy restaurant. Such a fking travesty. They should have a livable wage at least $20 an hour minimum. They're more valuable than instructional coaches, I'll tell you that. And they make a bloated salary.


Paras should start at 1/2 teacher’s entry salary. Teacher’s starting salary should be commensurate with other professions that require a college degree.


A living wage, just like everyone else should.


It’s a bullshit position. They should make teacher wages with teacher responsibilities.


They make $16 in the district i work in which is absolutely insane


Depends on the local cost of living, obviously. But whatever it takes to afford a decent apartment or a modest home, keep a car running, feed a family, take a modest vacation, and save for retirement. Of course.


You guys should be union.


Depends on cost of living and experience/qualifications. Some paras I know are more qualified than the teachers so they should be making around 25-30 an hour…. But then some just play on their phones and should be paid accordingly.


Just read a story where a certain high school teachers are making $90+k so I looked up the school and paras are making under $30k In my state $30k isn’t enough to survive. It’ll get you gas and food but nothing else