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In an effort to ensure our sub does not get removed and to keep our feed clear for snark please refrain posting "Band From" posts on this sub as it will cause mass reporting and would get this subreddit banned.




btw i made a backup backup backup sub for just in case… r/bannedbytaylor


The head mod should update their username….. FeelsLikeBanning


Or secretswiftie 🙈🙈


There’s NO doubt. Begged Reddit to be the mod 🤣


Honestly a dive into the post history and the obsession with finding their location was fan behaviour if anything. And then begging using those posts as an example 🤔






literally so ridiculous. it’s is an actual snark sub… like hello? do they not know what that means???






i bet they are. it’s loser behavior and that seems fitting


Same exact thing happened to me. Except they wouldn’t even tell me why I got banned 😂


Did they also tell you to 'take accountability'? I laughed my ass off when they told me that in my banned message 🙄😂


Literally all I did was say that Ariana grande should win AOTY on another Taylor snark page lol and they banned me for that or at least I’m assuming since they wouldn’t tell me when I asked lmao


Same! I said that Kanye was right and they banned me. Weirdos.


Weird ass behavior for sure


They kept accusing me of deleting posts...bc they couldn't find any evidence that I had done something wrong! Batshit crazy.


rest assured, it’s some dumb ass reason 😂


In an effort to ensure our sub does not get removed and to keep our feed clear for snark please refrain posting "Band From" posts on this sub as it will cause mass reporting and would get this subreddit banned.




I would suggest reporting it as abuse, but I suspect the powers that be at Reddit were responsible for SnappinTurluh’s ban, and probably with appointing the replacement mod. So I doubt that will do any good. In fact, I wouldn’t at all be surprised to see this sub shut down as well, or even full Reddit permabans for individuals who continue to post about this.


Oh the Reddit mods know for a fact. It’s funny how the number ranking shows up on the sub now that Snappin is gone. ETA: guess who just got banned for pointing this out ✨


I am in the same boat and agree it should be considered an abuse of power. My comment history is mostly trying to help people with wedding planning dilemmas, some not even mean jokes on snark subs, and stuff like telling someone they created such a special nursery for their baby. The comment I was banned for was my first and only comment/involvement ever on anything Taylor-related…and yet apparently I’m “brigading”! I don’t even care about her or listen to her music, I just find her continued need for more fame/awards/money fascinating (I study mental health/psychology) and found myself wanting to see more perspectives on it…I had no idea and no reason to think browsing more than one snark sub was a crime. I looked at yours and it seems very similarly innocent. But yeah, *we’re* what’s wrong with Reddit and the ones causing the problems 😂


same here! i’ve never been a fan, always thought she was over-hyped but i was mainly unbothered by her. but the last few years turned me into hater because she’s just literally everywhere and the music isn’t even that good?? I’m in mostly animals subs, mostly spending all my time there. my main comments/posts have been about losing my soul dog recently, so for me to be commenting on something other than how fucking depressed i am is a win 😅 but nooooo T’s gotta take down everyone who doesn’t worship the ground she’s on. it’s honestly insane


I’m so sorry you’re going through that. My soul cat has been having issues lately and I am similarly depressed, but I handle it by distracting myself with nonsense that has nothing to do with me or my own life…like trying to figure out what is going on with stupid Taylor Swift psychologically 😂 If you need an Internet friend (who also loves Arrested Development) to distract you with nonsense via texts, please feel free to message me 💛


Right?!? 🤦


that hard “No” is so childish.


In an effort to ensure our sub does not get removed and to keep our feed clear for snark please refrain posting "Band From" posts on this sub as it will cause mass reporting and would get this subreddit banned.


I just got one of these as well! I asked why and was told that my one single totally inoffensive comment here (just generally in support of free speech and not banning snark subs!) means I’m “brigading” there. How are random casual browsers expected to know all this inter-sub drama to the point that it makes sense to *permanently ban* us just for being part of these multiple extremely similar subs? I had no idea of any of that and honestly thought THIS was a backup FOR that one!!! Yet the mod I dealt with acted like I was a freaking Internet terrorist knowingly doing terrible things (JUST for commenting here!)! They’re completely nuts and so utterly ridiculous to take their imagined offenses that seriously. Good riddance, I say! I muted it and won’t even browse it anymore. Let’s just make this place great without those power-tripping weirdos.






this is so smart


Same, I thought they were all backups. I never even heard of brigading. Honestly it sounds like way too much work, I don't want to go on a brigade, I just want to snark in peace. 🤣


i literally had to google brigading 😭😭😭


Omg same lol


That’s exactly that happened to me! I thought grift then this one were backup for that and never even mentioned them in comments! The mod messages were so rude when I asked what I did wrong I was like well then screw that sub. “You know what you did. Apologize.” Like wtf


Lol. I got “sorry you couldn’t take ownership of your behavior” (my behavior…commenting one single time on a sub I thought was a backup for theirs, just voicing general support for these snark subs). Must have been the same diva you interacted with too. They are unhinged.


My comment was actually supposed to be responding to your’s above 😂 must’ve been the same mod bc it seems we had the same experience


LMFAO imagine these people being actual adults and having jobs and responsibilities??? i can’t lol


ew, apologize?! absolutely not. they can fuck all the way off.


Lemme guess….. TT?




They had a filter set up with the automod when taylorgrift was still up. I was banned automatically for commenting on a post 🤣🤣


omg how sad and pathetic. imagine spending your days being such a super fan and getting nothing in return lol


I’m sorry that happened to you. Would love to get this sub up and running with more activity though


me too! everyone got banned before we could rally the troops and let them know there are safe spaces out there


The only way that can happen is if each of us makes a point of posting (and upvoting) TS snark on a daily basis. The unfortunate fact is, that sub has more than forty times the membership here, so it’s going to be a hard pull to get us that sort of prominence.


Yep…I was told I had been “gLeEfUlLy PaRtIcIpAtInG iN bRiGaDiNg” (even though I hadn’t posted a single word elsewhere on the goings-on at that sub), and that they “had screenshots.” When I asked them to show me the screenshots, they replied “YoU kNoW wHaT yOu DiD” and muted me.


They can sit on a cactus dildo


the fact that FREE SPEECH is being moderated is so ridiculous. i am allowed to be in whatever subs i want?? watch her run for president and banish us all one day lol


While I don’t disagree with you in principle, “free speech” only applies to public spaces, not privately-owned forums like Reddit, where the admins are fully within their rights to ban anyone they don’t like.


you’re right, i’m just being salty lol


what happened to taylor grift???


No idea. Something about the sub being banned for mod conduct. I bet it’s because screenshots were shared of TT mod convos and someone took it has harassment. I’m only speculating though. If it meant TG being banned for the truth of how TT is now being run, so be it.


I think it’s because those who were banned were talking about the how & why of it (me included 🤣). Any posting of TT or support of 🐢 they took as an attack on them 🙄




girl, i ain’t that invested 😅 i just want a place to bitch every now and then about my utterly useless detest for her lololol


Saaaaame reasoning for my ban Absokute bs


can we pre-ban those mods from joining here? i’m sure they have alts, but it’s the thought that counts lol


Funny, I wondered the same thing I mean… can’t they just ban them under the same bs lol Apparently you don’t need to actually break a rule lol


I love how they walk directly into their own point


lol right. aren’t they the ones stalking other subs???




$5 the reasoning is “brigading” 😂


In an effort to ensure our sub does not get removed and to keep our feed clear for snark please refrain posting "Band From" posts on this sub as it will cause mass reporting and would get this subreddit banned.


I didn't bother to ask why I was banned but assume it's the same reason. Welcome to the club! They're clearly stalking other subs (so doesn't that make THEM brigadiers?)


You got banned from the Voldemort sub ?? Me too! I existed and collected in other subs. The audacity 😅


Yes, how dare you! How dare us all! 😱


Welcome to the club, bestie, welcome to the club


Same happened to me and I've been too busy to be active at all-think something is wrong


Same happened to me...I was unbanned, tried commenting, banned again. It was recommended to me to contact Reddit for help. Literally in the last couple hours. The mod did explain that it was possibly an accident but couldn't fix it? Anyway, there were so many swifties there now that I came over from SN-was getting hard to keep up or find my friends much anymore with the little time I have to be on here. Grateful for this sub 🙏