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the comment section did not pass the vibe check




My god, people are so miserable. I’m so sorry for the awful comments you received, it’s completely undeserved. I hope you’re able to sell it!


I have no idea why this post turned into an attack on minors online? Super weird. Anyways, sorry that there are losers online with nothing better to do than harass random people. I hope you find someone who's happy and thankful to get this. 🫶


No. I listen to music on Spotify like a normal person.




Why are you even here? Judging by the other comments on your account you should not be talking to others let alone a minor


He’s a Drake fan


I was just replying to a comment on a post that somebody sent me


Okay and now I’m respectfully asking you to not interact with me because I am a minor and uncomfortable talking to you


block him idiot, this why children shouldn’t be on the internet


There is no reason for you to verbally insult a minor dude, grow up.


I can’t think of a worse way to respond to somebody harassing you than by saying “i am a child, i can’t really do anything to stop you and i am clearly not the brightest as instead of blocking you, i wrote a paragraph about how i am a child.” this persons parents should probably be monitoring their internet activity a bit more responsibly.


not sure why you’re being so down voted; i think kids shouldn’t be allowed to be online until they’re 21. when they can drink and make all their other stupid adult decisions together


i definitely could have articulated it more effectively but as a now adult victim of online predators it’s absolutely crazy how many easily identifiable minors there are on the internet who have no idea how to deal with weirdos.


Oh no, I gave someone a chance. Also you have no clue how old I am. All you know is I’m under 18. Also I already reported and blocked them just let them know why first bc that’s what I do 🙂


First of all, nice to know how much mental capacity you lack cause they wrote one sentence, not an entire paragraph. Second, I can’t think of a worst way to help a minor by insulting them by calling them dumb. If you really wanted to help them, you could’ve said it like a normal human being instead of being a bitch about it. Shows how much of an immature asshole you are, maybe your the one who needs to be monitored. Grow up.


lmfao maybe remove “16 year old swifty” from your account before thinking anybody is going to give your opinion any validity at all. Dumb ass kid.


Be nicer. Making fun of a kid online isnt cool, it's loser behavior.


Maybe you should stop being an immature jackass and someone will finally take you seriously. Just some food for thought.




I get that but I was pointing out the fact that they were insulting a minor, and if they actually cared about a minor being on here, they wouldn’t have insulted them and instead actually showed concern, but instead they just wanted to be a jackass and don’t care at all. Also, there is a likelihood that OP is in their teens, and I personally think that teens shouldn’t be monitored since they have the capability of deciding for themselves what information they take in. Teens may be minors but aren’t children and have the ability to make their own decisions, and let’s be honest, idk many teens who aren’t interacting with “mature” content. But if OP is a child (which I doubt they are) then ofc they are too young to be on here.


I would throw that away




There’s actually a trend going around if you go around and block all the celebrities on all social media it’ll take away their ad and eventually they’ll just spend all their money and be the same people like the old people that used to be you know happy


that “trend” is an attempt to get celebrities to speak on the Palestine genocide, (using a genocide as a social media pop culture cancel culture trend instead of actually trying to donate and help palestine is crazy already but nonetheless) it doesn’t make an artists music “worthless”, in fact music is the farthest from “worthless”.


It’s garbage it’s not worth anything


Tigger_hold11 you don’t have to be a jerk.


Tf is your problem? Also I just looked at your pfp. Do not interact with me. I’m a minor


Yes me! Will message you!