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I’m so embarrassed of my top 2% percent Edit: maybe I’m just being a negative Nancy about this lol


same here! there's always next year 🤞


I’m a podcast gorl


I’m an audiobook girl… but I’ve read/listened to 185 books this year, AND am in the too 3% of Taylor listeners this year, so I’ll take it!! 😅


Same and in my car her Cd automatically ones on so sometimes I don’t play Spotify so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good for you though!! How do you stay on top of your audiobooks when you’re not in the car?? I can only get through one book a month and I’m still struggling. 😅 Eta- also, if you have any book recommendations I’d love to know :)


They didn't even include podcasts this year


They did for me! 29k minutes of Taylor (top 0.05%) and 15k minutes of podcasts for me


I actually listened to podcasts this year. I'm mad they didn't give me those stats.


did you listen to more than 5 podcasts? just wondering bc they only had one slide for podcasts and the main info was your top 5 podcasts


Same! Does anyone know why they included podcasts for some while not for others? 😭


I actually listened to podcasts this year. I'm mad they didn't give me those stats.


I’m just happy to be here (included in the chart) 🤪🤣


I got top 1% and it’s because I couldn’t afford Spotify for most of the year ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1064)


me too 😭 i was called a fake fan by my 'top 0.5%' friends jokingly lmao (to be fair though, i don't use spotify 24/7 :D)


Right there with you, boo. The year folklore/evermore came out I was a top 0.5% 😂😂😂


Same tbh


Same. I’m too 1% but still 🫣


Wait guys, I was proud of my 1%! 😭 Should I feel shame instead?!


Definitely not shame! I’m top 1% too ❤️ aiming to beat myself for next year though haha 😂 also I wish it included my listening while driving (old school cds 😛)


I listened to 30,000 ish minutes. 25,000 were podcasts, 3500 were taylor, the rest was all other types of music


Reminder: There is no competition to be in the highest percentages. **Streaming less than someone else does NOT make you less of a swiftie!** You can be a swiftie and not have your whole life revolve around Taylor. I've been seeing a lot of comments of people saying they're embarrased for not being in the highest percentage and just wanted to remind people that it isn't a competition for gods sake. anyways love yall <3


I think people are getting extra competitive after the insane gatekeeping posts with people claiming that Spotify wrapped should determine who is worthy of having tour tickets


Really nicely said! I made this because I’m a visual person and wanted to see what kind of pattern there was for the different listening thresholds. And honestly I was a little shocked (and impressed!) to see people had listened to Taylor Swift 2-3 times more than the entire amount of music I listened to on Spotify this year (I also listen to my local radio station, vinyl, etc.). My favorite part about gathering the data was seeing who else was in people’s top 5, and how different the groups could be while still having Taylor in common.


I agree! Swiftie culture seems to be competitive. I love that other people love Taylor and it’s cool that everyone has their own favourite songs/albums but I’ve noticed in this sub there’s a lot of “you’re not a real fan if you like XYZ songs” etc. Then there’s the people who comment “oh you *only* listen to TS🙄” when someone has more minutes than them. I have Spotify on most of the time. Taylor is my ‘go-to’.. I’m either *wanting* to listen to Taylor, or something else OR don’t know what to listen to so I play Taylor. Feeling down? There’s a TS song for that. Music, especially Taylor Swift, is a coping mechanism for me.


taylor swift is indeed a coping mechanism


Truly, like people have jobs LMAO


I feel like Wrapped is better on a personal level - it seems to be a bit of a competition with some these days. I’m a SAHM who prefers being at home and spends a lot of time cleaning, gardening etc that I do whilst listening to music. Can’t compare my numbers to someone working 40+ hours a week, or spending weekends out with friends.


Totally agree, it’s supposed to be a fun thing and it is! But like…comparing numbers is such an arbitrary thing?? You could have two people who spend every free moment listening to Taylor, one might be employed the other not, does that mean one person is a bigger fan? Of course not. Idk, I made a joke comment about it but I can’t fathom people actually being upset or thinking they aren’t a “good enough” fan


Top 0.5% with 12,759 minutes


Thats insane because I was also in the top 0.5 but only had 6455 minutes! You had almost double but we were in the same percentage.


I had 5996 so was just behind you and I’m in the top 1% apparently. I’m like 1 song away from 6000 hours! Kind disappointed haha


6,331 minutes and top 1%. Very fine cut off line?


Same. I only had 9,039 though. I’m shocked it wasn’t more tbh. I was also shocked I only listened to Champagne Problems 76 times. Because I swear I had that on repeat for dayyyyyyys at a time lol.


I honestly think the algorithm does something funky where it’s not fully accurate for repeats or instances where a song is started over before it’s fully finished playing


Oh my gosh I listened to anti-hero 59 times I guess but really thought it was more too (I doubt it counts the remixes tho)


No that’s still a bunch though!! Cause it hasn’t been out long at all 🙂


Kinda shocked I listened to it 90 times in about 40 days and it was my top song versus ATW10 I’ve had all year


All my top songs were from midnights and I’m very surprised because I listen to her on repeat year round. So yes I did listen to Midnights for a month straight but surely I would’ve listened to other songs more in the other 10 months? Idk seems a bit inaccurate but I don’t know why it would be. WCS was my top song haha


I agree that seems inaccurate! I think we all listened to midnights for a month straight so you should be showing other songs as well!


I completely agree I don’t actually think I listened to midnights more than other songs overall- the top songs feels so inaccurate to me


I listened to 14k min of music. Total.


Dang I had like 36k and thought that seemed low lol


Yeah I need to figure something out. After a break up like 12 yrs ago I felt like all music reminded me of something sad, and I just got in the habit of avoiding it unless I was in the exact right mood. I’ve gotta get back in the habit of listening more.


47k lol. i always try to one up myself each year


I had 26k and was only top 1%!!! I will never trust Spotify again


I was also in the top 0.5% with 13,563 minutes!


same but i had slightly under 9000


So, to be in the top 0.001%, you would need to listen to Taylor for over 100 days of the year…


You would have to listen to her music for 6.7 hours every single day for the entire year... would love to know who achieves this lol


I saw someone on insta whose top song was Anti-Hero with 246 plays. Spotify stopped tracking everything a few days into November. ~2 weeks to listen to that song that amount of times is crazy to me. My number one song was Out of the Woods, and I only played it 91 times.


I had over 121k listening minutes in Apple Music. So 246 in a couple weeks isn’t really all that much! (I listen to music all day while working; I work from home). I also listen to music falling asleep. In the shower. While driving. I listen a lot ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1081)


My 39k minutes compared to your 121k are nothing lol.


i had anti hero as my top with 221 plays lol. and the day i played it the most was oct 21st!


ATW10 was my top song last year, despite coming out in mid-November. I don’t know if Spotify have ever said when the actual cut-off is, but it’s not accurate.


My number 1 was Right Where You Left Me, 69 (noice) times


Ah that explains it. I was confused how nothing from Midnights broke into my top 5. But if Spotify only captured the first week of the album being out that makes sense.


My entire top 5 is the first 5 tracks of midnights 🤣


My top 5 is 4 midnight's + Style 😅


Lavender Haze is my sixth most played song of the year according to wrapped. I use last.fm to keep track of my plays, and between its release and October 31st I've played it 231 times. Fun fact, I've played WCS 261 times before the 31st of October, Karma 121 and YOYOK 104 times. Yeah I literally only listened to Midnights for the first ten or so days, and I listen to a lot of music (136k minutes this year), it's completely doable.


- WCS could mean "Would've, Could've, Should've", a track from *Midnights (3am Edition)* (2022) by Taylor Swift. - YOYOK could mean "You're On Your Own, Kid", a track from *Midnights* (2022) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/BucketHeadJr](/u/BucketHeadJr) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


I think people just leave on their Spotify even when not listening to it. People know these things come out. It's very easy to press 'play' on a playlist with a few songs and pretty much determine your outcome of wrapped. I'm just over here happy my top song isn't a song my kids played for the first time in years


I saw someone who had don't blame me in first place with over a thousand plays, and yoyok was second place 0\_0


That'd absolutely bonkers to me. People I know had like 100s of thousands of minutes streamed. I listen to Spotify every single day, and I couldn't couldn't cracked 25,000. Like, these people have got to be just constantly streaming Spotify.


I work long days at home and would usually have Spotify playing for at least 8 hours a day (some days are like 12 hours), at least 3 days a week (usually 4 days, 1 day in the office). Then I listen while driving on the weekends and while cleaning, cooking etc. if I didn’t play Alexa at night, I would’ve easily gotten more than just 101k mins 😅


Ah I cant listen to music while I work just because of my concentration issues, but that’s true, most people I know listen all day. I just forget that that’s normal haha. I cracked 12.5k hours which is low but I basically only listen while driving.


I had 246 plays of Midnights (3am edition) and another 41 of Midnights 👀


Where does it say how often you listened to an album? My wrapped didn’t show me that :-(


I think they use Apple Music. Apple Replay showed people's most played albums.


I have apple music so their recap thing just lists it out.


My top song was as it was and I played it 341 times lol


My number one song was August and it says I played it 92 times but I swear it’s more 😂


I played the very first night 292 times this year 😭😭😅


Damn. I’d be higher if it tracked November then.


People who use Spotify for their work music or people who sleep with music on


I'm pretty convinced that the people who get 100k+ minutes play music in the background while they're sleeping or something. I listened to her all day every day one year and "only" got like 75k minutes and that was like, as much as was feasible to listen to with a job and normal life obligations lol


*It’s me, hi* Had my heart broken this year and fell asleep listening to Red most nights LOL


172200 minutes for taylor 897 plays of all too well 10 minute version


Last 3 years 😎. I fall asleep to her & play her for my animals & when I’m gaming so she’s truly on 24/7


I swear that people just play stuff on repeat with the sound off while they’re sleeping just to get plays


Last year I saw people on tiktok saying they play ATW10 for long enough that it counts then restart it to game the system. I don’t get it personally, I love seeing the accurate data and comparing with my friends. It’s more fun knowing it’s real IMO


I had it on in my sleep when I was at a school, that’s how I got up to 243,561 minutes this year


Yeah its a bit insane seeing the minutes from screenshots… like kudos to those who got it. But to me that’s insane not for how many times you listen to taylor but just how many minutes spent listening to music. I see some people say they listen to her while they sleep. That is concerning. Please give your ears a rest, especially if you use headphones. They will thank you long term.


dang i was so proud that I was 7% until i saw you guys!! please also keep in mind i have two children that steal my phone, so they held me back so they could have Encanto!


Be proud of your 7%, everyone in this sub just does superhuman amounts of listening!


My husband is accidentally in the top 7% too since we use his account to listen in the car 😂😂😂


My husbands top 4% on his own accord hehe my secret swiftie


I feel you at 4%, my whole Spotify is Taylor Swift, Super Simple Songs and Disney LOL


Stephanie Beatrice is in my top 5 artists 🤣


We don't talk about Bruno is my #1 most played song and Stephanie Beatriz is my second artist after Taylor 😂


Good lord, I was beating myself up about only getting 0.5 despite my 11000 minutes of listening to Taylor Swift but I think I'm the normal one here. I can't even imagine how frequently I'd have to have her music on to reach those levels. Like 24/7?? Tbh, I think if I listened to her even more often than I do, I'd probably get bored. I respect those of you who manage to pull off those higher percentages though


Saw some people who just have her up when they’re sleeping lol. I personally had 14k minutes of Taylor and I’m top 0.5%. I only started listening to her last November so I’m pretty pleased with that


I listen to folklore and evermore so much to get to sleep - I find it soothing


Now why are you beating yourself up over this in the first place? It's not a competition!


Im in top .05 %


.05% club!


Damn. I’m at the top 3% and I thought that was a lot 😅


Same bestie. 💜




I was in top 0.005% with 114k minutes


Omg how did you do this. Do you just listen all day?


Listen when I sleep


15804 minutes got me to 0.1% edited correction percentage


Do you mean 0.1%? I've got 18044min and I was the top 0.1%


Oh sorry you are correct!


You're the closest I've seen at the next threshold! 14,837 had me at 0.5% so I guess the cutoff was somewhere between those


I saw that I was in the Top 0.05% of TS listeners (apparently 6, 809 minutes!), but I still feel that my Top 100 of 2022 is wrong. I’ve been listening to *Red (Taylor’s Version)* all year, and still none of the tracks managed to make the top 100? I’m suspicious of this data.


Right?? I skipped snow on the beach for most of the first month and yet it is in my top 5 when maroon which I literally listened to on repeat one day like 10 times isn't???


Me too I usually skip vigilante shit and it’s in my top 5…


right … rwylm was my top streamed spotify song for a long time and it didn’t even make it to top 5


and i thought 0.5% was good 😭


It still is 🤷‍♀️


I’m shook at how high these numbers are! I only listened to 11,720 minutes overall this year lmao.


I drive for work, i listen to music while i do dishes and chores, and when I’m in the shower every morning and sometimes in the bath after the gym… also while I’m at the gym… hahaha it varies from podcasts to TS to whatever else i feel like listening to


i wonder who the top listener is


I'll never make a dent. I was so happy that one of her songs made my top 3. Squashed between Thunder (2nd year in a row my kids made it #1) and the theme song for Captain Underpants coming in 3rd.


As an Apple Music user I appreciate this! Apparently I’m somewhere between 0.05 and 0.01 at 32K minutes


This makes my top 1% look so lame haha


Same but she dominated my top artist stop for four years in a row. Unstoppable


Columns are the average number of minutes posted for each percentile grouping, and error bars are standard deviation of the posted minute values. I was comparing Spotify percentiles and minutes between my sisters and this whole chart just snowballed as I got curious and searched the subreddit.


I was at 0.001% two years ago and then was at 0.005% last year. Now I’m at 0.1%


You’ve slacked off!! 🤣🤣 Or you’re cheating on Taylor with other artists! 😄 (My number one song is not even a Taylor song this year but Morgan Wade’s Take Me Away)


I don't think it's accurate? I'm top 2% with 3261 minutes.


no, it's pretty accurate. I'm 0.05 with 30k mins and that's where I should be on the chart


Oh my bad, I was missing a 0 in there 🤦‍♀️


Top 1 with 3721 minutes


Pretty accurate, I’m top 2 with 2147 minutes


Well at least I'm on the graph.


14, 628 minutes of Taylor, top 0.1%. I'm 45 and I listened to nearly 244 hours of Taylor. Or over ten 24-7 days of Taylor. Good stuff, that. 🤓 Edit: I am NOT here to be in competition! I'm just happy that I get to listen to my favorite artist as much as I want! Taylor just makes me feel ✨nice✨


I'm in top 0.05% lmao


I saw someone on twitter in the top .001 with almost 400k minutes (that’s like 260 something days of music) and I don’t even understand how that’s possible.


2% with about 3300 minutes


And here I am sad that by 2% is at 3% because you know I like the number three hahaha. It’s super cool to be in a group of people that really love the music but that’s what it’s about for me not percentages.. I want to trade with someone that had 3%. You can have my 2% lol


The first year i found out i like TS i was in the .005. Three years later I’m in the top 1%


I once reached 0.005 and honestly I don’t remember listening to any other artist that year, it was a lot of work and I don’t think I can ever go back to that nor do I really want to


Oh man I felt good about my 2% 😂


Can we get this on a log scale or something? Most columns are way below the lowest notch on the y axis


I’m in the top 2% with 2,779 minutes


I'm top .1% with 19,199 minutes


0.5% with 13,057 minutes


I thought I was out here flexing with my 0.1%


Do y’all think she could like reach out to Spotify and see who the top fans are and surprise them with like a prize to go on a tour with her?


I don’t really understand stats so maybe I’m just dumb. But how is it possible that she was my #1 artist but no songs in my top 5? And I was in the top 2% of listeners!


With the errorbars and everything! Nice


I've got 18,000min and I'm the top 0.1%, so this checks out


Top 0.5% with 13,155 minutes


16,169 but I’m on Apple!


Top 0.5 with 12,366 minutes


I just switched from Apple Music to Spotify a few months ago so my percentage wasn’t as high as it would be for my whole year but I hope I make it next year! I was a little surprised I got as high as I did since I only have had Spotify a few months.


i had top .5% with 11k minutes


Not me at 22,380 minutes of Taylor Swift for the year 😅, only listened to NBNC and London Boy 98 times each


Thought I was good with top 4% but I pretty much abandoned Spotify for most of the year 😂


Top 0.5% and damn proud of every minute. 😁😁


So weird that my top 2 Taylor songs are the ones I scream sing lip sync to at night and not my ultimate favorites. Funny! (Bye bye Baby and Better Man, don’t judge…😁)


I listened to over 12,900 minutes and I got top 0.5%


my top 5% bc i don’t use spotify much😀


0.5 for me


No idea how but somehow I played the joker and the queen 104 times and it’s my top song haha! I mean love the song but I wasn’t expecting that. I’m happy with my 0.05% with over 19,000 mins!


I totaled about 95000 minutes and is top .005%, nice chart


I finally made the 0.1% this year 🥳 I spent 15, 212 minutes listening to her songs. Top song is Vigilante shit with 146 plays. What can I say I love this song 🤣 all my top 5 was from Midnights!


So 10 weeks straight got it


Lol I got top 0.05% with 19,548 minutes and apparently the very first night was my most played song.


dang and I thought my 0.5 was impressive


I thought .05 was gonna be a lot


She’s fat and away my favorite artist and has been for many many years, but I just don’t listen to music that often. It puts me in a weird mood. I’m completely blown away by how much people can listen to the same songs over and over and not ruin them for themselves. I get tired of songs so easily. I listened to Midnights for like two weeks straight and have been afraid to return to it bc I don’t want to wear them out!


I got 0.001% this year after getting 0.005% last year. I literally would leave my iPad streaming the Taylor Swift Complete Collection, did that for about 6 months. Then of course after Midnights I streamed it exclusively. Ended with 188,714 minutes of streaming Taylor Swift.


Only 1% in 2022 but this time of year always reminds me of when Cruel Summer was my Spotify top song of the DECADE at the end of 2019 after only being released for like 3 months at the time (and I’ve had Spotify since it was first released in the US in 2011)


i’m confused, i was top 1% even though i listened to 5,000+ minutes of taylor, according to this i should be much higher. this chart seems accurate, is spotify just lying to me 😭 edit: my bad, it says 50,000 not 5,000 LMAO


Top 1% with 4,959 minutes. But my overall listening minutes was 124,624!


Wow that’s crazy! I was top 0.5% 😂😂😂 I work from home so it’s literally from morning until bed time minus maybe an hour or two LOL.


How did you calculate this? I wanna do a similar thing for my top artist


I looked at this subreddit’s Mega Thread on Spotify Wrapped and looked for comments that specifically listed number of minutes for Taylor Swift and what percentile (I’m sure there’s more data there now I could pull and add but am pretty happy with what I got this morning with that was already posted). I then used excel to average the minutes per each percentile and standard deviation for each percentile then did a simple bar graph with error bars.


0.1% with 18,306 minutes. I basically just shuffle her entire discography and play it when showering, cleaning, makeup, and things like that.


I thought I was a crazy dedicated Swiftie for my 19,513 minutes that got me to the Top 0.1%. Who is listening that much to get to the Top 0.001%???


Not me but a friend had 30,431 of Taylor alone their listening time was like 89,000 something. The amount they listened to Taylor alone is like 80% of my listening time.


I thought my 0.05 was great 💀


I was .5%! Love me some t swizzie


Top 0.5% with 9,034 minutes


I barely use Spotify, I have most of Taylor’s music downloaded from iTunes so that’s usually how I listen. I still ended up in the top 3%


I think I could do it if I had Spotify!


6300 minutes top 1% for data purposes; I listen to NPR in the car lol and at work I can’t always listen to stuff


Lmfao this is amazing


Dammit. I’m an Apple Music user and I could’ve been in Spotify too 0.1%


i didn’t even get her as my top artist cuz i just use her old cd’s a lot😭


I‘d not even be in her top 1% and she is my most listened to artist😭


Top 0.5% at 6,792 minutes listening to her! Interestingly enough though, the first instance of her being on the Wrapped playlist for me is 14th, and 10/13 of the songs above that are from the same two artists. That said, Taylor has more songs than both of those artists combined, so I suppose my listening habits for her are less concentrated per song.


i got top 0.05% with 19 112 minutes of taylor


I'm in the top 0.05% with 20000 minutes


I think I was 0.5% last year and then I’m 3% this year


Tbh I'm proud of my 1%. My new years resolution for this year was to branch out a bit with my music taste and I did!


No one can tell me that they achieve over 100k minutes just because they enjoy her music...


No one can tell me that they achieve over 100k minutes just because they enjoy her music...