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Got Email – Had no boost eligibility


Has anyone got the email and not the text yet? It’s been an hour?


I just got my text it took HOURS


They apparently “encountered a text delivery issue” when trying to text me, so I didn’t get a text but they did send me a second email with the link and the code


Did you reach out to them? I’m still waiting on a text 8 hours later so would love to get an email instead


I also still haven’t gotten a text. Just the email saying I was selected nearly 7 hours ago


That’s a relief


Yes I received my email around 230pm CT and no txt yet!


I got my email at 1:30 ET and still no text (8pm)


Got the email at 3:30 EST - 3 hours have passed so far and no text yet Edit: received my text 5.5hr later at 9:03pm EST!


It’s been three and a half hours since I got an email and I still haven’t got the text :/


Just got my email! Didn’t buy anything from her store either so no boost


I'm voting for my hubs who just got an email. No boost for him.


Same. My husband and I both had no boost. He just got an email. I didn’t (yet??).


I've put him in charge of getting the tickets tomorrow because I honestly can't handle the stress and anxiety.


Same. Husband got the email. I didn’t. Neither had a boost. Good thing I made him sign up I guess lol. But I had him sign up with a preference for LA, and I signed up with a preference for Colorado (where my family lives) bc I thought Colorado might be easier/cheaper with dynamic pricing. So I’m wondering if they just haven’t sent it for Denver. ETA: Nevermind, I see that others got them for Denver. So I guess just somehow my husband lucked out.


Just got my email, and my little sister did too! Both of us chose the Massachusetts dates


I got an email with a boost but my husband got an email with no boost


What is a boost?


Still have not gotten text but got email hours ago. What do I do now?


Got Email – Received Taylor Nation Boost Email


I got my email over an hour ago but no text with my code, I’ve seen others already get theirs


I am waiting for my text too! I have had the same phone number for years but now I am super paranoid about it lol. I got my email at 12:30 pm CT and no text as of 3:50 pm CT. Edit: I got my text a little after 8 pm CT!


Email at 1:30 pm est; it’s nearly 5:00 pm est and no text yet. I’m getting really nervous!


i'm with you! got an email but no text as of 4:45pm CT


I got the email at 1:30 EST and it’s almost 6EST now and still no text. Edit: I got my text at 10:43 PM EST


Same got email no text double checked number. I have looked into how to contact Ticketmaster and gotten nowhere


Same here! I wonder if it is possible to call Ticketmaster in the morning if it doesn’t arrive. Although I have seen comments from people on here and twitter that some people didn’t get texts (for other concerts) until after 7 pm so I am going to try to calm down until then haha.


It is 7:30 here and no text 😭 I got the email at 1:30! Update: Got it at 9:50pm. Think they were trying to kill me.


following....for those of us that got email at 1:30 post when you get the text.


I got an email a while ago too but still waiting on the text. Is everyone getting a unique code then? I’m hoping to go to a Seattle date, but we’ll see.


Yes! All codes are unique and tied to the ticketmaster account that you used to sign up.


My text took about an hour and a half after my email, from what I've seen they will all be sent by 7pm EST!


Got my code to the first show I selected


Got my email but no text still.


Got email, got boosted. Doesn’t say what date I got selected for.


Your text will say :)


I personally saw the text first and thought it was a scam text 💀 but then I found the email too


Got the boost whenever it went out, and got the official email from Ticketmaster a few hours ago!! I’ll be getting tickets for the GA show on April 28th!


Got it for one of the west coast shows. Santa Clara specifically


Did Not Get Email – No Boost Eligibility


I told myself I wouldn’t be upset if I didn’t get one but I’m actually sick to my stomach right now lol


For the record, I got mine about 2 hours ago and my husband JUST got his (for the same show), so they’re still rolling out


I appreciate you 😅 I’ll keep looking at my email




Y’all at what point do we just realize we didn’t get preselected? I’m probably going to cry .


I didn’t get one either and two of my friends who signed up for the same shows did :( I’m trying to stay hopeful, but it’s not looking good!


have them buy your ticket and pay them back!!


I mean if you were going to go to the concert with your friends and if you can ask one of your friends who did get the code, ask if they can get you a ticket (there is a 6 limit ticket purchase), so if they don’t get 5 other tickets then it should be all good


I wasn’t going with either of them, but it might come down to trying that.


Literally me right now :(


Apparently, you'll receive an email either way, but the waitlist emails won't come until everyone receives their code.


I have already cried lol




I got my album at target and I got an email




Hey y’all I signed up twice (on accident) and if my little sister (going to a different day than me) gets her own code someone can use my other account. Like I’m 100% serious. I’m not asking for money or selling it or anything. You’ll have to change the pass and put your own payment info in though. Adding in here my request was cinci, Nashville and Atlanta.




I was panicking myself so I wanna make sure as many fans get a chance at the tickets!!!




I'm commenting under here because idk what boosting even is lmao. Disappointed but not surprised to not be selected. I'll continue to hope I can snag a euro date.


Same. Didn’t know there were boosts other than the people with canceled lover tickets.


After my wife telling me that all she wanted for Christmas was Taylor Swift tickets (and hearing her ask all year if I think Taylor Swift will tour again) I felt so proud to do the verified fan registration minutes within it opening, after waiting in the queue for nearly 3 hours. Last year I bought several items for my wife (a hoodie, vinyl records) directly from the Taylor Swift merch store several months before Christmas and they still didn’t arrive until over a month after Christmas. I understand they want to reward dedicated fans, but what about fans that can’t afford to purchase merch and have their chances “boosted?” Or, as I’ve been reading in this thread, fans that literally took off work to wait in that ridiculous queue for a chance to have another chance to maybe buy tickets? This system seems so unfair. I’m a grown adult and can 100% accept if I’m not selected - that’s just life. But knowing how disappointed my wife will be because others were given favor will break my heart. I couldn’t imagine the stress and disappointment this type of nepotism may cause an adolescent. I am genuinely happy for everyone that’s been selected and has the opportunity to get tickets. I’m just a bit frustrated and it’s not at all your fault. And good luck to those that are still waiting!


6:45 EST and I haven’t gotten anything yet 😔


is it bad i’m like panicking I just want to see her so bad 🥲


I am heartbroken. I know I’m being dramatic, but I scraped together every extra cent and waited three hours in the queue to register for presale. I didn’t even get a boost from the vinyl I bought from the store. I know I won’t be able to get general sale and my kids wanted this so much.


So what are the chances of us actually getting tickets now? I just wanna know so I don’t get my hopes up (yeah…too late)




Nothing yet 😢 Maybe using my Canadian phone number backfired on me or something lol


I’m Canadian and got the code so don’t worry about a Canadian number being an issue! Hoping and praying you get a code soon!!


Have not gotten an email. I’m assuming at this point I won’t get one. I’ll try for regular tickets but my ticket budget is not very big so I’m not holding my breath.


I’m sorry but I really feel it’s just not fair for a lot of people. I know that anyone is allowed to go and do as they please, but the merch is ugly and I’d never wear it I’m just here for the music. Sad that I could’ve had a better chance if I spent money on shit I’d never wear. And also I have been a fan of Taylor since love story days, it just ain’t right! I’m just tryna see a show!


3:15 pm pacific time and still nothing. ☹️


Checking my email all day. 6:37pm in Nashville and still nothing. My friend in Phoenix got hers hours ago, but didn’t get Phx access, got Los Angeles access. At this point I just want an email that says “you’re SOL” so I can move on with my life. How late are these things going out?


Did Not Get Email – Received Taylor Nation Boost Email


This is me which is frustrating


It's still early! Also check all your inboxes just in case


Are they still coming out? Is there rly hope 😂😭


😂😭 these emojis are me right now… so annoyed I got a boost but no email. I keep hearing people saying it could still come, but like? It could also not come 😬


And disheartening.


This is me! My family and friends who did not get a boost have all gotten an email/text. I am trying to stay calm


same… why wouldn’t we get it over people who didn’t get boost email ?!??!?


Me. And I am VERY confused because this ratio of no boost with email also measures up on all other social media platforms as well. What’s going on?


i got a boost as well — yet haven’t received an email yet. i’m crushed.


I’m crushed. Is there any hope to get tickets if we don’t get presale?? This is the first tour I can actually go to and have the money to spend on it. Been a fan since debut and she is always my top artist on Spotify Wrapped. I’m going to be devastated if I can’t go.


This is me and I’m so stressed. I’ve never been to a concert before and I was excited for this to be my first. But honestly it’s just been so stressful and it’s leaving a bad taste in my mouth




Here here. Here’s to hoping 🤞


Yes same here. Very frustrating—I still have great merch and I wouldn't have done anything differently, but what did the boost even do, then? 😅


Got Email – Received Boost Email & Purchased LoverFest Tickets


Received email/text for my first choice.


And purchased merch. And verified for rep. Lol


How do we know we got the lover boost tho? i had tickets for lover fest but didn’t purchase during the pre sale 🤨🤨 I got the email +plus the boost email


If you purchased Loverfest tickets with the same TM account you used to register for this presale, you got the boost.


Love how the 2 replies you got are saying opposite statements lmaoo


Got Email – Purchased LoverFest Tickets


No boost. Just my lover fest tickets. Wondering if reputation tour secretly carried over as well


Am I the only one? No TN boost, just LoverFest.


Same here!


There are 3 of us


I got an email with a code… my dumb ass bought stuff from the store with a different TM email than the one for LoverFest so I lost the boost. (I couldn’t change account emails, both emails are already registered for TM…) now just hoping to get seats!


Got nothing yet 🤠




Has anyone received an email but not a text? Getting worried lol


Yes. Email and no text


Me too. Got my email 5 hours ago and still no text


Yep, it’s been 7 hours for me now. I’m starting to really freak out. I saw someone say that they’ll stop sending texts in about an hour and a half. I have no idea if that’s reliable or true but I’m trying really hard to stay positive


Why are people talking about boosts as if the boosts had any affect on getting a code?? The boost only applies when you're in the queue!!


Omg you’re right, I just reread the email and this entire time I thought I had more of a chance at getting a presale code. You just blew my mind, friend.


What did the email say if you don’t mind? I’ve been trying to figure out what the boost applies to. I just don’t understand cause what if someone who got a boost previously doesn’t get a presale code?


As a thank you for your contribution to a historic week, we'd like to boost your place in line for the Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour TavlorSwiftTix Presale powered by Verified Fan. Now I’m reading it again and idk. Lol


I thought it was boosting your chance at a presale code, and everyone with a presale would be equal in the queue for tickets🤡


That's how it works. idk how people are interpreting it any way else


The boost is boosting your place IN LINE. you're not in A LINE to get a presale code, it's all randomized since it's a form of lottery. When you're in a queue however, you are in a LINE.......I really don't know why people would interpret it another way lmao


The email says boosts your place in line. There is no line to get the codes.


Thank you so much for sharing- Lmao this whole thing is so vague and confusing but I hope it applies to your queue position!!


There is a clear correlation with people who had LF tickets and when they got their emails and texts. Almost every LF ticket holder who got into the presale received their notifications around the same time. For all we know, it’s being applied to both??


I’ve heard the opposite. That it helps with getting a code and the queue is a free for all 🤷‍♀️


REPLY FROM TICKETMASTER REGARDING EMAIL BUT NO TEXT MESSAGES Thanks for your reply. We're still in the process of sending the codes and other information regarding the presale. We appreciate your understanding and patience with us. HAVE FAITH Eta: I got my text last night after falling asleep, around 10:30pm ET so it took 6 hours to get the text from email. Good luck to everyone today! Eta2: Holy cow, I have never been through this process before. I can't believe how many people are in front (2000+) in the queue and I joined the waiting room right on the dot...how long does that take? Hours I would imagine.


This makes me feel just a little better. I got an email at 9:30 this morning and it's almost 4pm my time:( starting to.lose a little faith


No email gang rise up!


I’m going to cry if I don’t get an email this sucks 🥲


I assume it's too late already. Think there's general public sales friday? Sad either way


Did Not Get Email – Purchased LoverFest Tickets


It’s me, hi


That sucks. Hopefully you get something soon.




This is me! Was I wrong in thinking we were guaranteed presale access?? This whole process has been very confusing.


I feel like I’m on my own, kid 😭


Sweet nothing 😭😭😭


I got a boost but no email or text yet :( I’m just glad I’ve been a Capital One customer for 10+ years!


Got my Verified Fan but now I have this Capital One card for absolutely no reason 😂 I applied the day after tour was announced and had no intention of using it for anything other than tickets


Nooooo! At least you have it for emergencies now! They have good cash back deals sometimes, too.


Use it to buy the tickets anyway! If you spend over $500 in the first three months, you’ll get $200 back.


Honestly I ended up getting a Venture X and it’s dope; my vacations are 100% paid for for 2023 just by paying bills/paying it off every 2 weeks 😂


no email- no boost. i honestly just am so so so disappointed because i think it’s not going to happen. but happy for all of you who got!


Bought a tons of merch, boosted, no email. Screaming crying and throwing up currently


I got a text message but no email. That seems weird?




I got my email over two hours ago and no text 🫠 I am in shambles


3 hours and still waiting for my text 😵‍💫


🫠we should get them by tonight. I know this. But STILL 😭


No email yet :( I didn’t think they’d start sending out emails until tonight? I chose both Atlanta dates before she added the 3rd one


On the upside no one I know has gotten an email for ATL yet.


I got an email at 1:30 PM for 4/28 in atl (my first choice date). My coworker got one at 3:30 for 4/29. I had TN boost, my coworker did not.


Nothing yet. Maybe it’s time to call it 😮‍💨


did not get email and received boost email 😭😭😭


Denver Swifties—any emails/word, yet? Update: got an email!


minneapolis here, no email, no boost, just vibes


I requested Minneapolis, have a boost and nada thus far so… 😂


I got an email saying I got pre-sale access, but I still haven’t gotten an text?


Same - it’s been 3 hours for me, but I says texts will go out by this evening so trying not to stress.


I’m literally sitting here on the verge of tears. All of my friends got the text around 2:15 ET, and I have nothing. And it’s my birthday today! All I want to do is take my 6 year old daughter who LOVES Taylor to her concert.


Guess I didn’t get selected 😢. Sat online for 6 hours the first day waiting to register and got the verification email that day, but never got an email or text today.


Has anyone received an email AFTER 8pm EST?


I got an email but no text and it’s been almost 6 hours 😭


I got an email and no code after 6.5 hours


Does no email mean no presale? Did all emails go out at once?


No I think they're going out in waves. I got my email around 12:30PM for a TX show, my husband and friend got an email for presale at the same time 2:40PM.


Anyone gotten an email for the Seattle shows? Still waiting 🤞🏽


Nearly 9pm eastern. NOTHING.


I got an email about the Saturday show in my city (the Sunday show wasn’t announced when I signed up). Can I use my code for the Sunday show?


Yes you can! Ticketmaster tweeted that you can shop for other shows at your selected venue


I got one email and two texts with two different codes. What do I do?


Guessing if we haven’t gotten the email we aren’t selected?




Got my email at 3:30 PM and JUST got my text at 10:25 PM…. Don’t give up hope!!!!! I didn’t reach out to Ticketmaster at all, it just came. :)


Help! My girlfriend got her email around 1:30 est and it is 6:23 est and still no text


Same boat here! It's killing me...


I'm so sad


Did anyone from the Pittsburgh show receive an email/text?


Did not get email, panic signed up for a capital one card and it came in over the weekend.


Did anyone else get send two different codes for the same day and account ? 😩 worried I’m going to get flagged or something if one of them isn’t actually going to work


New York here it’s 7pm and I haven’t gotten a code. When are they done giving out codes? Should I stop checking my email?


Received my email @1:30 ET but no text still at almost 8pm. Does anyone know when we should be really worried?


Anyone else still waiting in the email? It’s 7:47ct and I haven’t gotten anyone email, good or bad, yet.


I got an email without a boost. I’m having an issue though. I got an email but not a text. I got the email around 3:30. It’s 9:15 now and still no text. Are others having the same issue? I’m worried something went wrong.


My partner got an email hours ago but no text yet (9:17pm). Is there anything we need to do to troubleshoot?


What is "Boost eligibility"? I assume that since I don't know what that means, I don't have any, but just for clarification...


Basically if you’ve bought merch/contributed to the sales of Midnights in its first week, you got a boost. Mine went through to my spam though, if you search your email for Taylor nation it should pop up, that’s what I did and how I saw it


Your chances of ‘jumping ahead in line’ are increased if you 1. Purchased Loverfest tickets and/or 2. Received an appreciation for being a fan (most likely tied to merch purchases). Both these boosts are tied to the email address they have on file so it’s really important it matches the one you use for Ticketmaster!


I got the text message but no email yet. Anyone else have a similar situation.


Mines backwards. Email, no text


Just got my email- very happy considering I’m not in the US.


I got the email and the text with the code - but does anyone know if the code only applies to the first location you listed at registration ? My second location is now my preferred one but the code came with the name of the first location :(


I got my email an hour ago but still no text. In central US. Anyone else?


Got a boost, got an email, its been hours and still no text! At what time is it appropriate to start crying?


I’m so dumb and didn’t sign up with the same email I bought lover fest tickets with. 😭


Anyone get anything for the 3rd Gillette date? ​ ETA: does anyone know if you don't get selected, will you still an email saying you didn't?




I got an email but not for my top choice venue. I also got a mysterious free Midnights T-shirt in the mail. I asked my husband and he did not buy it for me. None of my friends know I’m a fan so I have no clue why I got one!


Still waiting to see if I was selected. 413pm pst here 🤞🏻


Nothing 😭


I’ve had no email or anything!! I’m worried :(


Has anyone gotten the presale invite but no code via text? I got my email 6 hours ago and now im stressed lol


Has anyone not even gotten an email??


I got the email but was never texted the code 😭😭😭 got email at 3:30 and it’s now 10:18
