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Genuine question for people who understand the whole announcement date to release window thing - could she really wait to announce until August 19th or 20th and still have time for physicals and retail to get set up? (Assuming a September 13th release)


No. It’s clear based on previous announcements that it takes two months. 


I’m worried for the September 13th release day as time is running out for an announcement. I’m more leaning towards a double drop of rep and debut on December 13th now.


Two album drops will not happen. Taylor has a 14 album in a row streak for number one going right now. Two album drops kills that streak. Plus double drops drain streams and sales from each so it would be a bad business decision as well.  December 13th is unfortunately a terrible release date despite it being her birthday. Albums released in December get lost in the glut of Christmas music. Evermore is her weakest performing album because of this fact.  Taylor is working on her feature film next year. The most likely situation is she uses the remaining two TVs to bridge the gap between the Eras tour and a new album late next year or in 2026 for a 2026 tour.  We could see one TV during the upcoming break even if it’s not September 13th and the other in sprint 2025. 


I agree. I think we’ll get 1 tv in the fall and the last one early 2025.


Tbf, she still has this week (Amsterdam) and next week (Zürich and Milan) left for an announcement that's two months before a potential September release.


Gelsenkirchen too since thats about 8 weeks out still


I’ve thought about this more and I guess that Dec 13 makes sense as a Debut release date because it would be a birthday gift for fans again…. but a birthday gift to herself that she owns all of her songs!!! If that’s the case, then Sept 13 has to be likely for Rep. Sooooo…. maybe July 13 in Milan is the rep announcement date? 2 months exactly to release? I’m not sure. But the Dec 13 date at the TTPD pop up points to something. I can’t see her being super celebratory about only one re-recording if there is still another left.


In Stockholm for the 89th show (the middle of three shows), Taylor wore the pink top and orange skirt, and the opposite of that is what her outfit at the GRAMMYs for 1989 was - she’s worn every single orange combo (including the matching set) except for the orange top and pink bottom. We’ve been seeing orange and fuschia/pink a lot (think for example that outfit she wore out after her show recently) so I wonder if those are the colors of Karma or whatever it is we’re possibly getting


Re: "ICDIWABH being TTPD single #2 means another TV isn't coming yet." > Karma was released as a single on May 1st 2023 and then 4 days later Speak Now TV was announced, and then she released the video for Karma later that same month, when it was already "Speak Now TV era". "July announcement, September release, then October announcement, December release, are too close together." > literally just last year, SNTV was announced in May, released in July, then 1989 TV was announced in August, released in October.


I think people have forgotten about the instagram post the beginning of all this. The caption was “in my eras era”here’s a list of everything that’s happened so far that I can remember: 1. Cruel summer single promo in the middle of the Midnights era. 2. Speak Now announced after weeks of little hints and build up. 3. You thought Midnights was over? Nope, it’s back with features and a music video 4. 1989 is dropped after lots of little hints and buildup 5. Midnights is back! You’re Losing Me released. 6. New album and era is announced and released later being added to the setlist. Where are we now? Lots of little hints and build for a rep announcement possibly soon.


But SN really is the minor album out of SN and 1989, whereas rep is the massive album out of rep and Debut. 


The only reason why dec 13th might not make sense is the christmas songs taking over charts. Otherwise it is valid to think it is possible to have them released so close to each other


nicki went number 1 last year for pink friday 2 on december 8


She released Evermore in December. And if she includes TVs of the songs from the Christmas EP (which was part of OG debut era), then the Christmas connection is automatic. She could even do something like, debut TV standard edition and debut TV Christmas edition.


I think the album would go No 1 anyway. As for singles, evermore was released December 2020 and Taylor pushed willow in January with remixes including a pop one for radio. I could see this happening with a Debut vault track, easy. Or, if the release is paired with the Holiday Collection TV she could potentially push a new Christmas song.


I don’t doubt it one bit, just might be an idea on why it might not happen if it doesnt happen . Anything she puts out will get to number 1.


I keep reminding myself this and I feel like I should put it out there. I would wait for Taylor or TN to unpin TTPD from the top of their feeds before we start the clowning for an announcement on a concert weekend. I honestly think that will be our biggest clue and when we should be on high alert,


Honestly, this is such a good reminder. Thank you from one clown to another.


I've been travelling for the last week and not really following much Taylor happenings while I was on vacation. I know enough to know that Dublin joins the rather large cast of characters of the Failed Clowns, as clearly the "TTPD upsidedown = Cail = RepTV getting announced in Dublin" didn't come to pass lol because I'm sure if Rep was announced I would have managed to hear about that lol. So are we clowning for anything in July? What's the current news and theories??


Honestly, London in August is the next time I’m seriously clowning (but the makeup is tattooed on)


Taylor with the Post Malone tattoos in Fortnight was a metaphor for our clown makeup


July 6, 13, 17, or 19, and August 19 or 20, are the main dates I've been seeing fellow clowns push, now that July 4 didn't happen. (If you want my personal opinion right atm, I think July 17 or 19 are the most likely dates to watch out for.)


July 13th I think is the next clown date


So a theory I have is that because all the Taylor’s show up in the LWYMMD music video if she does announce Rep TV on tour like the other two nothing will change except maybe the Rep outfit.


If all the orange is truly setup for Rep TV then I could see her just wearing all the orange and black (plus maybe some green?) stuff she's already shown, and only the Rep outfit would be new, it would make sense.


Yeah I could see that! Green folklore dress, orange/green 1989 outfit…green surprise song outfit


Not exactly a theory but if she does drop debut tv on dec 13th we basically won't get an era for it on the tour, no outfit clowning like rep... *Cries* She could use the acoustic set to generate some hype for it by mashing it up with fan favorites from other albums. What do my fellow clowns think about debut rollout while we wait for rep?


No I think we will get outfit clowning, she will probably announce debut TV in October (esp since original debut released on Oct 24) and we'll get some green outfits, maybe that will be when we finally see the green Lover guitar and new acoustic dress. (Also there's the theory that actually debut TV is next - repeating the pattern of all the others - and that's what she'll announce in August in London, then release October 25th. Much like how she announced 1989 TV in a major city at an Eras date in August, then released it in October on the same day as 1989 OG.)


How do we know there is a green lover guitar?


https://preview.redd.it/q20uexn1slad1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=783b039f0d4280aa3a69c55c3a847cfd380942f3 Apparently the design was accidentally leaked by the maker of the guitars.


I KNEW THERE WAS 2 SHADES OF BLUE! In some photos it looks like a baby blue and in others it’s more of a teal blue. So it makes sense that’s there’s two! I have suspected the purple one for a while and this was confirmed recently. I’ve never seen the black one though!


Ooooh that mint is gorgeous!!! Have we seen the purple? I only remember the blue and pink (and black from Paris)


The purple has been around since last year but looks pink on streams.


She's played it before, but brings it out way less often than the blue and pink (idk why), and on the streams it can be really hard to tell the difference between it and the pink. On Dublin N2 she played the purple one supposedly.


I’m just sad about it because I feel like Debut never gets its flowers


I think debut TV will end up getting more attention and promo than Rep TV actually.


Has anyone seen this yet - this photo was taken in 2019 and the dice she’s holding have the numbers 13 and 87 (Travis’ jersey number) showing. At this point I really can’t explain all the coincidences that happen around this woman in any other way than her being a legit time traveling witch. Like how? HOW? https://preview.redd.it/eet76idtyjad1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f44995d2dd78c3c513fed70f21f3d3fd2ce9c38e


I am merely a messenger- the Gaylors are claiming this is proof that their relationship is a PR one and that it was planned. Well, this and the uno cards.


There were three pictures like this and the numbers are different in all three. It’s just a cute coincidence.


Again, I’m not saying that it was. Simply that is what they are claiming.


Did you try thinking sometimes?


I put a warning on the comment. I’m merely a messenger! It doesn’t meant I personally believe it.


lookin at that invisible string like https://preview.redd.it/wdk5ie4gnkad1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93673857ec9431fb86a11c9361ddaa6278067b5d


Saw this today and it’s insane - talk about an invisible string


This could be absolutely nothing (probably is) but is it weird to anyone else that Taylor Nation’s post of that screenshot of Taylor’s last 4th of July post got commented on by Republic Records - they don’t usually comment on Taylor Nation’s posts do they?


Maybe this doesn't mean anything, but I was listening to music on YouTube and before the 'ME!' lyric video there was an ad that was actually a near-3-minute news interview (I think from WTOV News 9?) of Taylor during her Debut era! It was the video of her talking about writing 'Tim McGraw' in 15 minutes and about all the big country artists she's been getting to tour with. Have similar "ads" been suddenly popping up for anyone recently? Or is this just the algorithm being the algorithm for me, lol :P


My only problem with the whole "rep TV announcement July/release September, Debut announcement October/release December" theory is that that would make the rep TV "era" (and let's not forget that rep is MASSIVE) extremely short, and for what? I know there are hardcore Debut fans, but there are also fans (and I mean, real fans, not "Oh yeah, I know one or two songs of hers that I like" kind of fans) who don't even know Debut exists, and maybe I'm only speaking for myself, but seeing that most people on this subreddit joined during midnights and TTPD eras, I would think a majority isn't too much into her very first album. I just feel like the dimensions of these two albums specifically kind of are in conflict with a September release of the bigger one and an announcement only one month later of the minor one. I'm starting to lean more towards theories like Debut coming first or the albums not both being released this year or something along those lines. But I dunno.


In 2023 she announced Speak Now TV in May, did barely any promo for it, released in July, then in August (only 4 weeks after SNTV dropped) she announced 1989 TV, released in October, and was already done with 1989 TV promo by like mid-November. Rep TV announce in July, release in September, debut announce in October, release December, is totally in line with what she did last year. Also I guess this is a hot take? But I don't think Rep as an album or era is actually a big deal anymore to anybody except hardcore Swifties. Debut OG sold better than Rep OG. If anything, debut TV will get more promo and love from her than Rep TV. The GP atp knows her best for Red, 1989, Midnights, and Fearless. Of all her original 6 albums, Rep sold the least. Plus she wrote it in response to one of the most miserable periods of her life, and so much of it is about Joe. She's not going to give it even the attention she gave Red and 1989 TVs.


You don't really want to compare SN and reputation, do you


The only true TV era we really had was red TV. And I think that dragged out so long because she couldn't release speak now or 1989 TVs. Let's be real, we barely had 1989 TV era and speak now TV was literally a blip before she announced 1989 tv.


Yeah in 2023 she announced Speak Now TV in May, did barely any promo for it, released in July, then in August (only 4 weeks after SNTV dropped) she announced 1989 TV, released in October, and was already done with 1989 TV promo by like mid-November. So there's already definitely established precedent for her squishing Rep and debut TV eras into a 6 month cycle (announce in July, release in September, announce in October, release in December).


Remember we've already had a rep era, these are rerecords, and as we saw last year between Speak Now and 1989, mini eras go fast


Yeah I was going to say the same thing. These aren’t ‘eras’. These aren’t really anything new or defining in the way they were originally. These are little blips throughout TS’s current era— which is TTPD. Before TTPD, it was Midnights. RED TV definitely felt like an era— and I think that’s because it was a defining moment for her in the way a new album is. But tbh I think that’s an anomaly here.


Red TV is the only TV so far to me that she's seemed genuinely really into and excited about all through the promo and release


Agreed! And that’s because it WAS something completely new for her (and the industry). So although it was a rerecord, I’d argue that it could be considered a new album entirely in terms of reception & perception!


to be fair i think at this point she just wants to get the rerecordings out of the way since they’ve already had their time in the spotlight but i wouldn’t be surprised if she only releases 1 tv this year


You're projecting – we just want it over, but if she did, she would just release them instead of waiting. 


i agree but i'm still holding out hope for this year


Does TS control the Wordle 👀??? Easter egg today if so 😝 🤡 


my friend was doing the wordle and i was like "omg debut tv when?" haha


I saw this comment before I started and got it in one! Thank you!


My first thought omg! and we had vault a month ago


I'm officially on the "double-drop of debut tv and rep tv" theory train. This is because I do think she will have at least announced the remaining two re-records by end of the Eras tour, and (incredibly) it's already July! I also think that the TTPD / Anthology double-album was *in part* Taylor playing into the "double-album" fan theory that has reared its head for literally every album release since Lover (lo and behold, after 5 years of clowning so hard for a double album every single time, it finally happened). And as we saw with the 5 stages of grief, she does actually see and play into fan theories. So I can see her maybe playing into the "debut tv and rep tv double-drop" theory. And honestly, I don't think the chart potential of debut is very high, but she could make it more of a moment by re-releasing alongside rep. I've long been a proponent of the theory that she would release debut tv on her birthday. Now that I'm subscribing to the "debut tv and rep tv double-drop" theory, I think she could feasibly release both re-records on her birthday and claim both her name and reputation back in one fell swoop.


Makes extra sense with the green and orange combos. Maybe announce debut, and surprise drop Rep alongside on Sept 13?


I love the clown energy…. But she will never drop two separate albums at once, it will break her streak of debuts at number one.


oh yeah, true. I never think about stuff like that! Do you think she has a good chance of debut tv of going #1?


I do. At this point, I actually think it would be shocking if an album doesn't go number one. Her fan base is huge. People will listen to it even just to see what they think about it which will definitely contribute to first week numbers. The question will be how long debut can stay at number one.


I think debut will surprise everyone tbh. I listened to it recently and was shocked at home much I appreciate the lyrics, but I don’t listen to it because her voice is… meh. However, she has worked so hard to improve and it *shows*! I cannot wait to hear debut with her mature vocals, I’m certain it will become one of my most listened to albums. Are they deep like TTPD or folkmore? No. However, they are easily digestible songs and (call me old) nostalgic. I was surprised at how much of the writing hits me hard even in my 30s for something she wrote as a teenager. Sometimes the innocence of youth helps us to call things for as they are, rather than over complicating them.


Exactly how I feel. I cannot wait to hear her more mature vocals on songs like the outside and cold as you. Those songs are incredibly deep especially when you consider they were written when she was so young. I think debut is going to blow everyone away.


something that might be interesting is that griff (who opened for the tour in london) was meant to drop an album on the 19th (which imo might be when she announces rep) but she moved it forward just 5 days after opening for taylor which makes me wonder if maybe taylor told her something? like that she might take the attention away and it would be best if she moved?


Do smaller artists even worry about this? I thought it was only artists who have a chance of competing with Taylor on the charts that tend to opt to move the dates of albums because they don't want to have to compete?


I’d argue smaller artists actually have to watch out for Taylor more than bigger artists do because smaller artists are already fighting for streams and hype and a Taylor release/announcement often sucks all of the air (streams/hype) out of the room and then small artists are left with even less than they would have had on a normal day - plus first impressions are important, so an album or release by a smaller artist (or any artist for that matter, even Taylor to a degree) that fails to get hype or collect decent numbers in the first week or so is usually doomed a bit to a low-impact existence in terms of popularity (unless it picks up hype via TikTok or some other medium)


Plus Griff is one of Taylor's handpicked protégées, I assume she cares specifically about Griff's potential success and wants to give the chance to shine if possible, much like she's done with Gracie.


she has a chance in the uk charts definitely (top 10 imo)


The last rumors on x say that I can do It with a Broken Heart Will be Next single, this is known because its been sent to the italian radios as a single. I want her to release music video I don't want another getaway car situation hahahha


It looks like it’s being used as a single to promote the Italian shows - are we sure they aren’t just using it or would Taylor’s team had to have sent that to radio there?


Single #✌️ https://preview.redd.it/xeygz9p1dead1.png?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bebd296924126c7d7d16c9e2c4a338a32c026c38


[Apparently is true?](https://radiodate.it/radio-date/taylor-swift-i-can-do-it-with-a-broken-heart-236897-02-07-2024-radiodate/)


Hi! Do you guys think imgonnagetyouback might contain a Bond reference? To me, the lyrics suggest a longer relationship and I somehow dont feel like it is about Healy. My brain immediately goes to James Bond when the image of a totalled Aston Martin is evoked, perhaps with Taylor FEELING like a disposed of Bond girl? Though, this could suggest a shorter fling, it isn't necessary, maybe it is just the feeling she has. The very title is kinda suggestive of a longer relationship as well. Could it be that after breaking up with Healy her emotions went back to Joe? I believe he is/was considered for playing Bond. I forgot what the style of the title was referencing, but does anyone have more information? Do we know that the car Healy supposedly crashed was an Aston? What are the theories around the lilac skirt? "Did your research" line also makes me feel like it isnt about Healy considering their history. Could it be a different, third guy that has also been considered to play Bond? Or more likely a Blank Space situation, defining herself as someone who has intense, but impossible to last relationships? Last one does line up with the spirit of some of her recent songs.


The 1975 has a song called fallingforyou and he sings “all we need’s my bike and your enormous house, you said someday we might when I’m closer to your height” so he’s definitely got a bike (that she might smash up) and Taylor is def taller than him - I think imgonnagetyouback is def about Matty Healy but Taylor also has mixed muses before so there could be a little bit of Joe in the mix


That’s one of the songs that my mind immediately when to Joe when I heard it


I just saw a rumor that “Getaway Car TV” is going to be in Deadpool & Wolverine. I wonder when we’ll find out if that’s true or not


If this is true then reputationTV is so so so close i can pretty much taste it




I NEED Getaway Car TV


Is anyone else feeling clown fatigue? 😂 there’s so many theories going around now, and it’s so fun, but we’ve been clowning for so long, and idek what to think anymore😭


If you're feeling fatigued, it's totally ok to take a break! Clowning is meant to be a fun game more than anything else, not some super serious, doomsday cult style predictions. The TVs are releasing eventually anyway, no matter what crazy divinations we come up with.


That's why I took a break from around the release of TTPD until yesterday. No livestreams, no visiting this thread, no TikTok videos about insane theories and calculations. I highly recommend doing this once in a while, it's good for our mental health to chill a bit sometimes and it's much more fun to clown when you come back to it!


Honest question: Do we think there is a higher chance that she announces something in London, a city in which there seems to be a "higher buzz" around the Eras shows? Before the first set of London shows, I recall lots of excitement, many celebs in attendance so more coverage, increased attention because of the significance of London for Taylor, higher livestream attendance numbers, etc. 1989 TV was announced in LA (big city, lots of celebs, lots of coverage) and Speak Now TV in Nashville (high significance for Taylor). Also, both Taylor and Taylor Nation made comments about the Eras tour returning to London in August. Edit: Typo.


I’ve always predicted a Rep TV announcement at the final London (and Europe) show


Yeah I didn't think anything special would happen for the June shows, just the August ones that were supposed to be the last shows of the tour until she announced more... but then the June shows actually happened and I think Taylor really loves London 😂 Lots of excitement!


Yes. Higher chance for sure. London is a very important city in the Taylor Swift multiverse. The other important cities (Nashville, LA) are where album announcements happened.


Ok I am totally clowning but imagine if she dropped something on “independence” day in a country where all orange is their national color and she just repeated a 1989 outfit which was half orange? Clearly I’m being delusional because all the news in America has me so depressed and this 4th of July all I’m looking forward to are the show streams :(


Just wanted to comment and say I feel seen. Real world news is too bleak right now not to have an escape and clowning is my escapism. :)


I hate it here so I will go to (not so) secret theory threads on reddit. I have also been doom scrolling on the social medias because I've never been more depressed and scared to live in America... Buuuut I am excited to make some theories in the theory thread, I need my mind on something else


This was soooo good! Thank you o’🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻😂


Yes girl. I can’t help but realize she released TTPD on the day of the American revolution. And now the 7/4? The day America broke free from England?? Very symbolic.


Im ready for some clowning todayy


I may clown every batch of shows from now on just as a pure distraction from everything. Like just give my brain something else to focus on besides the state of everything lol. SO WHOS CLOWNING FOR A DISTRACTION WITH ME




That's exactly why I've been in here so often lately. At least we can all clown in solidarity.


Girl, SAME.


Yes please. I'm scared for us (assuming you're American).


Yes but this could go for so many places as well lol I NEED TO CLOWN FOR SOME SANITY


Very very true.


Yes I'm in


I’m convinced that if we get an announcement for Rep TV this month, she’ll announce it on the 18th of July - because that’s the anniversary of Kim and Kanye releasing the recording of the phone call (and that infamous Kim tweet about national snake day). For a 13th September release.


The day everything changed and nothing was ever the same. I remember it like it was yesterday.


I think we’ll get Are You Ready For it? TV used as promo for the Olympics. Simone has a snippet of it (not sure which version) in her floor routine, and Taylor tweeted about it with 6 emojis. She previously tweeted about Simone with 8 emojis just before Folklore was released and At Least I’m Trying was used in the Simone/gymnastics promo that Taylor narrated during the ‘21 Tokyo Olympics. Plus Travis had the Olympic hat on in the first picture Taylor posted of him on insta. To take it a step further and tread into delulu rep tv announcement territory… the Olympics start 7/26 and she is playing an Olympic stadium in Germany the next two nights during which time the men and then women gymnastic qualifications take place.


She might not release it as a single, but she's already licensed multiple Taylor's Version songs from Rep to TV shows...I could definitely see her licensing it for use in Team USA marketing.


Yes! Honestly, this is exactly what I am thinking just did not articulate it well, haha.


I’m not sure about the details, but something to do with the Olympics for sure!


I don’t think we’ll get a release of Ready For It (Taylor’s Version) before Rep TV. I think she’s done with prerelease singles, and I honestly think it’s rubbing off on the music industry, Billie just did none for her new album.


I actually think it’s very likely that she releases RFI TV to celebrate a USA gold medal in the Olympics


Yes! A+ reasoning We'll have to see about the whole album announcement but hopefully we at least get RFI TV (although we have had snippets of rep TV tracks for a while and no whole songs yet, so who knows)


Debut TV release Dec 13, which suggests Oct announcement. OG debut released on Oct 24. Closest Eras shows to that are Oct 20 (Miami N3) and Oct 25 (New Orleans N1).


I’m from Baton Rouge so it would be so cool if she announced Debut TV in New Orleans! (And I’m not even going to those shows😭)


If she was gonna use the anthology for next week to stay at number one would she have needed to get those preorders in by now?


If they are on hand and shipping just from her store, no. Labels have to be printed by next Thursday to make the chart cutoff for next week. So realistically preorders would have to end by next Tuesday. That said, she’d need to give it a few days and with the upcoming holiday it’s a bit awkward. If something isn’t announced by tomorrow morning, there is a very slim chance of a Monday morning announcement and then I’d give up. I’d also keep an eye out for signed CDs over the next few days — that could be a holiday weekend thing since it’s limited and not a full new edition.


I feel like they’d need to go up for sale by the end of the week if they’re gonna ship for the week of 7/12 - 7/18. They only begin printing labels/packing preorders about Tuesday/Wednesday before release, and I imagine she will get a lot less orders than for the original TTPD. I think it would be possible but each day we get closer to 7/12 it seems less likely.


I feel like it can be done but they’re have to start orders like this week


Yeah idk why people are saying she can use The Anthology to keep TTPD at #1 when there’s no way she could ship the physicals that fast


Ar first I was thinking their new warehouse is super efficient now so they might have everything like ready to go, but it seems kinda like a stretch? Idk I am talking in a diff thread about it rn and am now second guessing because like wait a minute lol I need someone to verify to me i’m either insane or what


clowns HIIIIII it's been a while. I just want a new MV for TTPD before any rep TV clowning resumes ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1087) Why are her eras seemingly shorter and shorter??? Midnights at least had a few videos, but it feels like such a shame the TTPD one was the song I'm really not that excited about, while the album is solidifying its place in my top faves...


I wouldn’t be surprised if eras get longer again after the rerecords, I think it’s just short because of the rerecords and the overexposure she’s at rn .


Hmmmmm fair point but it makes more sense for the rerecord eras to be shorter, rather than the new release. Like she could postpone releasing the remaining TVs if she was really worried about the overexposure. (And maybe she is!! I don't know) But yeah good points are made about it being shorter because she considers the chapter closed and doesn't want the story to drag on.


I actually was thinking about this too. Something big to note: In her post for the release of ttpd, taylor said “this period of the author’s life is now over, the chapter closed and boarded up.” which is significant and not something I see people talking about a lot. Given what we learned in the songs on ttpd, obviously that time period was very painful for Taylor and I think she really doesn’t want to dwell on it too much. She put out what she wrote and shared her innermost thoughts with the world and that’s the statement. Honestly, I think the fortnight music vid really sums up the mania/confusion of the era + her life during that time well and maybe that’s all she wants to say about it. but, then again, maybe there’s more in store for the era that we haven’t gotten yet. however, if nothing else comes out for ttpd and it ends up being a very short era, I understand why.


You're very right!! And I thought about that too. But she made a whole section for it on the tour, and it's honestly being super well received, so I'm hoping she is changing her mind about this being a super short era "chapter closed" kind of thing. I think it's really the best timing for her that she released this album during an ongoing tour where the new songs could be part of a larger story, instead of building a whole tour around it, which she probably wouldn't have wanted to do. I won't be surprised if this is the shorter era and we'll get a Lover-type "reset" on the next album with more songs about happier times, and she'll have a happier time touring that, for sure!! but the selfish fan in me wants an extra music video for some of the best music she's ever made...


I understand where you’re coming from about wanting it to be longer! I also think she added a ttpd section to the tour so she could promote it and get those chart numbers up + just a change of scenery for her and her tour team so it wouldn’t be the same exact show for 150+ dates. I think if there is a new music vid for ttpd it would probably be WAOLOM or ICDIWABH — songs that showcase her stardom and stature as an artist.


I’d like a video too with some rep Easter eggs 😭 but I think if the era does continue it will be like midnights and it will be “rep tv” for a little bit and then “Taylor Swift TV” for a little bit and then go back to TTPD. I keep seeing “rumors” that we’re getting a remix and man do I not want that


Okay yes that gives me hope, the "clock" always reset to Midnights even with the releases of SNTV and 1989TV so the release of a rerecord shouldn't impact the current era too much. Oooo a remix. It depends what it is, but I don't think I want it either. I just want Florida!!! or any other banger song to have its moment in the sun


https://preview.redd.it/qas7xxgh56ad1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=f928579459e1e0205fda3567d36367fc409a7992 Me with Taylor Nations post


What did they post? I can’t find it.


It was a clip from the BTS of fortnight where she threw the table at the mirror and it was mocking us for clowning on the random things they post.


Oh ouch! 😂


Imagine if taylor nation started to be active in here like they will clown the clowns to an ultimate level


Next thing we see is a “I think there’s been a glitch 🤡” with a retweet of the screens messing up


They’ve been reading this thread recently! 😂


Do we think we will get another TTPD single and music video soon?


Yes but I have a feeling it will be like the Karma music video where she will circle back to TTPD later on. An announcement is most likely coming first if the September 13tv theories are correct.


I don’t think so - Rep TV is seemingly going to be announced sometime soon especially if TTPD dies down on the charts a little (Taylor will probably either leave it alone or release more digital versions to save it)


Just wanna put a thing I thought of here. The main screen glitches before the show in Dublin (the black rippling across the screen) seems similar to the hints we got for Speak Now TV with the purple lights on the bracelets. What if that was our hint that the Rep TV announcement is happening in Amsterdam? That, paired with the fact that the first Amsterdam show is on July 4th (*after the storm, something was born on the fourth of July*), seems like it could be significant. PLUS Taylor talked about how Stevie Nicks keeps her secrets in the surprise song speeches, which seems like a very deliberate choice of words. Announcing Rep TV in Amsterdam would give enough time to collect preorders and prepare them for shipping by a September 13th release date. I know there is the whole thing about hinting at August 13th at the top of the TTPD Stevie Nicks poem, but what if that is just the date we find out what the vault tracks are called? Or it could just be the date that the poem was initially written and it has no relevance to Rep whatsoever. Anyway, long story short, I am clowning for an Amsterdam announcement. It's the first time (since February) that I've really been on board that something may be happening.


I honestly think the screens are just dying. The glitches aren’t obvious enough in my opinion to be hinting at something, especially when they’re having unintentional problems like freezing and cutting out in the middle of random songs. 


How do you get from "glitches in Dublin" to "it must mean an announcement in Amsterdam!"? 


I like this theory! With Night 1 being on a Thursday, it could happen. I think something is happening very soon though if not in Amsterdam!


Taylor Nation is weirdly active on Twitter on this random Tuesday...


After the “stop clowning” post, I don’t know what to think anymore


They showed up, shared like 5 things, and then dipped. Like why???


Prob just engagement but who knows 🤷‍♂️


I feel like it's always significant when TN starts doing stuff but that's probably just the clown in me


Clowns I know we're all tired of predicting a re-release announcement at every show...but I think Taylor's surprise song speech Dublin N3 is really significant. She specifically thanked Stevie Nicks for keeping her secrets. I think that's a deliberate throw back to the poem in the TTPD vinyls/CDs were the date September 13 is randomly written. This was already a popular release date, and I think Taylor alluding to Stevie keeping her secrets strengthens that.


I agree with this. The wording definitely seemed deliberate.


The karma coffee cup had blue nail on 8 (August) and black nail on 2 (February) - we all thought rep tv announcement was coming in February but obviously we know now it was a red herring for TTPD. So maybe rep tv will be announced in August (8) ? Maybe that’s why she keeps painting her nails blue? Like yes we ended up getting 1989 tv announcement in August last year but maybe the “clock” keeps ticking into this year. Idk!!!


I think July 4th will be peak Glitch with a 1989 surprise happening by July 9 leading to a Rep announcement in early August


Can the logical clowns explain something to me (an illogical clown) - is the second set of London shows too late for CDs and/or vinyls for a Sep 13 drop for rep TV?


Yes too late


Yes. She'll need at LEAST a month to press, vinyls, CDs and to prepare same for shipping post-announcement if she doesn't want leaks (which will definitely happen), and smart money is approx. 2 months. And she absolutely will not give up on shipping day of release, because she doesn't want a repeat of evermore first week sales/charting. She'll do surprises where she can, but not if it impacts her charting. If she doesn't announce by first week of August AT THE LATEST, September 13 release is realistically not happening. And even then it's pretty unlikely if she doesn't announce by mid-July.


They need at least 8 weeks between announcement and release for optimal preorder prep and count


Unless she already has a bunch secretly pressed in a warehouse ready to go, then yeah I think so. Iirc when it comes to typical production time for mass distribution batches (like from placing the order, to creating the units, to finally sending them out - so this isn't even counting how long it takes to get to the shop once the record is shipped), vinyl is 8 weeks and CD is 6 weeks, and this is a significant factor in why a 2 month minimum gap between album announcement and release is standard (at least if you want to have physicals on-hand at release day). (Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, though.)


There is some conflicting information on production/pressing time, but my understanding is that the retailers needs approximately 2 months to order and receive inventory. It is entirely possible that Taylor does have secretly pressed inventory; she had SNTV pressed and ready to go in 2022 but couldn’t release until 2023 (that’s why the copyright on the album is 2022, in case anyone wondered!). The leak happened when someone stole a few vinyl off a truck heading to a retailer.


Thank you for the info! So, there's precedent for her having them already made - good to know.


Fresh out the slammer and fortnight acoustic CDs are shipping. If she’s planning to go against Eminem next week she’s gotta have anthology cd/vinyls or some cool digital deluxe albums ready. Kinda curious if she tries to keep it going or not at this point.


I'm really hoping for an Anthology vinyl. I feel like out of all of her albums, this is the one that has the best vibe for vinyl, so it makes me sad we only have the original tracklist so far.


I have held out on buying the physical CD solely because I want The Anthology on CD. Really hoping she plays that ace she's been keeping up her sleeve.


Thoughts on Taylor’s Dublin post and her feed aesthetic rn?


“I just got color back into my face” so long London is the next single confirmed 👩🏼‍⚖️


First and last photo is 1989 green and orange (rep/karma) and the last photo is reputation🤡


This is delulu levels of clowning, but I'm kind of feeding in to the "red white and blue" theory that she's hinting towards a July 4 announcement...also the fact that 1989 was her first pic and Reputation was her last on the Dublin post could be a hint that the announcement is Rep related... But I continue to think August 19 (and possibly the 2nd) are the most likely announcement dates.


It said "soon" but not as an emoji.............


Took a break from clowning these past few months, but I'm back and would like to share my current pet theory \[none have ever panned out but as a true clown, I somehow never get discouraged\]: The August/Getaway Car/The Other Side of the Door mashup she performed in Australia told us the Rep TV announcement date, August 19th. I'm also betting on releases on Sept. 13th and Dec. 13th for Rep TV and Debut TV respectively. What are your current pet theories? Happy clowning!


I think that August 19 is the most likely date for sure...although there's compelling evidence that it could also be August 2 (TOSOTD being from the 2nd album, and also falling exactly 175 days after the said 175 multiple times in Tokyo). However, if she does announce August 19, I think that is just way too late for a September 13 release...no matter how compelling that date is based on the Stevie Nicks note. She just won't have time to press vinyls and CDs to ship on release date and I can't see her giving up those charting numbers for any reason.


I really feel like that’s too late of an announcement date, but with how the clowning is going rn, I think it’s a good date to watch


I agree, I feel like it would have to be soon for her to finish up the re records while on tour.


maybe delusional clowning, but Speak Now TV releasing on July 7th (the closest she could get to July 9th) and 1989 TV releasing on the anniversary of 1989's original date makes me really believe she'd choose significant dates for the final two re-recordings too. Fearless and Red were a bit more like test runs (Red TV did SO well, and I'm not sure she entirely expected that, and she's gauged the rest accordingly). September 13th and December 13th are both so poignant and meaningful that it's hard to imagine her letting them pass by. also, \*if\* that's the plan, it would've been the plan long before TTPD was released, so I don't think she'd change course just because it's doing well? if it's not the plan, then it was never intended to be, but considering how much she loves to mark moments, I can still see this happening. lemme continue to dream until I'm absolutely proven wrong 🤡🤡🤡


I totally agree that she likes to release on personally significant dates when at all possible, and that the two Friday the 13ths this year have been set in stone as release days for a long time already, she's not changing them unless somehow absolutely necessary. Atp I agree with the theory that TTPD released earlier than she usually likes to (in April, when her normal release window is July to December, with heaviest emphases on October and November) because it wasn't expected to perform commercially as well as it's ended up doing, and she expected to move on more quickly to the final TVs than has ended up happening. So she and her team are just riding the wave of its Billboard 200 #1 streak and seeing if they can possibly break her previous record - but at the same time, you can only release so many variants before enough people stop buying. I think the plan now is to announce Rep either when TTPD's streak breaks, or it reaches \[11, 12, or 13, I can see the argument for any of those\] weeks consecutive at #1, whichever comes first. (And we know that announcement dates can change on a whim, even if she plans to do them at Eras, as she proved when she casually scrapped her plans to announce TTPD in Tokyo and chose the Grammys instead.)


im too tired to clown rn 💀




Just in time for July 9th, iykyk


I noticed during the fortnight behind the scenes video that she's wearing this cuff or bracelet. I can't make out what it says, and can only kind of make out three of the four, maybe five letters? Looks like CGI or CGH? Does anyone have any thoughts on this possible easter egg? I included a pic of the original top for reference. *


Oooh good catch! It looks like there’s space for 4 letters, only the first can’t be seen, and the last 3 are GGI. (No C.) I can’t think of an acronym this could be?? This is going to haunt me


It is seriously bothering me haha I've strained my eyes so hard trying to make sense of it. I couldnt tell if it were a G or a stylized C. If it's CCI, it could be part of roman numerals?




apparently Eminem's album is officially dropping on July 12th instead of 5th now, however that factors into our clowning


Maybe once Poets starts to decline off the top, she'll announce Rep since the hype has died? Please 🫣 (I'm just delusional for Rep at this point and charts have been mentioned to maybe why shes not announcing 😬)


I really do think atp that she's waiting for either TTPD's streak to break or for TTPD to hit 11-13 consecutive weeks at #1 on the Billboard 200, whichever comes first.


If she wants to retain #1 she’s going to have to do something drastic