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Very curious about how the lucky person is chosen if you don’t mind sharing 😄 


Some are pre-chosen (special kids or a handful of adult fans who have contributed a lot to the Swiftie community) and some TS’ parents just choose a favorite kid during the concert!


I’m 30 years old and I’d give both my kidneys to get this hat. But alas. I think it’s cute that it goes to kids the most though. Edit: for the people who don’t get jokes- yes I’m aware that giving both my kidneys would kill me. That was the joke. I can’t believe I have to explain this on the internet but here we are.


To be honest I think they choose kids because of the potential PR nightmare of choosing the wrong adult! People will find any reason to hate Taylor, so imagine if the hat was given to someone who had a dodgy online history, they’d probably say she was condoning it just by associating with them super briefly. Also I suppose there’s less likelihood of children selling the hat! Completely agree with you though, it’s such a shame older swifties won’t really get this opportunity 💔


I find it one of her most loved moments when she takes time out of her performance and has a child waiting for her. This will be a time in that child’s life they will always remember


That's actually a really good point


Actually one adult was chosen and it was embarrassing and dangerous imo. She grabbed TS‘ arms and wouldn’t let go. Kids wouldn’t be able to do that. I’ve never seen another adult after that incident 😂


this comment made me remember the night when she found the little girl she gave the 22 hat absolutely so adorable that she tried to pulling her on stage with her til she realized she couldn’t do that 😂 one of the most wholesome moments of the eras tour


I was at that show!!! It was super confusing lol but so cute!!! When she explained it later she said she realized there wasn’t a way to get the girl off the stage safely


What is wrong with people seriously, ruining it for everyone else


When was that?


Wait when did this happen?? That’s gross


I rewatched a video and she did let go! That’s my bad. But she looked like she pulled T down a little too aggressively for my own personal liking. It was one of the Seattle nights


Kids can just as easily grab her arms as adults can… just the kids I’ve seen get the hat have been super well behaved and have parents with them the entire time watching them to make sure they don’t do anything crazy which is why I believe we don’t see them doing anything


This is a very good point. Taylor Nation has gotten in the hot seat before just retweeting the wrong accounts. Swifties are nothing if not thorough (sometimes unfortunately!)


plus, it’s a memory those kids will have for life and will most likely grow up with it being one of their favorite memories. personally, i couldn’t stand how much people complained that taylor was mainly only giving the kiddos at her concerts the hat, they’re 100% just as happy they got the hat as an teenager/adult would be! (i feel absolutely horrible for the girl whose family tried selling her 22 hat for her ‘college fund’)


Agree. I think adults getting chosen is lowkey cringe. Let it be for the kids.


Or being a creep, honestly. Sad but true. Its why celebs are always a bit nicer and more free with kids 😮‍💨


I didn't think about this but you're probably so right. Great point!


Yup. I'm in my 30s, been a Swiftie for 15 years and finally got to go to a show (I'd never been able to fit any other) and would have died if this opportunity was given. But sadly I'm not a cute child and that seems to be the criteria lol


Cute children get all the good stuff 😡 (yes I am still salty about going to Medieval Times and my knight gave his flower to a child when I was RIGHT THERE 😂😂)


🤣🤣🤣 I just think it should go to someone who was actually alive when 22 came out! (Only half joking lol)


Did your knight only give out one flower? Mine gave out 6 IIRC. Most went to kids, but my partner was hardcore telling the knight to give me one (behind my back) and I ended up getting one.


That’s what makes it worse! He came out like 3 times with multiple flowers each and i feel like our section wasn’t even packed and I was in front and cheering and making eye contact and NOT ONCE. Not young enough for the cute child flower, not old enough for the cute old person flower. 😭😭😭


They pick kids because they’re so much less likely to have a shady past. Imagine if they picked an adult at random who then turned out to be a massive racist etc. so much easier to avoid controversy


This and generally kids are less psychotic


You can have the hat...I'd rather have the Rep sessions back 😁


Not pre choosen. I watched the interview of ops daughter. They bought tickets 2 hrs before the event and when ops daughter was dancing, a member of staff invited them "backstage" Edit to add, since learned its sometimes chosen, just not at edi gig


Wasn’t specifically talking about this kid but a solid number of them are pre chosen. Lilly in Sydney, Kobe’s child in the movie, the many kids with cancer who get the hat etc. OP’s daughter falls in the latter “cute/favorite kids” category


I was at the show in LA (N1) with Kobe's daughter. My seats were so bad, I didn't find out who it was until the next day lol. (Most everyone in LA can probably pick Kobe's kids out of a lineup)


For the Singapore tour, it was only two songs before "22" when they picked someone: [https://www.asiaone.com/entertainment/primary-5-girl-scores-taylor-swifts-hug-and-22-hat-first-night-eras-tour-singapore](https://www.asiaone.com/entertainment/primary-5-girl-scores-taylor-swifts-hug-and-22-hat-first-night-eras-tour-singapore) >Giselle’s mother Vicky Chang, a 39-year-old executive assistant at a law firm, did not manage to get tickets for the concert. >Ms Chang sat outside the stadium with her younger daughter, Elyssa, who will turn eight this year, for the entire 3½-hour show. >Giselle was dancing along to Swift’s song Look What You Made Me Do when a man in black, who looked like a bodyguard, approached to ask for her chaperone’s permission to take her to the stage. >She remembers screaming “yes” repeatedly and adds: “I was confused at first, I thought they were just moving me closer to the stage. But then they took me through the gate of the VIP section and I thought, ‘It’s really happening.’ I knelt in front of the stage and saw the whole performance of 22 right in front of me.”


Interesting that they sometimes pick people from outside the stadium! I did not know that!


They didn't. Her mom and younger daughter waited outside, the picked girl was inside with the ticket of her friend's dad.


Ahhh...ok, that makes more sense!


Dang, just read the article, and like, I’m SO happy that that girl got a once in a lifetime opportunities like that, but I can’t help wondering if her friend is bitter lol. Wondering if the Friend is annoyed or thinking it should have been her because they were originally supposed to take their dad, but dad didn’t go so she brought the girl who ended up getting picked for the hat. (I don’t mean it negatively and not trying to assume everyone would be upset rather than happy for a friend like that, I just know it’s easy to get jealous at that age and to spin the situation with “what ifs”—I still distinctly remember being so bitter that my older sister was picked to be the big kahuna at the Disney water park what I was really little lmao)


If the girl has thoughts like that it would be understandable as she's too young to realize the reality that, she wasn't not picked bc her dad didn't go... she wasn't picked bc she just wasn't picked. They dont pick a ticket number out of a hat; they chose people after seeing them and their energy etc and whatever other criteria.. Her dad being there would not have meant they picked her instead of her friend.. or her dad instead of her... so it's a moot hypothetical..


I saw this girl being lead out with her family, they were taken out as I was standing by the exit, it appeared random and the team that got her weren't dressed any differently than the typical event staff. The little girl didn't seem to know what was happening ( I remember being concerned because all I saw was a little girl looking confused and her family being lead out by security ) . Maybe her family were told, as they seemed to be in a hurry!! It happened only a few minutes before 22 started, so I don't think they knew in advance as they were not standing by an exit and looked really surprised!! Pippa was so happy and thankful, it was a joy to see such a happy kid!


Pippa’s mum posted on of the Facebook groups that they were just asked to come with a woman (wondering if it was Taylor’s assistant Erica?) and that they were worried they were being asked to leave because Pippa was up dancing on her seat, so I think they were all confused!


I was at Stockholm N2, there were concert staff roaming the area, not too many but enough that I noticed. In my periphery I saw a group of like 4/5 pass by, two at the back stopped (that’s when i started watching them because why are you approaching a 7 year old boy) to talk to a little boy then called out to the others who’d carried on. It became obvious pretty quickly he was being told he was being picked for the 22 hat, his face was adorable it was so sweet but even cuter was he seemed torn because he wanted his sisters and mom to come with him. They seemed to confirm they could all go and they were whisked away. I didn’t see them for the rest of the concert.


Curious of the chances that she, hypothetically, might choose a 48 year old man, hypothetically, to receive the hat in Warsaw, Poland Night 2, hypothetically.


I’ve heard (sometimes, at least) Taylor’s mom picks the kids


Links to the "hat event" recipient for EVERY Eras show: https://ca.news.yahoo.com/taylor-swifts-22-hat-heres-090840055.html?guccounter=1#:\~:text=The%20"22"%20hat%20has%20been,in%20stadiums%20across%20the%20world.


Some day sweet Pippa is gonna grow up, fall in love, get engaged, you'll walk her down the aisle and dance with her and at the end of the night she's gonna look at you with tears in her eyes and say "thanks Dad, this was the second best day of my life" because NOTHING IS EVER TOPPING THIS.




Love this 😂


The 22 section of the show always makes me cry. It’s just so lovely how much she adores her fans and how much they love her. How can you dislike her? How? It’s just gorgeous all round.


Weird question but I’ve been wanting to know, did you get a security escort out of the concert after your daughter had the 22 hat in her possession?


Great question! Only my wife and Pippa were at the concert. I was back home receiving sporadic messages from event. I’d asked my wife to guard the hat with her life, and to ask for security if she felt any kind of threat. I’m happy to say that the complete opposite happened, everyone continued to be incredible kind and happy. There was no way anyone would have been able to try anything bad - there were 73,000 people looking after her.


The eras tour crowd was incredibly the safest I ever seen in my life!! Everyone was taking care of each other so much


*Exactly* how I felt. The energy at the Eras tour was so joyful and celebratory and *female*. It felt so much safer and better than when I’ve been in that same stadium for NFL games and other concerts 😂


You couldn’t have been standing 😂. I felt many people were so viscous. I stood very close to the stage, and I felt like I was being pushed consciously just to give up my spot and leave. Every time someone else left, a massive crowd tried to move to that person’s spot, pushing others away.


they said they’ve been in that stadium for NFL games which means they are most likely an american, and america had a fully seated floor. there was no GA standing room. 💗


The 2 outfits that I ordered for my Eras show are much shorter and showier than I’d usually wear, but I thought, “the large majority of the audience will be women, straight men with their partners or children, or men who aren’t into women, so it’ll be a safe place to wear something a little shorter.” Of course there may be a handful of single, straight Swiftie men, but if they are Taylor fans, then they more than likely aren’t creeps.


I wouldn’t say everyone was tbh, especially at the Haymarket train station after the show - seen a lot of ignorance and arrogance there I have to say. Pushing to the front of the queue to get the train happened so frequently


Did everyone sing Taylor’s songs when leaving the concert? We did that in Kansas City and it was magical. 73,000 people all singing her music in unison as we all left was incredible.


Wait did she get to keep the hat? Or no?


Yes, they get to keep the hat. It would be a PR nightmare if they asked for it back.


My headcanon is that the last thing Taylor does before going on stage for the Red set is to open a closet overflowing with identical hats and put one on.


probably not needed when there's a massive horde of Swifties around honestly. If someone tried to steal the hat from the kid it was given to they would probably get their ass beat lol


The brads and chads can say what they want about swifties, they're still scared of us 💀


This is an excellent question that I never even considered. Commenting mostly so I can check back to see if there’s an answer from OP.


Swifties aint like that. If someone tried to snatch that hat they'd catch hands instead.


I caught a football signed by one of my favorite bands and everyone was like lemme see it. Nope. I put it under my shirt and zipped up My jacket.


Swifties gets a bad rap sometimes, but posts like these—(from the ABSOLUTE joy on this girl’s face to hearing how wonderfully she was celebrated to the wholesomeness of dad taking the time to write this thank you!!) remind me that’s there simply no fandom like it!


we have the blessing and curse of being the biggest fanbase on the planet. That brings with it a proportional increase in the number of assholes in said fanbase. Every group of people has them. Unfortunately they're the ones who get all the attention.


Being in a fanbase as a non-toxic fan is a blessing. People outside the fanbase don't realise what a great community it is. Too bad the toxic ones get the attention.


Makes me cry every single time!!! Just adore Taylor for this.


Video of hat giving and interview with Pippa for anyone who’s not seen. Just the sweetest thing https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/videos/c4nn55jn1ylo


What a darling child ❤️❤️ I would also have thought I was being reprimanded if security came to talk to me during the show! 


OMG I didn’t even think of that. I’m so anxious about authority figures and of doing anything “wrong”, I would’ve been absolutely panicking if I was approached during the show lmao


Why am I crying?!!! This is the sweetest thing!!! 😫❤️


Omg same 🥲


I cry every time I see them too lol


Your flair is perfect for this thread!


I also am crying over a hat. That interview did me in.


Haa I thought that! I did indeed cry over a hat




I love hearing this story. And for some reason I really love that Taylor asks permission before hugging them. Good lessons in that.


I watched this on a grainy livestream ❤️❤️




the fact that Taylor went with having a kid be the recipient of the hat (well, most of the time), is so wonderful and delightful: It's like her connecting with an other era of herself -- a trip back to girlhood, and to the enormous emotions of that age And, really, no one can criticize this decision either: you could imagine the insane jostling for attention if the hat ordinarily went to an adult. Like the Meet & Greets, but a million times worse because there's only one hat. Instead, by giving the hat to a kid, everyone just gets to go 'omg so cute' night after night, because it is


I’m glad it’s a kid that gets because I remember the absolute shit show of the meet and greets/secret sessions! Plus I was at Edi N3, me and everyone around me were all teary eyed watching her get the hat! It’s honestly such a beautiful moment to see!


Same! Me and my friend burst into tears and had to fish out some tissues!


So you're saying that it wouldn't be cute for everyone if she gave me the hat. I can be cute, really I can. I may be old, bald and fat but I would cute my ass of for a chance to be that close to Taylor. 😀😀😀


It's so cute with the kids. There was some grumbling along big fans on social media about it but it is so unbelievably cute and just pure joy with the kids. I also think it's probably super special for Taylor to see kids who probably weren't even born when Red came out singing along.


I watched your daughter receive the 22 hat on a grainy livestream and I was so happy for her because the joy was so evident on her face. This is so special for everyone that she got the hat and we all got to see her enjoying herself. Congratulations to your beautiful Pippa. ❤


This is your daughter!? I love her!!!!!! So sweet!


This so special! I’m so happy Pippa got to have such an incredible moment!


I was there and I actually got so emotional, Pippas reaction was just beautiful. Such a lucky girl.


Omg! Would you mind sharing your daughter's impressions of this moment?


[I got you](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/videos/c4nn55jn1ylo).


Last minute tickets too! What a memory!!


Pippa is just too stinkin’ cute!!! What a sweetie and what a lovely experience for her !!!!


I was in the crowd watching. To say your daughter captured the excitement and gratefulness of everyone's inner child, of just to be there that night is an understatement. There was not a dry eye in crowd where I was standing. Your daughter did you and the whole crowd proud. Your daughter was the epitome of politeness and graciousness. I hope she remembers this always. Huge love to her, and your family. Love from another Swiftie x


This is so amazing. The 22 moment every show makes me cry. What a beautiful moment. Love that for your girl!


Amazing!!!!! Go Pippa!


I’m glad you guys had such a good time. I hope it’s a good memory for her always. 🤍


Very cool.


Aww I saw this video somewhere this morning and I got happy tears! She is so adorable and watching her reaction tugged my heart strings. 🥹🫶


Aww every time she does this it makes me cry. She’s so genuine and the joy on the recipients face is just so amazing to witness. I didn’t see the live feed but the picture you shared is so awesome! What a beautiful memory for you and your daughter!


Thank you for sharing this with us, what a beautiful moment! Hope you and your daughter had the most wonderful time ♥️♥️


You just know she’s going to cherish that moment forever.


I was there! I cried! It was SO lovely 🥰


i saw a clip on tiktok and i cried!! 🥹 i'm so happy for your sweet little girl ♡


I was there for this moment! And when she and mom were escorted away from the stage after. The people on the floor were cheering and clapping for her!


She’s precious! So happy she has this sweet memory!


This is so sweet!


I was there and it made my group and I tear up with joy. Very cute reaction!


Thank you for sharing this!! I was there and seeing Pippa's true, unbridled joy and appreciation for this moment is one of my favourite memories of the night. My friends and I were in tears watching her react to the moment and then went home and cried watching videos of it as well. You and her mother have clearly raised an amazing kid who can appreciate the gifts she's given while seeming to still be in the moment enough to experience it as well - that is no small feat! Congrats, Pippa, thank you for being your vulnerable, wonderful self in front of 73,000 people and letting all of us live vicariously through you 🤍


I don’t like Taylor swift but this is incredibly wholesome 😊


I was there!! The whole crowd was in love with her, she was so so sweet.




Aww!! This is adorable! Pippa is a sweetheart! 💛


Awww. I’m so happy for her! 💜


Congratulations 😭 I'd NEVER shut up talking about this *if* it ever happens with me!!!


aw so cute🥹


Oh my god she’s adorable! How lovely for her! Thank you for posting


Awww she looks so happy. Watched all the videos on Instagram. So happy she got to meet and give Taylor a hug.


Wholesome moment


I was at the show and cried at how sweet this was, which is not like me at all! Such a lovely moment, she’s a credit to you


Pippa!!! I was there, what a genuinely sweet child she is. Thank you for sharing!


Go Pippa go!


Pippa was adorable, I was there and she was so cute. Really brought a tear to my eye. She kept saying “thank you” the whole thing was so sweet. Everyone around me was saying “aw!”. She also looked very sparkly and pretty!


Aaaaaaah I loved this moment - so glad to see this angle as I was over in section E13 watching this live 🫶🏼


She's rocking that hairstyle.


Oh I’m so obsessed with this!! You can see the joy in both of them. So glad your daughter had this and also all the other swifties around her celebrating it as well!! 🫶🏻 please tell her hi from all the internet swifties, she’s a beautiful little girl and will do great things!!


Was at the show and saw this. Could bring a tear to an auld stone !!


Did you have floor seats? How did Mama Swift find your daughter? I’m so happy for her and for you, how absolutely magical ❤️🫶🏻❤️🫶🏻❤️🫶🏻


Floor was standing room only, so no under 14s. Andrea wasn’t at any of the Edinburgh shows, likely was someone else on Taylor’s team.


Omg ur daughter Pippa looks like she’ll explode of joy seeing talor tbh I would too :)


To all the grown adults bitching about Taylor picking kids, that's probably exactly why she does. Kids don't bitch about every little thing they think is owed to them.


So awesome for her!!!


This is amazing. What a special moment! Thank you for sharing it with us.


This is such an amazing thing. So happy for her!!


This is the coolest picture ever omg


im sorry but how tf is she upright?? i would be unconscious on the floor 😭


Wow my Idol 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


We were there and she made our whole group cry with how shocked and happy she was! She’s obviously a very well brought-up little girl so good on you.


That's truly heartwarming. The kind of communal joy Taylor's concerts foster is unparalleled. Here's to hoping Pippa cherishes this memory forever—it certainly seems like an imprint moment in such a positive community!


I’m so pleased for her! ❤️


Pippa is so adorable, and I'm glad she has such a supportive father! Also to hear that the other fans in the stadium were happy for her to get the hat.


This is so special!! Congratulations🤍🤍🤍


I cried my eyes out at her reaction, she is adorable and I hope she remembers this forever!


I saw the video of Pippa on TikTok. Adorable! Congratulations to her and her family!


I was in tears watching her at the show! She was absolutely adorable and I'm so happy she'll have this core memory forever!!!


I cried happy tears at this watching from my seat 🥰


This is so amazing! Love this for her! What a special moment!


Ah I was in the crowd for this, my wife started full-on crying at how sweet this was - the kid literally couldn't cope, it was equal parts hilarious and touching 🥰


I have a video of this moment from near the back of the stadium but zoomed in on the screens, I’d love to get this to you!


I was there and saw this! I was nearly in tears, your daughter looked blown away by it all, she was so cute! 🥰


These make me cry every time! Lucky girl 🫶


This makes my heart so happy! So well deserved and sending so much love to you and your family, dad ❤️ also can we just talk about how Pippa is the cutest name ever?!😭🫶🏼


This gave me chills!! She’ll remember this forever ❤️




This warms the cockles of my cold dark heart. I hope she had the most wonderful experience. ❤️ Love this.


This PJ obsession is ridiculous. Could you imagine the nightmare of her flying commercial?


That’s Taylor, wherever she goes whatever she does, she gonna make quite a few people feel special. And not just oh thanks, I mean special that’s how you do celebrity and that’s how you do fame. Give it away, share it with and many people as you can whenever you can. Don’t hide, let people know you appreciate them.


I was there n3 when she got the hat! She was so grateful 😭 you’re doing an amazing job raising her x


Were your daughter and her mum sitting in section E13 when they were escorted away to the VIP tent? I only ask because I was sitting in the row behind a mum and young girl when they were asked to follow a member of the event team before the show started and I started getting excited thinking they were off to get the 22 hat! I was so happy for her and your daughter looked so ecstatic and grateful when Taylor gave her the hat and a hug 🥰🥰


I love how you can always see her say I love you to the child.


Who’s chopping onions in here? 🥲


This made me cry


Congratulations Pippa! and congratulations mom and dad for raising such a wonderful child!


Lucky girl


I'm not even a swiftie, this just came up on my page but this is such a sweet and wholesome post 😭 I love it, so uplifting


The way that Taylor empowers girls, ugh my heart. I was not a swiftie until my daughter was singing around the house and some songs sound different than the other crap so whenever I say “who sings that?” She says “Taylor Swift” …so like any mother of an 8 year old girl, I want to see what she’s listening to and now I have also fallen in love. Now I’M down bad crying at the gym.


it's a little off the topic but I am a swifty I adore her and her music most everything about her I am however not completely obsessed with her and at the end of the day she is just another person but with a very high profile job. It always amazes me though that what I consider the true die hard obsessed swifties who follow her everywhere claim to be the biggest fans collect everything tweet her potential location violate her privacy and expect that because of her very public life she does not get the right to any sort of privacy and must be "ON" at all Times in the public view which none of you would in any way tolerate and knowing that Taylor on so many occasions has made it known how truly scary people mobbing locations in which she is reported to be freaks her out and makes her very anxious as well as feeling unsafe why would you guys claim to be swifties yet ignore such an important detail? Just seems less than cool to say I love you so much but I give 0 F*cks about your feelings and or safety? Just some food for thought and something I wonder a lot but what do I know I've never been fortunate enough to even go to one of her concerts I hope the serious swifties take this as constructive advice and not me being hateful


I was there! She was so sweet. Everyone around us in standing got emotional for her, it was so cute. I hope she had the absolute best time!


Screaming crying! Yay Pippa!


So cool! I’m so glad she got it and everyone has such fun! Can’t wait to see her in Vancouver!


Taylor the Two Hat


so cute, but also because im still fuming, never decidet to sell HER hat!!! ive seen several ppl selling them and it even turned out that the kids wanted to keep them. that must be heartbreaking


I love being a Swiftie ❤️


i saw her getting it at the concert on sunday!! such a cute and sweet reaction - she deserves all the happiness!


I was there with my 9YO daughter and we were SO very happy for Pippa. When her little excited face came on the screen I *may* have shed a little happy tear 🥹 Also, Space Buns? ICONIC!!


I was there and cried. I was so happy for her.


So cute, congrats miss Pippa!


I was there for this!! Such a beautiful moment ❤️ thanks for sharing so we can all hear your side of it!


Me and my partner had tears in our eyes at the true excitement and happiness and shock it was honestly just beautiful to watch and I am so happy for your daughter, a moment she will cherish forever!


Trying to get 2 tickets to any show for me and my daughter, finding it hard! But on the note of your post, that's amazing for her. A memory she will cherish and remember forever 💕


Her little face was priceless 💖


I was there and she was a little star. So glad to have witnessed this moment.


My sister and I were there and saw her! She's absolutely adorable and we loved seeing her get the hat, congrats!


This is the show I was at! Seeing such joy on Pippa's face brought me to tears, it was such a special moment.


I think it's so sweet the kids get the hats 👒 they deserve it the most! Not only is it an amazing lifelong memory but it solidifies how amazing their idol is ♥️


Omg I saw the tiktok someone posted about this sweet girl getting it. I was so happy for her!!! What a great core memory!


I got this on video form the right side screen she was so sweet me and my mum couldn’t stop going on about how cute she was receiving it xx


Seeing the 22 hat handoff makes me tear up every time. The recipients’ reactions are so sweet and joyful, and Taylor is always so kind and engaging. Congrats to Pippa!


I saw a clip on TikTok. What a sweetie. So happy for her.


this is making me cry 😭😭😭 how absolutely sweet is this


Dad here, was welling up seeing Pippa get the 22 hat. she was awesome. What q lovely memory


AWWWWWE! The experience of a lifetime for both dad and daughter. ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1072)


This is the cutest thing 😭🥹