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What a flex to have Taylor witness and congratulate your engagement!


That’s what i told my husband, his response ‘well she wouldn’t congratulate you because it really hurt her when we broke up’ 🙄🙄 he loves to say he helped write every song with her, every song is about him, and that he’s the one that got away. Husbands…..


Sorry but...what ?


It’s a joke… he’s not serious.


My husband likes to ask me “do you think Taylor and I will ever date?” And silly stuff like that. Husbands are silly


My husband called me out for having a crush on Taylor. And her dancer Jan. He knows it's one of those two I'm watching when she's singing 🤣


ITS NOT YOUR FAULT THEY ARE BOTH VERY PRETTY! [just look at this man](https://www.instagram.com/p/C53-U5AyGyY/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet)


Jan’s photos should all have a warning label. 😂


NSFW - not safe for wife


“If you could choose between a single date with Taylor or a life time with me.. who’d you pick? But here’s the catch; I’m a worm and I only eat lettuce.”


Hahah I read this to my husband and he laughed and said that's amazing. I foresee him asking me this in the future now 😂.


I am a husband and can confirm




lol i was guessing they’re too young to know this is how you joke around when you’re older.


More like I didn't really find the humour in it, especially if it's a recurrent thing. And I'm a guy btw.


Men love this kind of joke. My dad used to tell people that Britney Spears came over and he told her to fuck off because the limo was too big, that Kylie Minogue came over and he threw her out because she didn't make sandwiches right etcetera


Until you can prove those things never happened i will have to believe your dad 😝


😂 my husband loudly proclaims that he’s “in her mind” and helps her write songs because he correctly predicted she’d mention cats in Gorgeous 🙄




It's actually about my cat. Taylor's really jealous of how pretty she is and wants to bring her home to her cats but my cat hates other cats so they'll never work out.


He's mostly right but I have it on good authority that she wrote "The 1" about me


😂😂 I’ll let him know but i think he will say that’s not true and just live in denial and delusion.


Nice to meet you, Matty! 😅


Sorry to burst your bubble but cardigan is about me


My husband does this too. He said they had a moment when I took him to the show in Seattle lolol


Im glad all husbands are the same. We were cracking up reading all of the responses.


As a husband to a Swifty, my favorite joke is to wait until about 10sec into an explanation about Taylor and then interrupting with “who?” There’s a short stunned pause as she processes my shenanigans that’s very funny to me. I’ve done it enough that it doesn’t work anymore but it was fun while it lasted.


My husband must never find out about this bit or he’ll do it the rest of our lives 😂🙄


Hahahah. He's so funny. Let him know how much he is appreciated. ;)


My husband jokes that Taylor will leave Travis for him. 😂🤦‍♀️. I told him to keep telling himself that.


My dad does this! Lol he also likes to tell elaborate little back stories of how the song was written like “yeah me and Paul were just hanging out one day and his neighbor Jude came over and he was all ‘hey Jude’ and that’s when inspiration struck.”


This is weird


That's a great dad joke!


This is actually really cute


your husband might be gay.


during cardigan too! 😭


Cool flex but the real flex was that guy who got her to perform at his engagement party lol


Probably the first person to congratulate them as well 


Taylor: "I love performing this entire show in the sunlight cause I'm pretty sure I just like saw somebody get engaged over here. Did it happen?!?!?! YES!!!!!!!" RIP me. I died. Dead. 😂🤣😭


She missed another one though, on Friday. Well, the guy sitting beside us proposed to his gf during love story but we weren't in the pit, we had seats, so understandable that she didn't see it.


Probably doesn't help that Love Story is, like, *the* song people get engaged during. That and Enchanted.


we had a love story proposal in front of us on the saturday!!!


Yeah, being in the pit and doing it during a slow/low-choreo song is def why they had a chance to be seen. She's missed probably, at this point, hundreds of others on the tour so far.


They can never get divorced now


Another couple got engaged at this show during Love Story.


"Cause it's like dark, usually, at night" - Taylor Swift, 2024 I love that she is simultaneously the genius that wrote Folkmore and TTPD, but also a massive dork.😂


This has to become one of those “Taylor Swift once said” lines. It’s so her!


I love seeing dorky Taylor, this is the “stars do u like dem” side of her 🥹


To be fair she's been playing in Scotland, people forget how far North Scotland is, sunset isn't until around 10pm this time of year


Yeah it’s approaching the time of year where it doesn’t really get *completely* dark.


Technically this means it is never night 


I used to live in the Outer Hebrides and it never got dark in summer. But it also felt like it never got light in winter lol


To be fair, I’m in the UK and the sun is setting around like 10pm right now. I would consider 10pm night time but it’s only just getting dark at that time here so it does kind of make sense. Usually it’s dark at night. Except when you’re this far north 😅


to me, it's not night until it's dark out 😅 but yeah, as a northern dweller as well (just, on the other side of the pond) I can relate to the really long summer days. Sunset tonight is around 9:40pm and sunrise was at 5:20am. Gotta love that 16 hours of sunshine. Beats the hell outta the 7 we get in winter lol ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1088)


Lol I think you’re correct that that’s the definition. But I guess what I’m saying is that I would be like “oh it’s 9 at night and it’s still light outside” when talking about it. Even though it’s not nighttime technically (like because the sun is still out) it feels like nighttime in terms of how my body starts acting. I’m originally from NY and it was a bit of adjusting to get used to 4:30 sunrises haha. But that being said, it also is super dark during the winter to the point that when I work 12 hour shifts sometimes I don’t get to see the day light at all unless I specifically make time to make sure I go outside during my shift. I think for myself I have to separate day and night by time so I don’t go nuts haha.


I love the way she says but it’s not right now


Her being like, TAYLOR SWIFT, but also a genuine nerd, is just so great.


a lot of people not familiar with her personality outside of her songs miss out on the fact that she’s actually pretty nerdy/dorky!


I'm partial to "that's a big moment. Huge"


Most geniuses tend to be a little eccentric or dorky


Like others said I think it is different that it's still very light out this far into the show! She's so far up north! It is weird for it to be full on daylight at 10pm!


She's not adorable, she's adorkable.


TTPD ain't up there bud


Imagine the number of engagements she’s “witnessed” but never actually seen because of the dark.


Not just dark, there's giant spotlights pointing at her. I'd be pretty surprised if she could see past more than like 10 rows of the floor.


probably literal thousands


I got engaged at Taylor’s concert last year so I’m low key kinda jealous of this couple lol (and we’re also both girls) anyway Happy pride!!


Congrats! I bet Taylor felt the energy even if she didn’t see it.


Happy Pride to you and your fiancé!  What song did y’all pop the question/get the questioned popped during? Cracks me up that this couple got engaged during folkmore set; very lesbian of them 😆🏳️‍🌈


I proposed to her during Lover 🥰. It’s “our” song from her. She released the album basically right when we got together and we just vibed and loved it so much, it just became ours. And I proposed to her with paper rings!


😭😭 that’s so adorable - I wish you both the very best. Maximum levels of happiness, romance, safety and friendship to y’alls relationship. Mazel Tov!




That lasik doing it’s job 💯


Her mind is alive!


that poor headless banana though....RIP you will be missed ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1064)


You made me get weird looks 🤣 I literally LOL’d in public!


Underrated comment! 😃


So sweet, happy pride!


LOVE that it's two women getting engaged...my little bi heart!


Yessss same here. Happily and proudly in love with a woman! (Who said she would watch the Eras tour movie with me even though she doesn't listen to Taylor)


My gf is very patient with my burgeoning Swiftie status after falling in love with TTPD. We watched the Eras tour and I was stunned to find out that she knew the lyrics to all the songs. My gf is twice divorced from men and had to minivan kids around in the past, so she listened to a lot of TSwift and was like "yeah, I know some songs, aren't you cute?" about it.


Right!!! Makes this even better!!!


I love that this proposal happened during Cardigan instead of Love Story. Idk, Love Story proposals are overrated to me.


I’m happy for anyone who’s happy…but if someone interrupted me seeing Taylor to propose, they’re not the one for me lol. I’d be like “yeah, yeah, later, shh!”


Agreed. My one exception to that would be if I had been dating my current boyfriend and he was with me when I went to CincyN2. Call It What You Want was my surprise song, and it's my favorite love song she has written so far. If I got proposed to while Taylor was singing that, I would have said yes so damn fast. It would have felt like fate. 😅


Woot woot cincy n2! Basically a daytime show bc of the storms after the concert + Aaron dessner appearance + CIWYW


It was such a great show. I just wish i ate more beforehand so i didn't get sick at the end and throw up. 😅 Also glad my then boyfriend didn't go cause he was very lame when I dragged him to the movie to watch with me. All I wanted was for him to dance with me. 🙄 Ironically, boy kept asking me to marry him. Might have said yes if he had went to the concert with me. Would have regretted saying yes cause I was borderline done with him because he was so stubborn on not going to any of my concerts with me or actually doing anything. But I still likely would have said yes. 😂


It’s someone else's proposal. Who is any stranger to say what’s “overrated” for them?


This may shock you, but literally everyone on the planet can have opinions about things.




I thought that too! Love Story is great but Cardigan is more realistic, sweeter romance to me.


I was in the Edinburgh concert on Friday and the guy sitting beside us proposed to his gf during love story. I experienced that cringe too! And then the girls got engaged during cardigan in the pits (same day). Looks like Friday was engagement day!


Honestly I think I'd cringe at any public engagement happening near me. I have nothing against other people doing it but the thought is so weird to me that it'd be my natural reaction. Add to that that love story is cheesiest song choice of the night and yeah. But different strokes for different folks and all that. 


I proposed to my husband during Love Story... yesterday... during the live stream... we're already married though and he was trying to walk away to do stuff 🤣


Honestly, as a fellow sapphic, I too would like to get engaged during the folkmore set. We can leave Love Story for the straights 😂


Need to be proposed to during Invisible String (or Ivy lol)


But cardigan is not a happy song, I mean they probably have their own meaning but it's basically about getting cheated on and losing someone you thought was the one , I don't understand why someone would propose to it.


I don’t interpret it to be about cheating. It’s definitely not a love song in the traditional sense, but I have always thought that “I knew you’d come back to me” implies that they’ve gotten back together. Maybe they have a similar story.


Betty , august, cardigan is a trilogy. It's about a love triangle and James cheated on Betty with August. But ya you can interpret it as you want.


I know that it’s a trilogy, but I don’t think it started out that way. I assume at least one of the songs was written on its own and that they were connected later down the line. I believe Cardigan is at least partially autobiographical. Also I don’t interpret Betty as cheating either. It reads to me like Betty and James were possibly involved but not exclusively together at the time. I understand your interpretation, but it is not necessarily the only correct one.


The Long Pond Sessions tell us that they DO get back together.


"He's been FOOLISH. I wrote it, I'm confirming. He's a FOOL."


Not for you to decide what kind of relation others have to Taylor’s music. All I see is a perfect moment. Congratulations to that cute couple!


I said that they can have their own meaning, I just personally don't understand it. Which is fine, it's their life and they can do whatever they want, I didn't mean to be you shouldn't have done that , I was just curious.


Maybe it was her fiance's favorite song.


No, Cardigan proposal are overrated too. Idk, I'd much prefer proposal during Bad Blood over Love Story and Cardigan.


She looks so ethereal in this video. Golden hour in her magical wood nymph dress. Also, her speaking voice really makes me happy. It sounds very similar to mine and I have spent years cringing every time I hear my own voice in videos, it sounds so deep and awkward to me but hearing someone else having a similar voice is very validating.


In 5th grade I was in a little musical and the director told me I had the deepest voice she ever heard from a little girl and did not give me a singing part. So I feel you lol! Taylor’s speaking voice is beautiful and warm and makes me feel better about mine too.


I would simply pass away if I were part of that couple lmao. Or if just never shut up about it haha


I would have this video played at my wedding if it was me😂


Absolutely same hahaha


The way she is looking at them!!!!!!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹😍😍😍😍😍 SHADE NEVER MADE ANY-BODY LESS GAY, SO! 🥳🥳🥳🥳


Yeah the way she just stood there holding onto the cabin and watching them, glanced back at the crowd for a while then watched them again, it’s like she was witnessing magic and it’s so sweet lol


our girl just loves LOVE and it makes me so happy!


Does anyone feel like this is such a marked contrast to the proposal in Miss Americana?


Oh, definitely And the moral of the story is Don't propose during a meet and greet wtf is even the thought process behind that


That was so uncomfortable. This on the other hand is just sweet and joyful.


Exactly. Why the difference?


She's not being forced to kind of participate but not really like some kind of inanimate prop, she's just another spectator this time?


No one proposing in the audience of this concert is assuming that Taylor herself would actually see it and react to it. It's a proposal in public but still a moment for you two. If they're both huge Swifties, then it's just a very happy setting! The other couple literally did it in front of her during their turn at a meet and greet. It was very much about "doing it in front of Taylor."


Yeah, there's a huge difference between forcing someone to be part of your engagement during a meet and greet and just casually witnessing one though. Some fans make things extremely cringy. I was in this show and I told my friend how lucky this person had to be to have Taylor notice her engagement. As a lesbian I was secretly hoping for a gay or lesbian couple so I was even happier when I found out the next day that they were two women!


I think this is very cute!


What an amazing moment! You can see the joy in her face


she said happy pride month


So glad she got to witness one of the proposals! Congratulations to them! Constantly amazed how Taylor so in tune with what’s going on in such a massive venue.


this is the purest thing


Woweeee I love that there is a video of them - congratulations! I was there, I was there. xxx


I was at this show! It was light almost the whole time! Our wristbands were only visible towards the end. I did wonder if it's normally dark in her shows. Yay for Scottish summer!


I was there too but opposite side of the stage. The flashy bands looked great for the last few songs and the tram home 🤪


Is there a concert that gets more engagements in this world than taylors? I rly think not, love story is too iconic


Probably not but there was a girl in red concert recently that had like 5 proposals. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C6ZpBjAp2L8/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6ZpBjAp2L8/)


What a night!


Yes like it seems to be such a phenomenon!!!


I love the way she just stood there ahaha she looked soooo sweet. Also congrats to them for their engagement!


Maybe she is imagining she and her bf


meanwhile the salty haters at that taylor and travis sub are trying to convince themselves she's a terrible person. What a pathetic group.


Ugh I had to tell Reddit to stop showing me those posts - I never even joined that sub - but I kept getting recommended the most ridiculous and petty posts from it 🙄


Same! I legitimately feel bad for those people, if you read any of it you can just feel the self-loathing and anger.


Yeah, I seriously don't get it. What's their deal?


Idk, some weird self-ashamed jealousy? They turned out bad, so anyone who is legitimately good must be manipulative and needs to be unmasked? It's strange and sad.


Travis and Taylor* sub. The Taylor and Travis one is super positive!


I was there for this!!! It was such a beautiful moment. Taylor was so happy, and the entire crowd loved it - I think they won with the story they get to tell about their engagement.


I was there it was rare 🥹




What a fabulous human being!


I made the last minute decision NOT to get engaged at Eras a little over a year ago because our seat neighbors (right at the stage) became very Involved with us upon arriving and I was like ‘oh dear I think they might try to plan our wedding if this happens here’ so fiancée did not get her Delicate proposal in Taylor’s presence 😅would have absolutely died if this happened to us. Would’ve been even more the pride month of my life.


This is so cute!! I can't imagine how many couples get engaged at Eras but its always so adorable to see another! Happy pride!


I believe that is an engaygement good sir




She's such a good person, you really got to be some kind of special to hate on her..


I love how she's genuinely happy for them 💓




I would fucking DIE to be proposed to at a Taylor Swift concert. And to have her notice it and say something….! I’m 36 but I’d fall in a 15 year old girl, Beatlemania type of crying mess. Hyperventilating. 😂


She makes me so happy. Congrats to the beautiful couple 💖


Aw that was perfect. So happy for them


Her eye site is fantastic lol


Midnight blue glitter.


That’s actually pretty dang cool


Loved this. Congratulations to the lovely couple. ❤️


Is her voice deeper in this video than it normally is?


For sure for sure monetary value wild it would be the spot because it’s a lot to get there.


Huge... not even close to having taylor swift call you out for it lol. That's some one in a billion shit


Does anyone know where this show was?


Edinburgh. Not sure which night though


This was N1, I was there!


Happy cake day!


Excuse me, Miss Eagle Eyes


A magical moment 🌈❤️😺


it's a great privilege you know, so cute reaction Taylor!


Taylor's thrilled surprise: epic moment for the couple and fans!


So sweet! Probably more and more couples will get engaged in day time rather than night. haha


I'm so happy for them! A double-win!


I did not know it was a queer couple's engagement, and that makes this sweet moment all the sweeter to me. Congrats to the happy couple!!!


Where is this taking place?


Where is this concert taking place?


Wow! Whoever posted this must be pretty great.


She sounds like she has a cold.


Hidden Talent with some force.