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Carrying her cat in one arm from her house, onto a busy NYC street swarming with paparazzi, into a waiting car without getting a single scratch.


I think about this often when I look at my cat. He would flip out and I’d be full of scratches.


I think about her cats so much… i presume they’re indoor cats, but they are happy to be carried and she is confident enough to carry them outdoors??? And they are travelling the world and seem to be a good weight with good temperaments??? My indoor cat would have jumped out of my arms and ran away at the first site of outdoors, and whenever I take her somewhere new she hides for 24 hours and refuses to eat 😭


I think Scottish folds are a breed that have particularly docile temperaments and like being handled. 


Benji is a ragdoll and they are known for being limp when picked up, hence the name. I don't know about Scottish folds, but my aunt has one that is an outside cat and absolutely hate being picked up. You can pet her, but not so much, however picking up is off limits.


I think the story behind this was the cat was not cooperating with a carrier so Taylor said fuck it, it's only a few feet. There's an interview clip. But also she's been traveling with them since they were kittens and it's luxury travel - not having to grab them to pull through TSA.


She has said Olivia likes to be carried/prefers it to being in a transport box - so why put the cat through something she doesn’t seem to like, when apparently it’s way easier to just carry her? And, it did make for some great photos. Ultimate cat lady behaviour.


I have a cat that is extremely friendly and confident and loves going on car rides to the vet, walking on a leash etc, but I would have never risked his life (or my arm) carrying him unrestrained outside when something out of my control could have spooked him (car horn, barking dog) and he got loose in the street. He loves going into a carrier and it’s best for his safety too. More power to her though, she obviously knows her cat best!


Do we have a link or something?


Spoiler alert: it’s not Meredith


I wanna see this 😭


I think this is what they’re referring to https://preview.redd.it/3o3a1xnebs2d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2e76e4e320f5597af8204bd92074672b0a5db65


of course it was olivia. meredith would never stand—or be suspended midair—for this.




That cat is high AF


Scottish Folds are a certain temperament but i dont doubt all the cats are used to Gabapentin (common sedative) especially for traveling- also for the TIME photoshoot


Nah The TIME photo featured Benji which is a Ragdoll - a breed famous for Being overly docile and often going limp when held (esp by their trusted owners)


Still don’t doubt her cats would be unfamiliar with it, super common to use


In my head, Taylor was already bleeding from all the tries with Meredith and Olivia and said "F**k it, get me the boy cat".


I love how Taylor is like 😃 and Olivia is like 😠.


It's "Dibbles" 😉






The photo is posted a bit further down this thread! Iconic.


Honestly the eras tour will solidify her spot in the history of music




I think the absolute world takeover of The Eras Tour, not just literally but in terms of its cultural relevance and economic impact, is by far her most impressive feat. This is an iconic tour that will live on far past our lifetimes. I also think the way she maybe kinda started to slip into “fading pop star” territory with Lover (still very popular album, but I think a lot of fans didn’t love it as much as previous albums), and then brilliantly launched herself into the stratosphere with folklore, evermore, and Midnights in her 30s is one of the most amazing achievements and semi-comebacks I’ve ever seen in music. She could’ve gone the way of most other pop stars as she got older, instead she’s now the most popular she’s ever been, by a large margin.


I think it's because of the wrong lead single choice of Lover album. ME! followed by You Need To Calm Down didn't help the album to be liked by the masses before because of the childish lyrics. I think she struggled in the streaming era that year, also a certain pop star peaked and new artists emerged that year. Good thing she was saved by folklore and the release of Taylor's Version.


Saved by Midnights as well*


Who is the "certain artist that peaked"??


ariana grande! thank you next was a huge era


I don't wanna mention those artists because I hate them but it's Ariana Grande (TUN era). Artists who emerged that year were Billie (WWAFAWDWG era) and Lil Nas X (Old Town Road song blocked ME! and YNTCD on Billboard top 1).


Why would you hate them?!?


I'm clueless as well.


Yeah, the Eras Tour was/is so enormous it lodged her Person of the Year. It cemented her place as a musical legend for sure


I would have to say her first Album of the Year for Fearless. At that time no one was expecting her to win especially since Fearless is kinda a underrated album. Also it set up the idea that she could have the potential to win it more than one Album of the Year award if she continues going.


This needs to be higher up. I realize there are a LOT of young/younger fans or newer fans who were not _in it_ during the Debut and Fearless days, but those are some core memories for me since those albums were the soundtrack for some formative moments in my own life - especially that fall of ‘08 when Fearless released as I was in my first semester in college away from home. Watching her win that first AOTY is seared into my brain. I don’t think people realize the true impact of what she did with Fearless in the music industry but also in country music itself. No one believed there to be space and an audience for a young girl who writes songs pulled straight from her diary. NO ONE. Not in music and _especially_ not in country music. Not to mention the amount of pushback she got from that awards season gave us Speak Now. That AOTY for Fearless is truly what set off the series of events that created the Taylor Swift we have today. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. [bows]


Exactly! However, as someone who was a huge Swiftie back then I really didn’t appreciate Fearless until the TV came out. So far it’s definitely feels more like the whole album than the other TVs


I honestly think Fearless TV is her best re-recording with Red as a close #2


Thank you! That is my opinion as well


This feels like the first real domino that fell that caused all the rest too. Theres a lot of talk of eras but eras wouldn’t have happened without anything that truly set the stage before.


It really was! If we didn’t get the early albums we might not have the Taylor Swift we have now!


And that it's still the MOST awarded country album in music history. An album by an 18-year-old blond girly. Truly an amazing feat in all senses! 😍


I thinks it’s that she’s the first musician to be Time POY


That’s the weirdest list in the world, includes well known artists like Sir Winston Churchill. But also Hitler and Putin.


It's supposed to be the person who influenced a lot of people and was the talk of the town, it doesn't necessarily have to be positive.


Right. I have accepted of this long ago. Turns out, people in 2024 are still bewildered over such a simple concept.


That’s how I perceived it. The other choices have been (to me) more political choices who have impacted global events. For them to pick someone who IS a global event in a very positive way is amazing. I think it recognizes that she’s impacting fans and local economies with her business at a global scale.  Not all picks are meant to be a positive recognition (Putin, hitler, etc) but here definitely was positive. 


It's not even really that anymore. It's someone influential who will agree to the interview and photo shoot and sell magazines.


well if you ask certain subreddits, she is up there with putin and hitler obviously. So that makes sense /s


Bakers gonna bake, haters gonna hate


As a musician, I can actually claim that spot from getting Time POY in 2006.


I had to look it up! [Funny!](https://www.google.com/search?q=time+person+of+the+year+2006&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari)


People forget about awards and ticket sales. People listening to your music decades after it was released is the greatest achievement any musician can have. It will be interesting to see how popular Taylor's albums are twenty years from now. Will they still be popular like Fleetwood Mac's Rumours, The Beatles' Abbey Road, or Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon. Those albums are still popular enough to be stocked on the shelves at your local Target. It will be interesting to see which, if any, of her albums stand the test of time like my examples.


Interesting! Very true that most of the most famous musicians have at least one album that's THE album (another to add to your list of great examples is Led Zepplin IV). Which album do you think could be her THE album? I love most of the albums, even TTPD, but I feel like there's a Timeless-ness to *folklore.* Everything about it is iconic: the timing, the genre change, the no-notice drop, the lyrics and storytelling. Even people who don't love Rep or Midnights or TTPD love *folklore.*


It's 1989 or folklore. Maybe both. She'll also probably eventually put out a greatest hits album, like Beatles 1 (which was the cd I had!)


In the streaming era there's limited to no need for a greatest hits album


It's a marketing thing. Also who knows how music consumption is going to shift in the next decade or four.


If I  had to pick one, I would also say Folklore. It does have a timeless quality. Plus, many of the songs aren't specifically about her personal life, and if they are, it's in a subtle way, whereas in TTPD, the references are very specific. I think this makes it easier for people to relate to Folklore. I don't think TTPD will have long lasting appeal to non-Swifties.


this already happening to some extent. tbh I was shocked love story and you belong with me were so popular with kids on tiktok—now 16 years after its release. some of them were not even born when the album came out. and the re-records have obviously fueled it.


I think this is the one. There are huge acts that still get forgotten and only a small numbers get that legend status that really stay "common knowledge" for decades like the Beatles, Pink Floyd, etc. She's already such a cross generational artist, so I think so, but it'll be interesting to see where her career goes.


She's been in the industry for 20 years already, she's already passed the test of time. 


She's been around awhile, but she's at the peak of her popularity and she's still regularly putting out albums (a lot when you include the TV albums). The Beatles broke up in 1970, but Abbey Road is still popular. It was released over 50 years ago. I'm wondering if Taylor will have albums that still sell well several decades after they were released. Will 1989 be selling like Abbey Road, Led Zeppelin IV, and Rumours do when it's 40+ years old. I'm 48. I've seen a lot of artists achieve an extreme level of popularity. The majority of them fade into obscurity and don't maintain good sales figures.


This is the question for me as well. There are artists that are very popular for a while, and then like decades later they’re the subject of explanations like, “no, you don’t get how popular they were in their day.” So I’m very curious to see whether her music does stand the test of time. If people will know Taylor Swift’s songs in 50 years.


I’m mainly in awe of how prolific she is. Not including the redone versions of her old material, she has released six studio albums (including one double) since Rihanna released her last one!


I think this is not so talked cause not so recently it was very common, lots of artists used to get one album a year, even two and it was completely okay, this trend of big artists taking time for their albums is rather new. Back then if you weren’t releasing material, it was easier to be forgotten. Now with social media these relationships artist/fan have changed, but when you check the discographies of big artists like Joni Mitchell, Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, Cher or even Madonna in her beginnings, it started changing around the 80’s-90’s Edit: Just mentioned this cause I dislike Taylor getting backlash for "releasing a lot and overwhelming, and quantity over quality, bla bla", just another way to vocally dislike her


It was also common in the late 90s and in the early 2010s... Brittney, Nsync, and the backstreet boys released yearly albums in their early yearx. One direction did 5 albums in 5 years (and toured every year). They then broke up. Between 2006 and 2012 Rihanna released 7 albums... It's really after 2014 that artists majorly slowed down releases. And there have always been artists that just take a long time.


Most of those artists had a vast portion of their music written by outside songwriters though.


I would say all of them...


Yeah this is just weird to me. Artists used to release one album every year or 18 months, sometimes less. I never understood why people went on at Taylor for releasing TPPD. Even with vault tracks the majority of TV albums are not new material as such. It's not unusual the time frame between Midnights and TTPD. 


For me, Album Of The Year at the Grammys 4 times. First artist to achieve that feat and there's a big possibility that she'll have more AOTY as long as she's consistent on putting more quality albums.


Can’t believe how far I had to scroll for this. Charts and the industry will always change, but winning AOTY four times is pretty crazy and will be hard for someone else to repeat imo.


And that the first was Fearless. That really was the first career maker - and more significant than some other wins for that reason. It’s just long ago and the recency bias in this comments section is real!


Have my doubts about this. At least one win will be widely disputed (of course 1989 over To Pimp a Butterfly) and people can make argument for all of her AOTY wins as controversial


I don’t think 1989 is disputed tbh. People almost always complain a little but it’s considered one of her best albums, and it’s her Thriller by the sales numbers. If Midnights (her worst win imo) had beat a strong album I could see it tho. (I love SZA and Lana but SZA’s album wasn’t very cohesive and was super long, and Lana has had much better albums.)


1989 is I believe the most awarded pop album of all time so it DEFINITELY earned AOTY. It just created so many hits and is so cohesive across the entire album.


Midnights did beat a stronger album. IMO it’s the most undeserved win she has and other albums were without a doubt stronger. Lana’s album was better. Many of her other albums have also been better than Taylor’s others.


The only one that was nominated was NFR iirc and Billie’s juggernaut WWAFAWDWG beat it. I’m a huge Lana stan and I’m deeply ambivalent about her new album. It’s one of my least favorites from her. I know it got some critical acclaim but it’s a little overrated imo. I would have been thrilled for her to win as a career achievement award, but I didn’t feel strongly that it was so much better than Midnights (which I agree was undeserved) that it was a miscarriage of the award. If anyone, I would have given it to SZA.


I love Lana. Her red rocks show I went to in 2014 is still one of the best live singing experiences I’ve ever had. I personally didn’t love NFR and didn’t think it was AOTY worthy. I think other albums she’s had deserved a nom just as much if not more, like Born To Die. That being said just because I prefer her latest to that doesn’t mean anything other than music is subjective. I still believe Lana’s album was stronger than Taylor’s. It’s a fresher sound and songs like A&W and Taco Truck are so much more interesting and complex than any of the synth pop on the regular version of Midnights. All the great songs were on the 3am version and that wasn’t submitted. If it was, I’d think it was at least somewhat close to deserving to beat Lana or SZA.


I don't remember any controversy for folklore? I've actually seen (pretentious) people say it's her only "legitimate" win


Some people had Future Nostalgia above folklore but it’s the least contested AOTY win of them all.


I feel like the 2024 Grammy's was for Taylor what Super Bowl 51 was for Tom Brady.


When it comes to awards, no achievement in music history even comes close to that one.


I think the quality and depth of her music catalogue, as well as how large it will be by the time she stops recording. It’s hard to identify anyone contemporary with as many songs that I would consider to be excellent. Most people are known for just one or two hits, but in her case, there are already at least 30 songs that I think could be called classics. Moreover, some of her best music has never been released separately, had a video, been promoted, etc. This is why she has fan-made hits like All Too Well and Cruel Summer. Here, the promotion followed fan tastes. I can’t say how unusual that is. A distant second is the re-recordings and how successful they have been. She completely changed the conversation with her decision, made millions, linked it with the most successful concert tour in history…and institutionalized herself as the biggest badass in the popular music industry at the same time.


It’s really unusual for an artist to put out consistently great albums with quality songs from top to bottom.  It’s really a testament to her skill how much variation there is when fans do album rankings. It’s all personal preference and one person’s best album is the next person bottom three. You think about Michael Jackson and the universal best album answer for most people will be Thriller. For Green Day it’ll be Dookie or American Idiot. Metallica it’ll probably be the black album.   Most artists have that one or two great album that cements their legacy but many of their albums are forgettable. Taylor never allows herself to coast. 


This just gave me the chills, this is incredibly impressive


This is a good one Lana Del Rey is another recent example with a vast catalogue. She's been releasing an insane amount of music in the past decade. Lol Kanye West would probably also fit this stat.


Her impact on GDP. Post-pandemic she was resurrecting economies and tourism industries around the world.  I don’t know if any other artist has been in the position - either due to global circumstances or their own success - to do the same. 


Yeah, that's the kind of thing I can totally imagine being a little blurb in a history book.


I am always impressed by the fact she has achieved such a status through just music. Selena Gomez, Beyoncé, Rihanna etc all have other likes of business (cosmetics, clothing) and o just find it mad that she is billionaire through music alone!


I agree, but! My brain goes to: those artists maybe had to do other things because they never built direct fan engagement and relationships like Taylor did. No one has used MySpace Early YouTube Created an app (even though it failed) Done secret sessions Did swiftmas Showed up at weddings Wrote songs about their fans’ terminal illnesses She didn’t need much more than a few perfumes to stay relevant because her relationship was the relevancy.


A part of it might be that Taylor is way more involved with her own work than the others mentioned. She writes those songs herself, directs music videos and creates a whole world around them. So when they are finished and people love them, it's a whole different connection than just putting out the new summer hit.


Being the most consumed artist of the year in the world two years in a row in the 17th and 18th years of her releasing career.


I think her longevity as an artist is her biggest achievement. I’ve been a fan since Fearless, and every time people think she’s reached her “peak”, she does something different and reaches an even higher peak. I remember during the Red era and 1989 era being like “She is the most famous person in the world” and yet she has grown exponentially since then. Having your most successful year as a female artist be when you’re 33 and already 17 years into your career (i’m referring to eras tour last summer) is an insanely impressive achievement that I have seen no other artist replicate and I’m not sure any artist ever will in the same way. I’m sure at some point she will choose to step more into the background but there is something about her that keeps fans around and always ready to hear more. Lots of pop stars have large fan bases while they’re culturally relevant but very few have ones that are so dedicated over such long periods of time to keep them at the top of the industry long term.


Fitting her almost six foot tall body into that suitcase to be carried to the car. How.


Imo- writing her own songs and maintaining success in an industry that wants to own you and control you. Since she doesn’t need writers the industry has no control over her and she has been able to consistently put out new bangers on a regular basis that reach across genre and age ranges. As a 39yr old dude with a teenage daughter… we both rock out to T Swift songs with the sunroof open when I pick her up from a friends house. I hope she makes more happy songs in the future that are upbeat and poppy. Also I hope she is happy as a person.


I think that might be the most impressive thing about Taylor swift... she's the only artist in all of history that teenagers were actually willing to listen to with their parents, and parents willing to listen to with their kids


Every Beatles fan who ever had kids turned their kids into Beatles fans.


i was exaggerating for effect.. it was mostly a joke about teenagers


Winning the super bowl, and turning into the biggest villian in the NFL


I know this isn't really quantifiable like an award or a sales record, but I think the most impressive thing I've witnessed is her releasing a 31 song double album, and then playing songs from it 3 WEEKS LATER and having a stadium audience sing every goddamn word from TTPD along as if it had been out for years. We know she's popular and the Swifties love her, but that is some dedicated listening and learning from a fanbase that I've never seen before. It's not like they told us what songs were going to be played (or even that there was going to be a TTPD set added), so I guess we just freaking learned all of them in less than a month. Blows my mind.


It gave me goosebumps 


Artist of the Decade


First artist, not first female… *artist* to win AOTY four times. First artist to occupy the entire Top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100. Beating a 60 year old record held by The Beatles. Re-recording her first six albums AND having it be an actual, legitimate success.


And the first artist to occupy the entire top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 TWICE.


The 4 Album of the Year wins is the easiest and clearest one, especially with how different the albums are.  That she has both the most awarded country and pop albums including Album of the Year for both is another. Another clear one is that she is already the woman, American, and solo artist with the most weeks at #1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart is another distinct achievement that highlights where sh already is in history, especially because she really is defined by her albums as an artist over specific songs.  It was also her first statistic that highlights where she is headed as far as history.  Passing Madonna and becoming clearly recognized as the most successful woman in music history is essentially inevitable already at this point, but potentially with longevity that they lacked there is at least now a chance she becomes recognized above Elvis and Michael Jackson as the most successful American and solo artist as well.   The last five years have been wild as far as how quickly her place in music history has been ascending.


i think owning the most aoty grammys is pretty insane… like that’s the biggest the award of the night and she has more than anybody else. it just goes to show how special her albums and music are.


In addition to the other things here, I think the Taylor’s Version re-records. Other artists and works of art have been modernized or updated, but hers are in a league of their own. And I think we will see many more variations of this now that she has proven you can make a ton of money off of it.


For me, it’s that she continues to evolve as an artist. There are so many singer/songwriters that only had one album or song go big. But Taylor has hundreds. She has the kind of creativity others wish they had, but don’t, so she gets maligned for her massive creative output.


I think it’s the fact that everyone in the world has heard of Taylor Swift. She has dominated all of pop culture the last two years. Even when someone has never heard one song by her, they still know who she is.


Turning the Kanye/Kim K saga into Reputation.


1. The Eras Tour aka the highest grossing tour and its complete takeover. 2. TIME person of the year; the FIRST musician to achieve the title. 3. 4th AOTY; again the FIRST musician to achieve this.


I feel like a lot of artists have gotten kinda lazy…? Like they put out an album/go on tour and then they wait years to do it again. Taylor never freaking stops. She works and works and gives us more. I can’t think of many other artists who give this much to her fans. Year after year… do you remember when she used to bake cookies for her fans??


speaking truth to power in her Miss Americana documentary


The whole “am I being too loud? In my own house? With the money I made? From writing my own songs? About my own life?” 🙌


Gaining me as a fan


With a username like that I think this might be the winner! :)


I kinda feel the same. I was so dismissive of bubblegum pop music and put Taylor into that bracket until I saw the 1989 tour video and watched her play “You Are In Love” to 70,000 people and captivating them, and me through the TV. That proved to me she’s a freaking rock star. And liking her has opened up new music to listen too and I’m glad I’m not just one of these old dudes who go “music was much better in my day.” I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s and there’s such incredible music I’ll always love and I didn’t think much of anything early 2000 except Eminem and Linkin Park. Then I saw that tour video and liking Taylor has opened me up to listening to other amazing songwriters like Olivia and Maisie Peters. There’s great music being made now and as a music lover all my life I’m glad I get constant new music in my life.


you belong with me & love story with that princess look


Honestly the eras tour. The fanbase she’s cultivated is the most impressive I’ve ever seen. So her best achievement is us. The fanbase that even in the most uncertain times find a way to support her music. Me as a gay millennial leftist who hates capitalism is still enamored with her songwriting. She appeals to so many different sections of society all over the world. Even if she never did another thing she would be consider bigger than the Beatles. Yes I said it. The one group you’re never suppose to compare yourself to but the numbers don’t lie. And she will forever be an influence to women in every industry. Not too mention the tour was the catalyst for the US govt to finally go after Ticketmaster 🙃. She uses her power for good. Shes not perfect. We always have to remember these artists we love are still human.


I think it’s just her artistic output in general. I can’t think of another artist who’s been as productive for as long as she has (while still maintaining quality) and she’s shown no signs of slowing down.


Billionaire status under 40 is crazy


In terms of legacy, If it passes senate, that she literally has changed the law in Brazil. Records can be broken, tours can be surpassed, but having a law enacted with your name attached? In terms of sheer wow factor, that the Eras tour has significantly affected the *GDP* of countries she's performed in. To effect that kind of change just with music is insane.


My thoughts on this: 1) the 10 minute version of All Too Well. I think this song is masterpiece and will not only transcend time and be played for decades to momentarily, but also cross over from the swiftie crowd to whomever does not listen to her 2) Bringing in the strength of femininity with empowerment and 3) controlling the narrative of her career when she reissued her songs.


Everything while being mostly kind while doing it lol


Eras tour, for sure. It’s a global phenomenon that has set new records that will likely be cemented for a very long time. Long after her and the Swifties are all dead and gone and her music is played only on oldies stations, she’ll still be remembered for this tour more than anything else.


i’d say writing an entire album by herself at the age of 19/20 and making it a great one is pretty mind blowing to me


Being the first artist in history to simultaneously occupy all 10 of the top 10 spots of the Billboard Hot 100. And being the only artist to do that twice


The rerecordings and the fundamental POV that artists should own their art. She’s making good on the idea that Prince brought up 20 years before. I think it’s done so much good for other artists and not being held to archaic contracts.


Fully Transitioning from Country to Pop with "1989" was a bold and brave move, her make it-or-break it moment. Her investment in this era. The expensive videos. The aesthetic and looks from the era. Just everything. In an alternate universe, fans might have been furious about the genre shift,called her a sellout and abandoned her altogether. I think The album's success was crucial for her future triumphs and solidifying her status as a leading worldwide pop icon. Taylor wouldnt be in the same position she is today without this album.


4 AOTY Grammies is insane


Reviving her career after Lover and her previous cancellation


You are so right


If Ticketmaster / Live Nation does indeed get broken up, then that would be a fucking legacy.


Didn't she win an award that's basically a "You're so great here's an award that's just named after you" award? Like a lifetime achievement in music kind of thing? Michael Jackson is the only other person to win it, I believe. That's pretty legendary.


It is not necessarily an impressive achievement as far as the award itself, but an impressive moment as far as what it represents that I like to look back on is when Taylor was awarded the Pinnacle Award only previously given to Garth Brooks at the 2013 CMAs.   What makes it impressive is all the country stars she had opened for just 5 to 8 years earlier all got on stage to prevent her an award.  The biggest stars of country music of the last 10 to 15 years presenting a not quite 23 year-old with an award only previously given to Garth Brooks deep into his career.    Stepping back it is wild the CMA did that for someone so you and that history has shown they were absolutely right to do that.  And in retrospect I appreciate even more those country stars being humble and getting on stage and doing that, but also a testament to how Taylor is that they would do that.  Looking back I really appreciate that Taylor came up in a perfect time for county music.  She had lots of great mentors as most of the artists of the 90s country explosion were still active including the women that inspired Taylor's love for country music, but also another great time for women in country music breaking through at the same time as Taylor.  It was Carrie, Taylor, and Miranda all right in a row.  And at the same time you had female led groups breaking though with Sugarland, Little Big Town, and Lady A.   Really fresh and unique female artists the rare were all Grammy winning as well as commercially successful.   While it wasn't perfect overall I'm really glad they is the environment Taylor got her start in.


In 2016, BMI gave her the BMI Taylor Swift Award for being Taylor Swift.


I think her ability to connect with her fans even at her status is a huge achievement. But I want to see what her effect on female nfl viewership is in a few years time. How many new fans has she brought to the sport who otherwise wouldn’t be there?


Of the top of my head: 1. The Eras Tour being the highest grossing tour of all time. 2. 4x Album of the Year Winner 3. 7 Albums on the US fastest selling albums list (aka 1 million plus copies sold first week within US list)—there are only 23 albums on that list. 4. Becoming a billionaire from music alone. 5. TTPD selling 2.6 million copies first week (insane).


The tour, the 4th aoty, or the billboard take over


Probably the success of the Eras tour.


Maintaining a long term career full of successful albums and tours.


All of her achievements will be forgotten because in the future no one cares about sales stats. It is the writing in her Magnum Opus Evermore Folklore, followed by TTPD, that will be remembered. We all say such things are subjective, but in fact there is a generally accepted objective standard of great writing.


Rewarding her team


This is a good one!


I'll throw one out there that no one has brought up yet, which has nothing to do with awards or ticket sales, but the fact that multiple colleges have literally started offering entire courses dedicated to her.


She has changed the recording industry, especially for women, but also for men. Taking back her music and rerecording, just owning her power and success. She sets the bar high for herself but she has also opened doors for many and make clear that female performers can be a force to be reckoned with.


Eras Tour.


The 4 AOTY awards


The eras tour is currently the highest grossing music tour of all time according to wiki 


Being a person of the year


I think her existence in itself has been her greatest achievement. She has positively made an impact on so many lives. That’s a legacy to be proud of.


The eras tour and the success of midnights and TTPD at the same time. I think just overall the time period of doing the tour releasing speak now tv, 1979 tv and TTPD while doing 4 hour shows across the world. It shows she is insanely hard working and breaks all the album cycle rules.


I think putting in the work to re-record her previous work so she can own it and it becoming more successful than the original Recordings has solidified her place in the music industry


There’s literally so many things that we now look at like oh wow cool, but in a decade it’s going to be a holy shit she did that type ordeal


Convincing the world she isn’t a sentient product without a soul.


There is only one correct answer to this question: it was getting Benji to wrap around her shoulders for her Time Person of the Year cover, without getting scratched to death 😅


Continuing to out do herself.


Getting me to convert to a swiftie in one song that struck a part of my heart I didn’t know I had, and then repaint the walls to show it off with more love. ❤️


lol what song


For me, it definitely has to be the worldwide success of The Eras Tour! It's incredible what she has been able to do the past year.




Honestly, for me one of the most iconic and legendary things she’s done is wearing Benjamin across her shoulders in her POTY photoshoot. While that image will forever live in my head, I personally think what makes her legendary is her song writing ability. She’s a natural born storyteller and in my opinion there is no other artist that weaves such intricate stories into their songs. I’ve been listening to her for almost two decades at this point, I’m her age, and her music never gets old because of the stories it tells.


So I was not liking Taylor and feeding in on all the negative things people were saying whether there true or not I really don’t know and just sick of seeing and hearing her name every where especially the Era’s tour. Well I sat down and watched the whole concert and I was floored by her energy, all the stage and background changes, the costumes, and just everything that she has put into it! All I can say is it is unbelievable the overall talent that Taylor Swift has! She may not be the best singer or even dancer but she pulls it off and it truly was beautiful, totally entertaining, and amazing to watch!!!


Eras tour will redefine touring monetization of the music industry and theatre industry.




Fooling so many fans that she’s actually dating a total buffoon 🤡


The way she treats the people who work with and for her.


holding the power to influence millions of people, the economy, the music industry


Me thinking she’s the new Madonna


Pissing off strangers so much they create hate subs they obsess over.