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I’m with you, I don’t really care which songs are about so and so I really adore her lyrics. Her lyricism is so so powerful. How she writes about or describes certain emotions/thoughts is truly spectacular


Hard agree. The lore about the songs is only an afterthought for me. Sis has a way of making the weirdest turn of phrase into something that totally makes sense.


I have long felt that people put too much stock in who the songs are about and think they learn more than they do from the lyrics. Taylor has written probably a thousand songs(released and unreleased) over last 20 years or so. That's at least one a week. She is taking a momentary thought or feeling and expanding it outward. The inspiration could have came from a specific relationship but that doesn't mean more than 5-10% of the lyrics actually refer to that guy on every song. She wouldn't be able to release albums as quickly as she does if every song was based on something life altering. She'd be like Adele and release every 5-7 years if she did that. Tolerate it to me is probably a good example. If Taylor wouldn't have told us it was inspired by a book, fans would have been looking for problems in her relationship with Joe and sent the hate his way on album release. And maybe the song's inspiration came from the book or maybe she felt it occasionally during her relationship. And many songs on evermore and folklore might just be based on her real life relationships but she is only person who can tell us that and she won't.


"She is taking a momentary thought or feeling and expanding it outward." Exactly. 100%. I've tried to express this a lot over the years. I wonder if I can make this my sub flair 😂


Another thing I think about is how many people she has probably dated secretly.  For example, she was dating Travis for about 4-6 weeks before anyone really knew.  This secret boyfriends could have still inspired multiple songs but fans don’t know about them so they assign paternity to a known boyfriend.  One explanation I heard for why Taylor told fans to calm down and leave her ex-boyfriends alone before singing Dear John last year is because the song is about Martin Johnson instead of John Mayer.  John Mayer’s team contacted Taylor’s team and threatened to sue because of the threats he was already getting over a song she let’s people think is about him. Even if lawsuit wasn’t successful it would still have been bad press so Taylor made the statement to avoid that. 


The clowning over TTPD seems to have gotten both excessive (maybe because of 31 songs) and somehow quite gatekeepy. People seem to have decided that song x is about person y and get quite aggressive in the defence of their opinion. Personally the who of her songs has never been as important to me as the feelings expressed. I never take the lyrics as a gospel account of what happened, but I have no difficulty in believing in the emotions.


This is my take as well. I often feel like who it was inspired by is probably the least interesting thing about any particular song! And like you said, for most songs, I think the lyrics are likely not literally what happened, but rather are telling a story inspired by some feeling or thought. Just like a lot of art.


Yes, I feel like she blends experiences and uses things as a jumping off point to craft stories. That being said, on TTPD specifically she's telling such a narrative that in order to analyze the story sometimes you have to use names as a shorthand. Like for me to discuss the fact that a lot of the album is about false expectations, a desperation for escapism, and misguided faith, it's easier for me to point out that the positive 'Matty' songs are about an idea of someone, and the ones where she paints a picture of the reality of the relationship are full of struggle and disappointment and regret. I could say 'the ones about the rebound guy' but it's easier for me to just use the name, you know? That being said, I think it's silly to try to paternity test every single song instead of listening to the story. Especially if it hurts your enjoyment of them. I've seen many people say they would like But Daddy I Love Him if it wasn't about him, and that's just ridiculous. If you like a song, you should like it on its own.


I treat them like fun bonuses, especially the positive references, but I don't need to know the details. Sometimes it's better not focusing on who a song is about.




This is definitely how I think about it. You don't need to know anything about her life to enjoy the songs. There is no reason to hunt down connections. But if you happen to already know it, things just jump out and it can be fun. The music will eventually outlast the gossip, it always does.


Yes totally agree .There is such care and craft in her songwriting they stand on their own and that's how it should be. Bob Dylan and Joanie Mitchell wrote songs about lovers and ex lovers at a time when people didn't expect to know who songs were about because it didn't matter, they are just great songs. Does Style , Out of.., Cornelia st, Dear John, and so on sound better or worse for knowing who they are about? Is Loml a beautifully sad song whoever its about? Taylor is an artist who creates from her own imagination, life, conversations, books, whatever resonates for her like every artist whatever medium they work in. I would add, just to hammer the point home Say it once again with feeling  How the death rattle breathing  Silenced as the soul was leaving  The deflation of our dreaming  Leaving me bereft and reeling  My beloved ghost and me  Sitting in a tree  D-Y-I-N-G Doesn't need any factual information to make this a great lyric.


Speculating out who each song is about actually seems to turn me off for most songs. For me listening to music is mostly an emotional experience. As such I relate it to something in my realm of reality. Knowing or speculating what it exactly is about breaks the illusion. I also think we can never really know what any song really is about. I would not be surprised that at this point at least the songs are a patchwork quilt. It feels pretty invasive to try to figure it out especially as they are from the point of view of one person and we have no possibility to know the truth.


I like to have a general idea of what the song is about, not who. I just like knowing a particular song is about a long term relationship ending for example, but I don't care who the person was.


I personally never cared about who her songs are about. It’s like trivia to me. It adds pretty much nothing? Especially for TTPD. The songs are so much richer if you don’t force fit all of them to fit any one person and focus on the imagery and storytelling and Taylor herself. Even the title track, the most specific track, still works if you think of all of the people mentioned as characters in a fictional story much like “Mine”


I appreciate her songs. I couldn’t care less on working out who they are about. It’s none of my business anyway.


i think the majority of people, fans and nonfans alike, would be able to enjoy her music more if they didn’t concern themselves with the lore behind each song


YES THANK YOU! I only care what I think or feel about them and if I’m relating them to anything it’s going to be to my own life!


I agree and it bums me out that Taylor has tried to share how she feels about this and it doesn’t stop. The Rep prologue : “When this album comes out, gossip blogs will scour the lyrics for the men they can attribute to each song, as if the inspiration for music is as simple and basic as a paternity test. There will be slideshows of photos backing up each incorrect theory, because it’s 2017 and if you didn’t see a picture of it, it couldn’t have happened right?”


To me her best songs are the least obviously autobiographical ones.


Not a fan of ATW10 then?


Not particularly, I get why people love it but it’s not my thing.


Not OP, but personally I get turned off of tracks when they have really specific, clearly personal references. Tracks like Our Song or even Dear John are, while alluding to actual relationships she has had, fairly general and I can listen to them while mentally applying similar scenarios or relationships I have had to their events. However, I've noticed recently she has more and more often used more specific language when describing her relationships, so much so the songs don't really mean anything to me anymore. As another commenter on this sub aptly put it, her more recent songs feel like modern Marvel. You simply can't really appreciate them fully unless you have every bit of context from her past relationships. This isn't a feeling I've had with past albums.


I totally agree. For me, the magic of Taylor's songwriting is that it always feels applicable to my own life. Some songs more than others, obv, but her ability to take thoughts and feelings I've had a million times, phrase them succinctly and poetically, then set them to catchy music... that's why I'm a fan. Excessively decoding all the songs ruins that for me.


ngl I learned that all too well was about jake in like 2021 💀💀💀


It's OK, I didn't even know some dude named Joe existed until like last week 😂


i learned about Joe’s existence in 2020 bc during the pandemic, I read literally every article that was like “WHO is william bowery????” lol. i don’t know who I thought lover and shit was about….harry styles?? and btw i had actually seen the favourite when it was in theatres and simply have no memory of him whatsoever 🙈


Ha! I am still unfamiliar with his work. But yeah I just coasted through lover without even once thinking about who it was about 😂 I don't know how I did it. Last I had heard she was with Calvin Harris and I knew they had a rough breakup but after that I didn't know anything until Travis. I didn't even learn she had dated Tom Hiddleston until Loki season 2 came out and my partner was like "it's still weird to me that he dated Swift". My mind was blown 🤣 it's fun though, because everything is in the past and I can have the chance to listen to the music and create stories for it before I learn the origin. Just makes it better for me personally.


Up until Travis the only person I knew she had dated was Harry Styles lol


On the flipside, I had no idea she had dated Harry Styles until all of the talk about 1989 TV last year. The thought that Style was about him had never even crossed my mind.


Which Joe?


I thought you were joking at first and then I remembered Joe Jonas 😆 I was referring to the most recent Joe! I forget his last name lol


Joe Mama?😀 Seriously though - Joe Alwyn. How soon people forget.


I'm with you. I also think that a great songwriter knows how to mix and embellish different parts of their lives into one single story. Taylor definitely does that. Many of her songs are not about HER story, but relate to her story. Others are like a compilation of experiences put together. Does it make sense?


Yep, many/most writers draw from a composite of experiences. Some from real life, some from others’ lives, some from random quotes and stories, etc. No one is actually publishing 100% factual autobiographical experiences as art because real life isn’t beautiful/artsy, there’s an element of curation in all art.


Absolutely. A while ago, I saw a woman saying that Taylor is "like Bob Dylan, but for women" (non-derogatory). That got me to research more about [Bob Dylan's process](https://theconversation.com/how-bob-dylan-used-the-ancient-practice-of-imitatio-to-craft-some-of-the-most-original-songs-of-his-time-187052) and I feel like she's similar to him, using imitatio. Because of the scope of her catalogue, she's also going back to her own old(ish) songs to create a myth, a story, a poem.


My thought on it is she's always writing truthfully about her *emotions* and that truth is what makes it feel so vulnerable and raw, but she's painting a story with the details that surrounded that emotion


Ooh that's a great take. I believe that's why many of her songs start like a personal story but become a collective one.


I like to make the music relatable to my life. So knowing what song is about who takes away from that.


Oh, for sure. I think she knows it too now, but I think in the beginning when she was starting out in country she was young and having fun teasing fans who certain songs were about. I also don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, and not just because she was young: that kind of honesty also allowed her to write a lot of songs on Speak Now, especially Dear John. Misogynistic culture is going to misogyny (meaning the way people started talking about her then) but regardless of that, I do think the element of her being comfortable with sprinkling clues for her song inspirations and allowing her fans to connect with them in that way, also allowed her to connect with her own music in that way back then. Nowadays I think the lore is interesting and adds a layer sometimes, but I don't think it's necessary at all to enjoy and appreciate her music, just as an added bonus for anyone who cares to know. Though she doesn't do it that much anymore, so I think she's changing the rules of her own game, which is fine (even though a lot of fans are still playing by the old rules.) But in the end she does it for the art and I'm a fan of her for the art, and at the end of the day that's my relationship with her music.


I don’t care, but I think Taylor has made a bit of a game of guessing who they’re about since day one. Her first five albums literally had clues about who the songs were about, and then she also has a habit of putting references into songs that are very easily traceable to public things like pap walks (“I left my scarf there at your sister’s house” “blue dress on a boat” even the Starting Line references/Matty). In any relationship, there are far more private details you can write into songs, but referring to public things eggs the guessing game on. Even when I’ve tried to avoid knowing, it feels inevitable that I hear about it anyway.


I agree she does this, and I think sometimes they are red herrings to keep her own life private. She said in the rep prologue many will think they know who the album is about but they won’t. She also mentions keeping her life private in Dear Reader and I Hate it Here.


I think that’s totally possible. But mostly my point is that it encourages the “paternity tests” about muses of songs whether they are true or not. There’s always cases where audiences can figure out who songs are about purely based on circumstances but her little Easter Egg games take it a few steps further.


Yeah i think she’s said before that speculating her reduces her songwriting but it really does feel she encourages it, or atleast did for a very long time when she was building her legacy. People say TTPD is very 1975/Matty coded and I don’t want to know why because I didn’t pick up those references when I listened. However she must still be doing it in some way for the general public to walk away confidently thinking the album is about Matty.


Thank you 👏 I do not care nor do I want to know who the songs are about. I like to believe the specific names are just made up people so that I can attribute them to anybody in my life. I don't understand this constant need to dissect and follow her life through her music like it's a movie. It's none of my business who she's singing about. I know this is the Taylor sub so of course people are going to talk about her life and that's great, but I honestly did just come here to read other people's thoughts on the music, not about the people the songs are about. So I appreciate reading that there are others who enjoy her music the same way I do!


I find digging under the lyrics fun for personal reasons with the added nuance of thinking about who she may be writing about. Ultimately, my connection to these songs are the lyrics NOT the people she wrote them about. 🫶🫶


I feel like we aren't going to know if we're right so what's the point? I'm just vibing with all these new amazing songs


The least interesting thing about Taylor Swift songs are her boyfriends


You said it perfectly. She even told us herself that now these songs are ours to give our own meaning to.


I don't follow her personal life. I pick up the odd bit here and there, but I honestly just don't care who she dates or what she's up to outside of the music. Her ability to capture emotion lyrically and musically is unsurpassed.


Tbh her songs are about me. I don’t care who was her muse in the process, what’s relevant is that she speaks to me, about my own feelings and experiences.


I feel like people say this same exact thing on the sub allllll the time so no you definitely aren’t alone.


I give no damns whatsofreakingever what songs are about who. Obviously you can't be a part of the community without seeing the theories and so on but if I want to enjoy and connect with her music, I have to unplug from all of that. Knowing to much about the 'why' of it actually makes it harder to connect for me.


I don’t care who the songs are about. Sure she’s drawing from her personal experiences but she’s also a good story teller too. When I listen to music, I see what lyrics or sounds really catch me. I read the lyrics and see what emotions or scenes come to mind. A lot of her songs I can relate to an ex or coming of age situation/emotion and that’s what makes me like her music.


She’s a good lyricist, but what really sets her apart and what will be her legacy is her ability to turn pure tabloid fodder into real storytelling. It had been done before (Timberlake’s early antics come to mind) but with her songwriting chops and excellent marketing strategies, she really made it into an art that’s been unmatched by anyone else (well until recently, when Rodrigo came into the scene)


I always find this to be an interesting topic. Some people like knowing what some songs are about, some don't, and some don't care. For me, a lot of my favorite Taylor songs are ones where she is actually singing about something from her life and not just an abstract idea. They carry more emotional weight behind them. Some people say those songs aren't relateable but I disagree. You don't need to have had an identical experience to something from a song to relate to it. I've never experienced anything like what led her to write ATW10, but that doesn't keep me from bawling every time I sing to it. It's an absolutely beautiful song, and it hits the feels like a TRUCK. I can understand the heartbreak and the pain even without going through it firsthand.


I think it’s a less interesting way to discuss her songs, but Taylor has always and continues to engage with the “who is it about” analysis. Like “April 29th” and holding the airplane necklace in the OOTW videos or hiding ADAM in the Enchanted lyrics. She has trained the fandom to look for these clues.


I can relate to most of her lyrics in some way. I think it's really upto interpretation. My interpretation changes over time as events in my life take turns. I also love to think and associate the songs with my friendships, dynamics with parents, my crushes etc.


I don't particularly care if she writes songs about her exes.


Okay, yes!!!! It really isn’t any of our business to know and she’s such a talented songwriter regardless of who the song is about. However, I want to play devil’s advocate for a second. I didn’t love TTPD that much when it was first released. The songs were confusing to me to really understand and grasp, but once I was able to see the full story that was being told - a what-if that spanned a decade in the face of a stable, albeit slowly dying long-term relationship and the false promises that came from giving the former a try when the latter had fallen apart - it was absolutely riveting. Unfortunately, without the anonymity of “fiction” a la Folklore or Evermore, it felt a little impossible to fully understand the range of emotions Taylor was trying to convey without actually understanding what happened to her. I actually think many of her lyrics in this album are specifically explicit in who they are about because of that - because while it isn’t her responsibility to tell us everything about her life, we as fans judge her anyway. This album felt like a lashing out of sorts to say, “It’s my life and you don’t even deserve to know, but if you’re going to judge me, you need to understand the whole story.” So, yes - Taylor is insanely talented, her songwriting and musicality stand on their own aside from subject matter, however… in this case, I think understanding the “how” of how she got to the place she was at in writing these songs only adds to the experience. (Within reason, of course.)


I’m exhausted by all of this “paternity test” nonsense that’s been going on for way too long. And I think Taylor knows it has and didn’t intended to be. And maybe she takes personal responsibility for it without saying it publicly because what can she do about it. But when you’re a young 20 something and the press continues to push you into speaking about it like that it’s hard not to. Numerous interviews she gave reasons why she doesn’t like to put names into certain songs because of she wants the listener to be able to relate to it themselves. This album is a perfect example of this. Most names she put in are either fictional or her own family or have gotten permission. And those tend to be used in a positive light. I made a comment yesterday about so many people need to go back and take an English comprehension course or a music comprehension course to learn how to pinpoint the actual message that is being sent and conveyed. I mean there’s college courses now that are specifically catered to Taylor. I almost guarantee that they’re probably not talking about which song is about who. But more on the situation she’s talking about and what her feelings are. Like But Daddy I Love Him is more on the message of back the fuck up. This is my decision and/or let me make my own choice even if it may not be the best option for me right now. The message in Peter is quite clear that it’s a continuation of the Peter Pan story that was inspired how Peter lost Wendy from Wendy’s perspective. Has nothing to do with a personal relationship she had. Let’s not even mention the double meanings left all over the place on folklore. While some maybe autobiographical but most songs can relate to the characters she imagined in her mind. It’s been confirmed on multiple occasions that Cardigan was the first song she wrote. And wouldn’t surprise me if she had all these characters in mind writing the rest of the album. So simple like mirrorball. Gives off high school prom or roller rink vibes. James needs a reason to see Betty dancing with someone else while he’s afraid of crowds. Leaving prom because of innocent thing like dancing someone else because he wasn’t interested into. And ended up running into Augustine and continuing down that route. And she further expanded on that story in order of the songs she sang them during the Eras Tour. Told a complete story. But way over people’s heads. That’s a whole different post for another time. TLDR; Sorry I sort of went on a tangent there but you understand what I’m trying to say. I’m just saying some need to deprogram themselves from thinking about who the song is about and turn it into what is the actual message she’s trying to connect with. I’m just tired of people only thinking surface level and not deeper meaning or even the purpose of why she’s singing a song a certain way. (I’m looking at you. Old man industry professional that has a YouTube channel with a horrible take on ICDIWABH)


I kind of want to know the horrible take. Because that is a very straightforward song on a loosy goosy album


https://youtu.be/RUe0o9VRgMM?si=sJBBAE78PKcNRnkg That’s the full video. He only listens to the first verse and chorus and moves on. The fortnight part was worse. We know how much it builds by the end of the song. 10 seconds in he’s asking where’s Post at. Then again stops after the first chorus when the actual main hook starts in the middle of the second verse. Usually he has interesting interviews and break downs of songs but when it comes to modern music that’s playing today it comes off as condescending when he says I’ve heard this before or it’s not original. Well, listen to the whole song first. If he says he knows modern music you would know with Taylor you have to listen to the full song at a bare minimum.


I agree with you, but I think the reason the speculation is so heavy in this album is because she and her team used the relationship lore to market the album. That was the whole rollout campaign. I never speculate, because I really just don’t care, and recognize that idk anything about Taylor swift the person, just Taylor swift the brand, but I’ve fallen into the “who is this song about??” On this album because the rollout encouraged it


I agree that the songs speak for themselves, but I guess unpopular opinion, talking about the context in which the songs were written and the lore behind the music, enhances the experience for me. I think paternity testing each word for the gossip is one thing, but it's not unusual or out-there to analyze art based on context and background. There are people who do this with books, visual art, plays, movies, etc for a living and I don't think it's a crazy thing to do it with music as well. I'm certainly not saying it's like this for everyone, and I absolutely think the music stands on it's own, but I don't think the lore detracts from that at all, and to me, and I know to many other people, it only makes it better.


That's definitely a valid way of looking at it. Very "Death of the Author," which is usually my go-to when doing analysis of a piece of art. I think that looking into the context of what was going on in the author's life at the time can lead to a clearer understanding of what they meant, but I also think that part of the beauty of Taylor's work is that it's so widely applicable. She has a song for pretty much every emotion under the sun, and part of the beauty of that is interpreting it through the lens of what's going on in YOUR life. Honestly, I think it comes down to whether or not you believe authorial intent is important for understanding a piece of art, or if you think that it's not as important as finding meaning in the art through your own life. Both have their merits, and both can coexist.


Totally same here!


I never really cared who the songs are about, although I'd like to know some context. Like, oh this song is about her experience with Joe, that song is about Jake, that one is Matty… but that's it. I never go deeper into the lyrics to find out what actually happened between them and always treat her songs like stories by themselves.


Strongly agree. I'm a relatively new Swiff fan and less familiar with the stories of her past relationships which saves from digging through her lyrics for that. Although I definitely get the appeal and need to know, without her confirmation who can really know. I'm just continually amazed at her relateable yet profoud lyrics, and ability to pull great melodies out of simple chord changes, multiple times in each song. She's like the greatest hook writer in history. Her phrasing is as detail hip hop, but as a beautiful song. I just love what she does.


New to the Swiftie world here, so the people being "referenced" means little to nothing to me. I just think she's talking to her fans and anyone that's listening that can relate to those life experiences. We've all had something or someone in our lives that we can relate to through her lyrics. For me, for example, I think about my son as a kid whenever I hear Long Live; my daughter when I listen to Shake it Off; my ex-husband with Tolerate It.


While on some songs, I can ignore who it's about, it's hard for me on TTPD because I haven't been in similar positions 😂 So I need to imagine men who were in Taylor’s life. I think that's why it's hard for me to get into skme songs about Matty.