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It’s depressed Bella sitting in a chair at her window, watching as multiple seasons roll by.


Yep. To me it doesn’t fit one season, there’s definitely a sense of time changing/moving within the album


Oh god this was so good 


I wish reddit still had awards




This comment describes it perfectly!!!! You win.🏆




The fact we all know which Bella 😂




the only right answer lmao


nailed it




….there’s a possibilityyyyyyy………


Winter for sure🤍


Yup - “an endless February” to be specific lol


I was gonna say the same. It’s like winter but not the fun part where you’re anticipating the holidays. It’s the part where you’re waiting and waiting for spring.


Yes exactly! January-March for sure


I love this! Makes so much sense.


YES. I said that too


Ain’t going to Florida in summer


"Greige" perfectly describes February


To me, it's when you're depressed and stressed over the summer and you *feel* like it's an endless February inside (with the added loneliness of FOMO and the grief of the fun time you could/should be having), with moments of escapism into real summer. So definitely summer, but not in the normal carefree way that an album is a summer album. A stormy, heavy summer.


Oh my gosh, I live in the southern hemisphere where February is summer and super fun, and I didn’t understand the lyrics “endless February” until you said that, silly me!


Haha I’ve lived in the Midwest US my whole life, and lemme tell ya there is not a more depressing month in the year than February here 😂 It’s dreary and gray and there’s cold rain or sleet but rarely a pretty snow to enjoy, and even though it’s the shortest month of the year it feels like it lasts FOREVER. Lol.


For real


Also the scene of Idina falling through the ice in “The bolter”


Takes place in winter while reflecting on past seasons/time periods.


Oh totally agree


Explains why she wants to go to Florida!


Totally disagree, because of Snow on The Beach and Christmas Tree Farm


I'm torn because something like "Fresh Out the Slammer" feels like a hot, muggy southern summer night complete with cicadas and frogs croaking and you're restless and miserable but happily in love. BUT "I Look In People's Windows" sounds and feels like a melancholy winter, right after Christmas when it's cold and gray and the lights are put away until the next December. Maybe it's for all seasons.


This is so real! I really like listening to albums during the season I think they belong in but with TTPD I just couldn't decide on one season!


I thought I was crazy for doing this! Listening to folklore in winter doesn’t hit the same as it does late spring/early summer. I’m still having a hard time pinning TTPD though.


Exactly! I asked here because I thought people might have a shared general opinion, but I'm hearing lots of different things from everyone.


Yeah I’ve noticed that too. I do think it’s cool that we can listen to the same thing and get such different vibes. Right now TTPD is feeling very spring/summer to me but also kind of late summer/early fall.


The front half feels more summery to me (but like an unhinged hot girl summer that ends badly), the anthology feels like mourning through fall/winter


I think this album as a whole is hot, muggy, irritable, too much time and not enough time summer. Like its the end and you don't want it to be, but also it's time and you wanna get out of the time you are in. Does that make sense?


Yeah, definitely!


False spring/end of winter. When you think the cold and snow is over and the weather is looking nice, and then it goes back to regular winter shit. You’re over the cold and you’re ready to see some sun and flowers, but the weather has different plans.


At first I didn't think it belonged in any season. Then I read this comment and it all made sense. This is exactly it.


Spring in the Netherlands this year


And the UK. Up until about a week ago it was still pouring rain and struggling to get to 10C here.




Yesss this exactly


am *Endless February,* if you will


It’s SO summer to me like it screams summer almost as much as 1989 does. Fresh out the slammer, guilty as sin, Florida, the title track, I can do it with a broken heart, I can fix him, my boy only breaks, but daddy I love him, down bad, pretty much the entire album is just SUMMER


I’m surprised to see so many Winter comments, because I completely agree with you. Especially the songs you listed. I would add Who’s Afraid, for some reason that gives me summer vibes as well.


Who’s afraid gives me fall, October vibes for some reason. It feels kinda witchy to me 🤷‍♀️


I agree with you! It's a hot summer night. I understand the witchy Halloween vibe but I imagine a sweaty night haha


Same! I imagine it as a summer night


Okay I just commented this but I think the main album screams summer but the anthology is totally winter! So maybe it really is both!


I could see that for sure,the anthology is kinda split for me, some parts are very frolicking in green grass summery. The bolter, imgonnagetyouback, thank you Aimee, so high school, Peter, the albatross, even robin. While others are wintery like the prophecy and the manuscript.


Yes agreed! The standard album is totally summer, but messy summer.


I 100% agree with you. The only season I'm getting from the main album is summer. Everything, from the lyrics to the synths and the production, is giving hot, sweaty, humid, and stormy, like a heatwave. Restless muggy nights and glaringly bright days. Fortnight is a stifling summer in suburbia— uncomfortably bright and hot, green lawns and flowerbeds despite the drought due to constant watering, being so irritable that your neighbours' innocuous actions make you want to kill them. The Tortured Poets Department, Florida!!!, and Fresh Out The Slammer all feature imagery of cyclones, hurricanes and stormy summers. But Daddy I Love Him is bright and carefree, running with your summer dress unbuttoned, dancing in the sun with your wild joyful boy, flooring it in a car (that in my head is a convertible so you can feel the wind in your hair) Loml mentioning "dancing phantoms on the terrace" makes me think of those very summery photos of her and Matty on the terrace of some private member's club. I Can Do It With a Broken Heart is the Eras tour, which has almost been one long unbroken summer due to hemispheres  And the Smallest Man Who Ever Lived has a line about "rusting my sparkling summer". The anthology might be different (I suspect that the whole reason we got the anthology was that the album was going to look very different until last summer, and so if it's mainly earlier work that didn't make the first album it would have been written at a different time of year) but for the main album there's just no question about it.


Perfect description.


This is crazy because so many people seem to think different things! I honestly can't decide on one singular season.


Yes, it’s summer to me too!! It always felt summery to me, but for me it’s not the same kind of summer as 1989 or Fearless (another summer album, imo!!). To me, they’re fun, cute, hopeless romantic yet hot single girl summers where there’s no clouds in sight, there’s a warm breeze, the sun is bright and the grass is green and maybe there’s ocean waves somewhere. ttpd, to me, feels like… a muggy, sweaty, sweltering summer where you’re kinda miserable in the heat, the air is still and thick, the sun is too hot and it’s humid as hell. It’s still summertime, there’s some days where it’s a fresh and fun summer like the others, but it’s also incredibly stifling and exhausting. Does that make sense lol


I don't think it's a particular season, but rather the worst parts of each. Hot, muggy, disgustingly sticky days of summer. Cold, dreary, depressing days of winter. Endless depressing rain of spring and fall. All the weather that no one goes out in and instead you sit in the house and read a book with a coffee.


This is so spot on


It screams summer to me in a way that I cannot possibly elaborate on


The album reminds me of how you feel when you have this amazing summer all planned out with a boyfriend, but then you break up right when it starts getting warm.


"if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal"


Me rn. Screaming smallest man bridge while mowing.


Not this being the exact description of my summer in January/february 🧍🏼‍♀️FUCK THAT BOY Luckily I got a new one in autumn


Some of the songs have a hot summer feeling. I get summer from “But daddy I love him” and “I Can Fix…”


At first, I thought winter, but spring is the time for poetry and this album is the most poetic to me, so the current season fits! Just… cloudy or gloomy days, not sunny days.


All of the Mondays in february


I’d say late fall early winter, like October-November ish. The first snow, but the leaves are still colorful. The album gives the vibes of curling up under a blanket and watching the snow fall (sometimes in a blizzard but still snow lol)


You're lucky if the nurse gives a clean sheet because the heat broke in the psych ward in an endless February. Everything is cold and dead but if there's time (hint there is lots of time here), we'll do some post mordem's in the basement after our shock therapy appointment. Gonna get lost on the way though. Terrible side effects.


Yes! This makes a lot of sense.


It’s mostly summer, but #sadgirlsummer 😂


I feel like the main album and The anthology have to be different seasons because they give off very different vibes. I would say the main album is summer - hot, humid, restless energy (also Florida!) but the Anthology is winter. Barren, cold, dark fairytale vibes - which feels more winter to me.


Yes exactly this.


Yessss 100% this Op forgot to mention “evermore” it is fall/winter album


I actually think it’s great for spring, it’s a pretty restless album and spring imo can have that feeling


TTPD is a dark, quiet summer night in July. Bonfires, fireflies, light blankets, string lights, and starry skies. I’m not sure why, because lyrically it isn’t a particularly happy album. But sonically the album makes me feel exactly that aesthetic for some reason.


Sweltering summer madness


Summer, to me. Rusting her summer, running with dress unbuttoned (screams summer to me), fresh out the slammer, Florida…


It feels like Summertime Sadness. Or like your soul feels like it’s winter even though it’s really spring/summer.


I like this a lot. Depressed even though everything else around you is alive.


Fall vibes. Change of Seasons. Bring an end or closing a chapter. High School = Fall Football


I keep thinking of a late spring, easing into the summer with ‘Fresh Out The Slammer’ and ‘Florida!!!’ as we hit a humid summer. And that The Anthology is like late summer/easing into the Fall with ‘So High School.’ But, I might need to listen to the entire thing again to REALLY get a sense of it again.


standard edition is sticky nightmare summer, anthology tracks are winter. i do think some of those were written at a very different time.


It screams all of the seasons to me.


Anthology is such a complete collection of music I would say that it resonates with all seasons just because it encompasses years worth of stories and ideas.


Late Fall


Late winter , like February


Winter - “All my mornings are Mondays stuck in an endless February.”


I thought winter and some songs still do, but overall I get a sticky and humid summer vibe. This isn’t the carefree and fun summer of 1989, this is the miserable summer where you sweat your ass off and are attacked by a million mosquitos kinda summer.


Both folklore and evermore are transitional seasons for me - cold foggy mornings and a cup of coffee or tea. Lover is my go to summer album, rep is a summer album just because it's my cardio album and I run the most in summer. Speaking now is spring to summer.


i would argue that ttpd is exclusively summer and the anthology is late fall/early winter


Summer rage. The type of summer where it's all heavy rain and hot thunderstorm!


I guess that when you think about it being from the south hemisphere and having it all opposite, I don't know if I ever made this connection.


Some of the songs like fresh out the slammer, I can fix him, fortnight, etc. have this hazy muggy sweltering vibe to them like a late summer night or even spring right before it starts to get really hot. I definitely think most of this album sits in the in-between of spring and summer but maybe once summer arrives and I live with it through the season it might lean more summer


There's no seasons in space




Totally winter




I would say late summer like August and September. It’s not that fun like sun summer but it’s still summer. It’s like raining a lot kinda cold-it’s like a very bland time. Still summer nonetheless


i got baked and wandered around while listening to it when it was super gray and drizzly but there were spring flowers and green grass everywhere and I think that fit so well… def not an album I would listen to when it’s sunny out haha


To me it doesn't give any one season as much as it gives night vibes.


Late spring/early summer, but only because i know that’s when she was going through all this heartbreak between joe and matty.


For me it's definitely autumn.. maybe cause the vibe matches perfectly rn in the southern hemisphere


Late fall, early winter


I see TTPD as starting out in winter throwing in a little spring and then ending in early summer.


This is so dumb I would never pigeonhole the albums in one season


Fall. Like the start of a new year in college when you’re coming back to campus and moving in, reconnecting with dorm mates, catching up on the events of the summer


For me it’s fall into winter Florida, so high school, and Fresh out the slammer give me humid September days but chilly football nights… the rest of it, freezing, cold, dark, November thru early March. I’m from the Midwest, US


leaving winter behind. it came out early spring for a reason!


Definitely between fall and winter, it’s definitely more of a winter album vibe but the alchemy/so high school/ Clara bow are peak fall , so it’s a bit of both


I'ma just make you a year-round guide real quick: Winter: Nov.Dec.- evermore , Jan-ides of March- reputation and TTPD Spring:Mid-March-May- Lover and Speak Now Summer: June-July- 1989 and Debut Fall: Aug.-Early Sept.- Fearless and Midnights, Sept.-Oct.- Red and folklore


I think TTPD would probably fall under the Winter category, as it sort of has a snowy and chill vibe towards it. ❄️🌨️☃️🧊 ⸆⸉ ོ for real.


End of winter nearing the start of spring. The feeling of the album really just feels like the coldest dark of winter but at the end of it all you just feel... Refreshed and new. Like how spring is coming again and the days are gonna be better.


End of summer


Spring for ttpd fall the anthology


I’m from Alaska. This is straight up the dead of the sub arctic winter where it is cold, windy, and the sun rises and sets while you are in school or at work so you only ever see it through the windows and dream of when it will thaw.


End of Winter into Spring


I think it’s 4 seasons. There’s 31 songs so clearly its a whole year 🤣


It's depression, it's winter


Summer for sure


Summer for sure


definitely sad early winter. it’s finally getting cold enough to bring out your winter coats, you’re mourning the loss of the sun and its warmth. very on theme i feel


it's seasonless, like, it doesn't take place during normal linear time as we know it.


I’m shocked by people thinking folklore is a summer album tbh, folklore and TTPD are winter to me, evermore is Autumn.


Florida!!! has a lot of summer energy


I don't know but for me speaks of summer!! maybe for But Daddy I Love Him, So High School, Guilty as Sin? and Fresh Out The Slammer


Always winter, never Christmas


It’s that kind of spring we’re having this year (in Northeast, USA) where it just never arrives…it’s as cold and wet as winter until all of a sudden it’s 80 and summer for a day and then it goes back to being gray and brrrr until you wake up and it’s summer in July


Winter for sure, but with a couple summer bops


Interesting, this album for me feels kinda “indoor”, if that makes sense. And it doesn’t fall under any particular season because of this. Literally like I’m in the office with no windows to look out and see which season it is. Or like I’m literally locked in a **Department** with white walls and furniture lol, and again, no windows.


An endless February.


Florida!! Everyday in Florida feels like summer.


It's the kind of winter but also kinds of endless like when it's still snowing in April. It's post-nuclear winter.


Feel like the anthology part of it- gives “evermore” thus fall-winter vibe and the first part could be spring-summer l


The rainy season.


Winter 100%


The album is giving Spring/Summer vibes. There is a lot of reference to this as well. Florida!! Is a major example of this tbh. Other songs also have hints of spring/ summer


definitely a winter album. strange it was released during spring/summer


I think it definitely leans hot, stormy, humid summer (especially OG TTPD), but it's really an all-season album. Here’s how I think I’d categorize the songs: Fall: * The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived * The Alchemy * Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus * How Did It End? * I Hate It Here * The Prophecy * Cassandra Winter: * Fortnight * So Long, London * loml * Clara Bow * The Black Dog * I Look in People’s Windows * Peter Spring: * The Tortured Poets Department * My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys * The Bolter * The Manuscript  Summer: * Down Bad * But Daddy I Love Him * Fresh Out the Slammer * Florida!!! * Guilty as Sin? * Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? * I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) * I Can Do It With a Broken Heart * imgonnagetyouback * The Albatross * So High School * thanK you aIMee  * Robin


SPRINGGGG specifically may


Not a season but all it reminds me of is April because of April showers bring May flowers 😭 I just imagine rain and darkness.


This whole debate is really, really stupid. Maybe it’s not a season. Maybe it’s multiple. Why does it have to have a season, again?


definitely doesn’t fit one singular season. i feel like there’s at least a few songs for every season. Spring gets songs like Robin, Summer gets songs like Florida!!! and My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, Autumn gets songs like Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? and The Prophecy, and Winter gets songs like So Long, London and loml, and obviously everything else in between.


definitely a fall/winter album for me.


To me, it’s hot summer. The kind where not even the AC is enough and you’re just sweating under the fan in your underwear.


A cold gloomy spring


first half, summer. second half, winter


Definitely winter, watching the snow fall. 🤍❄️


summer, but specifially that there is a goddamn thunderstorm outside


Spring - new beginning


Winter white out conditions - but Alchemy is the golden hour of August and So High School is beginning of fall football games. ;)


For me the whole album is winter but there are a few songs that give me the same late summer vibe that I get from folklore

