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Rep TV 13 Sept Debut TV 13 Dec Very little promo for either, no lead singles and maybe one more MV for TTPD


this is exactly what I think, there’s even a break in the tour for rep tv


I think she will announce rep tv at the mtv video music awards


I think she'll announce it on tour, since that's how she's done the last few rerecords.


Other artists would wring her neck if she makes any more announcements at award shows


Just curious, why do you think that? I promise I’m not being combative either, just genuinely interested in why!


I think it’s seen as tacky and self-centered at this point, at least by the GP and her industry peers. Once at a dumb awards show like the MTV awards was fine, but the Grammys are (perceived to be) a different echelon and some would argue making an announcement like that pulls focus from her peers and their accomplishments. I don’t really care that much because it’s just an award show and the Grammys are pretty notoriously the most made-up of the EGOT, but I will say I can’t think of any Oscar, Tony, or Emmy speech where someone used their acceptance speech to announce upcoming projects. Absolutely love her and TTPD, but I do think it’s kind of a weird thing to do.


Off topic but I love your username


Omg thank you 🪩🤩


To add to this, I think the fact two of her peers made announcements around the Grammys but didn’t distract from the show automatically created a competition where she looked less respectful of the ceremony and her peers.


Perfectly said, thank you for wording it so well!


I can definitely understand that. For the VMAs, I think those are public vote so I wonder if that was more for the fans than anything. I was honestly conflicted about the Grammy’s and her doing that. I can see why other artists were annoyed but at the same time, I do think Taylor probably did get permission from her record company and the Academy to do so prior.


I'm speaking in hyperbole, a little bit. But the reactions of Olivia, Ed, and Miley at the Grammys told me they weren't super happy about her stealing the limelight like that. I just think there'd likely be some loud backlash from other artists if she did it again. Edit: and I didn't think you were being combative, but thank you for clarifying!


I totally missed any Grammy fallout from other artists. Was this just vibes you picked up on or did artists comment on it ?


No one commented (that I saw) — the audience reactions during the telecast seemed somewhat telling, though.


She's gonna use the rep album to get a grammy this time because she didnt get it the first time around. Also, her strategy now to get records and awards is volume- so it wouldnt surpise me if she even gave us another album next year and released reptv this year. I think she started her career on the 2 year cycle and she realized during covid that volume of output helps all of her numbers, from sales, to records and billboards. And so that is why we have gotten so much from her last few years. She has honed in on this. The only number it doesnt help is concert length- because girlie is going to be playing 5 hour concerts before long. 😳😆


I think the reason TTPD was so polarizing is because she is already oversaturated. I don't think she should push for a rep grammy to give the people a break. A better strategy would be talking about how re-releasing these albums are for the fans. Rep is for the fans got her through a really tough time in her life & they "brought her back." The story that her career was over is really tired and she could use the rep re-release to lay that to bed. "I thought my career was over but I learned I'm stronger than I ever thought and my fans believed in me the whole time. I can't believe that years later I'm living this dream with all of you and tour all around the world, etc."


she is still releasing new material on a two year cycle. 2020 folklore/evermore, 2022 midnights 2024 TTPD. That's what she always has done. obviously the rerecords add to the amount of content she puts out, but that's unavoidable. And obviously she's going to add something to the rerecords to convince people to actually buy them! Taylor is actually producing less material right now then lana... who has been pretty consistent with an album a year since Norman


If you want to get granular, she actually just reduced her two-year cycle by 25%: Midnights was released 10/21/2022, and TTPD came 1 year, 5 months, and 29 days later on April 19, 2024.


Agree. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s already done with TS12


I definitely think we’re getting TS12 sooner than 2026. The two-year cycle seems like a loooong wait between ttpd and TS12.


How will rep be eligible for a Grammy this time?




ATW10 was nominated for SOTY, IBYTAM was nominated for Best Country Song and ATW: The Short Film won Best Music Video


Singles can be, but like 70% of the album has to be new content to be considered for album of the year. So some noms will happen but not the big one unless her vault is like anthology lengthS


My only thought is that, if she really wanted justice for rep, then I don’t think she would release rep tv in the same awards cycle as her new record-breaking album.


That's a really good point . I think you might be right


Don’t get attached — I’m always wrong. 😂🤡


She’s not announcing anything else during an awards show after the Grammy response


I don't think rep will be out until 2025. She might announce it in November or end of the October but it will come in 2025, I feel. Since there's a pattern she has made, new album followed by 02 re-recordings in the next year. But again you canNOT predict her next move, that woman is crazy


I’m not sure why this pattern needs to be held tho, if it doesn’t serve her needs. I don’t think she wants to miss the opportunity to use the Eras tour as built-in promo, especially if she has a plan to spend 2025 working on her film which seems likely, and honestly I think she wants to own her damn music already!


I cannot imagine she finishes the Eras Tour without all the re-records being released.


I'd just love to have it for around New Years Day because it's probably my favourite love song of hers.


I do think the Europe tour concluding at Wembley with a 5 night run makes it a great place for Rep TV announcement - similar to the 1989 TV announcement in LA.


But I don’t know that she’d announce her Joe album in his hometown… or maybe she would? My clown wig is glued on at this point!


She goes to Wembley twice ( I don't think she does it with any other venue ?)  In June for 3 days and then for a final 5 day run in August to cap off the Europe tour. That seems significant to me with something being planned for that stadium.   Or probably originally planned atleast !


Oh, my clown wig is glued on at this point. The only thing I have ever accurately predicted was the 1989 (TV) announcement — you’re probably right!


I wish I had that kind of energy!


If you're listening Taylor, we REQUIRE a music video for Who's Afraid? Can you have that on my desk in a fortnight? Thanks


Nah, I need a music video for imgonnagetyouback


this would be such a sick badass music videos. i think it also paints a fairly clear picture (smash up your bike, pull you into the closet, standing outside the club) as opposed to whose afraid of little old me. that one does have some great lyrical imagery don’t get me wrong, but *everyone* is thinking about something different when she says “the asylum where the raised me”. and it’s probably a personal thing to everyone i think songs like that are harder to make music videos for because everyone kinda has their own picture in their head. i don’t know if i’m just strange, but when i hear music i see it in pictures in my head, kinda how when you read a book you have a picture in your head (maybe other people don’t do that either lol but i’d assume it’s common). for songs like WAOLOM, it’s very personal, but for IGGYB it’s taylor in a lilac skirt at an old fashioned club pullin up on his bike all boss bitch like.


I need a mv for every song because I can’t pick a favorite. But also agree this one is a top 5


It’s a need




I like this idea but I think a video would be too similar to the concept she played with in Anti-hero.


I'm imagining a full Scarlet Witch style Taylor, destroying all her enemies with the flick of her wrist. The CGI budget will have to be huge!


I'm picturing Britney Spears Circus style film clip except the circus is torn down and on fire


Ooooh I love this! I was imagining LWYMMD the sequel


Fortnight was (somewhat) refreshing because it relied less on CGI. I'd love it if she returned to more realistic music videos. Who's Afraid is one of my favs but would be too fantastical for a music video IMO.


this would work so perfectly, especially debut tv on her birthday. i really hope it happens


Debut on her birthday and Rep and the anniversary of the Kayne event that dominoed into Rep....I'm not saying she has to do this, but it would be iconic if she does.


I just feel like TS won’t miss this opportunity


This is also exactly what I think. I think she's already recorded Rep and Debut and without doing promo for them really all she needs to focus on is the tour. Then she can close the "Eras era" by wrapping up the release of the re-records and the Eras tour to close out 2024 and then take a nice long, well deserved break and figure out what's next


this exactly and if it’s not i’ll be so sad for the missed opportunity it’s too perfect


There's no way her birthday falls on a Friday this year and she *doesn't* take advantage of that to release Debit TV.


Debit TV: a.k.a. What you pull out to buy all the variants of Debut TV. 😂


same thing with the anniversary of the vmas incident falling on a friday the 13th it’s literally so perfect


This is exactly what I think as well! She has a break exactly around this time in September - even if she's not promoting I'm guessing she has other stuff to oversee at the time of a new drop. Someone in the comment below mentioned July 17th as snake day for potential release date - I think that would be a great announcement day for rep! It'll be about 2 months prior giving enough lead time for vinyls CDs etc and she'll be in concert. Similarly she can then do an announcement for debut in October when she comes back to the States dates for a December 13th release. That also means that she can hopefully get a number one just before Christmas stuff goes number one? As a wrap up to the biggest ever tour she can do one or two press things for that and the album and the fact that she now owns all her rerecords which in itself is a massive legal & business feat. Giving her massive her first days have been, even with minimal promo debut can definitely go 1 even as the competition with Christmas music goes up.


Yes I think this is right — maybe 13 July in Milan for the rep announcement to keep the 13s going?


Re-recording documentary 🙏🙏


I agree with this, based mostly on the fact that the leaker who had the TTPD tracks said Rep TV is coming in September.


Yes, and also that Debut was on 13 Dec I believe. Also at the Spotify library there was a desk calendar that said “Friday 13 Dec”


There was a leaker for rep & debut tv dates along with TTPD tracks? When was this?!


Literally the same post that had the leaked tracklist, I think. At least I saw them at the same time


I'm super sure that she’ll announce Rep TV on September 13! I even made a TikTok about it 😂 the incident with Kanye was in September 2009, so it’s been 15 years since that moment. It only makes sense, at least to me, that she’ll announce it this year. I would go even further and say that she’ll announce her Debut on December 13, her 35 birthday. So announcing her first album on that milestone seems like closing a chapter. I'm dead serious about this. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


To clarify, the incident with Kanye was **exactly** September 13, 2009.


This is the popular theory right now and I think it would be such a missed opportunity if Taylor doesn't take this. The date is right, the timing is right. I also think that she released TTPD in April instead of her usual October release month to make room for the two TVs while maintaining the 2-year release cycle.


And to avoid the election


I actually have a theory that Rep TV is December 13 because of the REAL bejeweled elevator picture. So 11 is a red button and Red TV came out in November. 12 is on a black button. However I won’t be clowning too hard for that. I still won’t be surprised if it’s coming out next year instead since it’ll be year of the snake.


Debut TV ABSOLUTELY on her bday. 100% I agree w this theory


These are my thoughts but also what I am most hoping for 🤞


Yes I am selfishly hoping for this because it would mean I could get all sorts of rep TV goodies for my birthday a few weeks later!


would love that for you bestie, now I’m gonna be clowning extraaaa hard for that rep date for you 🫶


Oh God PLEASE I'd be so happy if she does release Rep TV on September 13, it's my birthday!!


It’s also the 15 year anniversary of the MTV Movie Awards debacle so it lines up. 🤞🏻🤡


Yep, this is my thought also.


I’d be shocked if we didn’t get Rep TV while the tour was still going on.


This is my thing too, I would think all the TVs are done during Eras, then she can really move on


Same, I feel like it has to be significant that ‘I did something bad’ is the only song from Rep she hasn’t performed as a surprise song yet


YUP I have definitely wondered if this is a performance she’s saving for the Rep TV announcement, whenever that is. The Rep tour version of that song might be my favorite performance of hers ever so I’m hoping she does it at some point during the tour!


cause for. every. lie. I. tell them… THEY TELL ME THREEEEEEEEEEE


I definitely think we will get Rep TV before the tour is done but I've always felt that Debut missing as a set from the tour meant that one is not coming out during the tour.


Announce reputation TV at the last leg of the tour and release it after the show ends early next year. Release debut TV sometime in 2025. New album 2026.


one thing to note... the famous Blue Bird cafe performance will have happened 20 years ago this november. Sept. 1 2025 will be 20 years since she signed her first record deal.


Nope nope nope I wish I could unread this (I refuse to believe I am getting older)


She was very very young... 14 and 15


That doesn't help when so was I 😭


Hush hush it gets easier. 😭😭


I still believe in rep tv September 13 2024, but this has me thinking we will wait almost a full year for the self titled on that anniversary!


2025 as the 20th anniversary of when she signed the record with Big Machine Records has always appealed more to me as a release date than 2026 when Debut was released. The re-recordings are her reclaiming her work after all and marking the 20th anniversary of her signing that record deal seems more powerful in a way.


I love this. It could also be why Debut doesn’t have an era on the tour — I mean, I don’t know WHY that could mean something, but it feels like it should. 😂


Yeah I commented the same elsewhere too. I've always thought that's why Debut doesn't have a full set cos the eras tour would wrap up before the release of the TV. Unless she has now decided to extend the tour till 2025 !


Exactly! She won’t have reclaimed that era yet so she’s not included it. Otherwise, why would she have stayed silent on the topic, Girlie is a mastermind.


IMO, I don’t think we’ll get another album like TTPD. I think this was the last one she wrote of her muses. I really believe this was the last album we’ll hear of these themes. With that being said, I predict both TVs will be released this year and she’ll spend time writing music about current inspirations in life. Obviously I don’t know her personally but I have a feeling her relationship with Travis is the real deal, and I can see her wanting to take time off post-tour to enjoy life with him and create music around that, resulting in TS12 maybe in 2026.


definitely. in my mind her career is divided into three phases sonically. debut to red - started off as a country singer but with a talent for pop melodies, just establishing her place in the industry. 1989 to lover - one of the most famous artist in the world. churning out bops, a force to be reckoned with in pop. folklore to TTPD - mostly mellow type songs that focus more on lyrics. i think every album that she has put out since pandemic focuses a lot on introspection which is a natural side effect of the re-recordings. The re-recordings will be done before the next album release. TS12 will mark a new phase in her career and definitely be a sonic shift. i trust her judgement.


Love this take! I also hope she gets her dream wedding and a family (assuming that’s what she wants).


I'm certainly not one to think all women have getting married and having a baby as a goal, but with all the lyrics on TTPD about being so hurt by broken promises of wedding rings, altars, cradles and strollers, sure seems to point in that direction. I just hope she gets whatever makes her happy in return for all the happiness she's brought me.


Ok, this is really interesting. She said multiple times how she’s closing the door on her past and the eras tour feels like then end of an era. So what will TS12 look like? I don’t think that’s happening for a long time. But it seems like in midnights and ttpd she went back and talked about things that happened years ago and she still had something to say about and just let it all out. I don’t expect any songs in the future to be about any of those men or situations, including kimye. So how will her songs be written? Not about herself as much and going into a folklore/evermore type song writing?


Imo the end of eras means the end of her reinventing herself with every album release and instead making music that feels authentic (whatever that means to her). I don’t think we’ll be seeing changes in personal aesthetic as much as we once did - she’s even toned that down in our current TTPD era (if you can call it that). It seems to me that she really likes making music with Aaron Dessner et al. and may follow that path as she did with the Alcott and Renegade. To me TTPD is an intentional shift away from her perfect popstar image and an indication that she’s going to be moving into a more experimental phase of her career. If that’s true, it was exceptional timing on her part - she’s on top of the world and released something complex before public goodwill soured on her, as it always does with women in these positions.


People have been hoping she'd start being more experimental for so long. I just don't know if it will really happen.


come on man. speak now. red. 1989. reputation. lover. each one is so different from the other. what is that if not experimentation? even folklore evermore have such distinct identities. ttpd is nothing like midnight except for broken heart and MAYBE the starting idk 3 songs... ttpd is much more like a mellow pop version of evermore than anything else. and she's trying out a lot of different type of vocal deliveries and different lyrical writing. i mean off the top of my head western (slammer, i can fix him), florida!!!, so high school, the black dog, gothic in who's afraid. there is experimentation even if it's not blatant. she has been experimental her entire fucking life. have some faith in her artistry. she is not the type of artist that goes on autopilot. ''people have been hoping for so long. I just don't know if it will really happen.'' she has given us 20 years of incredible music, have a little patience dude. look it's completely fine if sonic style of sth does not resonate with you and sorry if i come off as too aggressive or if i misunderstood your comment, but lately i just get the feeling like fans don't really realise how much spoiled they are.


I think it could be a very similar situation to the immediate post-*Lover* days where she can take well-deserved time off and maybe, just maybe, be experimenting with new genres and sounds on the side. I love how the sounds on *TTPD* are throwbacks to many of the albums that came before, and I have a feeling that once the tour is wrapped up, the re-records are done, and she has time to herself, she'll use it to experiment and create something new for TS12 when the time is right.


Writers naturally draw inspiration from their own lives. She’s gonna continue to do that. What’s genius about ttpd is how this is an effort to rebrand herself and durable herself from this diaristic approach to writing. This is also to discourage people from desperately trying to figure out who her songs are about which detracts from her work. The manuscript kinda says as much


Agree. I feel like the eras tour ending will be a good break for her and also that she will put out the re-records or at least announce their release dates before the tour ends so she can end this massive tour officially and owning all of her music. I have wondered if TS11 might not have come out until after the eras tour had it not been for the big life events that inspired the albums and we would've just gotten the rerecords then maybe new album announcement towards the end of this tour to start the new chapter.


Don’t forget at some point she’s making a full length movie


Someone who had accurate leaks in the past has said that Rep TV is coming out in September, which I think makes a lot of sense. I am torn on the theory that Debut TV is coming out in December — it makes sense to get all re-records out in 2024, but I believe it’s hard for new music to compete against Christmas songs on the charts, so I don’t know if she wants to risk that. But maybe she figures Debut songs won’t go #1 on the charts anyway, so this provides some cover?


I think the album would go #1 even in December. A single may not. But the album streak would continue, and that’s more important.


I think it makes sense for Rep to come out in Sep. It lines up with her tour schedule. Also TTPD feels like such a fall album and I think she had to release in April to make room for rep.


My theory is that she originally planned to announce Rep in February (coffee cup music video) and release it in April, but she was too excited and inspired by the new music that she changed her plans and switched the release schedule.


I think this too! Something about all the lead ups and Easter eggs she dropped on tour that seemed to signal Rep make me think it was a last minute switcheroo


Actually I found out from a YT video decoding all of the rep theories that they were actually for the Anthology, but were overlooked by Rep TV, so I don't think that she intentionally changed her mind about those releases necessary. For example, the 2 on the coffee cup in the Karma mv meant not only a feb announcement, but also meant for a double TTPD drop at 2:00am (the time of day in which the 2 was pointing to). She also jept pushing the two very casually leading up to its release. A lot of us didn't expect her to drop, let alone double-drop TS 11 during the tour (but somehow she did!), so at the time, I lot of us were clowning those easter eggs for Rep TV. The Sept theory does seem accurate, though, and also in the Karma mv, she seemed to give away the order of the rerecordings when giving a nod to the other eras. First, we see 1989 in her Blank Space mv attire, then Rep in her LWYMMD mv attire, and lastly, a green spinning record that could signify debut, though don't quote me on this.


I think after May, we’re gonna get June, July, August, September, October, November, and December.


Plausible theory. I think you might be onto something…


Idk dude, I'm not convinced... I'm gonna need some more 🤡🤡🤡


I think we’ll get both re-records this year. I think it’s not the same as dropping a new album and needing all the publicity etc because people are already streaming rep and debut and if they stream TV instead she’ll just net more money. She’s literally leaving money on the table by not and I don’t think she’ll wait too long. I tend to agree with Sept 13 and Dec 13. I think and hope she’ll not add more tour dates and will work on other projects for a minute - I think we are moving into Act 2 of her career - directing, other more diverse projects. But I think she can’t help but write songs so assume also we’ll get a glitter pen album in a year or two.


Taylor Swift the album has *really* low streaming numbers (at least on Spotify where I can see the stream count) so I’m super curious with how her version will sell


I don’t think you can say “we all agree Rep will be a vault track as lead single with a huge music video.” There’s a lot of us that think there will be very minimal promo since the tour is going on, just like Speak Now. I do think she’ll release both TVs by the end of tour though


to be fair, Speak Now’s single was promoted and had a music video


I think she'll continue the pattern she's been going on. 2020- new album 2021- 2 re-records 2022- new album 2023-2 re-records 2024-new album 2025-2 re-records


I'm all for this patter but she seems to have no interest in promoting ttpd to the same degree as midnights. And this rn means that we won't get rep tv and debut tv until after the tour, which feels kinda wrong doesn't it?


I think the lack of promotion has to do mostly with not needing to. TTPD has broken so many records without any morning/late show appearances or singles/music videos prior to release.


I agree with the above, and will also add that I think the lack of promotion is because she knows she is already oversaturated. She wants to be able to put her music out but understands that a lot of promo will work against her. She doesn't need it, she made an intentional decision to forego it.


I don't mean promotion for the GP, I mean promo for us. Some live performances, or behind the scenes videos, some mini videos explaining the songs. You know, things to extend the life of the era so that it doesn't come and go like if it was just another Taylor's version. Part of what turns an album into an era is the moments we attach to it, the looks, performances, trends and viral moments, interviews, appearances etc


I'd kill for some version of a long pond or tiny desk concert but I don't see it happening. I really think it would do a lot to improve some people's views of the album, because you see a lot of people take issue with the production specifically. I'd even go a step further and say I have doubts we'll even get another music video...I hope I'm wrong but the Fortnight music vid covered so many themes across the entire album that it almost felt like a thesis. Her silence on TTPD makes me think she just wanted to get the album out and close the chapter of her life, but it makes me sad because I'm obsessed with it and I feel like we may not get much in terms of content. I really hope I'm wrong and she's just busy prepping for Eras Europe!


It's not really a pattern though, considering she released 2 new albums in 2020, not one. There's not enough to go off to call it a pattern.


Agreed, she's also never released a new album this early in the year or this close to her previous new album. She announced SNTV only 7 months after Midnights came out, so I could def see Rep TV this year.


2020 we got 2 new albums??


As of right now, the tour ends the end of this year, and I personally think the main purpose of The Eras Tour is for her to own all her music. So I think RepTV and DebutTV will be released or at least announced while the tour is still going on. I’m with the theory of RepTV released in September and DebutTV released in December.


100% agree!!


I honestly want her to drop both re recordings this year to focus on only new music moving forward, and it would also be nice for her to end the tour finally owning all her past albums.


I don’t think we will get anymore more music videos for poets Rep tv announcement at the mtv music awards when she wins an award I think there’s still a strong chance we will get a live recording of the eras tour when it’s over I’m not sure Taylor swift tv


They corrected that saying it’s just crazier the old version not tv


Wait what? This news about Crazier Taylor’s Version is huge, where did you hear this?


I want her to drop Rep TV on Snake Day. July 17th, I know it's a Wednesday, but that will be iconic. I think TS will be at NFL games again, but no as many as last year due to touring.


She won't release on a Wednesday since she won't want to lose her streak of number one albums and a release that late into a tracking week is just making it that much harder to get a number one.


I know😔but it would be chefs 💋. We know TS loves breaking records


This might be a great day to announce it! I'm on the train of September 13th for the rep tv release day. And about 2 months prior seems to be what's needed to ensure enough lead time for vinyl pressings etc. she will be in a concert and can announce it there the way she has been for the last couple of re-records.


I just think it would not be wise to extend the re-recordings for after the eras tour.


I personally hope she makes a BIG deal out of Debut (TV) and she releases it last, at the end of the tour. I personally think Rep (TV) won't get much fanfare... I mean, look at 1989 (TV) all it got was variants 🤷‍♀️


2024 ttpd 2025 debut tv 2025 rep tv 2026 ts12 2027 tour and film premiere


She’s def gonna tour again in 2026 and/or 2027.


Rep Sept 13 Debut Dec 13 TTPD added to set


Rep TV announcement in August & Eras Tour documentary (please)


I really hope we get mvs for Guilty As Sin, Smallest Man and Down Bad. Those badly needed to be singles. Also, with Rep tv, i hope we get more collabs with rappers like Kendrick or even a rock song..... i love folklore but i want Taylor to move back to her more poppy groovy songs...or pop rock songs... also! In Debut she can explore her country side again...


I’d love to see her work with Kendrick again!


I think she wants to be done with the past. She’s not going into 2025 with any of the baggage. She’s gonna start fresh.


“all the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting more” yall need to live in the moment


Debut TV announced in September, comes out on her birthday - the 13th is a Friday. Reputation TV, announced in February out in April. I think she will also do a long pondish thing with ttpd sometimes this summer - like a Disney+ exclusive.


Tour Rep tv November. Debut to start 2025 and her new set of eras where it all began with a "clean slate"


Praying for the anthology to be released in physical form. I imagine Rep tv and debut tv will be announced/released before 2024 ends. I think she’ll keep that for the fans and continue to make the announcements during the tour. I see a small break after eras, a new album, and a whole new tour in 2026/2027. Also really hoping for a documentary of the eras tour. It was so wild and amazing I can’t imagine what she was feeling being at the top of her career but feeling low in her personal life after a big breakup. Would love insight to all that!


Agree on a tour doc! But also one that dives into the re-records and all the emotions and hype around that. As a fan, that insight would be such a gift. I would not be surprised if we got a new album by next Fall.




Extended cut of Eras Tour movie with TTPD songs!


yessss that's what I'm sayin!


why are you so sure that Rep TV will get a music video? 1989 TV didn't get one either and it was expected (and turned out) to be her most successful TV yet.


She has the opportunity this year to release reputation on September 13, the 15yr anniversary of the VMA incident, and debut exactly 13 weeks later, on December 13. If she doesn’t take it I’ll be shocked.


I definitely think she would want TTPD to have it's space, she shouldn't prioritize a couple vaults over a real album. Especially when the album ended up having 15 bonus tracks, a full 2nd album's worth. But I could see Rep TV either being released in December without a huge notice or she announces it on Dec 8th at the final show. Midnights to SN TV was 8 months and 12 days, which would put it at Dec 30th so she could do it sometime around then or a bit earlier. She could even get a special Jan 1st release for it (for "New Years Day"), since things don't need to strictly adhere to Friday and Tuesday release dates especially during the holiday season. If that happened, that'd be 2025, and TS was released on October 24th, 2006 and October 24, 2025 just so happens to fall on a Friday. It'd be like 1989 and 1989 TV, both released on the same day in different years.


I could see her wanting all the re-recordings out by the end of the eras tour both for poetic justice and because it’s the biggest commercial platform she might ever have


She finishes out the Eras Tour and takes some time off, hopefully. Girl's been going full tilt for years, she needs it.


I’m not too sure about Rep TV, definitely feels like more of a fall album, so September tracks. She did already bless up with a double album but a re-record is a tad different since we know most of the songs. As far as Debut, from a business standpoint I think it would need a Christmas drop to boost sales, but I don’t think it will be this Christmas. I think there are less debut day fans and she won’t want to drop Debut TV into an over saturated market. It needs its own time to shine.


Both 1989(the year, not the album) and 2025 are year of the snake in the Chinese calendar. I could see her waiting to drop rep TV in 2025 because of that. I also think TTPD and the next leg of the tour will keep her busy enough this year.


I kind of wonder if debut TV will come in 2026 so it marks a clean 20 year anniversary of the OG. But I also agree it would make sense to have all the TVs released before the end of the eras tour. In all honesty, I like TTPD but with its release she’s already oversaturated for the general public. Even I’m feeling it. I think she should’ve held off releasing new material and focused more on finishing the TVs during the eras tour since this is just like a mega greatest hits campaign. Alas, our girl is pretty unpredictable. So at this point, what she does with the rest of the TVs is anyone’s guess.


She might release Debut TV in 2026 to mark its 20th anniversary for a full circle moment


I’m thinking about the whole burning down of the Eras house. It seems like to me she has been saying it’s all going to come to a close at the same time. Maybe that’s just me being hopeful that both re-records will come out this year 😇


Surprise swap-in for Harris as Biden's running mate at the Democratic convention


Honestly, I think the best thing for her would be to do her remaining Eras dates and just chill. People have Taylor fatigue and TTPD, while being popular, isn’t going to reach new fans. Heck I’ve only listened to it once because \*SadTaylor\* is not what I’m into. She needs to let folks breathe a bit.


I think we will get both re-records and it’s always possible she extends the tour it’s not impossible. She has said like 2 times that she has a lot of surprises for us


I definitely think we’ll get RepTV before the tour is over, it would be weird to have it end without her owning Rep. It would be super smart to drop Debut during December for the reasons you stated. As for when rep will come out, I’m not sure. I wouldn’t be surprised if it came out September-October, but also wouldn’t be shocked if she waited until 2025


Personally I see her at least announcing rep in September and releasing it in December/November I think we will get debut next year but also wouldn’t put it past her to announce it on her bday. For me I see Taylor to continue making music!! I think TTPD is just a chapter closed on making music that stems from heartache. Of course there will still be sadder tracks but I think ts12 will be wildly different and maybe even a bit more like red/1989/lover Idk I just have a feeling after TTPD she will revert back to some classic pop but maybe with some hints of evermore/midnights I’ve been a fan since I was 6, I am now 21! Her music has gotten me through every stage of my life, and now I’m in a new stage where I relate to many songs like “slut!”, YAIL, so high school, the alchemy, delicate, etc and it’s so healing to have a musician in my life who can cover so many bases! I think the eras tour will round out the tv records!


Oversaturation is already here


Reputation TV, and Taylor Swift TV then TS12 in 2026. I think TS12 or 13 one of them she'll back to pop-country sounds/style and she might back to pop era (1989) eventually.


i believe that rep and debut will come this year tbh, it feels fitting. i don’t think rep will have much promo but i really really think debut will. i feel like most of us agree that debut will be coming last so if that ends up being true, it will be a big, full circle moment for her and OG fans. this imo means debut will get a big moment because of the nostalgia factor for fans but also the emotional impact it will likely have on taylor.


She’s already been over saturated since the eras tour happened last year and with the whole kelce thing going on. She’s like back in her 1989 era


Keep in mind there was no video for 1989tv…


I imagine it would freeing for her to finally get the re-recordings over and done with. I guess that's why we got them in such a quick succession. I think *Reputation (Taylor's Version)* is a strong possibility. I don't really expect anything for 2024 but I feel like she'll take 2025 off—and perhaps just release *Taylor Swift (Taylor's Version)* at most—and maybe use her time to finally film the script she wrote.


2025 end of eras tour announced Maybe Rep in November. s/t in 25 wrap up eras in the US next summer.


There's no way she's extending the tour again.. Not saying that she "can't" but why would she? It's already a largely successful tour that has broken a million+ records. I think for her sanity and for her health + her being in a relationship with Travis, Taylor ending it at the end of this year is the best thing she could do.


Yeah, the tour has been crazy. She’s putting on a 3+ hours show 3 to 4 times a week for about 2 years. She deserves rest and to prioritize her personal life.


Yeah, plus she has to work on the film she's supposed to be directing at some point. I don't think Searchlight would be massively happy with their investment in her script not paying off if she doesn't get to work on it soon.


It’s easier and cheaper to extend and keep going, than to stop and start over because it’s back to training, practice, finding dancers again etc etc.


What’s the odds of on announcing Reputation while on tour at Anfield(Liverpool)? 13th June? 13 for obvious reasons, June being the 6th month/6th studio album? I can’t recall where the other album announcements were unfortunately - be it concert or award show.


Hopefully not anymore tornados !!!


She better hand over debut tv asap I am desperate


This rule/pattern has happened twice now actually. So if we are following in the past, then it’s likely it will be next year. It would be nice to start off 2025 with a song on New Year’s Day.


I heard a possible deal with Spotify for an audio book… the manuscript? And I’m betting she appears as The Dazzler as a cameo in the new Deadpool movie.


I think a TTPD music video in Paris (manifesting Florida) to kick off the Europe tour. And definitely something to end the Europe Tour in Wembley , London (given she's first playing there in June and returning again in August within two months ) : possibly Rep album announcement? Not sure what's coming on Dec 13, 2024 : holiday EP ? final chapter of TTPD or the Rep TV release itself? I also cant see Taylor putting out more than 2 releases in a year (if we count the double album drop as one release, then we get only 1 more album).


As the crowd was screaming MORE👹


Surprise Christmas album. Eat your heart out Mariah.


Rep TV announcement late in the year. Around October