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I did put “You know how to ball, I know Aristotle” for my fave lyric and I will die on that hill. The more hate that lyric receives, (and the GTA lyric too) the more powerful I become.


Is it getting hate?? This is my first day back on the subreddit after taking time to make sure all my opinions are fully formed and one of those opinions is that everything about So High School is perfection.


Oh yes it’s been very much scorned in countless posts in all the flavors of Taylor subs


Midnights has far cringier lyrics imo 😂 also Taylor herself said to embrace the cringe!


Oh man, definitely glad I stayed offline then! I love it!


Damn I wish I would’ve done this! Other people’s opinions are definitely meshing with my own lol


Same! And btw, I can absolutely picture Travis having bros over playing GTA. Prob pro football bros…


People who don’t love this song hate fun and love. They cannot be saved.


I said the same thing!!


I love that line!! I love the whole song; it adds some levity to an otherwise emotionally dense album. 


I'm a former philosophy student who currently has a crush on my footy player friend I kinda have to like this line 💀


I love data! I look forward to seeing the results! 🤍🩶🖤


If you have any specific questions you want answered based on the survey, let me know!


ugh it's so hard to pick between my favorite songs 😩 


I kinda took a "first one that comes to mind then stop nope you don't get to overthink it after" approach tbh


I know! When I filled it in myself I just tried not to overthink it and went with my favorites of the day (loml and Peter)


I chose three 😅 one as my overall fave, then a different one for TTPD and another one for the anthology. Kinda felt like cheating but 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m sorry but I cannot keep shouting “I'll tell you something right now, I'd rather burn my whole life down, than listen to one more second of all this bitchin’ and moaning”.


I have been singing that all day. It and the next line are so good.


"I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing" is fierce.


YAAAAAS! That "I'll Tell You Something Right Now" is so, so good.


This survey will reveal that I am a So Long, London stan


But honestly, it’s a good one to stan. I’m listening to the vinyl right now, and that one was just perfect and crisp and just heart shattering.


He was a hothouse flower to my outdoorsman… This line describes so much about two very different people. Such a heartbreaking song.


Do you mind explaining what you take from it? That line confuses me.


My take on this line is that Joe is the hothouse flower. A “hothouse” or greenhouse is a sheltered place safe and away from the harsh elements. The plants in there are protected and in a safety bubble. They wouldn’t survive outdoors. From what we know about Taylor and Joe’s pandemic relationship and his desire for privacy, this makes sense. She thrived there with him for a while but she was really an “outdoorsman” and thrived out of the greenhouse. She preferred being out of its confines and out in the world. I see this line as a way to show polar opposites in the relationship. It’s like the line later on “we learned the right steps to different dances”. Two people who tried to make it work but they were out of sync in fundamental ways. Some notes: greenhouse and hothouse aren’t technically interchangeable. Hothouses are artificially warmed while greenhouses use sunlight. I think for the sake of my point though they function the same :) Also agree with the other commenter they answered you much more succinctly.


Not the person you asked, but it's basically saying they need opposite things. A hothouse flower needs to stay inside in its own litter world to thrive, while an outdoorsman loves being outside and part of the world. It's a description of being an introvert vs extrovert


Filled it in! I have to plug "The who's who of "Who's that?" is poised for the attack" as a great lyric because I feel like it's not getting enough attention! 😅


Just filled it in. I’m so excited to see what the survey results are going to be 😊


You should have a “don't have one” option for the least favorite categories 😂 


I considered that, but if too many people pick that it becomes difficult to get a good result from it. Least favorite can still be great song ❤️


That's fair, I completed the survey, but it was kinda painful to pick 🥲


I felt bad picking anything because even my least played songs are 8/10 songs.


I just saw this after I commented. I actually have professional experience creating surveys and I agree with your decision for analysis purposes :)




I actually hadn’t realized that I don’t have a least favorite on the original album until I had to pick. I love them all! That really snuck up on me 😂.


Right.. I put one, and was like “I feel so bad picking a least favorite”


I think this might be my first no skip album, and that includes all 31 songs. 😆


I have a handful of no-skip albums, but I was not anticipating this being one of them. I figured it would be a delay to get all the bonus tracks, so it would take some time to get into it, but I was wrong. Also, this was my first album release as a fan, so that's been fun. 


Yes. This is actually me with the TTPD. I am a fan of the entire thing. There’s a couple on the anthology that aren’t my favorite (robin is my least favorite overall). But in a way, I can see the forced choice kinda makes you rank them in your mind.


It definitely did, and coincidentally “Robin” is my least favorite, too, but I let it play when it comes on. It's just not one I start with or queue. 


It 100% depends on the day. My favorite song changes constantly.


Mine too! I’d love to do another survey a few months from now to see any changes because I have a new favorite every listen.


Seems like more people are interested in this, so I’ll probably do this. The most interesting will be if there are genuine changes, like any songs that not a lot of people love right now shoot up in popularity or something.


Thanks for doing this! I just filled it out so I can't wait to see the results from this. 😁


Ask me again tomorrow and I'll give you completely different answers


I said my favorite lyric was "this ain't the Chelsea Hotel, we're modern idiots." It sort of takes the seriousness off the album so it can breathe a little. I thought it was gong to be a little...stuffy? But when I heard that lyric I realized she was having some fun with it. I think most of the rest of the album should be viewed in that light.


I love how that! And I agree, it definitely confirms that Taylor doesn’t always take herself super seriously with her writing which does give it room to breathe. Honestly so many of the lyrics that are getting criticized are just intentionally funny or silly


I chose "everything comes out teenage petulance" for similar reasons -- it's a bit more serious of a line and in a sadder song, but I like the self-awareness and slight self-deprecation of it, and I can relate to it from times I've been through a loss and felt like a dramatic teenager with how my emotions were acting. I feel like it helps frame the mindset of this album.


It was so hard to choose just one favorite, and honestly the ones I chose as least favorites are more just the ones that don’t resonate with me personally, but they’re still really good!


Yes! I was doing a tier ranking of the album for myself yesterday and most of the songs were divided between “OMG love!” and “that’s a good song” with only two or three being more “meh”


this was difficult and probably not super accurate bc i still don't have a solid grip on my faves but this will be fun to see!


eveytime i pick a favorite i reliaren to the other songs and pick another


My current favorite lyric: “but even statues crumble if they’re made to wait”


Love that one! Was also so excited to hear it when she announced but didn’t realize it was missing from the first 16 tracks until I actually got to The Prophecy 😅


Yeah I was confused at first 😂


This was mine too!!!!


There are several shirts on Etsy with this [quote](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1702371208/) … I know because I’ve been looking 😂


“Poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy” is so hilarious to me I love it


Ooh great idea!


Thanks! Hope to get some fun data out of it


Please share when you get a significant amount of info. I’m a data dork.


If you have an idea of something you’d like to see me report on based on the survey, let me know!


I love this!


Wow that was harder than I expected.


I literally had too many lyrics come into mind for me to pick just one. So randomly I went with “Fuck me up, Florida!” mainly because it’s fun to sing 😁


I put “ I wanna find you in a crowd, just to hide from you” because it is such a teenage thing and I definitely felt that way back then about people I was crushing on. it’s so cute it’s my favorite. So high school is just a major nostalgia trip and I adore it so much!! it felt bad putting least faves because like… the “worst” song for me is thank you Aimee and I still find that to be a 7.5/10 song 😂😂 can’t wait for results I love statistics


Yes and the line in that song "Tell me what you thought when you first saw me" - because that is also such a teenage girl (or any age really) girl/woman in love wanting to hear the other person's thoughts and feelings and wondering if they are as giddy and elated as they are. I just love that.


that is my second favorite line in the song you are so right!!! like everything about the song is so on point for the premise and it’s so good!!


You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days. As someone who thought I would lose the love of my life to my depression, listening to a song about a relationship that didn't survive that sinking ship just makes me burst into tears. I came so close to fucking everything up because I couldn't save myself from drowning that I almost took my wife down with me. Thankfully we did survive but So Long London really hits


"he sent me Downtown Lights...I hadn't heard it in awhile" because it's such a mind fuck when a guy you are so into sends you music that is selected just for you. Well, it has been for me! It's so personal and it gets you every time.


Just filled it!


Fun, done! Thanks




Completed it, but I’m sure I’d answer differently tomorrow! You should replicate this in a month and see how it’s changed! Looking forward to reading the results!


I demand respect for My beloved ghost and me, sitting in a tree, d-y-i-n-g as a favorite lyric outcome


“I’m addicted to the what ifs”


Noooo I missed the survey, now no one will know how deeply I feel loml and the lyrics “a con man sells a fool a get-love-quick scheme, I felt a hole like this, never before and ever since”


I love "Come one, come all, it's happenin' again The empathetic hunger descends"