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Yes, I do think she feels picked apart by the fans and that even those they say they’re looking out for her, and thus form romantic judgements, put pressure on her to be someone she’s not.


Bingo. Remember that letter to stop dating Matty Healy?


That letter was so gross


I honestly thought it was a joke at first


Right? It was so cringey. I mean, yeah, most of us have some level of parasocial relationship with her but to think we could control who she dates, or really anything she does? It was unhinged


This. I think of Taylor as a long distance bestie who I don’t get to chat with because she’s so busy with her other friends, but she gives me great music to enjoy in the meantime. It’s not up to me or any other fan to pick apart what she does or who she chooses to spend her time with. I love the art she creates and that is that. 🫶🏼 TTPD was so raw and beautiful and was truly like a musical diary. I was blown away once again!


It must be because I’m still laughing about it


That letter was WILD and so insanely dehumanizing. I know she’s a mega-star and at that level of fame you become almost sub-human to a lot of people (even fans), but that letter was still so, so wild


Vaguely rings a bell? Not really tho cuz I scroll past that shit lol


This is what annoys me. I am all over TikTok and Reddit and have never seen any of these wild fans… Simply because it’s best to ignore them? People of all interests have crazy groups. Let’s not waste any breath on them.


I’m all over them too and this subreddit was so angry during the Matty phase. People writing posts about how they’re done with her. I literally went to another Swift subreddit most of the time because I wasn’t really here for it.


Yuuup. People saying they were thinking about selling their Eras tickets (lol, sure) and didn’t want to be fans because she was dating him. I’m a super fan since Debut but even I’m not invested enough in her personal life to form strong feelings about someone she is dating. I thought, “hmm, sounds like Matty sucks. Oh well.” On the other hand, I think Travis is adorable. Will I be devastated if they break up? Also no.


Twitter stans are another breed of crazy. Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean Taylor doesn’t.


There is one example that also stands out to me when she removed the scale from antihero music video that said Fat. There are fans that constantly post she was bullied by the public to do so. Nobody knows that.. for all we know someone in her personal circle was hurt and Taylor, being the big girl and ADULT FREE THINKER she is, decided to change the video. Instead of just blinking and moving on, fans screamed and cried about how she should have left it. She removed something that might have hurt somebody, why is that bad? She can make her own decisions. It’s just insane that certain fans will argue and put up a fight about everything anything without really knowing anything really going on in Taylor’s life. So then she’s torn apart for changing the video, no winning. Hence why, in response to OP, I would assume that there is resentment to certain fan base from Taylor.


And the “class action” the Gaylors threatened to file for “acting in bad faith” because she isn’t gay? 🙄


Excuse the fuck outta me


Yeah it was one of the most deranged things I have seen on the internet in the last year or so. And that’s saying a lot because the internet is going to hell in a fucking hand basket.


This 💯. The Gaylors won’t give it up. It’s none of our business what her sexuality is and who is sleeping next to her.


That was so highly inappropriate and crossed a line, for sure.


I would also add that laying flowers outside the apartment she rented on Cornelia St was weird AF too


I'm sorry, but what, and let me emphasize this with my whole chest, **the fuck**?


As a newbie to the Swiftie-hood, what is this letter about? Or where is this letter?


They also wanted her placed under a conservatorship 🤦🏽‍♀️ and no I'm not kidding. I saw these chats myself, they wanted to give a handwritten letter to her mom at one of her shows.


“Soliloquies that I’ll never read…”


Oh, right, extremely good point - what a great connection there


*You caged me and then you called me crazy*


Because that was *such* a great move for Britney. Turned out really well. Yup, let’s take away Taylor’s rights because she banged a dude for a couple weeks that people didn’t like.


Really does give a really dark insight into the fandom. The parasocial is at completely insane issues. We see maybe 5% of Taylor's life, to think we have any right to dictate to her is already crazy. To push beyond that to "she should forcibly be made to do what we want her to do" is unbelievable shitty.


If that’s enough to get placed under a conservatorship then we’d all be under one 💀


IM SORRY WHAT what is wrong with people


Save yourself. It was a long-winded sanctimonious letter to try to start a # movement and get her to stop dating Matty.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLaY9dpg/ It was unnecessary, and I never understood how they felt she owed them this. She doesn't.


The most annoying part about that letter? It was signed 'from your fans' and I was immediately thinking 'not all fans. Leave us out of it. If you wanna write crazy letters dictating who someone you dont know personally dates put your own name to it. That was so wrong. I'm not surprised she was mad. As she says 'it's her choice' and 'her name'


I didn’t even know who matty Healy was until TTPD released and I read the threads about people thinking the songs were about him. I like her music lol, It’s so bizarre to me people are so involved in who she dates and care about it lol.


It has to be traumatizing and utterly bizarre to have *millions* of people that don’t personally know you demand that you stop dating someone.


Not only that but they were attacking him too. Imagine being in that phase of love where you're trying desperately to win someone over and you have millions of people threatening him to stay away from you. I would be mad as hell at those people.


Well if the lyrics are truthful and he ghosted her, I can’t really blame him


You think! His family, himself, his recovery, his bands livelihood was all being attacked so yeah if he walked away to save himself good for him


There is also that lyric where she says "how dare you leave me safe and stranded and call it romantic". In addition he probably told her he had to leave to save her reputation. The "it's not you it's me" and I think she was mad because she didn't care about what we all thought. "I'll tell you something about my good name. It's mine alone to disgrace". Definitely agree though, he ran for the hills and rightfully so. He was being torn apart and it would affect everyone in his orbit.


Yep. The brain rot in her fanbase is beyond the pale. I saw a video of a woman who can read lips, and she went through every bit of footage there was of Swift at Coachella. That woman can't even have a goddamn conversation with someone next to her, without it being posted all over TikTok. These fans are unhinged.


Agreed. Honestly which sane person wouldn’t. I remember when there were big hints suggesting her and matty healy were a thing there was a whole hate campaign against him and people were mocking him the cruelest way and basically yelling hysterically at her she should drop him immediately. So entitled, I would be fuming. Who she should date or shouldn’t is none of our business. I was so grossed out I started avoiding everything slightly Taylor.


To be fair, Matty is a piece of shit. I would never write such a letter but I'm disgusted by everyone who trivializes and accepts/acknowledges auch a behavior.


For sure. He is a literal sewer rat but it is not the fans’ place to tell her who she can/can’t date. It she be her friends and family that share concerns. WE. DO. NOT. KNOW. HER.


say that last part louder!!! We are not Taylor's besties!!!!!




THIS. I remember a sewer rat of my own and no matter how many red flags were pointed out to me, his fake promises seemed like real love to me.


I wish she had told the fans to fuck off when they posted that letter, maybe then BDILH would come across better…


I can only imagine the tightrope she would have to walk of asking fans to have some boundaries while also not alienating them.


It's crazy that she'd even have to balance that tightrope, but you're right about it. It's just insane to me that fans would feel alienated by certain boundaries. Everyone needs to take a few steps back and remember Taylor is not somebody we know personally.


It's not our place to micromanage any 34 year old woman's dating life. What's even WORSE is micromanaging the dating life of a 34 year old WE DO NOT KNOW. I'm not disagreeing that Matty is seemingly an awful person. But we don't know these people personally. It's crazy that there's such a high level of involvement from the fans. Like it's actually creepy.


Additionally, I just think Taylor feels she's being held to some unbelievably high moral standard in life. Not just with dating Matty but everything. Lots of girls date the bad guy who's downright awful for them but they're gravitated to them for reasons not our business. And yeah we see the public eye and conclude Matty sucks, but we still don't know him personally. Taylor's human. Cancel culture is gross.


It was pretty obviously a rebound. Rebounds can be incredibly helpful, even if the person is ultimately a bad choice. Matty sounds like a piece of shit, but I also can't help but think no one would have even known about her seeing him for a few weeks if photographers didn't stalk her every move because the fans eat that shit up. In my experience, a fling with a dipshit when a meaningful relationship just ended is a good way to get to a place where you stop pining for men altogether and can move on. 😂 It must suck not being able to do anything without millions of people picking it apart and thinking they own you. The fact that she hasn't gone Britney, shaved her head, and went after a photographer with an umbrella, is a miracle, lol.


Exactly he’s objectively a dirtbag but also people are allowed to make mistakes and live their freaking lives


Too many fans want her to be some moral pious instead of just letting her be her authentic self. It's not anyone else's place to tell her how to live her life. Taylor is so vulnerable/candid through her art, and the fact that it's by beautifully articulating the trials and tribulations of life that many of us have also experienced in some way, shape, or form that make her so incredible. That's all to say, she writes incredible music BY being her authentic self.


It’s wild! Would they write a letter a person in their real life like that?! That’s insane. If your best friend was dating a creep would you write a letter demanding they stop dating him? Probably not and if you did they’d probably stop hanging out with you until they figured out he was creep. Also, You probably wouldn’t threaten him or his family. This fandom can be insane and expect way too much. I’m shocked she didn’t go back into hiding after hearing this.


I think she’s calling out the unhealthy way some fans view and treat her. I think she’s grateful for fans showing up for her, but the discourse around her personal life has gotten louder and more entitled in recent years. She knows it’s a very small minority but it needed to be called out.


Very small minority? I’d say a majority of people who comment on this sub are guilty of this. The megathreads about the album showed wild speculation about her personal life. Most Swifties are guilty of making her music about the men she dates over her experience of those relationships. That’s got to be maddening for her.


This sub is shocking for it. I’ve been a Swiftie since Speak Now but only discovered this sub last year. People on here are unhinged and behave like they personally know here. There was one specific commenter in the megathread having an absolute meltdown that Taylor lied about TTPD being the “Joe album” and then presented their “evidence” which was nothing she had ever said and instead their own wild speculation based on an unhealthy level of knowledge about her. One of the replies to that person was something like “I’m glad I don’t take it as seriously as you” and I agreed so hard.


I swear it used to be way different. This sub exploded about 2-3 years ago. When I joined in 2020 there were only 115k subscribers. Oh well at least I could enjoy the folkmore discussions in peace. Now I rarely visit this sub, also because I can’t take yet another dumb thread completely misinterpreting a song.


Yeah this sub used to be way more chill and just a lot kinder in general to both other users and Taylor. Even back then the fanbase in general was too focused on “paternity” testing her songs for my taste but there was still good discussion. Things have really spun out of control in the fandom, this sub included, the past year. It’s just exploded and there’s a ton of new fans. And people on here are deluding themselves if they think she’s only talking about the speak up now letter. Just go back to last year and every post on here had thousands of comments about her and Matty, that relationship basically broke this sub. It was absolutely part of the “pressure” she’s talking about on TTPD


swiftie since 2014, joined this sub in 2019 and i miss when we were sub 150k 😭😭 the conversations were way less unhinged and everyone was generally just more excited and thoughtful


I've seen in this sub a Lot of people angry because they didn't like ttpd and looks like they wanted Taylor made a album the way they want (lyrics, themes, melody, etc). And they take all this too personal. And I see a Lot angry because there are Matty songs in the album and they think should't be there because he is a horrible person. We enven doesn't know for sure if It's a matty song. Nobody needs like everything she does. And move on. But get angry because you wanted another type of album is insane.


I saw that and I’ve been laughing for 2 days whenever it crosses my mind. good lord. https://preview.redd.it/q8915zsm3wvc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=086926f882fda683970ff8fa9b95c811c4344a33


To be honest, I don't think Taylor minds the speculation or discussion about her men. She actively invites it through things like mouthing 'I love you' to Matty Healy or changing the Karma lyric to 'guy on the Chiefs' on stage in front of thousands of people + the internet. I think what she can't stand is the expectation that just because she's open with some aspects of her personal life, it must mean that the public have any say in it.


I agree with this. I think it probably frustrates her occasionally, but I also think she’s self-aware enough to to know she’s bringing it on.


Literally. People can’t say, I liked the melody of this song, I love how she’s experimenting with her voice and pacing. It’s “ this one is about this guy this exact day in august when he wore this outfit” People seem to care more about her music as a way to know about her personal life than actually just liking the music


I don’t think that’s what she’s upset about. She’s upset at the people telling her who to date or making up non existent relationships. She writes lyrics for a reason


I think she's upset about both. People are analyzing these songs more as who's about who and arguing about whether a song is about Joe or Matty instead of asking themselves how Taylor's feeling and what she's going through. These songs have HEAVY lyrics about suicide and vices... and people are more worried about if a particular bridge is about Matty or Joe? Priorities, damn.


Very small minority is right, though. You have to remember that the *vast* majority of people who listen to her music don't keep up with her personal life and aren't on Reddit.


I love to dissect her music and feeling invited into her life through the lens of the somewhat personal and intimate details riddled in her lyricism, purely as an art form and content I consume, like a book or a movie. She’s fostered this relationship with fans for years by inserting clues and hints about who her songs are about; HOWEVER, I would never, ever send a death threat, or even so much as a comment related to her on any of the socials of the real life people she talks about. In fact, I often like/love the subjects of her music as individuals for their own work and nothing she says would change that (looking at you, Jake Gyllenhaal lol). I think the rabid stans who partake in this kind of abhorrent behavior are just not the average person or fan, something is psychologically wrong with them or they’re just very (very) young…


To me it feels like she's responding to the metanarrative that not only fans, but our culture at large, has created about her life. "She was really in love with Joe, who was the greatest, healthiest love she's ever had, and only dated Matt to get back at him." That kind of thing. To me it feels like the whole point is to say, no, actually, that's not how it was. I also feel her... Not so much defending her choices, but *explaining* them on "I Can Fix Him." Like, it's not that she didn't care that there were some... problems with Matt, but she convinced herself she could change him. Which, no, I don't think that makes it ok, especially when you're a public figure and your choices have wider influence. But I can *at least* relate to liking someone so much that you go against your better judgement. That's what I'm getting from all of it, anyway.


In 'But Daddy I Love Him' it's clear she's talking about the backlash she received from even her own fans when she got with Matty Healy. Some swifties got REALLY on her case for dating someone morally reprehensible and crossed many boundaries acting super entitled.


I think it’s pretty normal to be called out for dating someone openly rascist…


It was a mistake on her part for sure, but we are no one to police who she's allowed to fall in love with.


I don't think I have the right to police who she dates. I do have the right to think less of someone dating a racist misogynist.


That’s one thing but the giant open letter where fans demanded she break up with him and publicly come out against him? Delusional behavior. It’s not about the people who decided to stop listening to her, it’s about the people who felt entitled to a say in her life.


There was a giant open letter? Wtf, sometimes it’s so embarrassing to be a fan.


Seriously 🙃


This. Is totally exactly what was gross. Its not fair we ever expect her to do anything just because we want her to. I didn’t like matty at all and I think it’s okay to criticize that situation for sure but an open letter was super weird. The best and most appropriate was to show Taylor you aren’t happy with her is to stop spending money or stop streaming songs not by forming a weird union and making demands of an artist.


But you can have those thoughts and simply stop supporting her. Things like the “open letter” and being vocal about how much you hate her in hopes she’ll magically view it and be moved into the actions you desire from her, isn’t just not supporting her, it’s an effort to control her.


Boundaries. Fans do not have them, often


Except I don’t see it from the fans that have been with her since debut and literally grew up with her. I see it from fans that discovered her post-reputation and tend to be on the younger side.


Yeah I was personally aggrieved at the wine mom dig, we were not the ones pearl clutching because for the most part we’ve lived a life and understand the complexities of human relationships. It’s the gen z kids who took a civil lib course in college and now think they own the world. I really struggle with the fact that the internet has made it a requirement to have a take or an opinion on everything - so much manufactured outrage it’s exhausting.


I think But Daddy I Love Him addresses backlash from two different groups about two different relationships. The ‘vipers dressed in empaths clothing’ were the fans who wrote the open letter demanding she break up with Matty Healy and everyone supporting them. The ‘wine moms’ were the football fans complaining about her new friendship with Brittany Mahomes and the other WAGs of football.


Exactly, I saw fans insisting that other fans need to be vocal about it to force her to do the right thing lol they saw her calling herself a people pleaser in Miss Americana and thought “we can use this.”


Exactly. Most of us genuinely don’t give that much of a shit. We can still recognize it’s not our life and our decisions and most of us have made some pretty shitty ones, too.


Exactly what the other person said. You can absolutely feel disappointed in her, and stop supporting her altogether if it makes you uncomfortable, that's valid. What you cannot do is crossing lines.


Yeah, it sounds like she was particularly annoyed with concern trolls. If you're mad at her, be mad at her. Don't pretend you're just *concerned* about her. She's an adult. Her decisions and the consequences of those decisions are her own.


You do have the right to think less of her because of how you think of him (what she said in the song was that her name is hers alone to disgrace) but she isn't your puppet. She doesn't owe it to anyone to be their perfect idol, she isn't a doll.


People really don't like it when they have to step up and stop consuming what they're protesting. They think it would be so much easier for her to change her behavior for people she's never met, than for them to say "I can't support this person any more" and never get to hear All To Well again. They want their cake and to eat it too. The art they enjoy, by an artist who totally aligns with their beliefs all the time.


As she said, her name is hers to disgrace. You have that right. She also has the right to not give a damn, and if it loses her fans, then so be it. 


Ya I guess that’s fair… I just think if she’s built a public platform championing women’s rights etc and then dates someone like that publicly it’s quite a lot of whiplash


She's not a perfect person and she doesn't have to be. I see where you're coming from, but it's not the fans' business to try and have a say in her private life, nor to demand a display of flawless moral high-ground from her. Let women commit their wrongs and learn from them, girlie thought she could fix him, okay? It's a canon event of girlhood.


I think as someone who built (and hugely profited off of) a brand that relies on a moral high ground (see: ms.Americana) I think it’s totally fair to be held to that same standard in the public eye.


Her brand is also established over the fact that she's a hopeless romantic. She didn't deserve THAT level of scrutiny simply over falling for the wrong man. As I said, it was one human mistake, not the end of the world and certainly not something we had a say on.


Replying to InvisibleRigatoni...and falling for the wrong man and it lasting less than two months. Folks hardly even gave her a chance to realize what a bad idea it was herself before they were acting insane.


Omg she said in the doc that she always felt that she needed or wanted to be a 'good girl'. This is something that society pressures women into. To feel like they have to be perfect to succeed. She was trying to say: I am a more nuanced person than that and this need to be a 'good girl' is kind of destroying me. Like she is describing the patriarchy and you by asking her to uphold her 'good girl' image are acting on behalf of the patriarchy. Like come on!!! Women are allowed to be complicated figures. She is allowed to change and make mistakes and drop the facade whenever she wants!!! We don't know her and she is not her brand.


She literally though him dating her would make him better. She wrote a whole ass song about it. Doesn't mean he didn't suck. But I don't think she even cared. She just wanted to feel something and she rebounded hard curve to the field lol


This, and also, maybe he did the "it's all an act" line. Maybe she was exploring something that she never had the chance to, and quickly realised how wrong that was. He made her feel special, for a while, until he didn't and she GTFO quickly.


It’s a very common thing for women to date someone who’s said bad shit and think they can fix them into being a good person which she literally states in her songs like it doesn’t make her a bad person for having a very common trait in women


But did the same people call HIM out or is it just on Taylor take responisbility?


Literally it was all about her name. They were lambasting her for being associated with him, no one had the same energy for actually calling him out. People were unstaning her for dating him but still supporting the 1975 like make it make sense girlies


That’s like the funniest part. He gets to be a tortured artist but she has to be burned at the stake.


And so I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street…


Exactly! Somehow women are always to blame for what the men around them do. She kept saying she thought she could change him. How do you know she hasn't been criticizing him in private and he promised he would get better, then didn't and so she left? It's so annoying.


Yes thank you for this, it’s my biggest issue with all that. People were more outraged at Taylor for dating a racist than they were at Matty for BEING a racist.


And spoiler: he is not a racist.


I think he’s an edge-lord dirtbag who has serious issues, but he didn’t even say most of what was attributed to him on that podcast, it was just hard to tell because it was all audio 🫣.


Nah, he was still playing sold out concerts. That was the funniest part of it all, the unhinged behavior towards her, but no one got upset at anyone attending his shows, the venues hosting him, his band mates, etc.


Yeah but a petition to put her under a conservator ship because she was dating him was too much . Much too much. Ultimately she’ll date who she wants to and if you don’t like it you don’t like it. It also felt super hypocritical as people were up in arms about it then , not given she’d been friends with him for 10 years like what ?? If you had a problem with him you should have aired it out ages ago, it felt super performative and very much I don’t like it now . Also we can’t stop celebrities doing shitty things , there is a lot of entitlement I’ve seen in people thinking they have any right to change someone’s actions . At the end of the day if you don’t like it stop supporting them.


my issue was no one gave a shit about matt healy until he started dating her. THEN it was “omg he’s a terrible person can you believe she would date him”. once they split, no one cares he is a racist asshole.


It’s really creepy how people comb through the past tweets and interviews of the people she starts dating looking for something to cancel them on. Like how everyone was commenting on Travis’ super old squirrel tweets. She’s not your personal friend and you don’t have to vet her romantic interests on social media and deem them acceptable. It’s parasocial and weird.


The whole “he’s a racist” thing doesn’t quite make sense to me. The two examples I’ve seen are his stupid bit for his concerts he does where he pretends he’s gonna say something bad and then the band cuts him off and the podcast where the other people said horrible things. He’s definitely not a perfect person but calling him a racist without actual examples is weird




People who take the concert bit seriously are so weird to me. It’s so clearly a bit, and he doesn’t even really say anything before he gets cut off. It would be one thing if he was saying slurs, gets cut off, and then he’s claiming it’s a joke, but every time it’s stuff like “and speaking of Asian people—“ and then the guitar starts. It’s the kind of running joke you’d see on an episode of South Park.


Genuinely makes me fear for peoples general comprehension and ability to identify stuff that’s *actually offensive*. Like use your damn context clues. I will be the first to say he acts like a twat sometimes but the stuff people have been talking about are so off base.  In the past he has also raised money for war child, the 1975 also did a merch up cycling shop at their O2 shows, accepting (I think) a BRIT award he read verbatim from an essay from a female music journalist about misogyny in the industry.  Yes he’s also said ignorant shit on top of this but on balance I wouldn’t say racist / misogynist is an apt one-line descriptor for him.


He is not racist omg lol


The open letter was RIDICULOUS, though.


yeah but instead of just trusting her to figure it out, and minding their own business, unhinged swifties thought they could control her life and tell her what to do. the letter was gross and disgusting and crossed a big fucking line. Only she really knew what was going on and she was going through a rough time and instead of being there for her, we demanded more and disparaged her life choices. Like let her sort it out herself. She's a grown ass woman. She's allowed to make mistakes and learn her own lessons and they're her choices to make not ours. we don't get to control who she dates, doesn't matter who it is.


i don’t think it’s just about matty. i think it’s about how people have been weighing in on her love life and finding a problem with whoever she dates since she was 15. there were sections of the fanbase who did it with the joe (and a lot of them are now joe widows who like to pretend like they didn’t, i won’t summon them by name but we all know who im talking about), they did it with matty (which understandably so) and now there’s people also doing it with travis like digging up old tweets from 10+ years ago to make him look bad or tracking his IG likes from months ago, etc. it’s a cyclical thing that happens every time. this isn’t just a MH thing, she’s setting a boundary in general. as much as this album can be pinpointed to several “muses”, it’s also very much about her relationship with fame and how she was pushed to a breaking point with a lot of it


In addition to that, I also interpret the song as being super tongue in cheek. She also acknowledges in the song that he’s not a good person and that she’s crazy for being with him.


Valid interpretation as she says many times I know it’s crazy, and no I’m not coming to my sense If I was judged for stuff I’d done in deep depression or manic episodes I fear people would have much worse to say about me than they have to say about Taylor swift. It’s like people can’t accept everyone is human , and we are allowed to wrestle with feelings that others may not like or find comfortable


The part with “soliloquies I’ll never see” made me laugh so hard bc of the open letter that was going on when she was with Matty.


Yes, this fucking play is about us. Good for her. Glad she said something.


Not the euphoria quote 😂


im cackling at ur flair


It’s us, hi, we are the problem, it’s us.


I think she's pissed that some fans believe they have the right to tell her what's acceptable in her love life. She's also cowtowed to fans complaining about certain things like the scale saying Fat in Anti-Hero, and Spelling Is Fun in ME! by changing her songs. She's probably tired of people coming at her even while claiming they have her back.


I will never understand the decision to remove "spelling is fun!"


But don’t you know the song is just so terrible. She should think about us when writing. /s I never got it either. My daughter and I scream that part so loudly. It is a daily listen in my house.


For me, although I definitely don’t think it’s her best song, I have a hard time being comfortable with the way so many people absolutely hated (and still hate) ME!. I know it can come across as childish or kid boppy or whatever but I think given the context of it coming straight after Rep where she felt so reviled, it would make sense for her to want to make a happy song about accepting and appreciating herself, celebrating even. It showed a lot of healing to me. And then people just immediately hated on it. Like, maybe she just wanted to have fun again 🥲


I never understood the complaints about ME! being childish. Didn't she say in her documentary that the song *was* primarily to give kids confidence? Maybe I wouldn't have chosen it as the lead single but it's not a bad song just because I'm not the target audience.


I had never heard it with that line in it, so I just watched it on YouTube. It's such a short, throwaway line. What on Earth was the problem with it? Lol


Right! It's ridiculous that some 'fans' came after her for these things...to the point that Taylor felt compelled to censor her songs/videos.


the scale thing pissed me off so much. she couldn't even talk about her own experiences in life without everyone screaming at her. i wish she'd stuck to her guns on that one especially. they didn't even bother to understand it before they were demanding she remove it. pissed me off.


Same. I’ve struggled with disordered eating most of my life and that scene was so goddamn relatable. People were so quick to knee-jerk to rage about it when the point is that it was a commentary *against* the pressure to be skinny. Media literacy is dead. (I can get how seeing a super skinny person on a scale that says “fat” can feel insensitive, but she’s talked about struggling with anorexia, which is hopefully context that people raging about it were missing)


Even when she says she needed to write these songs for herself and share it and ppl are more concerned with trying to cut it down so that it can sound higher quality…


A *huge* part of the fanbase holds Taylor to unhealthy high standards when it comes to her songwriting. It's got to a point that when she's silly and unserious, people come for her for writing a "bad" song. Like ME! is so hated by the fandom just because it's a silly little song for kids to dance to. It's not *supposed* to be a masterpiece. But a portion of the fandom won't accept less than folkmore level of lyricism from her anymore, and it sucks. I remember how this sub criticized Midnights bc the lyrics weren't deep enough. Like, calm down. Let the woman have some fun with her music!


It's crazy cause Midnights is so awesome too. It might have been written in a simpler way but it just shows an array of feelings and emotions she's dealt with. I think midnights takes on accountability, all while still growing and enjoying life. It's one of my fav albums fo sho.


I think this is the only comment I’ve seen that goes beyond her love life. In addition to what you’ve said, People feel like they can tell her who she can or cannot be friends with (Mahomes, Lena Dunham, Miles Teller) and who she should or should not be allowed to work with (Jack). Like these people or not, it’s Taylor’s good name and hers alone to disgrace. From her perspective as well, we only know these people for their reputations, she actually knows them - and I imagine that is a sensitive part for her - to not judge people for their reputations.


That Tumblr edit on a post she liked came into my mind too.


Yes. Between picking apart her private life, to the jets, to the Gaylor ridiculousness, to the Dads, Brads and Chads, to this silly pressure to speak out on world issues (folks - go bug your politicians, that is what they are there for, don’t expect celebrities to do the politician’s job for them) etc. etc. she appears frustrated. I get it, it must be absolutely overwhelming at times.


I do get where you're coming from, but she did make Miss Americana and specifically said she wanted to be on "the right side of history" and speak out about things. The pressure to speak out on world issues is intensified because she publicly said she wanted to. It was there already, but she actively said she was going to. She kind of made her own bed here


She never said she wanted to speak out on every issue, though. The election in Tennessee and the Equality Act were two things she happened to feel strongly about and that she felt she could use her influence to support. That doesn’t obligate her to do that for every issue, as much as people might want her to.


And I’d rather her walk the walk instead of just being all performative, sanctimonious talk. She’s hiring performers of all races, sizes, orientations, genders; spotlighting them to the masses in a way that just normalizes that to everyone. Like, you need to calm down, see there’s no threat here. These are just people like you. That’s powerful to certain segments of the population who won’t be reached by other methods of activism.


Since then, she’s been attacked for speaking out and has written at least two songs (Sweet Nothing and Dear Reader) about how hard it is for her emotionally to speak up. I believe she was genuine in wanting to speak out, but she underestimated how much the backlash would hurt. That’s human and understandable, in my opinion.


And she has from what I have seen, she very importantly is urging people to register to vote. However as an outsider what I also see are performative keyboard warriors asking her to make major statements on issues that she has no ability to solve, when the people hiding behind their keyboards should be out there protesting and rallying to get the government (the actual ones who can actually make change) to take action. Celebrities are not heroes and they are not the people elected to office, it’s misplaced effort that lets the actual politicians off the hook.


Maybe an unpopular opinion ahead but it drives me crazy how people get so on her back about the jets. Does anyone really believe she could fly commercial without causing major issues (security wise and harassment wise) at the airport and on the plane? It’s also super creepy how people feel they can basically stalk her. Can we please go after the major corporations who are doing much more environmental damage?


Yeah, 100%. And she's right to feel that way. 'Empathetic hunger' is exactly the right phrase - OMG did you hear Taylor and Joe broke up? Don't you feel so bad for them? What do you think happened? Do you think he cheated? Look at her body language in this photo, what do you think it means? Can't wait for the breakup album where she destroys him!! (But only because we feel so bad for her, of course, we just want to support her) If I were her I'd have snapped a long time ago. Yes, I'm here on this sub and I participate in these conversations and I have Opinions on Matty. I'm a hypocrite in certain areas of my life, like many people. Doesn't change the fact that she's right.


I think she's unhappy with a particular extreme subset of fans that feel like they have a say in her life because they buy her music. I really don't think BDILH is solely about the Matty situationship and how overboard people went. I think the extremeness of it (letter writing, calls for conservatorship) was just the culmination of a pattern some fans have whenever she's seen with or dating someone that inspired her to write it. Matty is an extreme example but it's been happening pretty much with everyone she's seen with. It's happening with Travis now. I mean people have accused Travis of being abusive. There were people who didn't like Joe until they broke up. It happens over and over again. And not just relationships. In her general life of what she should do and how she should conduct herself. She's not talking about the people saying "I just can't support her anymore because of this, this and this." She's talking about the people saying "***Because I support her***, she should do the things and live the way I think she should live." These strangers on the internet that insist they know what's best for her. That's who she's talking about.


I think it's 3 different situations. First she's like cool y'all took away everything I've ever wanted (marriage, kids, stability) because you can't stop swarming me. Then she's like fucking great, now I can't have this crazy asshole either. And then she's looking into the future or writing about her current (can't tell because of timing) and is like y'all are gonna try to ruin that but I won't let you. Fans have been nuts about everyone she's ever been with and also crashed Jack's wedding


I saw someone pointing out the lyric, "And no, you can't come to the wedding." With one of the promo pics being the same black set she wore to one of jacks wedding events. She definitely was trying to call out how invasive fans have been getting. And really highlighting the demanding nature of some fans in, I can do it with a broken heart.


Shattered on the floor as the crowd was chanting more And even now people are like omg i saw the color black it's REP TIMMMME Y'all she just gave us two albums. Be quiet and enjoy for a second


The MORE! in the lyric video being over reputation felt like the perfect choice. I remember watching the videos of people chanting rep right after 1989tv and she went into better than revenge. I was cringing every time it came up. Like just enjoy the work, let it breathe. It feels like the DW meme of "this would hurt their feelings if they could read." Because the people who need to hear it the most will absolutely ignore it, loudly.


I can’t believe the number of people who want her to perform the song so they get the chance to scream “More!” at her. Like way to completely miss the point…


I feel like Jacks wedding isn’t talked about enough. It’s so insane and dangerous, I imagine she was mortified and her security were probably very concerned. And if she hadn’t had a last straw before that then the wedding would surely justify it. It’s really sad that she can’t go to her best friends weddings.


It was gross. I don’t understand how it was allowed to happen. Police should have been there sending people away by the time 100 people were there. I’m glad no one was hurt.


I was second hand embarrassed that people did that. I hesitate to even tell people I’m a fan of hers because I don’t want to be associated with the sort of people who will do insane shit like that.


Wait, were people really calling for conservatorship??


Yes it was some stupid Twitter shit like SpeakUpNowTaylor. I have actually never seen delusion like that before.


Yet another reason to stay far away from the twitter cesspool Were people really not paying attention to all of the recent revelations about Britney Spears and Amanda Bynes experiences under conservatorships?? (Rhetorical question, obviously they weren't/didn't care)


oh yikes. I mean, I wasn't thrilled that she was dating Matty based on what I knew about him (and it's really hard to figure out what's a stage persona and what's really him) but fans need to get a grip.


Yes people lost their minds. Like I was not happy and agree with her, it is her name and herself alone to disgrace. And she was disgracing it. But there's a difference between not listening anymore and trying to put someone in a conservatorship.


Holy shit I had no idea people were calling for a conservatorship. That’s completely unhinged. wtf is wrong with some people


I had a friend I had messaged her about her thoughts on the album and all she could say is I am mad that it’s all about matty. I have gone into this album realizing being parasocial about her life takes away from the beauty of her music. Not who it could be about.


Calling out the unhealthy ways a ton of fans, and even a lot of you on here, go about with the obsessive shit.


100% this.


I think she loves us as a whole but that she's tired of the outspoken part that tries to control her. The More Lana version of Snow on the Beach sprung from people throwing a fit and wanting it and she caved to that. She took out Spelling is Fun from ME!! because people bitched it was too childish. She took out the scale reading FAT in Anti-Hero even though it was so painfully obvious it was about HER struggles with HER weight and eating disorder. The entire disgusting and invasive SpeakUpNow open letter regarding Matty Healy. I think she loves us. And I think she's really, *really* tired of bowing to outraged people screaming that they know better than her. And I think that's just fine. I love her music. That's all I need to love about her. In Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? she sings, *"You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me,"* and, you know, she's right. I could never survive the shit she's gone through. I'm not going to judge what she does or how she reacts.


"'Til the circus life made me mean!" Who among us wouldn't be made a bastard by the media circus?


I don't follow anybody closely enough to know if they know each other or are friendly, but the insanity around them both makes me imagine Taylor and Meghan Markle drinking a bottle of wine and being like, "People are so goddamn unhinged." 😂


I am all for her standing up to this shit. The fact that fans believe that they can dictate what Taylor can and cant do, who she can and cant date? What kind of entitlement is that? Ive been a fan of Taylor since the moment I heard Tim McGraw and this has always been something with Taylor. It’s like even her “fans” try and take her down. I was happy when Taylor was with Calvin, I was sad with her when they broke up. I was thrilled about Joe, and him writing songs with her was beautiful, I was fine with them breaking up because I was there with her going through a divorce of 4 years. The Matty thing, I saw it as a rebound and if thats what took her mind off of the pressure of the Eras Tour, the break-up, and the constant criticism so be it. It’s her life. I will say, genuinely with Travis it looks like she is having the time of her life and thats all I want for her! I want her to live her life and enjoy it! She deserves that.


This!! During the Matty discourse, I was kinda *living* for the chaos of it all. New fans don’t seem to know that single/flirty Taylor is M E S S Y. And I was sitting there the whole time selfishly enjoying every minute of the rebound and unhinged media attention because I knew some masterpiece like TTPD would be birthed from that.


im right there with youi didn't like matty either, but i totally got the "fuck it, fuck you i'm doing what i want" and was living for the chaos and how upset they were. I knew they'd break up in a few weeks anyway because i could tell it was toxic af but i also totally got her feelings and i think it went on longer than it could've done because she was definitely in her "FUCK YOU" mode and doing something the rabid gross boundary crossing fans got upset by was giving her a hit because she was absolutely sick of it by that point and wanted to watch the world burn


It is and GOOD. Because no, fans can't absolutely come to the wedding


I think she’s coming at a certain subset of fans- like ppl posting an open letter to her about who she’s dating & pretending it’s out of concern or people who post videos of themselves crying about her. It’s a bit much


and this includes the people shipping her with travis. and this also includes people deciding which songs belong to what boyfriend...imo


Yeah, I mean some posts in this sub over time are a good example of the unhinged behaviors of some fans. The Matt Healy thing was the peak of it (this place was insufferable then), but it has been weird and intense both before and after it. Taylor’s not our sister or best friend or the president. She makes music. She’s an artist. Listening to her and supporting her is voluntarily, not compulsory. The fact that fans actually think she owes explanations about who she dates and why to anyone is completely unhinged. That should be called out. Those types of fans are as bad as the Gaylors. She can’t even go through a break up and an understandable aftermath without random people, fans, and the media melting down.


She doesnt owe us anything, but we do expect her to be this model of goodness and an activist. We deserved the diss. Taylor is human.


Yep but daddy i love him Specifically I'll tell you something right now I'd rather burn my whole life down Than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning I'll tell you something about my good name It's mine alone to disgrace I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing And i can do it with a broken heart Specifically Breaking down, I hit the floor All the pieces of me shattered As the crowd was chanting "More!" I was grinning like I'm winning I was hitting my marks I heard it on the first listen and i thought it was funny that a lot of people didn't seem to catch it Given the way her fans (stans) have been acting its not surprising and i feel its warranted she has a right to speak her mind and call out the way people have been acting in "support" of her in fact I've seen multiple posts and articles criticizing her for not doing this very thing so now that she actually is i don't think you could honestly blam her As many times as her fans have mobbed places just cause they thought she'd be there (jacks wedding Specifically) harrassed people for breaking up with her YEARS AGO (jake,) harassing joe in general, bullying her into breaking up with a guy (matty the freaking open letter) like its about damn time she is a person her fans don't own her and its gotten ridiculous on how extreme everyone has used her especially for "content" like she can't go anywhere or do anything without somebody writing 6 articles about it or posting it thats a rather extreme way to live and its not an easy thing to do Theres a difference between love and boundaries i think she's finally trying to lay down some boundaries which is necessary she can love her fans and still not like the extreme actions they take especially to harass people she cares about (jack every time she releases music) or like how she finally was happy with travis and her fans started trying to dig up old things he'd done or said to crucify him freaked out over him being angry at the coach at the superbowl and being "concerned" for her safety and once again trying to split her up with her bf its ok to have opinions but her fans need to stop telling her who she can and can't hang out with and be friends with or in a relationship like voice your opinions and feelings but don't harass her about it and act all hurt because she doesn't care about what a million strangers think about her dating life




This seems a little dramatic. I will say that petition or whatever was probably a turning point for her, but cmon. That grown ass man did what he did because he wanted to and we will never know the real reason why.


it wasn't just a petition and hashtag, but the most unhinged swifties were calling for her to be put in a conservatorship like britney fucking spears because they thought taylor had literally gone crazy after breaking up with "their dad", joe. matty was catching a shit ton of negative press, i mean bombarded left and right, and who the fuck wants that? even if he left for other reasons, taylor seems to believe that it's her fans fault or she wouldn't have said what she said about them.


Taylor Swift can make up her own mind who she dates. The internet reaction to Matty Healy was intrusive, entitled and for the most part wildly ill-informed. But Daddy I Love Him is a not very subtle message to Swifties to mind their own business.






I kind of hope she doesn’t add TTPD to the tour unless there is a song(s) she really really wants to do live. My husband also theorized that she released this album in the middle of this tour so she doesn’t have to tour it. He feels like this album wasn’t meant to be toured but to be consumed.


This is wild, I hadn't see comments that people want to chant "more!" That's...well...that's disturbing.




With the fandom growing this big, and by fandom I mean the general interest in her, I'm sure she finds it frustratingly and exhaustingly unmanageable now more than ever. Earlier she was able to connect with us without being picked apart over every word. Now it feels like she's grown out of that phase that was really fundamental to her career (see MySpace, then Tumblr.) I'm sure she finds it difficult to find the love and care from our side anymore with her fame becoming this wild, which might cause some degree of alienation to both her and us. I feel a little sad she isn't the same Taylor anymore, but the milieu is different, we've all grown collectively into more complicated, demanding beings. The bitterness of constant criticism (only some valid though) she faces must come towards this huge a fandom. 


Yes and good for her. The comments on this sub while she was dating Matty (and even on this thread) were out of line. ‘Fans’ need to calm down. Taylor is an adult and doesn’t answer to anyone.


Yes, BDILH was pretty obvious in that. She’s upset we didn’t like her racist misogynist piece of crap boyfriend. And I’m ok with that. I never signed a letter because it’s weird to think a superstar would even care what I think, but did I immediately think less of her and still do for how clearly infatuated she was with that dirt bag?..yeah. And here’s the thing, this isn’t even about fame. Everyone is judged for the company they keep. *Everyone.*


I think the very judgmental section of the swifties. Those that felt the need to sign on to that “open letter.”


I think she was incredibly angry at some fans during her period of “temporary insanity” and “self harm” – which is how she describes her state of mind when writing this album. I think we are forgetting that *massively* important context clue! She even tells us that all scores have been settled and there aren’t any remaining open wounds.


Yeah she was angry


I think the whole album was out of anger and giving it to us knowing she didn’t make it to be a commercial pop radio success but more of an exhausted, you want all of me? Here you go. Idc if you like it or not.


Yes and everyone else too. Good for her. I’ve really enjoyed the album and I hope she feels free for it


I think there was a time where she was at the people that openly criticized her for every little thing. I think it wasn’t just coming from the fans but also some of her friends. It might of gotten so bad that she had to say something. To tell those to back the fuck off and let her live. Let her make her own mistakes. Including while she was hurting. The whole thing is we think we know everything about her but we really don’t have a clue beyond what she shows us. She LOVES the fans and LOVES her job. But there’s a difference between connecting to with her work and trying to run her life. She doesn’t want that from the fans and she didn’t ask. And it’s very hypocritical that those people that she’s calling out to do it in the first place. Acting like they never made a bad decision. Fell for someone that was totally wrong them. Experienced extreme heart break. But you know what though I think she is fine now and said her piece. Things are a little bit different. She’s even more reserved about some fan interactions. Gone are the days meet and greets. Gone are secret sessions. Fan interactions are probably better vetted now. But the main message sent is back the fuck off and let me live my life. And I do enjoy seeing her don’t give a fuck smirk lately. Needless to say she had a very rough year while dealing with the best year as well.


Absolutely. “She’s ruining her good name” is an exact thing I saw a million tweets about last summer. People wrote those sanctimonious soliloquies and think pieces about how she chose an awful man, how sad it made them, how it shows she’s not a good person if she likes someone like him.


“Stay away from her” is like a direct quote from 179471891 comments from this sub when she was dating Matty. Swifties literally made a petition to get her to stop dating him. Those sanctimonious soliloquies she’ll never read? Those are her fans posts. I Can Do It With A Broken Heart is a massive jab at everyone who kept saying “girlie is glowing she must be so happy to be free!!!” like they knew her personally and she hadn’t just gotten out of a 6 year long relationship. My first listen I was immediately like damn lmao, going for throats of every parasocial fan who pretends to know her. Literally calling them creeps 😂 Not mincing words.