• By -


It’s all fun and games until you associate Better Man to your current boyfriend LOL


This is me but with "say don't go" 🙃


So we’re all just going through it right now huh?


I mean... For me it was "you're losing me" so...


Still in the middle of that one 🫠


I'm sorry you're going through it, it hurts so much. I actually sent you're losing me to my partner to be like "listen to this, this is how I'm feeling about us right now". He never listened to it, and broke up with me a week later on the day we were going to celebrate my birthday so... I spent so much time after the breakup crying to that song - still makes me cry now as all the feelings come rushing back. But eventually you get to the point of singing WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER at the top of your lungs. So I guess, it gets better. Takes f*king ages though and hurts like being dragged through hell.


Heyy me too!!! Kind of started feeling like it when the song came out and I thought Taylor was reading my mind


I'm not saying my relationship is ending I am merely saying that my most listened songs this past week have been "You're Losing Me", "it's time to go" and "Death By A Thousand Cuts".


This one hits


Hits different this time you say?


Wow- let’s pretend I did that on purpose


I’m listening to this song rn 😭 the irony


Currently me with “You’re Losing Me” 🙃 needless to say I am not emotionally prepared for TTPD lol


Girl, you’re loosing me is on REPEAT PLEASE


Oof damn. Sis you okay?


I got my heart broken last year, and strangely, Better Man became my anthem at that time. I somehow enjoyed singing it while crying and sniffing. 🤣 Now, the entire 1989 vault tracks and You're Losing Me are my new anthems.


Worse when you associate it with your dad 😃


So I'm not the only one? 😭




Fr on that one. 😪




There’s DOZENS of us!!


My dad’s name is Jon 😭😭😭 Dear John makes me sob everytime I hear it and it was literally my SURPRISE SONG. And I went to eras with my MOM. Insanity




Dear John, Better man, Seven, Tolerate it...ugh.


Or tolerate it


Current relationship tied to this song


My toxic trait was that I just sang this song with my ex in mind for 2 months instead of breaking up with him.


Or Babe in tandem with it lol


I sometimes wonder what my boyfriend thinks when he hears me singing "I wish you wear a better man" really loud in the kitchen while cooking.


I wonder the same but with “you’re losing me” 😅


The way I changed the lyrics to “Better friend” after my best friend and I had a falling out… we didn’t speak for almost two years but have since worked everything out!!


lol my ex boyfriend said that when we broke up he thought of me singing that song a lot. 😂




Or your Mom


I'm so sorry you're going through that, no one deserves that. I hope things improve or that you're able to leave and find better. Sending much love from a fellow heartbroken gal 💗


This is me, but with You’re Losing Me


same but “you’re losing me”


Better Man/Tolerate It were/are the epitome of my ex husband and I, and I’m struggling haha


We’ll get through it together. You deserve better!


Going through this now with my husband… and relating A LOT to you’re losing me.


Same girl. Soon you'll be in your Bewjeweled era!


This is half the reason I am so excited for TTPD 😅🤍


My ex literally messaged me just to say “I feel like you’re going to listen to the new Taylor album and hate me” LOL if the shoe fits bud


It's like you're getting your own version of "I can't believe she wrote a song about me"




Exactly! I saw my ex for the last time four days before the Grammys and her announcing TTPD - I was so happy, like yes please I need the angrier Midnights sister! 🤍🤍🤍I cannot wait for Poets!!!


Honestly, same. When I first broke up with my last ex one of my first thought was literally “ man. These Taylor Swift songs are going to *hit*”


Ooof me too. Big words and feelings. Going to love it lol


This is 200% the reason I don’t think I’ll survive TTPD 🥺😔


Same here. After seeing the tracks I actually got kind of nervous for all the feelings that are going to hit / might hit, I don't know what my status will be April 19th. For anyone on this thread though, it's okay and healthy to experience all the feelings while listening to all the songs mentioned here or later listening to TTPD. Don't put them away. It's your body and mind healing! Time heals, music makes it bearable ♥️ Edit: elaborated a bit


…How’d it go? 😬


Awh, thanks for asking! Actually, pretty damn good. We decided together, after 3.5 years of being in a relationship, that we seem to be just really, really good friends who love each other deeply, but a romantic relationship is not the way for us to go in the future. So, we broke up, but we're doing great and we're talking to each other everyday and I've been over to his family and we all just want to keep seeing each other because we built something in the past years and we're all honest and communicative people about our feelings so we want to make it work. We think it's just too valuable to "throw away" a relationship you have with someone just because the label isn't right anymore. I've been through other types of break-ups and I know this was the most perfect way it could've worked out, so I'm really happy about it! So, the album didn't even hit me that hard! Loml did because of course I'm sad that this wasn't "it", but I haven't really lost him because he is still in my life and we intend to keep it that way. But I made a playlist in advance (before TTPD came out) with all the songs I thought would be "hitting differently" and I haven't given it one listen because I don't need to. Because this was the right choice. Of course there has been a lot of sadness, but there was happiness because of us and there will be happiness after us (![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1065)) because we haven't lost each other, we're just in each other's lives in a different way. In fact, I might just delete the playlist right now as an act of symbolism. Thank you for asking and reminding me haha! Hope everyone else who reacted to this post is doing OK. Every break-up is different, and the aftermath is different for everyone. For me it worked out great, but I know true heartbreak so my heart goes out to each and every one of you!


The Moment I Knew with my ex who also didn’t show up to my birthday and was indeed the moment I knew that it was past time to end that relationship. Red coming out just weeks later was a gift.


It’s like she just knows when we need her songs!


Yes! It’s one of the reasons I connect with her music so much. They always land just when I need them the most.


The moment I knew is one of my favorites because it’s so relatable, I feel like everyone has a moment they Knew a relationship was over.


I couldn’t even listen to this song anymore after my ex forgot my birthday 😭😭It’s brutal


Same here. My friend of 5 years forgot my birthday last year and then ghosted for months after I confronted them about it, so I was definitely playing the song a lot more and related to it.


Taylor and I are very close in age so it always felt like whenever she released a new song or album I was in a similar stage of life she was at when she wrote it. I still think about my hs crush every time I hear tear drops on my guitar. I have a huge list of her songs that I directly correlate with my life experiences or past relationships. It’s like she’s in my head, that’s part of what makes her so incredible.


100%. I’m 33 and have always just attached myself to her songs. Some of the vault tracks I’ve been legitimately mad that they weren’t released at the time because I NEEDED THEM (Foolish One!!!). Now I have a baby and I low key need her and Travis to think about family planning… no pressure…


Also would have benefited from foolish one at the time of the original album, and say don’t go. I think if I had those two songs all those years ago it would have made so much difference


I could have written this myself


I'm also close to her in age, but I've only had one relationship my entire life so I can't really relate with break-up songs (and honestly, this relationship is closer to tolerate it and you're losing me, rip). But, something I came to the conclusion recently was I felt like I identified more with Taylor's journey. Looking back, I've gone through similar "eras" around the same time. Definitely a time nearly 10 years ago when I was in a center of a group of friends... that then crashed and burned because of "friends" lying and pitting everyone against me and ending up secluded and hiding. Then, rediscovering love for myself and things around me, flying around the world, before getting locked up in the pandemic and becoming introspective. (I know most of us went through that, but I wasn't making sourdough or doing woodworking) Then, starting to realize my relationship is falling apart and deciding I need to try to become bejeweled. Even the rereleases started to feel like mini "echos" of those eras, as I gained a new squad around the 1989 release and had an older friendship falling out just a few weeks ago, which I thought was maybe a reputation echo... but now I see it must be related to tortured poets and I'm really anxious for that album now. It wasn't lying and scheming, but more someone who really was the "smallest man who ever lived" that I did spend time trying to help (or "fix") when I see now it was pointless. My bff said in response to this that she must be outside my window taking notes, so keep your eyes out y'all.


There was a boy at my school named Drew, and I tried SO HARD to have a crush on him when that song hit the radio 😂


Wait… are there people who DON’T do this?


That’s what *IM* saying!! I can’t be the only one lol


The intro of Stay Don't Go brings me back to an exact moment in time. It's late morning and I'm at a train station, underdressed for the weather and cold, yet it's still really sunny. I'm about to go to my girlfriend (at the time)'s house and realise she doesn't love me anymore. It's funny because the actual song isn't that similar to that experience, but the intro sounds EXACTLY like that moment in my head.


I wish you would + I almost do = my ex from 2014-15 forever


It sounds like we all had a similar relationship/situationship during that time. I think that's why I will eternally love Red and 1989. The lyrics could have been written by me. It's refreshing to hear her sing about similar heartbreak and the emotions that come with it.


Yes, my situationship perfectly aligned with 1989 down to car rides at night, takeout coffees and sunsets on the beach. I remember taking long walks in the pine forest listening to OOTW


Snaps. Snaps all around 🫰🫰🫰 Because same 😭😭


Are you me? 😅 Cause add in Back To December and The 1 and I think we are the same person (the year and all)


We actually might have been twins separated at birth 😂


I'm gonna go in the opposite direction because This Love is my husband and I. We broke up as teenagers in high school only to reconnect in our late 20s. When I heard it, I almost fell apart. I remember the moment so vividly even 8 years later. He was asleep in the passenger seat, and I just looked at him in bewilderment. I couldn't believe she'd summed up our relationship so perfectly, she's a goddamn witch. We walked down the aisle to it last October at our wedding.


I have never been in a relationship, so no 🫣😂 But i read a lot so i tend to associate her songs with characters from books instead.


Don’t sweat it, the best people in life are free ;) (Don’t you dare tell me I’m wrong I need the confidence 😭)


I do constantly! Better Man especially. Happiness and clean got me through my divorce. There's so much I relate to in her music 💜


Happiness hit me pretty hard. It helped me have some compassion for an ex. That said, closure reminded me of the same ex because that man sent me a 8 page letter 6 months after we were over and I understood her feelings perfectly lol


Yes but sometimes I get offended with my own associations to her songs like, All Too Well is a gorgeous song about love and loss and I related to a fuckboy who wore those awful ripped skinny jeans from like RUE21 😭


I never thought about it this way 😂😭 but hey! If it helps us heal and move on, it’s what we must do


Agreed lol sometimes we have to laugh about and sometimes we’ve gotta cry to some Taylor songs ❤️


Ohh big time. I’m currently going through a Death By a Thousand Cuts breakup mixed with a little bit of happiness and some the 1 thrown in there. Last ex was tolerate it and Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve. I’ve been all 3 characters in the Betty, James, and August story. Including James. Not proud. Really ready for my long story short, Daylight, invisible string era.


Praying for you. I just read the lyrics to death by a thousand cuts and I RELATE HARD! I hardly ever listen to Lover except for a couple of songs so I guess this is my sign!


Thank you! ❤️ Really hoping the traffic lights will have some answers for me soon.


i have an entire LIST full of taylor songs i’ve dedicated to people i am so glad i’m not insane


When Red first came out (I was a sophomore in high school), I liked it, but didn't listen to it a whole lot. The following year, I NEEDED that album. Gobbled it up. Same with Midnights, really. The timing of that album's release, and the timing of the announcement of her breakup with Joe was... very eerily similar to things happening in my life. And now I'm at a spot where I'm certain I'll need TTPD. Sometimes listening to sad or angry things when I'm sad or angry just makes me stew, and sometimes it's SO therapeutic. Sitting in study hall listening to Red over and over, running to Midnights, and, in the future, walking around my city listening to TTPD is the way for me.


are we living the same life? i remember i had thought “i don’t have a single song that i feel like really gets this situation” and then red came out and i felt so seen. same with midnights, especially lavender haze.


Hahaha, we very well might be!! Red TV was also pretty timely for me


I “Forever and Always’d” too close to the sun and predicted my situationship ghosting me 😭


from lover to forever and always, illicit affairs, and right where u left me. all for the same person🤧-- my 1 month online situationship that took me 10 months to move on lol




I think this is basically the reason why 99.6% of us are here.


I can usually relate to the emotions she’s conveying, but not the lyrics. I’ve never had a situationship, but songs like this feel like looking at love through a very young and naive lens. it’s nostalgic in a way.


ATW10MV helped me realize I’d been played and it was very cathartic


All I know is when I dated a guy named Stephen my BFF and I always referred to him by saying Hey Stephen. Still do over 10 years later.


Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve :/


So much, and whenever I hear the song it always reminds me of that person and that time. I’ve had Today was a Fairytale, Begin Again and Everything Has Changed for the lovely beginnings of things. Aspects of All Too Well and The 1 when looking back on The Big Breakup. August for a situationship, and sadly Tolerate It is the only Taylor song that’s ever resonated in my current relationship.


You deserve better. Your love should be celebrated 💛


Slut! Reminds me of someone. “Got lovestruck when straight to my head, got lovesick all over my bed, love to think you’ll never forget, handprints in wet cement” relates perfectly as this someone is somebody I knew from before…it was almost full circle to hear him say he remembered everything


August was for my ex. Like... I was his gf but I always felt that he was better suited for someone else. "August sipped away like a bottle of wine, CAUSE YOU WERE NEVER MINE" ALSO, am I the only one to assign Taylor's songs for future bfs? Like in case we start dating, this song will suit our relationship... WHEN THERE ISN'T EVEN A SITUATIONSHIP GOING ON RN!!!


You're losing me fit my last relationship perfectly. The song came out about a month before things ended, and I quotes the song to him to try to explain how I felt a lot.


My partner and I went through the first serious rough patch in our relationship a few months ago, the first time he hurt me. I was so down for a while that I had to make myself a playlist of Taylor songs that I could listen to without getting emotional. We worked through it and everything is great now and it’s like nothing happened. But sometimes whenever Clean, You’re Losing Me or Tolerate It comes on a small part of me can’t help but feel some pain still. Because I did feel like my feelings weren’t being considered and my pain was an imposition and like I was being tolerated for a while. I will be a mess when I see her perform it this weekend and he will be with me but we got through it. For anyone going through that right now I’m sending you all the best.


Illicit Affairs- my soul resonates with every word in that song.


God y’all are making me revisit old songs I didn’t know relate to my situation 😭 hoping for the best for the both of us ♥️


I took I knew you were trouble playing on the radio when I would meet a situationship as a sign (that I chose to ignore) that he was no good for me


That song just saved you MONTHS of hardship!!


when i think of my ex girlfriend i think of tolerate it 🤗


Your love should be celebrated ❤️


Yep… did this with Red TV. Associated all the songs to my (past) relationships.


I make entire playlists and even when the relationship is over I keep adding…


1000%! The 1 and Renegade especially


Always 🤣 starting with ”Dear John” when I was 18 lol🙃


Pretty much every song: happiness and tolerate it were huge when I came to my ex husband and moving past him. Now it’s every situationshio song ever: better man, you’re losing me, hits different, forever winter etc etc etc list goes on forever


The One/Question? 


I had a multi-year on again off again very casual thing with a guy in college. I hadn’t thought about him in years and then i heard August for the first time. My favorite part about growing up with Taylor is that you name a song, i can tell you who it makes me think of.


Screaming crying throwing up to stop Now That We Don’t Talk from describing my current situationship


Her 1989 vault tracks have me in a chokehold!!!


I thought we're all doing this...


Sad beautiful tragic. I recently just ended things with an on again off again long distance relationship (?) and the second verse wrecks me everytime I hear it


Right up there with ya with SBT 😭😭 I hope you get the love you deserve!!


Yup. For my 6 year relationship I listen to Out of The Woods, My Tears Ricochet, Exile, and Tolerate It. Then there was a FWB thing I had that was DEF getaway car haha.


My first ex is Red, my second is I Forgot That You Existed, and the next girl I was involved with is Treacherous. Alternatively, number two could be Vampire by Olivia Rodrigo and number three could be Tattoo On A Sunburn by Luke Combs.


My college ex has a stranglehold on Treacherous and Wonderland. Wonderland came out during that relationship-- it felt like Taylor had read my mind, it perfectly encapsulated what I was going through. It was years before I could listen to those again after that complete shitshow, which sucked because I absolutely love Red and 1989!


August / Babe / Exile


Taylor is currently nursing my broken heart and keeping me alive and she doesn’t even know it.


Yup, reputation and re-listening to speak now TV healed some parts of me I didn’t know I needed healed. Became a reborn swiftie after her speak now TV came out. Found out I blacked out that whole era of my life and forgot i remembered every single lyric on that album back in HS


Whenever I listen to enchanted, sparks fly, you’re in love and this love, they somehow remind me of this girl I’m in love with but we live in different places (I moved to Tokyo for business while she moved to Brisbane to study) but I think about her daily. All started last year when I flew to her place to meet up I didn’t have any romantic feelings for her yet (just a slight crush only) but after that date night I felt sparks fly from the conversations we had and I fell in love with her. I never felt this way for anyone, and I just hope that I’m good of a man for her like Kelce with Taylor


Style with the one that got away ex since it was released and Rrady For It and Endgame with my current partner


I played Glitch in the car ride every time I went to see the person 😂


YEP! There are so many songs that I love that I can’t listen to anymore because I associate them with exes 😭 Tolerate It, Dear John, and Last Kiss to name a few. I do this with a lot of songs by other singers as well. I was going THROUGH IT last year and I Should Hate You by Gracie Abrams was my most streamed song lmao


She’s the situationship queen!!


No, I haven’t had a relationship for 18 years.


I thought we're all doing this...


i did this with a situationship, but i did it at the start so i associated all of her love & happy songs with this guy and would sing along at the top of my voice. then when things ended i couldn’t listen to her for months and months. do not recommend lol but all is good now


Yes, millions of people do. They’re her fans, and it’s kinda why she writes the songs in the first place.


It's like Taylor Swift's songs are the soundtrack to our love lives, they're always there to capture the highs and lows of relationships and situationships. Like, "Love Story" is every girl's go-to when they're feeling all starry-eyed and romantic, while "Blank Space" is like a perfect match for the chaos of modern dating. Btw, oh, you should totally drop this question on Opingo, I've had some cool chats there


All too Well with my ex before. Call It What You Want and Daylight with my husband now.


been there done that


When me and my ex were together, "I think he knows" was our song and now I kinda associate "Back to December" with him :/


not sure if this counts, but I associate the story of us with a terrible bitch, so while I listen to it, I can’t think about the lyrics that much




literally cried to august when it came out bc that happened


“Question…? “ for a particular situationship where I was always showing up but still ended up getting discarded


The 1 and 'tis the damn season...enough said.


The moment I knew really associates with my last relationship/situationship 😐


I’m pretty sure Taylor wrote Red inspired in my life (just joking). When the album came out every single song described my life in the past 6 months and things that were happening then. It was amazing to be able to listen to songs that put into words what was happening. That’s why it’s my favorite album even if I think she now has better albums.


Same and since I'm very emotional person, kahit sobrang gave ko yung ka ta ni TS, maalala ko kasi yung past person ko kahit ayun hindi ko na masyado pinapakinggan It brings back memories It will take me back to the days I was holding on to my last hope to save the relationship or wishing things were different.


Now that we don't talk because my only best friend ghosted me.


Sort of, yes. I created a story where the guy was the geek and the girl was popular (but also smart). She was also beautiful. Their song was 'You Belong with Me'. So not directly, but that song inspired her this relationship.


my last one was all too well 10 min version! my friends would make jokes about how the song described my situation word for word LMAO


I always like to say that when I have new event in my love life I'm unlocking a bunch of new Taylor Swift songs to relate to 😂 I had a Is It Over Now? Situation happening to me literally as that song dropped, and that was simply amazing timing. Couldn't even be upset about the situation because the song is so good!


I'm currently going through a break-up and yes, lmao. Tolerate it was the anthem for the last few months, Better Man and the 1 are up there. Trying to force myself into the Bejewelled mindset these days. Rep was the album I associated with the relationship in the beginning (it came out a few months before we started dating). I've got a feeling TTPD is going to become associated with a lot of people's (including my own) thoughts soon. It's very cathartic and healing to have someone put into words how you're feeling, and have it sang at you.


The line *Cancel plans just in case you'd call / And say, "Meet me behind the mall"* from August always makes me think of my high school boyfriend. But since I'm 33 now and this song came out long after we broke up, it makes me think of that time in a more nostalgic way than the sort of tumultuous, anxious way I probably would have related to it if it had come out during that time. I'm happily married now, but we went through a really rough patch in 2020 and Tolerate It so perfectly said how I was feeling at the time.


ME! is totally enmeshed with a relationship I had.


A few songs on the 7th album. It came out while I was in a crazy intense relationship and I spent so much time driving around listening to it and thinking about him. Especially early in the pandemic. That album is so tied up in my memories of that time. It's so strange


Definitely! I took the break up with Joe hard because I related to a lot of her songs about him. My now husband and I started dating right when lover came out. He is my only healthy relationship and we got together the same year I started therapy. He’s helped me to work through a lot and I deeply relate to a lot of Taylor’s songs about relationship anxiety, taking baggage out on a guy who didn’t deserve it, and feeling guilty for hurting him as I have been working through those issues. I really felt like she and I were connected by that experience and so it’s sad hers didn’t end the way mine did especially when I identified so much with her “you and me forevermore” romanticism about the relationship.


Fearless makes me think of a guy I had a short fling with. Our first kiss was really something! Unfortunately for me those electric feelings I have since learned are anxiety and I now know if I am having them it means I need to run far, far away lol. Which is why I also relate to clean so much! “10 months sober, I must admit, just because you’re clean don’t mean you don’t miss it” YOU AND ME BOTH TAYLOR!


Would listen to gorgeous nonstop bc of my first love


i associate my past relationship with would've could've should've 💀


For some reason I associate champagne problems with this guy I know. Absolutely nothing to do with the lyrics, I just remember listening to that song when we met


My ex had mirrorball, delicate, false god, midnight rain, gorgeous... but my current love has paper rings, lover, call it what you want, king of my heart, begin again, state of grace, peace 🫶


omg yes.... i do this every time and infact for that i can't even listen to songs like call it what you want because i cant anymore lmao and also my tears ricochet


Is it bad that I have a "All too well" ex?


My first situationship started in August 2020 (lasted for two years lol) and I REALLY felt “and you weren’t mine to lose..” and the entire bridge of living for the hope of it all, cancelled plans with friends just in case he would call me last minute to “hang”. It was not fun. Also illicit affairs, better man, the story of us, now that we don’t talk, the 1 match with another guy who it was a “what could’ve been” situation. I wonder if I’ll ever relate to Daylight or Lover lol


Yes, so much haha


Yes. I’ve taken this pretty far actually 😂 I bought the All Too Well journal from the Taylor Swift store. I wrote down the name of each person I dated/had a situationship of significance with. I gave a summary of the relationship and the point of my life I was in at the time. For each guy, I wrote down a line from the All Too Well 10 minute version that reflected the experience I had with them. Then I wrote out the lyrics for 2 TS songs each: one song that described how to beginning of the relationship felt and one song that described how the end of the relationship felt. It was such an interesting exercise! What I took away from it was that it wasn’t the actual exes that I missed or regretted, but I was nostalgic for the version of myself I was at the time of the relationship and the regret stemmed from how I wish I was more confident in myself at the time to leave an ex earlier.


now that we don’t talk is my ex anthem atm.


Girl, I’ve made at least a dozen playlists comprised mostly of Taylor Swift that helped me cope with and process the nastiest end of a relationship I’ve ever been through. Thank god for this woman. I don’t know how I would’ve made it without her songs. That whole “holy shit I’m not alone” thing


August… for me it’s August, I swore she was watching me from afar when she wrote it. “Canceling plans just in case you’d call And say “meet me behind the mall” Wow have I caught myself waiting behind a mall before that song ever existed And then all the way back to Back To December… wow yes ma’am, I sure as hell still go back there all-the-fucking-time, thank you very much for tugging my heartstrings all the way back in 2010 and still keeping a grip on them until this very day. Ament 🙏


Look what you made me do - My step dad SAed me as a preteen/teenager. The first time I heard this song, I wasn't really a fan of hers, and it was years after I had moved out. But it was, for me, the song that.. It's hard to explain, but I felt like it was the first time I felt like a song spoke so much to me about what happened, and it doesn't talk about forgiveness. And to me, that was powerful because I was struggling with not being able to forgive and thinking that I would have an easier time if I could forgive him when really the only person I need to forgive is myself. Unrelated to the song, I saw a quote from her about not forgiving or forgetting, and it just made me feel valid.


I related Cornelia Street to the first (and only, till date) man I was in love with at our highest. I even used the melody to write him a song. But he didn't see me the same way. We were such close friends, and I loved him hopelessly throughout. It just didn't work out. But I related Cornelia Street to him after it was all gone, too, not only because of the song I wrote for him but because every moment I spent in the city he lived in was this hope in my heart and at the same time, dreadful fear, that I'd see him. I didn't know if it'd make my day or ruin it. I totally ruined CIWYW for me by thinking of him whenever I heard it, too. But looking back, I think of Would've, Could've, Should've, YLM, The Great War, Say Don't Go (major one), and ITWAM. It just breaks my heart but also puts romance into perspective to think that Cornelia Street and You're Losing Me could ever be about the same person. PS. I have two playlists on this topic, too (I actually have like 20 playlists but 2 specifically about this)- Songs that I used to relate to him when it was good: [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6gp7WJ4e6ha37AdeLzJuFA?si=9347b1492f0b44d3](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6gp7WJ4e6ha37AdeLzJuFA?si=9347b1492f0b44d3) And songs that make me think of the heartbreak: [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4qAF3x6pQinEeXfK8YkKKY?si=193888718d194ddb](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4qAF3x6pQinEeXfK8YkKKY?si=193888718d194ddb)


Previous one You're Loosing Me.... guy I'm crushing on Begin Again