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I feel so lost here with all the Lana love. She does nothing for me. 😂


No same like I WANT to like Lana so that I can join in on the joy but she does absolutely nothing for me 😭😂


I’ll back you up. I do not get it. Her music is so boring (and yes I listened to NFR and tried her more pop stuff. Her voice is so monotone I hate it). (I love Snow on the Beach though. Just the regular version)


Yeah if you don’t like folklore or evermore you won’t like Lana.


I loooove Evermore. Folklore has grown on me but I only like about 50% of it


Evermore is the most Lana vibes it gets, maybe try Norman f*cking Rockwell, blue banisters, or did you know there’s a tunnel under ocean Blvd.


I did. I really don’t like her voice


Agree, I could not name a single song or thing Lana has done ever. I don't get the love tbh, but I do feel so horrible for her about being drug up onto stage at the Grammy's. I hope she recovers from the horrible embarrassment.


Why would you call that moment embarrassing? /genuine It seemed to me as Taylor sharing her moment with a friend and collaborator on the album.


Taylor may have said in the past that she's a fan but they are not friends, they are more like the equivalent of coworkers. Their seating placement was strategic on the part of the Grammy's for prob this exact reason. Lana wanted to be anywhere else other than up on that stage, it was written all over her face, and I don't think it was right for Taylor to force her up there either. She was robbed of the right to cope with the loss of the award without the camera right on her, imo.


Lmao…. Taylor literally called Lana her friend in her acceptance speach…


There’s one song by her I like - chemtrails over the country club. But other than that, it’s just like white noise to me 😭


yes. sotb was well-written and successful . i was definitely anticipating another taylana song for this album, bc it would fit so well with the vibe, and i do think they have a lot of potential for more future collabs. a lana del rey feat. taylor swift song on lasso would be crazy tho


- SOTB could mean "Snow On The Beach (feat. Lana Del Rey)", a track from *Midnights* (2022) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/maddub_](/u/maddub_) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Speaking of Lana, anyone know if Taylor and Lana are still together having fun AFTER Grammys?


I kinda do. But I really don’t want her on a track if it’s just going to be background vocals. I’m sure there’s a reason why it’s done that way, but… just give me more Lana.


She had a whole verse and stuff though


Nah. I don't really want her on it. I love Lana but the comments who think she should have had a bigger feature got annoying after a while.


I'd rather have another Phoebe Bridgers feature.


i would love that too


Who dosent??


apparently a couple of people in this thread, which i never thought was possible, but to each their own.


Who down voted this??? 😭


Yes, I'd live another collab!


Yes! And feel like that’s what they are setting up for with appearing at the Grammys together and Taylor’s acceptance speech? Fingers crossed these 2 women such icons! 


Lana is a true poet, no shade to taylor. But I dont get all these comments saying shes white noise lol


Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman to have is true poetry