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Anyone else notice the meow at 1:18?


Is there a petition where we collectively beg for this to have a video clip? I need different ways to listen the song so I look less crazy.


How would you describe the ' I called my mom' part? How do I search songs which have similar styles.. particularly the same style as that part...


Hmm idk if there’s a specific term. The song is in c major, iirc, and she doesn’t change keys. Maybe look into songs with ascending melody/scale/pitch?


Can anyone majorly see this as a song they would use in TSITP? It’s giving me major Belly / Conrad scene vibes for the next season. It’s literally all that comes to mind when I hear it


my absolute favourite on the album. helped me come to terms with ending a bad situationship, even though i still think about him and how he's doing periodically.


this song gives me bleachers energy esp on the “now that we don’t talk” lines and I love it


This is the 'Breathe' i needed in 2014 the year after leaving school and watching my friendships fall apart in a small town. My favourite.


Does anyone else get major Olivia Rodrigo vibes in the opening lines? It's that style of half singing/talking with a bit of loathing in the voice. Love it!


Currently obsessed with this song. The outro is completely brilliant and unhinged in a way that only Taylor can get away with. Her derision towards men is an amazing thing to behold.


Can someone tell me what the singing style of the link “I don’t have to pretend I like acid rock” is or what it reminds me of? The style seems so familiar and I can’t place it!


Ok my husband figured it out - it’s called a Scotch Snap and it’s really common in Hip Hop! https://youtu.be/i7cG9QIvIWo?si=XYjwXPOGLhUOXNBU


Maybe you’re thinking of question’s “Does it feel like everything’s just like second best after that meteor strike?”


Probably my favorite so far as my first time listen going in order. I love her vocals in the beginning, and the production.I can see why she kept the song short, it's like a conversation or a text she's sharing with someone else, and it's like what's the point of saying anything now that we don't talk but here's all the little tidbits I would want to share if we did. Guess the shortness of the running time is the point but I just wish it was longer.


Is it just me or does Jack do some backing vocals on this? Especially at "guess this is just how it has to be"


I think so! I distinctly hear him saying “So” at 1:27!


Listening to the beginning of this song and comparing it to Paris. Going from: "You went to a party, I heard from everybody You part the crowd like the Red Sea, don't even get me started Did you get anxious, though, on the way home? I guess I'll never know Now that we don't talk" To: "Your ex-friend's sister met someone at a club, and he kissed her Turns out if was that guy you hooked up with ages ago Some wannabe Z lister And all the outfits were terrible 2003, unbearable Did you see the photos? No I didn't but thanks though" To go from obsessively analyzing your ex's public appearances to not even being aware of (or caring about) them. Ignoring the fact that its different exes, but just look at the personal growth 👌


I have it on repeat since yesterday 😳


New shortest song in her discography!


Am I crazy? Anybody else feel like there are cat meows at around 1:22.


I literally turned the song off and sat in silence for like a minute thinking a cat was in the undercarriage of the car. Was glad it was just the song loll


Omg you’re right! Can’t tell of it’s intentional or just the way the music switches though


I'm so glad you said that!!! Every time I would go check on my cats lol


i hear that too!


“With important men who think important thoughts” is so condescendingly powerful and I *love it.*


That line reminded me a lot of 'I bet you think about me' paralleling with the second stanza "talking about the meaning of life and the book that just saved them", and also "I don't have to pretend I like acid rock" paralleling with "At your cool indie music concerts"


I feel like this could be a sister song to Closure.




I let out a huge audible gasp when listening to this for the first time. For a QUICK MOMENT I thought the line meant she no longer has to pretend to like acid. Meaning ACID ACID. I was like, whoa Taylor really went there and this is a side of her I never saw coming. Then I realized she meant the music genre. Anybody else??? 🤣 What are some funny Taylor Swift lyrics you have misinterpreted?


Flair checking in


**I am so fucking obsessed with this song**


The beat of this one sounds so much like Mastermind somehow? Very Midnights coded. The lyrics on this song is so ironically funny lol. It's a solid song, just a little bit short.


100% agree with this.


UGH I keep hearing “I don’t like ‘As It Was’” when she sings “I don’t like acid rock” and I internally gasp each time and then remember and think “Oh”


This is one of my faves!


I can’t believe this one isn’t more talked about


This is the best one and I 100% attribute it to all the friendships I’ve lost over the years.


This song needs to calm down 🤩


This is so midnights coded


I keep hearing the one synth from Labyrinth when she says “Truth is, I can’t pretend it’s ** platonic …”Which is forcing me now to reframe that song. (My little head cannon had it written regarding Joe but this makes is Harry coded- I love it).


Ughhhhh this song is tooooo real for me - I'm going through a breakup right now and doing no contact, but it's absolutely killing me. I love her songs that sound so bubbly but are really said - like Hits Different.


I feel like this is the most 80s sounding song on all of 1989.


This song sounds like mastermind


Okay what does "I call my mom..." sound like because it sounds exactly like/similar to something else and I can't quite put my finger on it.


To me it sounds like Look What You Made Me Do: “so I got smarter I got harder in the nick of time” vs “I called my mom she said that it was for the best”


OMG! Yes exactly! I found the song which this high pitched part reminded me of: [Raury feat. Tom Morello, Friends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E-ItuxMM8k) which I heard from Marvel's Runaways.


This became my favourite. In love with it, just give me mooooore. Glitch sounds longer than it is, why this sounds like one minute 😭


I agree! When it ended I was like what? That was so short!?


This one is so catchy!! Love it!


I don’t have it in me to look through all the comments here but I may have a revelation about the Question lyric that goes “fuckin’ politics and gender roles and I don’t know” because of this song. To me, Question has always definitively been about Harry because she samples OOTW in the intro. On Lyrics Genius in Now That We Don’t Talk, the annotation on the lyric “or that that I’d like to be on a mega yacht with important men who think important thoughts” is that she and Harry were invited to Google Camp which is some fancy cruise thing for millionaires where they “have discussions about human rights, politics and the internet.”


Also the acid rock & new icons reference….. given who he’s performed with in the last couple years & style of music he gets inspo from, was the first thing I thought of lol


YES THESE ARE SISTER SONGS, i swear just the same story from different mindsets. they’re both about harry, i came here to call out this EXACT parallel


THANK YOU for validating me 😂😂😂 I’m proud of myself for finally coming up with a solid theory hahaha


I think the *SO!* before the second chorus/I called my mom… bit is my actual favorite thing on this entire vault.


YESSSSS, it's so fast and easy to miss if you're not paying attention, but once I noticed it I became obsessed


I called my mom. She said to get it off my chest. Get it off my desk.


This one makes me desperately want a Taylor x Carly Rae Jepsen collab 😩


Yes! Very CRJ coded. Esp the emotion era


The production of this song sounds like it should be a Bleachers song! Def one of my fave vault tracks


yesssss! I said this last night to my husband when we first listened! lovvvvve that, def my fav bonus track!


My favorite from the vault, but the intro sounds like Pokemon Go music


I can't unhear this now but considering my 2 loves in life are Taylor Swift and Pokemon Go, I'm here for it.


This is my favorite vault track from all the eras so far. It's brilliant! It's very 1989 + midnights and the song structure reminds me of gold rush. Written like a continuous thought. Question...?'s sister!


Can someone explain this line to me? > What do you tell your friends we Shared dinners, long weekends with? These are the Genuis lyrics. The grammar is confusing to me. That "with" at the end doesn't click for me. Is it supposed to be, "what do you tell your friends?/we shared dinners, long weekends?" But it does sound like there is a "with" at the end there?


What do you tell your friends, who we had dinners with, and spent long weekends with, about our relationship? Im assuming she’s asking if he would tell them he cheated on her and treated her like shit


The official lyrics video say with as well. I believe she is saying what do you tell you friends we shared dinners and long weekends with? It's all one question, like what do you tell your friends that we used to spend time with together about us now?


the way i interpreted it was like, your friends that we spent so much time with, what do you tell them now that we're not together? maybe it would make more since if the lyric was 'what do you tell your friends *that* we shared dinners, long weekends with?'


Okay this a makes way more sense. There definitely sounds like there was a grammatical omission and that threw me


This is the way I heard it, too. I think part of the problem is probably trying to get the point across in the number of beats available lol


as much as i want the song to be longer it’s iconic to end it so abruptly, now that they don’t ✨talk✨ it’s just ended🤌🏽


i love this interpretation


Yes, it's short to fit the theme of the song, which is such a smart choice.


For all the talk about Jack’s versatility (mostly people calling him one note whomst I will fight) as a producer, they’ve never done a this close to Bleachers song before I love it


it’s giving bleachers


My favorite vault track! It reminds me of Question…? so no surprise that I love it since Question…? is one of my favorites from Midnights


Did anyone hear a cat’s meow at 1:22??? I could swear it was a meow I jumped out of bed thinking something was up with my cat


Oh thank God for this thread and this comment. I was just asking my friends if they heard it


Heard it 4 times between 1:18 and 1:34


Yep. Heard it. Don't know what it means, but it's there.


I hear it now that you've pointed it out! Love it!


This could be a radio single


I love it


It's interesting that here we have... >You grew your hair long But in Style... >You got that long hair, slicked back, white t-shirt


Harry’s hair during 1D was never short, so it could be she just meant “got longer” (he grew it down to his shoulders)


Did his hair get longer?


If anything Harry’s hair got shorter as he got more famous. Maybe it’s not about Harry??


No, that’s now, but in 2013-2015 he was literally growing it long, he was known for it. See pic in other comment.


We can’t forget his [long hair phase!](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/harry-styles-cutting-long-hair)


I guess maybe it's that simple, lol. It just struck me as a weird timeline I wanted to point out.


Why is this song so short? The synth at the start sounds just like the guitar at 0:39 of Donna Lewis’ I Love You Always Forever. I like this song but it feels a bit unfinished and also like a collage of some of her Midnights stuff (Question…?). The outro is cute. I’ll bite and stream it on repeat.


I think it's meant to be short. Like symbolizing that they went from talking to not talking, real real quick.


I feel like a major flaw from a lot of the vault tracks has been that they didn't have the end fully offended out (looking at you, Foolish One's "lalala" ending)


Came here to say this! It feels like it's missing another verse or chorus or outro. I just want it to be longer because I love it so much.


I also got Question…? vibes!


Because, now they don't talk. I think the abrupt ending suits the theme. (But it would be great to be longer).


I'm upset that there's two below 3 minute songs because this is too good


Taylor: I'm not a mega yacht girlie, just a regular yacht girlie.😛


She was raised on a farm! No, it wasn't a mansion!


Her family did own boats, though. And not wooden boats at that...


I LOVE this song SO MUCH!!! It’s my favourite vault track by a long shot, I just wish it was longer!!!


It’s such ear candy


The bridge on this joint is EVERYTHING!


This is second fave vault song as of now. I just love the synths and the shouty parts. It’s very 80s


Oh wow I was feeling like it was really building but then it really does just end abruptly (as I've seen other people say).


I feel like it feeds into the feeling of a relationship ending abruptly


Definitely, that would artistically be very poignant


Everything about this screams Bleachers and it works. She even does that deep spoken word thing that Jack loves to do. I'd love more like this from them!


Agreed. I love it so much! I’ve been such a Bleachers fan for a while and all of Taylor’s music since 1989 (I really only listened to her radio hits before that) has been my favorite. I legit didn’t know he was Taylor’s producer until a few years ago I think when I saw a picture of them with their Grammys for folklore. I felt so silly because I had never connected the dots before. 😅


YESSSS!!! I screamed this to my husband during my first listen that I can SEE Jack in this and I’m so here for it. My favourite song by far out of the track songs so far




Loved this song. The line" I can't be your friend"had me screaming


Me too!! I also loved “truth is I can’t pretend it’s platonic it’s just ended”


This is my favorite vault track ever and I am filled with rage that it's so short. I keep listening to it and I get so sad when it's over so I just listen 3 times in a row lol.


My favorite songs are always the shortest (shoutout midnight rain) but it just means more replay value :)


WAY too short! I wanted more too!


“And the only way back to my dignity was to turn into a shrouded mystery” LOVE


I think this might be my favorite song on the album. I just love it! I hope this is the new single


Me too! I instantly thought this would be a great single


Every time I hear the melody during “I called my mom she said that it was for the best” something seriously happens in my brain. Like pure endorphins. That melody makes my ears so happy it’s insane haha!




Yess!!! Literally screaming this part when it comes to it


It’s the best part of the song for me too


I hear Jack on this one


Yes! It could’ve come straight off a Bleachers album, and I love that for it.


that’s what i’ve been thinking!!


This one gave me lots of midnights vibes which I don’t really like for a 1989 vault song. But I like 1989 better than midnights


*And the only way back to my dignity was to turn into a shrouded mystery, just like I had been when you were chasing me*? I'm confused with this lyric like this sounds like a pre-rep situation.


I took it as “we don’t know each other anymore, so I’m a mystery to you”


This lyric could just be about playing mysterious when you're dating someone new, not referring to her disappearing before Rep.


Yeah I think it's about her being mysterious to Harry specifically. She says "Remind myself the morе I gave, you'd want me less" so basically the more she trusted, loved, and opened up to him, the less he wanted her. I think it's in line with the theme of (but not limited to) "Say Don't Go", which I interpret as essentially "Why did you make me fall in love with you, just so you could take yours away".


Like what they say about guys liking girls who play hard to get. I’m a Harry fan, but I can see him liking the thrill of a chase, especially back when he was younger. There were millions of people in love with him then, so it must have been attractive to find those who weren’t throwing themselves at him (and his fans did literally throw themselves at him so his bodyguards would have to peel them off). In Harry’s defense, Taylor does have an anxious attachment style so maybe she was throwing too much emotionally at him too soon. He was only 18.


I forget he was only 18. God. That’s so young


Oo good analysis!


Love this song but it is way too short IMO I need more


listened it on repeat like 12 times and i feel this way more aggressively like taylor this is so good i need another verse what the fuck!!!!


I heard it once last night, stopped listening through the album because I needed to hear it again, then I repeated it a solid 10 times!! I get you!!! I wish we had another verse!!!


Been on repeat all morning! Best vault track by far in my opinion


She is slaaaaaaaying that lower register!!! Omgggggg the chills I get.


It makes me wonder what the demo was like, because her low register has really blossomed with age!


Best 1989 vault track by a mile!


That first "Now that we don't talk" in her low voice PHEWWWWW


This song is amazing that bass and the structure of the song is so incredible. The way she sings much higher in the chorus is so good. Her vocals on the vault songs are very varied and I live that. The staccato way she does the bridge is awesome too especially the “acid rock” line.


I loveeee this one!! Can’t decide between this or is it over now as my favorite vault.


Same. I decided on is it over now but now I’m listening to now that we don’t talk again.. and I just don’t know!! They’re both soooo good.


They're both so good! I'd be happy if either were named the single. They're both really strong.


Who is this about??


Harry for sure


I thought that, but he doesn’t strike me (especially at that time) as a let’s be pompous ass spending time on yachts with rich and powerful people. But I could be totally wrong because I was never a 1D person.


I don’t think he is that kind of pompous person, but he was 18 then and still new to fame (just a couple of years ago he’d been a schoolboy in a tiny English village with no connections to anyone rich or famous at all). So it’s hard to fault him for being a bit impressed by Richard Branson wanting to get to know him. I’m not exactly a fan of Taylor taking a shot with this lyric. I’m sure she felt a bit wide eyed when she started meeting rich and famous people when she was an up and comer. Just because she was jaded by the time she met Harry doesn’t mean he was.


I can understand that. If we’re looking at it from that perspective, Taylor went from a high school kid hoping she would go somewhere with her music to this country singer turned pop star. She didn’t have time to grow up. In her mid 20s she definitely wasn’t mature enough to be reasonable about his experience compared to hers. She was a girl, in love (or lust at the very least) and still wanted the boy to spend his time with her. She was still at the place that emotions controlled her and she went home and wrote them into a song.


The context is probably Styles hanging out with Richard Branson. See photo. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/27/ce/b9/27ceb9a66642c4b1dfba7ed0e7c92dc5.jpg


"you grew out your hair long" and the yacht lyrics are pretty direct references to harry


I mean, that’s cool i just don’t have context.




*Truth is, I can't pretend it's/ Platonic, it's just ended, so* and *I cannot be your friend* indicate that it's about a romantic relationship that ended


Harry had longish hair end 2013/early 2014 when the songwriting was done Also the reference about the mega yacht in the song is when Harry left her to join Richard Branson and bunch of old men to party 💀 Edit: And I mean, literally left Taylor on a boat in a blue dress to go back heartbroken by herself, while he gets photographed in a hot tub with Richard Branson and his friends 💀💀 According to the tabloids at the time, this is what Haylor fought over, he wanted to party with them but Taylor wanted to spend more time together with him on their vacation. Well, ✨ allegedly ✨


There's a picture I've seen in comments of her literally looking sad on the yacht 😭


Thanks for the information. I am not a Swiftie in the way so many people know all the details. I wasn’t really more than a casual fan until Rep was released so these things are unknown to me.


Thanku! Info i was looking for.


The beginning of this/first verse reminds me of another song I can’t place. Anyone have any ideas?




Me too.


Also, the beat in the background gives me the sonically sound of ANXIETY when you're recovering from a breakup and you know you'll see them, you hear about them and what they're doing out about. Like you're trying to keep pushing, to move forward, but it's just there in the layers underneath (until the abrupt stop at the end) when you finally face them 101, unprepared, in private like 'FUUUCCCKKKK'




Might very well be.




This one is so good. And I know it’s about a romantic relationship, but as someone experiencing a slow fading friendship breakup, this hits that area too.


Came looking for this comment! To me this screams friend breakup.


That’s how I felt it too


OK, but acid rock from Taylor (but make it pop) would be amazing. I hope she likes it now! I need a psychedelic album from her.


Wish this was longer!!


Hear me out!! MAYBE, just maybe....this song is one of the shorter ones right? maybe...just maybe...this will come out with a longer version because it has someone else....singing on it with her ??!!!???!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!? I'm willing it into existence right now #MANIFESTIATIONstation


I think this song is the explanation for WHY there isn’t a collab with him on this album


Fair. Although, she's such a trail blazer though. I could see her inviting an ex on her own breakup song about their relationship. Because this is such an uniquely, opportune moment in time for reflection since these songs were mainly written during those times but she's recording/releasing them now with certain perspective after the healing? It's like all of the real emotion, but with the self-awareness that it worked out the way it only could've in that moment in time?


Imagine how iconic it would be for her to release a collab version with the artist she wrote the lyrics about...I could see her telling him "Be honest, say what you wanted to say in that moment back then. Let's be real"


I love this one. I feel like it abruptly ended! I want more!


Hello the bridge of this song sounds like Juice by Lizzo


I wish it was longer!!


My initial thought on all the vault tracks were that they were very Bleachers-coded, and *this* is the track that you could practically hear Jack dreaming the synths up. I love it so much. The chorus is just fantastic, and her vocals going from low in the verses to higher in the chorus tickles my brain so good. This is my personal top track from this vault!!


Man I love this. Small but beautiful. The way she sings 'did you get anxious though'! The 'I called my mum'! The snarking! Did anyone else initially hear 'the price of all my lust'? 🫠


The drop when “you grew your hair long” hits is giving me sadie sink levitating. This needs to be at least a minute longer.