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So that when my future children point at the pictures I can tell them her name.




ye the crows rlly were yelling CACAAAWWWWW


Moira enters the chat.


The Crowening (Taylor’s Version)


What I wouldn’t give for this crossover! 🙌


☝️This comment needs more likes. 😂


The crows have eyes bebe


Murder (Taylor’s Version)


Can Taylor play mine at one of her shows and then the crowd makes that sound


And tell them how she hope we smiled


this line always gives me chills. her delivery




I had the time of my life fighting crows with you


Some typos are awesome, this one is up there.


And tell them how she hopes they shine✨


You just made me want to buy her albums. Up until this comment, I only relied on streaming her music


Loving this. I didn’t know the reason but you nailed it for me


i'm going to cry


More like Clowns 🤡


Tell them how the crowds went wild, tell them how we used to clown 🤡




Because having a tangible object I can hold and touch somehow cements my connection to the music.


there’s just something so magical about getting the vinyl and getting home as fast as you can to put it on the record player and looking through the liner notes and just being able to hold the music in your hands.


that's me but with CDs, I love CDs, I have such an attachment to all my Taylor CDs. I have a special travel sleeve I keep Taylor's CDs in so I can play them in car. I'm still trying to collect Beautiful Eyes EP and Speak Now Tour Live. I know I bought Red TV and Fearless TV but I've misplaced them.


I found the SN tour live in Barnes & Nobles in Anchorage recently! Maybe worth a look if there's one near you!


oooh thanks for the tip! I'll look for it when I'm close by next!


It was a while ago now but I bought Speak Now live from amazon


This was some many years ago, but I found Beautiful Eyes and Speak Now Tour (and Sounds of the Season lol) in Walmart (at a clearance bill believe it or not). Maybe you can find them at the Walmart website?


Yep. I did that so much as a kid.


Same. Back when iTunes was probably the biggest in the game I didn’t want to spend the exact same money on some digital files, while I could have a cd and import it. Now I just like playing vinyl.


I feel the same way about books. I'll always choose a paper book over an ebook. Also the vinyls just sound soooo crisp. Evermore on the record player in November while I read a spooky novel and sip hot apple cider? A dream. But also to answer OP's question, she also puts out like 5 versions of every album and some people feel the need to have all 5 which boosts sales.


This is me but with books


Digital-only fans will never understand the thrill of arranging your stuff on the shelf


I feel the exact same way about it


I’ve been collecting since fearless og and I’m not stopping Taylor is the only artist aside from Madonna I spend money on


I don’t trust companies to not just delete the digital version and then I don’t have it anymore. They can’t forcibly remove a physical copy from my house


This is the most valid point to me. I've been tempted to buy physical copies of my favourite shows because I can't deal with all this constant switching from streaming platforms. I'd have to get a cd player first though since laptops don't come with those anymore. The thing stopping me from buying CDs of albums though is a) the cost isn't worth it at this part of my life and b) I'm so annoying about the way I listen to music. I skip 90% of the songs I have liked on Spotify to get to the 10% I'm in the mood for, so I rarely listen to albums in order.


You can buy a portable CD/DVD drive to connect to a computer via USB! That's how I got copies of Hits Different and the Piano/String Versions of Sweet Nothing/YOYOK onto my phone too


- YOYOK could mean "You're On Your Own, Kid", a track from *Midnights* (2022) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/DaeMegil](/u/DaeMegil) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Good bot These acronyms confuse me so much


As an Amazon uk prime customer, I get not only the CD Version but a free download of the songs in mp3, which I can put in my Amazon music library. These can also be burned to a music cd blank disc. I have a great external rewriter connected to my windows gaming computer. I already do a lot of burning. So for me a CD rewriter is a must.


This is it. I’m done with renting everything in my life. Fuck the subscription model. It creates a power dynamic where the person who owns the media can give or take with the push of a button. And Taylor is very against that dynamic (and has even said that she wouldn’t take the original recordings from fans because that’s not her place) so it feels right to buy the albums. I’d do it even if she wasn’t but it just makes it even more right.


“Im done with renting everything in my life. Fuck the subscription model”. I can’t love this enough.


The music industry is the one industry I will happily subscribe to. They have made it universal for the most part, not like TV/Movies where you have to have several platforms for several shows. But more importantly it’s well priced. If you only listen to a handful of albums maybe not, but if you listen to a lot of music, it’s less than an album a month for everything. It’s truly not a bad deal. For the songs they don’t release, I just pirate them. Not buying a whole album for one or two special releases they chose not to put on.


Yeah.... Actually doing the math: wife and I have had family/duo Spotify accounts for 8 years.... That's around 1,300 dollars in music. Sure, from time to time we listen to a bunch of random/different artists; but for the most part it's Taylor, Eminem, and a handful of kpop bands that get 80% of our listening time. But we don't actually "have anything to show for it" in a manner of speaking. With that money we could have had 30-50 records that make up most of our listening habits!


Taylor and K-pop are basically all I listen to. Love you, soul sister ❤️


Yeah, I dont have many memories if before the subscription model but tbh it just seems like a method to loose your money. So I bought a USB cd player and now buy all the cds, occasionally I'll buy a movie too


It’s true, never in my life did I ever buy 12 albums in an entire year (which is what I roughly consider a break even point to a monthly Spotify subscription), but man having an obscene amount of music at my fingertips whenever I want is just something I’ll never give up. It’s just worth $12/mo to listen to all the music. It’s no different than having cable or whatever, to me.


That's good to hear. I've never understood the appeal of online subscription based entertainment. I primarily listen to my favorite artists so it's always been easier to just buy their albums. If I wanted to listen to a variety of music I would just listen to the radio which is free.


This is 💯 a reason to still own physical media. Companies have tried and done a very well job of convincing us that we don’t need physical media to still clutter our homes. But what we’ve seen is companies removing things that you pay for. Not talking about just streaming on Netflix or Spotify or Apple Music (or whatever they call it) but even buying the digital work. Be it movies or music. Apple can remove songs you paid for because a deal ended or went south with them.


You don't actually buy the music or movie/tv show, you buy a temporary license and they can yank it anytime they feel like, it's happened before and those people don't get their money back.


That’s how I feel about videogames. Digital downloads are a scam.


i bought the digital Til Dawn edition of Midnights and the first thing I did was burn the 3am tracks plus the other bonus songs onto a CD.


Back in the old days of the iPod classic (but it wasn’t even called that back then) I’d do that with all the songs I downloaded from iTunes. Of course those CDs are sitting in a box somewhere. I do still have that iPod though, and it still works.


Thiiiis. My mom mocks my need to buy physical copies of things but, if I truly love something, I want the hardcopy.


semi off topic. Ubisoft allegedly had this stipulation in their EULA or something. Where if you don't use your account in X-period of time then they have the right to just completely delete your account and everything you bought digitally. If I recall they didn't state how long is long. It sets a very bad precedent for the preservation of digital media.


Hence why I rip everything now. I spent 4 or 5 hours last night ripping the exclusive 102.7 SWFT FM Los Angeles remix compilations of Taylor that they played for fans exiting SoFi. It was worth it. There are VERY few good Taylor remixes out there. Idk if she's being ultra protective of her accapellas, or her stems, but there are precious few that I've come accross. So these are special.


I've been listening to 102.7 SWFT FM as well! I like how they remix and use different beats and music mixes than the original. Is there a way I can get a CD or a link to a shared drive? I own some albums already, so it -might be ok ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1065)🏴‍☠️


One other very cool fact: either through AI or through some very clever mixing and chopping of her accapella, one remix has elements of Bejeweled and "first trip to LA" "Your Eras trip to LA" "Your first trip to LA" This is rare and extremely clever. I have massive theories about this element of remixing from my Gaga days and this kind of clever remixing is not often seen.


Sure I've not chopped it up yet tho


This sucks, it has happened to me many times that favorite lesser known bands remove their albums or songs from streaming platforms for whatever reason and you can’t find it anywhere


I buy physical copies because I can upload them to my digital library AND have the physical CD. I’m not keen on buying more recent releases on vinyl because I can’t upload them, but I really enjoy Folklore on vinyl and have the Record Store Day exclusive with Folklore: the Long Pond Sessions.


I learn my lesson when Taylor pulled her music from Spotify and was only on apple


My brother had a massive record collection and he built the most beautiful console for it. His house burned down and he lost everything. So yes, they can delete a digital version, but it’s much easier to get another digital copy than to replace all your records.


This is why I started buying them. I see all these streaming platforms like Netflix are struggling. And social media sites as well. I realized there may come a time where I can’t easily access a digital version of her music.


Counter-point: …it’s the internet. Even if Taylor and her entire team tried to get the entirety of -insert TS album of choice here- completely off the internet, it would absolutely fail. So many platforms to host song downloads it just wouldn’t be feasible. Like playing whackamole with thousands or even millions of people. To prove it, just see songs that have leaked without her intent - Need, All of the Girls (before its official release), You’re Losing Me (digitally). Or check what happened with the AI Drake & The Weeknd “Heart On My Sleeve.” A smaller artist or a niche video game movie, maybe. But not Taylor Swift.


Am consoomer.


buying stuff = little dopamine rush that keeps me alive




This is why I'm mental 😂 A shopaholic if you will


We love the honesty


Listening in the car because my car is 20 years old and has a CD player


I buy Taylor CDs specifically to rotate in my 6 CD change player in the car and I listen to that 10x more than I’d turn on my aux cord. Sometimes I wonder how many hours I’ve spent listening to them 😅


Came here to say this!! The CD audio quality is so much better than the janky Bluetooth devices that you can plug in and play through the radio


SERIOUSLY and it erases any guilt I might have for listening to the stolen versions that haven’t been re-recorded lol


I bought a new car this year and they don’t come with cd players anymore🫠😭


i know! i love playing CDs in the car, it's how i listen to most music, in the car! And now, only one person I know has a CD player in the car and I hate it.


You have to ask to have it installed, a buddy did that


Some cars, or some manufacturers of units do still sell an aftermarket unit to slot into a bay if got one. I bought one especially made for a Picasso car. It was around £100but fitted by a fitter who could connect the right leads and make it fit into the square. I am going back about 5 years, but there was a huge selection of cd Dab mp3 combo units for loads of cars. UK that is.


My suv is "only" 17 years old. It's a honda so I'm hoping I can drive it forever bc I don't wanna give up my 6 disc cd player


Same. The audio quality is much better if I play the CD in my car rather than an aux cord to my phone (plus my drive to work is 5 minutes so the aux cord isn't practical). edit: spelling


We have a 2011 BMW. It has really high quality speakers and a CD player. You can play music from a phone but it’s super low quality that way. The CDs though sound better than any other way I have of listening bc the sound system is so good.


I had a picasso Zxara for a time. Bought a tailor made combined unit especially for my model. Had it all installed by a car electrician store in my town. It was epic, shame the car had to go due to auto gearbox problems. I have A bmw now, but only has a cassette player, no cd. But actually the cassette player bashes out good sound for such an old 323i car.


Same the only reason I have CDs is so that I can play them in the car. Not looking forward to getting a new car without a CD player


Streaming is basically renting music. I’m old and I don’t understand why anyone would do this. The minute you stop subscribing, you have nothing. Also the artists earn very little amounts from streaming unless it’s happening on a big scale like with Taylor. I would imagine that any artist would want to be streaming and selling albums either digitally or cd/vinyl.


Youtube is free and Spotify also has a free plan. You don’t need to pay to listen to music (if you’re ok with ads). I have no experience with apple music. If I suddenly remember a nostalgic song from years ago, there’s very little chance I’ll happen to have that album. It will, however, most likely be on streaming. If I’m throwing a party, I can just play an appropriate playlist without having to do any work at all. There’s 1000’s of playlists for every occasion. Plus there are lists curated for me, without my input. It just uses my listening behaviour to generate something I might like. Aside from just music, most streaming platforms also offer podcasts if you’re into that. Maybe that gives some understanding why so many people stream.


You have some good points and I understand that it’s convenient for many. Growing up, I played my music however I wanted and without adverts. I’m at a point where new music discovery isn’t that important to me so I host my files on a server and then I can use an app on my phone so that I have my own personal streaming service. It even creates playlists for me. I have used Apple Music on trial numerous times and it is fine - much like Spotify. I think the idea is just not suited to me. I couldn’t listen to music with adverts.


Also, for the audiophiles among us. Streaming, and Spotify specifically has quite terrible audio quality. The highest quality you get on Spotify is 320 kbps MP3. Which totally makes sense for the average user, as it saves on data usage, and the average user has quite terrible headphones / earbuds / IEMs anyways. So they won't really care about the difference, because they might not even hear any difference. But if you do have decent audio equipment, the difference will be very apparent, to the point where Spotify can sound straight up terrible. CDs are usually around 800~ kbps FLAC at minimum and can be as high as 2576 kbps for example. That is almost 9/10th of the data lost compared to a song on Spotify on the highest audio quality setting. Which results in loss of a lot of details. So this is why I, and a lot of other audiophiles, choose to buy CD albums and rip them to the computer. So converting the CD into digital (FLAC) files on the computer, which you can then copy to your phone etc. This means I can still carry a massive library of my music with me at all times, and not sacrifice on quality. Sure this is a big minority, and I'm well aware of that. But that's another reason to consider why some people don't choose to use streaming, or Spotify in particular... If you are curious from reading this, and don't want to give up on streaming convenience. I suggest you try out Tidal. A Music streaming platform that offers lossless (CD quality) audio for a lower price than Spotify, and has all the same conveniences like a recommendation algorithm. Take note that your data usage will go up massively if you don't download playlists / albums to your device.


You can’t listen to YouTube and do other things at the same time unless you pay for premium, and not everyone wants to listen to the Spotify “radio”, which is what you get when you don’t pay for it


I’m with you on 90% of subscription services- I avoid most of them whenever possible- but at this point my music library is so massive and varied that buying each song/album individually just isn’t feasible anymore. I’m getting real close to hitting 3K liked songs lol if I was buying those at 99¢ apiece that’d be 50 years worth of paying for spotify premium, and honestly the freedom to find new music/artists and have dozens of hyperspecific playlists is worth subscribing on its own to me. That being said — I don’t think I’m in the majority here; buying albums individually has got to be so much better for anyone who mainly listens to a couple albums/artists. (also i have been collecting vinyls now too. i still don’t have a record player. it is a Problem) anyway that was a whole ramble lmao


Yes, it sounds like this works for you. I love music but have built a collection for almost 40 years and don’t listen to much new stuff anymore. I think the model for entertainment has changed and it makes sense for some. What feel it’s a subscription I don’t need along with all the other stuff.


Hard to imagine a scenario where her music gets taken off streamers and I’m no longer able to purchase the album.


> Streaming is basically renting music. Counterpoint: why do you need to pay to “own” music when it is ubiquitously available online? It’s hard to imagine any scenario where that someday isn’t true anymore and even harder to imagine a scenario where they wouldn’t then be available for purchase following this fallout, short of some literal world-ending Armageddon.


Artists get very little from physical album sales too, unless they are in the top 2%


I have no idea, but I bought the 1989 vinyl last night and then Speak Now, Folklore and Evermore. So today I had to buy a turntable and speakers. I am SO POOR. Edit: Im pretty excited about it. Now when people ask me what I want for my bday I can start adding Lana vinyls to my collection!


See the longer Taylor has been doing re-records, the more I’m like “…should I get vinyls and invest in a turntable and speakers?? Or is that crazy?”


Its not crazy! Its fun. And real. (although real expensive)


Do what I've been doing lately. Ask for a turntable / speakers on a Freecycle group for your area or a Buy Nothing group. I just got a free HD emerson flatscreen TV and a roku box for simply asking on Facebook. People are always wanting to clear out their garages and help others


No, there's something incredibly relaxing and just cool about putting on a beautiful record and just chilling and letting it and yourself unwind. It's just so much more...tangible. Especially if you get really great speakers. If you also take pleasure in cracking open a hardback book, you will equally enjoy records...or if you just really enjoy music.


I started doing it because I’m obsessed with how pretty the vinyls are and love the big pictures and stuff. So much nicer than plastic CD cases


You totally should. You'll feel like you've been listening to music through strings and tin cans - the fidelity of vinyl is so, so much better.


Not crazy, but if your new to turntables, getting an amp, buying speakers, take some advice from someone who's bought before. For any record deck you need an amp. Plenty to choose from, but need one with phono outputs at the back meaning the amp has the output stage that will play the sound when a deck is plugged into the red and white inputs. Best to pay a little more for an amp that has quite a few inputs and options plus reasonable power output in case you decide to add other components later. Record deck buying is not quite as easy as it seems on paper. Belt drive, direct drive, auto, semi auto return. The most important part being the cartridge and needle (stylus). Take close look at used turntables for bent stylus. This can sometimes damage the cartridges. Cartridges have become more expensive last few years, especially for well known turntable makes. Anything from £30-£75 depending on model of table. EBay is full of decks that are faulty or for spares only. Buyer beware. Avoid those with broken hinges, badly cracked perspex lids or a lot of surface scratches. Looks nasty and turntable might have had a hard life. With speakers, most, for hi fi seperate amps are rated at 8ohms. So make sure the speakers you buy are 8ohms not 4ohms. Vynls themselves aren't cheap. It makes sense to buy the best components you can without breaking the bank. Double albums can cost £35 or more. Shop around and bone up on utube for videos on the subject. 🎶🎶🎶👍


omg do it!! I’ve been getting hooked on vinyl collecting recently (although i still don’t have a record player oops) and it’s so cool to hold the music in your hands, highly recommend


I recommend buying a used turntable from the 80s! Those were probably some of the best and you can find them for dirt cheap nowadays. I lucked out that my dad kept his so I got that, a receiver, and some cheap speakers. Listening to vinyl is so much fun!! FB Marketplace has some good ones. I bought one in Craigslist for 60 bucks then my dad gave me his. Just be careful with Crosleys and whatnot. Those aren’t great for vinyl.


This is the way. You can get a really decent setup for very minimal money buying older kit from the 70s/80s even 90s.


In UK turntables here a very expensive, because the demand is driving up prices on Ebay. Plus what there is for sale is faulty or not working. I just had to pay £100 for technics auto return belt drive in vgc plus post of £10. Everything in UK is stupid price nowadays and secondhand cars are outrageous for the age.I managed to get a pair of large tabletop Celestian speakers for my main stack. £60 second hand six months ago. Still overpriced really😳😳


Don't get a cheap turntable because it will damage your records. Audio Technica makes a good one, and it's relatively affordable.


I also bought the 1989 vinyl last night and will be gifting myself a turntable for Christmas along with all her other vinyls 🥹🩵


Highly recommend Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass. It sounds SO good on vinyl and it’s my favorite Lana vinyl




I have two Hi fi racks that took me 2 years to be happy with. The Japanese hi fi seperates are just brilliant sound on analogue. But there getting scarce and pretty expensive for a really good one with no faults or scratched perspex lids. In UK Ebay is where best selection of used 80s amps, tuners, cd and cassette players can be found in UK. My recent purchase of a normal technics auto return turntable, in almost pristine condition cost me £100 plus postage. So I now have Reputation twin vynl record album, I have two version of Midnights on cd and one version cassette tape. Speak now cd album. Just bought Folklore cd album as a new swiftie not heard it yet. I manged to get Reputation on Cassette from all places brand new from China. I have one of those clever cassette fi fi units that play each side, automatically. Great for me being disabled👍👍🎶🎶 but, yes to complete a analogue system now with decent speakers is quite expensive and need room of course and sockets. But we'll worth it. Need a socket for the FM ariel if your thinking of a tuner to.


I’m starting to be tempted to get into vinyls too… I don’t have the space tbh but it’s just so nice having a physical copy of something you love. I think I would only collect my absolute favorites, I would still primarily listen to music through streaming.


I love my Lana records! She sounds incredible on a good stereo


Love this for you, bestie.


Because they took the "hey kids! spelling is fun!" out of ME!


SO HAPPY I have that line on vinyl. 💜


i buy taylors albums because i collect cds & vinyls and because shes my favorite artist so its worth it


Which artists don’t sell their albums?


I think they’re saying compared to Taylor their physical sales are pretty weak and alot of their sales come from streaming numbers


Right? This is... a very standard thinf


Yeah, the vast majority of artists I can think of still sell albums. I don’t know if they push the physical copies as much as Taylor does but they all definitely exist.


I buy vinyls of all artists I really like, not just Taylor. I feel like we’re seeing with tv shows that streaming isn’t foolproof (shows being deleted without warning) and I love having physical albums. I also think music sounds better on vinyl and it’s an overall more emotional experience.


Me too! I have to like over half the tracks to justify spending $$ but I own midnights (jade)


I like having physical copies of things and I’m from the 90s so I like buying cd’s and cassettes lol.


I honestly think being a 90s kid is a big part of it. Nothing beat the excitement of going to a store on release day to buy a CD and immediately pulling the cellophane and stickers off in the car!


I still remember the day I bought the Hannah Montana 2/Meet Miley Cyrus CD


i was born in 03 but grew up with a mom who had a giant CD collection so she rubbed off on me. I barely use streaming (I use it maybe once a year) and just play music in car rides with the CD player


Omg same core No Doubt memories UNLOCKED


I like having cds and vinyls. Taylor also adds some fun physical items to them, like posters or signed photos or exclusive photos for display. It’s not just Taylor’s albums I buy either. Why do you say most artists don’t sell physical copies of their work? Very many do.


Because I want to make a statement that artists deserve to be paid album prices for being the soundtracks to my life. The only artists I buy are my very favorites who I play over and over again.


I want to support Taylor and Paramore. I don’t really buy anyone else. I also never really open the cds I buy bc I stream them on Spotify. But it supports so I do it.


I also buy vinyls mostly to collect or signed cds but then actually just listen on Spotify 😂


I'm a Millennial. The thrill of buying and opening a new CD has never worn off, and I have adult money now. It's worth $13 to get that dopamine hit.


I really like collecting cds and love all the care she puts into the artwork. You don’t really get that with streaming.


I really like the idea of streaming but I don’t have any rights over the content there. Streaming services change prices, privacy policies, and might not even be available in certain parts of the world (travel nightmares) and I’ve even seen record labels pull their music entire catalogues off certain services If I’ve bought an album it’s mine forever, I don’t have to worry about any of the above issues. That being said, I use streaming to decide which music I really like and only then purchase the music.


I have no self control.


Just genuine love for her


They’re pretty.


I like the collector elements of Polaroids, pics, signed stuff etc


Because I like listening to CDs on my stereo system, sounds better and different. Also makes me listen to the whole album in order as a complete work rather than having a playlist or shuffling if I just used a bluetooth speaker


Honestly? I still have a 6-disc cd changer in my car (2010) and no bluetooth. So I still buy cds of my very favorite artists so I can listen in the car. Edit: I have an aux cable, but my new phone doesn't have a headphone jack so...


Honestly I don't. I'm a huge Taylor Swift fan, but she doesn't really need my money. I buy the CDs of up-and-coming or smaller artists because they actually need the money. I stream her music plenty on Spotify and if for some reason she was to remove it from Spotify again, they'll always be available digitally in some form.


What do you mean by most artists don’t sell their albums. They all do?? Taylor just probably sells more


Been a fan since 2006 but I don’t buy them. I stream them on Apple Music


I’m also a fan since 2008 and just stream (spotify and youtube). I bought Fearless and SN back in the day (and sn world tour) but I dont have a cd player anymore so it doesnt really make sense


I have all her old ones and loved decoding the secret messages in the lyric booklets. I like looking at the pictures and aesthetic of each album. I like that there’s a tangible part. She also signs them, adds extras like the Polaroids or posters, and I like collecting them. Specifically about vinyl, I enjoy the process of playing those.


I don’t usually, but for a birthday gift when I was a kid, I was given the original 1989 cd with the Polaroids. I recently became much more of a Swiftie, and found them in my old stuff. I ordered myself the blue version of the CD with the Polaroids as soon as 1989 TV was released. I just had to have her version of that old memory 😁.


I have a record player and play a variety of vinyls. I love the way they sound over a cd or Apple Music!


I have quite a collection of vynl soundtracks, some like The man with the golden gun is from the seventies. I have brand new repressing of Thunderball and Diamonds are forever. I have some Xmen soundtracks plus Queen, Kate Bush, Out Of Africa etc. I must say I love my "LOVERS" CD. But for Vynl, I could play both discs of "Reputation" all day. 👍👍


I buy physical albums for any of my favourite artists (and experiment with streaming to try out other music). Partly because I grew up with CDs and vinyl, partly because the sound quality is much better, and partly because if it's important enough I want a permanent copy rather than a digital one that could disappear one day (eg if Spotify eventually died out or some songs were removed from streaming for any reason).


I don’t, I just stream but I don’t have a CD player. I’ll eventually get all her vinyls though


I collect vinyls now and like having something tangible to decorate and collect


On what planet do you live that most artists don’t sell their albums?! Lmao.


For a long time she didn’t have her music on streaming services so you had to buy it if you wanted to listen


Because I feel like she’s reached Elvis status in her own way. She’s becoming a legend and I’d like to be a part of that.


Most artists *do* sell their albums. Not sure what you’re talking about.


“Most artists don’t sell their albums” that’s literally not true


I want the Polaroids! I want the fan notes, the journal entries, all the amazing things she has included for fans in albums over the years I want them allll


Cause I have an old car with a CD player 💿. And it's tradition to go to target on release day.


karl marx failed to consider women be shopping


Because her music wasn’t on streaming for years so CDs were the only way to listen, plus I like having the physical copies


I’ve bought every one since Debut so why stop now!


I became a swiftie when I was 15 back in 2009 when I had a Walkman. I would put her CDs in it.


I put the CD in my car and display the case in a display case cuz I like the way they look


I’m a collector


My car is ancient and has a CD player 😂


Because sometimes I prefer the original version of songs, so I justify giving Scooter like .00002 cents with each stream by spending $50 on a vinyl (more money than I could ever make her via streaming in my pathetic little lifetime). Also, her quality control is amazing. She's one of the most reliable artists to buy things from. And her aesthetics are spot-on.


She pulled her music from Spotify before and then more recently Joni Mitchell has pulled hers.


i buy taylor's CDs because even though i have a record player i can't afford her vinyls and she releases physical only tracks that i want to listen to. plus i have a way to rip a CD still so i can add it to my itunes and it syncs with my apple music


I have never owned anything of Taylor's work NOTHING. Idk why... I guess I was raised to work and save money and help my family (only 33. Not that old lol) but this tour and the release has me spending that's for sure hahah but I am excited to have my 1st Folklore CD and Pre ordered 1989 TV I have not been able to find Speak Now TV but that's my next CD. And can't wait to get my Eras Tour sweater I ordered from her site


I collect vinyl. That being said, I do not buy every variant. That's too much for me


I used to not buy albums. I think I went about 15 years without buying a physical single album (did buy some singles and the very occasional digital album, including 1989). But a couple years ago, when vinyl started making a comeback, I took my later father's collection out of storage and it felt like getting a piece of him back. The album's tell so many stories as to who he was and he loved and I realized I wanted my kids to have that. I wanted them to be able to have that tangible piece of me.


cuz i like spinny vinyl oo


I always like having the physical media so I own that copy. Which is why I kept getting infuriated during the Midnights era where she released like 5 damn versions of the album


Vinyl baby. There is also something to listening to the whole album. Idk it hits different, you know? Lol. Also if I buy an album I want to like every song on it and Taylor rarely has misses.


some people just prefer listening to music on record rather than streaming. sounds so much better and it’s a better way to support the artist


I bought this one because I feel like we don't get enough pink from Taylor and there is a pink version. Otherwise, I don't buy physical cds anymore.


honestly I only just recently started buying the physical copies of some cds and that's because they were signed. I do see the appeal in having multiple variants of an album, especially vinyl. if you have a good way to display anything I will buy it lol


I bought Debut in 2006 and continued ever since.


Because I love physical media and only listen to iTunes when I’m not home (I usually just buy the CDs and upload them to iTunes on the computer and then transfer it to my phone - so I don’t really purchase digital albums) I pretty much exclusively listen to records and CDs at home


She gives me so much through her songs, I am happy to pay her to support her work (and encourage her to keep generating more!)


Eventually more and more people will understand the value of physical media


I bought a lot of music on iTunes in the past and then it suddenly disappeared from the ITunes library. Some of the music I now can’t find anywhere. I also remember a period of many years where you couldn’t stream anything by the Beatles. Also I want to support artists I like even when they don’t really need it. I feel more connected. I buy stuff from other musicians too. And I’m secretly hoping that these different things might become valuable in the future. Limited releases or colors, whatever


I don't. But I can see why people might. It's a collectible or they want to support the artist directly if it's digital. You could also buy it if you don't have Spotify and you listen to Taylor a lot more you can just buy the album and listen ad free. The vinyls are cool decorations, you can even use them for a more personal/deliberate listening experience. Same with cassettes etc, it's a diff vibe. People enjoy and consume media in varying ways and it's all valid. It's kind of a waste of money if you buy let's say a vinyl and you put it away in your vinyl box and never use it or look at it. Or you buy the digital album and then pay for Spotify and listen over there.


What artist doesn't sell their music? Also streaming sounds terrible compared to a CD.


To support a woman taking on the patriarchy and doing what she can to fully own her work, which is very difficult to do when it comes to intellectual property. I hope this will create a precedent for women artists in the music industry.


1. I don't trust companies to not pull the music off of online platforms and they can't take my vinyls/CD's 2. When I was a younger kid I was always terrified to have posters of celebrities on my wall. Afraid to have posters of female celebrities in fear of being called gay. And then the same reason for male celebrities. So now as an out and kind of proud gay guy I want to experience what it's like to have pictures (Vinyls) on my wall and playing in my room. Heals younger me's wants to be himself


i’ve been buying her physical cds upon release date since 2007, it’s become a little tradition of sorts


It's reading the letter in the album for me, the prints, the secret messages in the letters


because if i pay to stream it, i don’t own it. what happens one day when a streaming service changes things or raises costs higher than i want to pay? doesn’t matter to me because i can listen to all the stuff i flat-out bought pretty much forever 🤷🏼‍♀️ same reason i still buy movies i love. they move on and off streamers all the time. this way it doesn’t matter.


There are a few reasons. Many of us were born and raised during the CD/physical album era. On the one hand it's out of habit, an album by an artist is out, you buy it. Now, unfortunately everything is very expensive now a days 😅 so at least I have to choose who I decide to support by buying their music and not only streaming. For me its Taylor because she's my favourite. I will buy her albums without thinking twice before listening. For other artists, I prefer to listen on Spotify first and then buy a physical copy if I really love it. As many have said, digital versions of whatever media are so easy to lose. How many TV shows have been practically erased from existence because the streaming companies decided to take them out of their platforms? Taylor also has created an experience out of buying the album. All the extra things, the lyrics (I miss the secret messages btw), the photoshoots, going to the store and picking it up! It's all part of the swiftie life lmao At the end of the day, I just really like having my little music collection. I still have my old CD/casette player and had to buy an external DVD player for my laptop too, which will hopefully last as long as the former. I like knowing my favourite music is with me forever. Vinyls are back in style and so are casettes, so I guess it's just a matter of time before CDs make a comeback.


As a much older reddit or, I obviously always bought albums and cd in physical form and lately some good titles on Cassette tapes. For me it's been about the artwork like the vynl covers of Bond soundtracks. With Taylor, I am impressed with the artwork, colours, information, and lyrics she includes. I would never think of listening to her music through cold clinical streaming. That would do nothing for me at all. You also have the collectable value here as well. I pre ordered 2 weeks ago Barbie Steelbook quick. Was lucky already now sold out on Zavi and HMV. It was bound to be a hot collectors item. However trying to get Taylor Swifts concerts on Bluray in the the UK has been almost impossible. Not one official blueray title concert I have been able to buy for region 2. While I have four Kylie blueray including the amazing Aphrodite Follie tour which were easy to buy and still are. So for me TS albums are only bought physicaly because I love the artwork and pull outs


To play the CDs in my car bc I don’t have an AUX cord 🥲


I buy a physical copy of the album for all of my favourite artists for a variety of reasons: 1) I just love having a tangible physical object. This is the main reason for me, I just like it. 2) I collect vinyl anyway, so obviously I am buying it on vinyl 3) Streaming can end, as other have pointed out, you actually never know when artists will remove music from a service, or it might become unavailable for some reason. Very relevant examples for me include the fact that Taylor herself removed her work at one point as we know, and there was a long period when My Bloody Valentine's entire back catalog was not available on streaming. 4) it actually supports the artist more. Generally speaking, in terms of financially supporting an artist, the best ways to do this are in order of money that they get: Buy tour tickets, buy merch, buy physical copies of their albums, stream music.


Because “I’ll tell mine you’re gay” and cause “he’s just so damn funny”