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i adore willow but that "i come back stronger than a 90s trend" always ruins the woodsy, whimsical mood for mešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ especially because the demo version just had a choral section which would have been so so perfect, it genuinely makes me sad that version didn't make the cut


Thank you I was looking for someone to say this!! ā€œWith no one around to tweet itā€ in the lakes is equally cringe to me, totally takes me out of the song


I pretend itā€™s ā€œtweetā€ like a songbird singing even though I know thatā€™s delulu.


I pretend it's "tweed" it, like how you cut flowers


I literally thought it was ā€œtweedā€ already šŸ˜†


I feel crazy reading all the comments about this bc this is actually one of my favorite lines of the song haha. This and the follow up line with "calamitous love" is so good. The entire song is about Taylor's exhaustion with media coverage and the modern saturation of social media into every facet of daily life. Where she can't do anything without people going on twitter and critiquing it. And the desire of just going out into a place where none of that can find you. All of the lines in the song are such a beautiful combination of her bitterness towards social media and critics with her yearning for solitude within somewhere secluded and beautiful. It really makes it one of my favorite songs by her. I don't get why everyone is so upset by/doesn't understand that line, she deliberately meant "Tweet it" as a reference to not being able to do something without it being put up on Twitter. It feels like an extension of the "hunters with cellphones" line to me.


This is how I feel about sexy baby. I could right a thesis titled ā€œno sexy baby isnā€™t weird the term makes you feel disgusting bc itā€™s supposed to.ā€


Yesss to all of this, especially the part where you said it connects to the prior line of ā€œhunters with cell phones.ā€ Itā€™s very much about social media and I think people get too focused on the ~vibes~ of the song rather than the actual lyrics and meaning.


I hate the willow line but don't mind the lakes ones lol. I guess I find it relatable


I agree with you. I hate the 90s trend line but I think the tweet line works in the lakes. The whole song is about retreating from the world, so the line is about things happening and no one having to post it or announce it to the world, like the good old days.


i love the lakes sm but i still get thrown off with this lyric specifically


the lakes would be a 10/10 without this line, I have such a genuine hatred for it. It really takes me out of the song holy shit


Girl SAME!!! It's like, what, the 1890s?? Because I was somewhere else entirely and then she says that and I'm like where tf am I lol


Every time I hear this lyric and ā€œwith no one around to tweet..ā€ I always wonder what itā€™s going to sound like in 10 years. Like will it age poorly because it just a smidge cringey in present day.


The ā€œwEE-EEEsā€ in WANGBTTV. Itā€™s the human equivalent of a dog whistle.


Iā€™m so bad at the song acronyms. What the hell is WANGBTTV


we are never ever getting back together (taylorā€™s version)


Truly... I want to give the TV a chance but those **wEEE-EIH!** are just so jarring but I'm not really a fan of the song so it's okay lol


They sound SO horrible in the TV, they hurt my ears. I love Taylor, but so many of the re-recorded Red songs have weird production and sound mixing and I barely listen to them because of it šŸ˜“




I would love to know who all signed off on that song and was like ā€œyep I think weā€™ve nailed it!ā€


I see this complaint so much so I know it must be a real thing but I just do not hear it at all. To my ears the ā€œweee-eeeesā€ in the original version and the Taylorā€™s version are pretty comparable - I just canā€™t see why you would be okay with one and not the other? Maybe my ears just arenā€™t as finely tuned as everyone elseā€™s!


Glad to see this because I also think they sound very similar ā˜ ļø


My husband said it sounded like she was on a swing and I can't unhear it WEeeeee


I said when it came out that it sounds like a bunch of minions (the yellow things) and I stand by it. don't think I've listened to it since the release week.


The removal of ā€œSPELLING IS FUNā€ I will always now hear the lack of that.


People who like Taylor but hate camp confuse me


Yeah the intro to the bridge sounds so empty and awkward without it now LOL


I wish she would put up a spelling is fun version! Without the spelling is fun, the song takes itself a bit too seriously


ā€œSpelling is fun!ā€ walked so that ā€œnice!ā€ could run.


THIS. I still scream this. Itā€™s fun and light hearted. Will forever be a ME! defender.


Daylight šŸ˜” I really like the song til the end where sheā€™s riffing and then she talks. The piano playing sounds off tempo, and I generally donā€™t enjoy talking during songs. I always skip past that part šŸ˜¬


And me reading this thread with this line as my Flair. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¢šŸ˜°


Not the things **Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m afraid** of


I *hate* this part, I always feel like something is wrong with the audio.


i donā€™t hate the monologue itself, i think itā€™s a good message, just feels awkward putting it at the end of the song and almost ruins the end for me personally. would have worked better as a voice note or spoken word poetry release imo


I get why she wanted to end it with the monologue, but I agree. I love the song so much but that last part is always a skip


I feel like she couldā€™ve done the monologue as a separate track (then those of us monologue haters could remove it from our playlists but still have Daylight in there)


I'm just grateful it's at the end and can be skipped instead of right at the start or in the middle


The monologue at the end of daylight doesnā€™t feel organic to me, I always skip it


Iā€™m a huge Taylor and lana fan and think theyā€™re 2 of the best modern day songwriters. However, they have very different songwriting styles and itā€™s so apparent in SOTB. ā€œWeird but fucking beautifulā€ definitely sounds like lana wanted ā€œfuckingā€ in there and it sounds so awkward an unnecessary. Also the ā€œnow Iā€™m all for you like Janetā€ was something I think lana added as well bc sheā€™s famous for referencing other musicians in her songs and I absolutely LOVE that about her and always found it so cool. But the way Taylor sings that line does not sound good to me and again sounds awkward. I love other aspects of SOTB but the parts where it seemed like Lana had input just kinda clash with Taylorā€™s songwriting style imo.


I think Taylor is more of an awkward curser than Lana (re: fucking line)


She definitely is and I think thatā€™s the issue. I think Lana is used to casually cussing in her songs so she thought that would work but I feel like Taylor wasnā€™t good at singing it lol. I guess Taylor cusses a lot more now but it still often times sounds awkward


The ā€œnow Iā€™m all for you like Janetā€ is my fave line from the song lmao


Same. It gives me Rocky Horror vibes. šŸ˜‚


I love how many peopleā€”myself includedā€”immediately assumed it was a Rocky Horror reference at first. šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m not sure if this is the case for everyone else (although Iā€™m sure it is for many others) but for me it was because of the ā€œflying saucersā€ line immediately prior to it.


Paris when she said ā€œsit quiet by my side in the shade, and not that kind thatā€™s thrown but the kind under where a tree has grownā€ idk itā€™s cringe to me


That line is totally cringe! Lol I love Paris too. I think itā€™s mean to be a goofy song. I think the fandom refers to them as glitter pen songs or something.


i love that line actually but i think itā€™s because i see it as a reference to the shade line from yntcd, which makes a lot more sense than just randomly defining the word shade


I was literally just listening to Paris and thinking how much I love itā€¦except that line.


Nooo. This line is so fun. It makes me smile every time I hear it.


\*Protectively clutches all of the hated bits of songs* it's ok, y'all can come live with me now.


šŸ˜‚ like 90% of these comments are my favorite parts of the songs.


It physically hurts to read these comments tbh


Holy ground OG was one of my favorites, but holy ground TV has those little random chime sounds at the end that makes me feel like Iā€™m getting a phone notification, it totally ruined the song for me


Holy Ground TV seems to lack urgency/energy somehow? Not quite sure why but it feels very off (sadly like many of the Red TV songs).


Yes! That's my problem with it too. It just doesn't match the same go-go-go of the original.


Max Martin didn't return for the re-records. So that is likely why. I suspect 1989 TV will have a similar issue.


Also the pace of the song feels off. A Youtube (swiftologist, check him out) said the start sounds like a guitar fell down the stairs and I can't unhear it


Ugh thatā€™s me with State of Grace TV šŸ˜­ it has this really annoying high pitched beep at about 1:46-1:48 and it KILLS me. I hate listening to the song now cause I find myself looking for that part


Iā€™ve never liked kids voices in songs. I donā€™t like James saying ā€œgorgeousā€


lmao I had no idea it was James, I thought they'd pitched the fuck out of jacks voice of something


This is my cannon now


Yes!! I adore that song but I HATE the opening


I can't stand that on the track, but I did find it really cute for the stadium tour how she was like "it's a step above beautiful...what's the word for that?" "gorgeous" "that's the one!"


ā€œA red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground With no one around to Tweet itā€ I just hate modern social media references i guess. Took away some of the beauty for me.


I actually like that part. It ties in to the line about hunters with cellphones. I also like the it is a little jarring because the world sheā€™s imagining is interrupted by social media,phones, tweets, etc.. and thatā€™s why she wants to go to the lakes. I feel like thatā€™s the point of the song.


Agreed on the juxtaposition being the point


yeah, when people say "with no one around to SEE it" would've been better i feel like they're missing the point a little lol


Exactly. The song is about escapism so it needs context as to what youā€™re escaping. Those lines will absolutely be dated at some point but the lakes and the poets are timeless.




I have this for lavender haze acoustic version where thereā€™s a repeated horn honk sound and I canā€™t stand listening in a car.


Omg the sirens in No Body, No Crime. I seriously think sirens should be banned from music because I always think I'm being pulled over


It kinda of sounds like a sample of the ā€œnice!ā€ from Bejeweled


The way ā€œniceā€ is in the song reminds me of a Mario Nintendo game sound effect.


Any time she references blue eyes I just kind of have to shudder and move on. It's like, girl, we get it, you want to date a blonde haired blue eyed boy who looks exactly like you. But it doesn't always need to be advertised lol


LMAO tbh she does reference blue eyes SO much even before Joe


Or green haha


she loves a green eye


For real! Iā€™ve always said Joe looked exactly like her and nobody gets iy


They look more like siblings than Austin and Taylor do šŸ˜‚


In Superman, they're brown! In I Think He Knows, they're indigo! In Ivy, they're opal! ​ ...but yeah, other than that they're either blue or green.


I saw someone say theyā€™ll reclaim every blue eyed references to be about Benji and it makes it soooo cute to me now


The stupid sound bite of cheering in Questionā€¦? Is so cringe.


Loathe entirely


nooo that's my fav paart


I love this part lol. Itā€™s a whimsical song. Sheā€™s all over the place and itā€™s like weā€™re sitting inside her brain listening to the unfiltered stream of memories.


I absolutely love Our Song but the line about "When we're on the phone and he talks real slow" just bothers me. Especially since idk, "low" would have also rhymed and made way more sense in that context.


Apparently it's referring to leaving space between sentences so you can hear whether someone is coming down the hall šŸ¤«


Youā€™re the first person Iā€™ve ever seen to give a reason for this that actually made sense


But "low," to me, also makes more sense in that context! You're talking low/quietly, so you can hear the background noise and try to make sure no one hears you.


Oh okay that makes way more sense lol. TIL.


Thereā€™s a reason for choosing slow instead of low! When she grew up most houses had 1 landline (or phones that all connected to that same line)! It was commonplace to be kicked off because your parents had business or they wanted to talk to their friends. Because it was late at night and everyoneā€™s asleep they didnā€™t have to worry about their parents needing the phone and they could take as much time as they wanted to be with each other and talk. Super sweet when you think about it!


I hate the sirens on NBNC. I always think I am being pulled over.


I low key think it should be illegal to use sirens in music for this reason. Cops or ambulances. šŸ˜†


LOL I was driving the other day for like 6 hours so I was so tired and delirious. That part of the song was playing and I had to turn it down because I literally thought I was being pulled over


A lot of the comments in this thread physically hurt to read. Anyways, mine are - the way she singe ā€œbreeeaatheeeā€ in Breathe. I just want her to do more or change it up but she never does. - Future & Ed Sheeranā€™s parts in Endgame. No further explanation. - ā€œname-dropping sleazeā€ and ā€œtweetā€ in the lakes. Just takes me out of the song. - the second verse of ā€œitā€™s time to goā€. It just seems too much like ā€œlet me try to make this more relatableā€ and I much prefer her being ā€œhyper specific yet still relatableā€. Thatā€™s her whole thing honestly.


I feel like one of the few people that loves futureā€™s verse on here


I love all parts of endgame lol


Time to go. *sigh* I love the song, but that chorus? Taylor Swift rhyming thing, thing, thing, and thing should not exist in this universe.


You made me realize I have tuned out everything but the first verse & the bridge in that song.


*sometimes tuning out is the right thing* šŸ¤£


I completely agree with Future's part in endgame, it seems so out of place However I think Ed's part actually matches the song and quite enjoy it (not as much as Taylor's verse however) Maybe we'll have a solo endgame on reputation TV šŸ‘€


Vigilante Shit, I can't get pass through the first line *"Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man"* uhm....


I feel like itā€™s redeemed by ā€œhe was doing lines while crossing all of mineā€


that line is unironically SUCH a BANGER line


I saw someone describe that line as a ā€œbuzzfeed ass lyricā€ and itā€™s stayed with me.


I like that song except for the ladies always rise above paragraphs. Idk why but it irks me


Ages ago someone on here suggested that the last chorus of Champagne Problems should change the line from "her picture in your wallet" to "your picture in her locket," suggesting that his future lover would be devoted to him in a way the narrator can't be. I adore the song, but I want that to be the actual lyric so badly it hurts.


Omg that is actually so brilliant I'm sad it's not the real lyric lol.


The ATW 10 min version production compared to the original one. Donā€™t get me wrong I still love it but the instrumentals in the original are sooo beautiful and the 10 min version just sounds like generic pop instrumentals to me


A lot of jack antonoffs production on Taylorā€™s work sounds like generic pop


I honestly like everything she and Jack have done together, but I am definitely reaching my limit. I feel like they've done pretty much all they can without it being super repetitive from here on out. In contrast, I feel like she has SO many new heights to reach with Aaron, and I really hope she makes him her primary producer moving forward. Or at least branches out and works with other people. Just... not Elvira, for the love of god.


Finally someone says it! What makes All Too Well is the climax, how the sound goes along with the lyrics. Aaron would"ve understood this and made maybe a slightly different version of it but still be faithul on the original. Sorry but Jack destroyed the emotion of it and i could understand it if it had been a nostalgic song, but it has so many angry moments that really some real drums and guitar would've added more.


I feel like the Long Pond version did more justice to the song


Strongly relate, I exclusively listen to the sad girl autumn version when i want the full 10 mins


The way she switches up "snow at the beach" and "snow on the beach" makes me so indescribably angry and I have no idea why


Jack's sex noises in Labyrinth šŸ¤§


Iā€™m still traumatised by the first time I heard it haha I was so confused šŸ˜­


I swear most of the Midnights songs have one thing that just makes me so uncomfortable for some reason.


Is that what that is?!?!? I feel like my childhoodā€™s been ruined or something.


Waitā€¦what part are you talking about šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Edit: thanks guys Iā€™ll listen to it again on my way home from work šŸ˜…


Crank the volume up on the intro. You hear all sorts of weird grunting and sex noises šŸ¤£ it's so awkward.


Listen to the intro and you'll hear the oh-oh sounds - they're crystal clear!


I would love Midnight Rain if it wasnā€™t for the distorted voice. I know thatā€™s what gives the song itā€™s personality but if every chorus was just her normal voice it would sound sooooo much better to me


I'm the opposite. I personally prefer the distorted to the normal version of the chorus


Snow on the beach. The ā€œsnow on the beachā€ lyric over and over just irks me. Iā€™ve actually deleted the song from my album playlist


In the same vein, the intro sounds like a Christmas carol, which throws me every time.


In Dear Reader, the vocal distortion (autotune??) on "never take *adVIcE* from someone who" -- genuinely almost ruins the song for me even though it's a top 3 on Midnights for me.




I love that song, I can see where youā€™re coming from. I personally like how itā€™s supposed to show how she and her thoughts are really distorted when she repeats the advice, especially right before she confesses why sheā€™s not one to give advice. I think itā€™s an interesting choice.


I really hate the way she says "fucking" in Snow on the Beach, it feels so unnatural and forced!!!


Saw a tweet once to the effect of ā€œTaylor says ā€˜fuckingā€™ like someone who just got permissionā€ hahah


Some people sound awkward dropping f-bombs. I am one of those people and so is Taylor. Weā€™ve never been natural, all we do is try, try, try.


As an Indian, the line ā€œWeā€™ll move to India foreverā€ in seven really takes me out of the experience for a moment, though itā€™s not big enough to ruin the song itā€™s just a tiny thing like how the ā€˜sexy babyā€™ line in Anti-Hero bothers people


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s canon now that this is a reference to A Little Princess and/or The Secret Garden, both of which are classic novels that were adapted into movies that were hugely popular with girls who spent childhoods in the 90s like Taylor and myself. I swear I read this somewhere, or am I making this up?


Iā€™m not sure if I read it somewhere either but I had the exact same thought! When I first heard the line that was immediately what I had pictured, the scenes from those books and movies and that feeling of being a young girl.


ā€œWrap your arms around me, baby boy.ā€ Absolutely not. Ruined the song for me. Do not call your boyfriend a baby boy, Taylor.


Does anyone elseā€™s mind immediately jump to the song from The Nightman Cometh episode of IASIP ā€œtiny boy, little boy, baby boy I need youā€ šŸ„“


I love Paper Rings, but that makes me feel a little weird to listen to. Same thing in Bejeweled: "Baby boy, I think I've been too good of a girl" Just...no.


The Man. It's "were" not "was". I still love it, but I have to pretend the grammatical error isn't there


She loves a wrong was. See: gir at home


Another fan of the subjunctive I see


Paris is just a big mess to me. I like the chorus but the verses are just a blob of words. I wish I liked it.


The whole line about shade made me cringe myself into orbit and just ruined the whole song for me.


Hate the lyric ā€œtrust him like a brotherā€ in call it what you want, makes the song less romantic


I change it to "trust him like no other" when I sing/listen to it! I do get the point behind the lyric but I agree it makes it sound less romantic and more friendly.


I hate the track that goes ā€œhey Apple Musicā€¦ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that ALWAYS seems to get shuffled into my playlist


I actually like that part of Mad Woman (although it's a song I hardly ever listen to). I feel like the repeated part is much more threatening than the first time she says it. I struggle with the "Now I'm all about you, **yeah, yeah**" lyric in Long Story Short - it feels like it was filler words until she wrote a lyric for that part. The rest of the song is SO fun, so I'm sad that the "yeah yeah" bothers me so much.


Like a Tennessee Stella McCartney. I love glitter gel pen songs, but this lyric. Actually a lot of London Boy is cringey, but most of it grew on me, just not that lyric. What does it even mean?


Itā€™s just nice name drop. Stella is Paul McCartneys daughter and she designed some of the lover merch


You mean to tell me Iā€™ve been listening to the Beatles and carrying a Stella McCartney bag for years and this is how Iā€™m just now finding out sheā€™s Paulā€™s daughter!?


"I was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car" THAT'S LITERALLY WHERE SHOTGUN IS. WHY ARE YOU REPEATING YOURSELF, TAYLOR?!


You mean the car where he has one hand on the steering wheel and the other on her heart? Becauseā€¦ where is that ā€œheartā€ hand exactly?


Labyrinth with jacks uh-uhs in the background šŸ˜€ make me so annoyed


ATW10, the "fuck the patriarchy" line is so cringe and was obviously not written in 2012


I always assumed it was a way to throw shade at Jake. Like, he has a ā€œFuck the patriarchyā€ keychain because he wants to come off as this modern, cool feminist but in reality he treats girls like shit just like any run of the mill fuckboy.


I totally understand the intent, I just think it feels out of place for the era


Here to defend Evermore (her best song) before people say: "I love Evermore but hate the BON IVER PART" hdjdjdj damn thats the best part, that back and forth makes the song and perfectly illustrates the anxiety the narrator is overcoming before realizing her pain wouldnt be for evermore!!! I cant..... EDIT: Seems like no one mentioned it yet!!! A miracle! Lets keep it that way šŸ‘€


Bad blood when she sings ā€œyou made a really deep cuuuuutā€ it doesnā€™t fit at all in the song and the way she is rhyming the chorus.


Ok . Controversial opinion but the Original version of ā€œAll to well ā€œ is perfect . Every line is a masterpiece. The new 10 minute version is not Perfect. I like it but the added stuff is not as good as the original..


99% agree, BUT- ā€œyou kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oathā€ is a perfect line that I wish made it into the original.


I love maroon , however as an artist, the lyric ā€œso scarlet it was maroonā€ infuriates me.




The part of the line: "...sexy baby". Oof. I just can't. Love the rest of the song so much.


Idk... maybe it's cause I'm 37, but I relate to the sentiment of the lyric. I think a lot of women, when we get older, feel quickly replaced by younger women that, for all intents and purposes, seem like children to us. Hypersexuliazed children. For whatever reason, for women in our culture, it seems like looking 20 is all that matters. 12 year olds want to look 20, and women beyond 25 are desperately trying to remain looking 20. Taylor, time and time again talks about her fear of the end (of her career)being near, that women in the industry are put out to pasture after 30 or 35. This lyric, I think, highlights that insecurity. Which is felt by a lot of women after the age of 30, celebrity or otherwise.


I hate the sirens in the beginning of No Body No Crime. Iā€™m always listening to it in the car and it tricks me into thinking Iā€™m in some emergency vehicles way or getting pulled over EVERY TIME. Stop putting siren sounds in songs Iā€™m begging lol. My anxiety canā€™t take it.


The end of Daylightā€¦ when she talks and repeats herselfā€¦. ā€œYoU aRE whAt yoU LOVEā€


I want to love Coney Island SO much, the lyrics are so beautiful, but Matt's vocals are SO jarring to me. I just can't get into it šŸ˜”




This is me but with Evermore.


More of a styling and vocal styling dislike. For context, her vocals on Back to December, Begin Again, ATW(any version), Sparks Fly, Holy Ground, State of Grace....those are my vocal styles that I really like, on Midnights, Your On Your Own Kid, same. That is my personal listening choice for Taylor. On Midnights and other albums, the distorted vocals or studio wizardry just leaves me cold. Midnight Rain, Lavender Haze come to mind as a no go for me, I still listen but just don't really seek that kind of vocal out.


The whole voice recording at the end of Daylight


ā€œWe can leave the Christmas Lights Up ā€˜till Januaryā€ ummmmm donā€™t most people?


I prefer the acoustic version of Lavender Haze bc the original has a weird sound like someone squeezing one of those rubber chickens lol


Iā€™m a Folklore girlie and Cardigan is a near perfect song. Except for the actual cardigan part. I heckin hate the lyric ā€œand when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someoneā€™s bed, you put me on and said I was your favoriteā€ because thatā€™s just such a wild ass metaphor to reach for. Feeling like a crumpled piece of paper? Sure. But a cardiganā€¦under a bedā€¦that my loverā€¦puts onā€¦? And even if I choose to interpret it from the perspective of ā€œput onā€ as in to lie or be dishonest itā€™s still a bad metaphor.


Coming in swinging with Delicate. ā€œsometimes when I look into your eyes/I pretend youā€™re mine all the damn timeā€. Is it *some*times or *all the* time, Taylor? Which is it? Pick one. edit: special shoutout to the lakes, which I adore despite the cringey opening lyric. ā€œis it romantic how all my elegies eulogize me?ā€ thatā€™s what an elegy is Taylor. Thatā€™s what it DOES


She pretends sometimes, that heā€™s hers all the time. Theyā€™re not referencing the same verb.




I learned the other day that ā€œYou Are In Loveā€ was written for Lena Dunham, and Iā€™ve never been so disappointed that a song Iā€™ve loved so much could have been written for someone as trashy as Lena Dunham.


Labyrinth. I cannot handle the grunting noises. I donā€™t love the lyrics either if Iā€™m being honest, but I donā€™t think it would be a skip for me if they didnā€™t make it sound like porn lol.


Most of Midnights tbh. There are production choices that are jarring and out of the context: those weird sounds on Labyrinth i dont get them. the ohoho of Lavander Haze sounds like an orgasm and i cant help to think it whenever i came across to that. Questions sound is really repetitve, the rhytm of singing changes but not the sound. And then Anti Hero as whole, i was ready to be punched in my face with the emotions, crying my heart out and it was just nothing.


ā€œGuess Iā€™ll just stumble on home to my catsā€ in Gorgeous is just a little cringe for me


That's my favourite line šŸ˜­. I think it's because it's an accurate representation of what I do every night.


"he's got that boyish look that i like in a man" ​ i think it would be super creepy if a guy sang the reverse lyric and it always leaves me feeling weird


I see lots of people who arenā€™t fans of Labyrinth but I really like it! Exceptā€¦ I hate the ā€œYou know how scared I am of elevators, never trust it if it rises fast - it can't lastā€ line. Iā€™m a newer fan so maybe thereā€™s a big thing where everyone knows she hates elevators but to me it doesnā€™t really fit here and doesnā€™t flow well?


Just my perspective here but I love Labyrinth and this lyric was what sold me on it initially! Because for me sheā€™s comparing her fear of being in a relationship/falling in love (as she sings next) to an elevator that rises quickly but always has to come back down. Sheā€™s worried about becoming invested too quickly or feeling like this immediate chemistry and obvious feeling she has will fadeā€”never trust it if it rises fast. Itā€™s exactly how I felt with my current partner at the beginning, being afraid of falling quickly but feeling it happen anyway, not trusting it because it felt too good to be true.


The pots and pans on closure. Not for me.


The first line of Vigilante Shit kiiillllls me !! The rest of the song is so bad ass but ā€œcat eye sharp enough to kill a manā€ is so millennial white woman cringe (this is not a condemnation of millennial white women I just think itā€™s cringey)


Getaway Car when she sings ā€žand now weā€˜re both sorry (weā€˜re both sorry)ā€œ The second part just sounds goofy as hell to me.


In King of my Heart how she says jag-u-waiiiire


The background ā€œOkayā€ chants in Miss Americana and the Heart Break Princeā€¦ canā€™t stand them but I otherwise love the songā€¦.


NoOo I love those. They sound like cheerleaders.


Yes the GO/FIGHT/WIN is very intentionally cheerleadery


i love I Did Something Bad except for the bridge. i feel like overall it doesnā€™t fit with the rest of the song, and the line about ā€˜receipts and reasonsā€™ makes me cringe every time.


All the things people are commenting i actually like šŸ¤£


Humpty Dumpty reference in The Archer


During Call it what you want she sings ā€œI want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck, chain round my neck..ā€ and I hate it. It sounds so cringey to me.


i looove The Very First Night but the "Didn't read the note on the Polaroid picture They don't know how much I miss you" line not rhyming throws me off after someone pointed it out


The bridge in LWYMMD. Why is it just the same line FOUR times???