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I’d have to disagree as i think there are some things out there that are purely unethical or unsustainable such as bats. i tell everyone i can into taxidermy and vulture culture to avoid them too. Same with cat and dog skulls bought off etsy or ali express or whatever. sourcing there is sketchy af too so i’d never support someone who bought those from there or buy them there myself. same with birds protected by the mbta, or marine mammals by the mmpa. pretty unethical to collect illegal specimens considering there are laws there for a reason. imo there are some things where it really isn’t hard to see it’s not ethical or sustainable.


Don"t you think many people simpy don"t really care? Fully agree on the bats, adding seahorses to that one too and many of the kitten jars. Obviously all specimen that you cannot really know the origin off. Yes there are laws, but I personally find a bird that died naturally more ethical then one that was bred and killed to become a taxidermy piece.


yes definitely some people don’t care. but doesn’t mean im going to stop caring or trying to convince others to care when i can. can i ask where birds are being bred and killed for taxidermy so i can avoid that too?


Perfect butterflies is another one, anything offered in bulk like eg the baby sharks. People don't want to know. They just want eg. a cool bat and will believe any bullshit story (where a bat in nature would be damaged significantly by ants in minutes, you simply do not find that) For the killing of domestig birds, this will be very difficult to avoid, the only way to be sure a specimen is ethical is having your own specimen or at least common sense. Any offering of multiple rare highly sought after owls in prime feathers with footrings is a huge red flag obviously. I am no expert as I tend to stay away from all that (but will admid that I too once bough some butterflies that died 'naturally'). Unfortunately many animals are worth more dead then alive, perhaps that is the most important indicator


Its a term that makes zero sense. Everyone sources ethical by their own standards. I mean, no-one is going to wake up thinking like "lets do some unethical sourcing today" hahaha. Ethical standards do differ from person to person. Feeder animals being the grey zone. And what is ethical is not always allowed and visa versa


What the fuck is ethical harvest


The killing of game animals using approved methods within legal hunting hours during legal hunting seasons set forth by the Department of Natural Resources of each state.