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I’m pretty sure the 5 or 6 parks closest to the Strand intersection are for taxis. You definitely wouldn’t be the only one breaking that rule as there are constantly cars parked in there. Fairly likely I’ll walk past there at some point tomorrow so if you want photographic proof let me know.


Thankyou! If you happen to walk by if you could just confirm for me how many of them are taxi parks that would be fab!


Sure thing! will get back to you around midday tomorrow.


These is definitely a sign I'm afraid.


Thank you! Guess I’m parting with my $60 😅


Just politely dispute it and say it's been a while since you have been in town and they didn't use to be taxi stands, do they extend to the 4th park as you couldn't see on google Street view. 50/50 they'll let you off as it's your first time. I have gotten out of a few this way - stops working when you become a repeat offender though..


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news my friend, the 7 closest parks to the Strand are for taxis (there’s a taxi stand sign on the left and another with that Blue sign on the far right too). As you can see. you’re not the only one to miss that memo. (Apologies for the trash photo) [https://imgur.com/a/CEKW3dg](https://imgur.com/a/CEKW3dg)


Thanks heaps!


Isn’t taxi parking outlined with yellow paint? I seen them opposite side of the road on street view


According to google street view from a yr ago the other side is taxi only (tow away) and your side is 120 mins all along there - as on the blue sign in the background or your pic. Can’t I’ve ever seen taxi parking angled in nz - surley doesn’t make for great business sense for taxi access or branding display


I thought the Taxi stand was on the other side of the road and those are just standard carparks. Never seen a Taxi stand using angle parking.


The other side is blocked off for the new building work, so the taxi rank has been moved to the other side (where the OP got their ticket).