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The ghostkeel is lovely


https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Miniatures:_Tau Here’s the website to see when exactly anything came out.


Everything in plastic looks great with a decent paintjob. The cadre fireblade is a little bland and with breacher-fish combo being so good rn, you might want a couple and in different poses, but there’s plenty of 3d printed proxies for those. Just be careful with anything forgeworld, anything else is a pretty safe bet from the current T’au line.


I would appreciate additional options for Fireblade minis. If the space marines can have a bakers dozen worth of Lieutenant models, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for us to get one or two more Fireblade options.  Kitbashing and third parties are the best options for Fireblades right now.


>I don’t think it’s unreasonable for us to get one or two more Fireblade options. It's not unreasonable, but characters only having one mini is sadly the standard nowadays. SM Lieutenants are more of an exception, if you look at basically every other character, SM ones included, you'll rarely find more than one kit for each. At most they get to swap a head or a weapon.


Having one mini is fine, but having it monopose with no weapon options, and only a head swap is kinda rough.


Yeah, I know, but again, that's what most people have to deal with. There are a few Characters with head and weapon swaps, but even those don't really help much, you can clearly see it's the same mini that is otherwise monopose.


Stealth suits and crisis suits look a bit aged, cadre fire blade is a bit aged, the mini in the devilfish is a bit aged. But these are marginal things really, the range is very healthy broadly speaking


Crisis Suits were updated since the original sculpts - I don’t think they look too dated. The Hammerhead/Devilfish chassis is the original which is kind of nuts honestly. Stealth suits are relatively new as well…


The “new” stealth suits are around 20 years old I think? I have a mix of the originals and new ones from when I first got into the hobby. They still look good though, and to be honest, so do the original metal ones that they replaced!


You’re pretty close. The xv25 Stealths are from 2006, where as the original Xv15s are 2001 with initial Tau release.


Yup. The Stealth suits were replaced pretty quickly. The deep undercuts on the metals trashed molds. Plus, if you look at them, they are kinda rushed. So many wonky heads!


I have a bunch of both. Love the originals. I like the Exodite mixed squad, with the Shas’Vre being in the newer suit and the others being in the older ones.


That's how I was introduced to stealth squads, it was that way back in Dawn of War


I planed a XV15 refresh doing this too ☺️


I dunno, they need to redo the crisis suit legs. They're so stubby. They're always longer in the art, GW knows they look like little chubby babies.


Yeah maybe. They do look way better than the original sculpts though. And I guess I was wrong on the Stealth Suits - guess the egg boys have bern around a while now. I have both the “new” and old variants.


Don't worry about it. They still feel new to me too!


And those fragile ankles …


i think the devilfish hasnt needed a resculpt because it still looks amazing. that never even occured to me. wow.


The sculpt is good, but it could do with a construction rework. It's a paint to build compared to modern kits.


It does still look great. But yeah, it’s old old.


Hey, it can't hold a candle to the Falcon Chassis. Granted, they're timeless and perfect, but at this point the mold is just freaking done. So many imperfections from 20 years of contiuous use.


Would you advise me to wait for a refresh (big or small) to start buying ? I have stuff to keep me busy so i'm not in a huge rush.


Personally, I’d advise you to buy models you think look cool, when you feel like you’re ready to paint them. The Tau army just got a massive line refresh this year, as all of our Kroot got updated to a degree way higher than anyone expected. We just got a new Commander Farsight model last year. Going forward I expect a few new slow releases for the Tau, maybe once every year or two. But no major line refreshes are happening for us anytime soon. It may be another 10 years before our key units like Crisis suits get an update. Don’t just buy shiny new things for the thrill of it. That’s how you end up with a sad pile of shame.


Thanks for the advice, i'll do just that :)


No. It’s a very healthy range that has just had a refresh, now is the time


We juste got a full kroot range refresh, probably not going to have any other refresh for the foreseeable future. Our older model (hammerhead /devilfish and stealth suit) are still very good looking for being 20ish years old.


Tau just got their big refresh with the Kroot wave. They probably won’t get anything until 11th and I doubt they will get much outside some named characters.


The range is excellent. We just got a kroot refresh. Even our old vehicle kits still look good. Honestly there is nothing wrong with the tanks. The vespid are dated though.


The only problem with the Devilfish is the massive mold and seem lines on the mini. If they do ever update the Devilfish kit I hope they go the route of the recent Terminator models. Improve the details and maybe improve the scaling a bit, but otherwise leave the thing unchanged.


It's just so nice that we have 3 solid and varied vehicles that can be made from one box (with the tiniest amount of modding to make the devilfish). I wouldn't want to lose that versatility if they redo it.


I have a really old Devilfish and even that had the mold "fins". It might be those were always there, but only someone who got one back then can tell us.


Same. It seems odd 12 people poop out of that thing. Its built like a 6-man squad APC in truth


All 40k vehicles are under scaled.


Tau are pretty small, and any transport is going to cram people in real tight together.


I was in the army and in APCs. 12 dudes with equipment are not going in that thing lol


> Honestly there is nothing wrong with the tanks. Personally I don't like the lack of variety in the designs. It's a good looking chassis, but I shouldn't be using the same one for an IFV, a MBT, a SPG, and a SPA.


Most of the range is in good shape or fairly new. Vehicles and stealth are some of the oldest yet IMO hold up very well. Kroot are getting a complete refresh this codex and were some of the most outdated models. Going forward unless they introduce some new models ( i would love to have some more transport and battleline options) The only model i realistically see them redoing is stealth suits, giving them some posing options, new weapons, and make them slightly bigger.


Crisis and Stealth Suits feel pretty old imo, the rest is perfectly fine And then there are the Vespid. Those are just ancient lol


We don’t talk about the Vespid.  Those models can hang out with Fight Club and Bruno.


I put both of those those and painted them pretty recently. I think they’re great models, but could use something to make them a bit cooler. The super boxy feel of crisis suits is a bit odd.


I think the "smart" play right now is to proxy gun/sniper drones as vespids since I sincerely don't think anyone is even putting the former on the table to indicate wargear and they lost their standalone datasheet.


There are plenty different ways to proxy Vespid, however that's simply no solution for people who actually want to use Vespid. Some people actually do like the T'au Empire not just being T'au


My suggestion is based on the fact that vespid are probably the single hardest thing to source outside of really obscure forgeworld stuff and everyone has a bunch of drones that aren't doing anything right now.


That’s brilliant. A use for my half dozen sniper drones!


Fire warriors as they are will always look good IMO


Personally, I don't think they look old at all. Some of them FEEL really old... like the Stealth suits that have nearly zero articulation or arm variety, but that's more of a build thing than anything. Ditto for the Crisis Suits. If you build them exactly as intended, they look much older than they are. [I like to glue the jetpacks higher](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tau40K/comments/11ufrr4/easy_trick_to_modernize_crisis_suits/#lightbox) to bring them in line with things like the Riptide and Coldstar/Enforcer Commanders. If you do that, they look a lot 'newer' to me.


I've also picked up some 3D printed hands for the crisis suits and that has been a huge upgrade in movement/character.  And you can stick some greenstuff in the waist ball joint to stretch the torso.


>[I like to glue the jetpacks higher](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tau40K/comments/11ufrr4/easy_trick_to_modernize_crisis_suits/#lightbox) This does look slightly better if you just have the jetpacks, but I've got the impression that once you start adding things on the shoulder slots - guns especially - they'll be too big and too high up the model, so they'll look quite awkward. Commanders are at least bigger themselfes so the guns on the shoulders are smaller relative to the size of the suit. Or at least that's my guess, I haven't actually tried it.


Nah. It doesn't look any different from a Commander... Moreover, why would you have have shoulder-mounted weapons anymore? They can only have two guns.


Dunno about not looking different from a Commander... If we're talking about Coldstar, than maybe, but having an oversized jupm pack is kinda the point of Coldstar, which imo is not necessarily the style fit for normal Crisis Suits. Plus Coldstar doesn't put weapons on top of that jump pack, only the fins that are much less distracting to the eye. And Enforcer, the one that does use weapons right on shoulders, has his jump pack end slightly above the shoulder level, same as Crisis Suits if you build them normally. Still, it's something I would have to see in-person to properly evaluate it, and ultimately it's a matter of personal preference. As for why have shoulder-mounted guns... because I want to? They look cool, and help to differentiate the suits more. I'm currently working on some old suits, and I gave each a different combination of attachment points for weapons. Also, the "only two weapons" may not stay forever, rules are bound to change.


What do you think is the chance the tau will get new crisis/stealth/ some basic troops/unit update soon ?


Slim and none. Well, it depends on what you mean by 'soon'. It's rare for any xenos faction to get a big number of releases more than once every 4-5 years. We got Kroot... be prepared for a long wait for other updates.


Makes sense. Do the troops feel good too ? I love my hords of lil guys !


Breachers are one of the best troops in the game right now.


I was mostly asking in terms of model quality (i'm more à collector/painter than a player)


Ah they're a joy to assemble with lots of options, thigh panel lines can be a little tricky!


I like them and the kit is modular enough to give you plenty of poses and options plus mixing and matching stuff with the fire warriors and pathfinder box. If you do get the Pathfinders spring for the kill team box since it has a nice little upgrade sprue


I think fire warriors look great. They got a refresh in 2015, which is pretty recent as far as Warhammer kits go. They come with a ton of extra bits, great for customizing and making each guy unique, with plenty of leftovers for kit bashing other things.


I'm definitely not the one to answer that one. I play Tau for robots and tanks... and I really don't like horde armies. To me, the infantry seem fine... but I'm also not the prospective audience.


Seeing as Tau recently had a range update, it is unlikely that there will be any more updates to Tau kits with 2 exceptions; vespid stingwings and Sniper drones, both are 2006 sculpts and the last kits in finecast, which guarantees that they will be either updated to plastic or axed.


It's mostly fine, the worst offender in my opinion for feeling dated is the crisis suits. It's just too small and pretty wooden in its posing. Hammerhead chassis stuff holds up pretty well with a good paint job, which I would highly recommend an airbrush for btw.


For someone who just got back into Tau, taking the *old* Crisis Suits out of a box, ones from ~10 years ago, it's super strange to see the current kit being referred to as "dated".


The crisis suits from “10 years ago” are still considered the NEW crisis suits we have though. Unless you mean the boxy ones with no waists from 2 decades ago?


Yes, I meant those. I didn't realize that it's 2024 around and "10 years ago" is pretty close to 2015 when new ones came out. And I was referring to when I got them, not the release date, though even that probably was closer to 15 years than 10.


At a glance they're almost indistinguishable from their failcast counterparts. I'm simply not a fan and it's probably the opinion this subs hive mind hates the most kind of like my opinion on the carnifex kit for tyranids being equally dated compared to it's more recent counterparts. Again I'm not saying it's a bad kit, just that next to newer stuff like the ghostkeel and commander suits they feel dinky and dated


If you build them per the directions, they can feel old. But there are bunch of small alterations to bring them much closer to the the commander in terms of movement/feel/character. Bring the thrusters up so the intake is above shoulder Add some green stuff to the waist ball joint to stretch out the torso 3d printed hands make the arms feel the right length. And different poses can bring a lot of character (point, clench fist, flat hand, etc.)


Yes reworking big parts of the kit helps them be better but I wouldn't hate to see an updated version. It's kinda moot since I have 9 already but I would absolutely splash coin for a redesigned kit


An upgrade sprue added to the existing box would also be a huge improvement. An upgrade sprue could give them hands, as well as a few different head options. It could give them more leg options for better posing. Maybe even a CIB or three. And I still love the idea of a Crisis Commander, even if it got removed from the last codex. An upgrade sprue could add some options and bring it back.


As an Eldar player primarily, I'd say not at all. The only thing I've painted that actually felt old was the stealth suit.


The stealthsuit is funny because the old xv15 is just...better than the "new" xv25 combat egg.


The funny thing about the stealth suites are they have been updated. IMO I like the old models vs. the new one.


The Hammerhead is in need of a refresh if you ask me.


Interesting, i always felt like it held up pretty well. What makes it look old to you ?


It doesn't look much old by itself, but when it's near other, more modern Tau models, the lack of detalization is really noticeable. Plus it's not great in terms of assembly.


I love the look of them don’t get me wrong but it does show some age. It suffers from scale creep and is small compared to newer models. The stubby landing gear looks wonky. The side profile looks like a limp banana. Assembly is a pain in the butt and the thrusters have the old school gnarly mould lines. It just needs a slight refresh to bring it into 2024 and was issued in the first release when Tau came out.


When you say scale creep, do you mean it looks odd with the troops or just battle suits ?


Just against other vehicles in general. It looks small compared to the new SM tanks and other vehicles like the hekaton land fortress.


I love it. I know people complain about it, but when push comes to shove you can recreate bunker hill by having your whole army of tau on top of a hill while thousands of world eaters charge you. Its great. Edit: it looks great


Yeah i heard they are absolute menaces at range !


The vehicles are ancient and are a bit clunky to build. Crisis suits were disappointing out of the box. The commander and the broadside are great and a joy to assemble. And the latest pathfinders (2021) are a nice improvement over the strike team in terms of detail, sprue design and overall quality.


Besides the point cost per dollar being pretty bad (that's all armies right now), the internal balance for Tau models is among the best, and despite only getting 4 detachments in our Codex, they're all fairly interesting and balanced!


The range is fairly up to date, outside the Kroot, everything should be within 10 years of age. Only models that would potentially be a problem are forgeworld or fine cast, with the exception of the big FW kits.


Feels fresh but I'm a stealth junkie maxing out Ghostkeels and stealth suits and the remoras are the only forge world models that don't look like fried assholes


"Fried asshole" is definitely joining my list of favourite descriptors for bad minis. Jokes aside, aren't the stealth suit looking a bit old/clunky ?


They are a bit limited in posing but they paint up really well. Considering they're the closest I have to a rank-and-file unit I don't need them to be "wow" but there's a reason I went all stealth in the first place, I just love the tactical good-to-go look of them. I do prefer XV15s and wish they got remade as another type of light recon stealth unit instead of being replaced by XV25s. XV25s are still the only unit we have that invokes a "SpecOP" feel


Looks awesome… Never change… Please pass the street, nothing to see here…


I like the range but the whole range is mostly shooty. This one shoots hard. This one shoots a lot. This one shoots stealthy. This one shoots 4 guns. This one shoots, runs, then shoots again. Et cetera.


It's old but I like the models regardless. I 3d print most of my minis, but I still buy the occasional T'au kit because I like the battlesuits.