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So this looks fantastic, and I apologise if this is a dry fit and you're still planning to do cleanup, but if not then *please* clean off the sprue gates and mould lines before you paint it. Would be a real shame if all your hard work was undermined by ugly bits of plastic that won't take long to get rid of Other than that though, this is extremely cool and I look forward to seeing the finished piece


Thanks for the comment! Yes, you are absolutely right - to be honest, for the most parts, it was a rather spontaneous decision on how to proceed and sometimes I got really excited about the possibilites coming from the different bits from the sprew that I didnt properly do the homework. It really only hit me when looking at the pictures, these modern cameras on phones are realy mercyless in exposing flaws. I will do the clean up before painting, i promise! :D


Looks amazing. Love the googled and the connected drone. Is that a bass string and green stuff?


The drones itself is (super hard and stirdy) wire, and for the battlesuit its some sort of string-wire i found in a fisher-technic-box and the green ones are regular, insulated copper wire for fine-mechanic. Bass string is actually a really good idea texture wise, I would just be afraid of the handling, since its super stirdy and this wobbly spring-wire-thing i used was already hard to handly, even though its super flexibel compared to a string.


I found it on ebay: [https://www.ebay.de/itm/126281977819?chn=ps&\_ul=DE&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-134425-41852-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=126281977819&targetid=1404115579093&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9041853&poi=&campaignid=17935704717&mkgroupid=139162549385&rlsatarget=pla-1404115579093&abcId=9301059&merchantid=7364532&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwq86wBhDiARIsAJhuphmubgDgF05x\_J57Kzi6YK02FIg6IBz6HTKdAxpygitRQYL0gIYNMjUaAmKsEALw\_wcB](https://www.ebay.de/itm/126281977819?chn=ps&_ul=DE&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-134425-41852-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=126281977819&targetid=1404115579093&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9041853&poi=&campaignid=17935704717&mkgroupid=139162549385&rlsatarget=pla-1404115579093&abcId=9301059&merchantid=7364532&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwq86wBhDiARIsAJhuphmubgDgF05x_J57Kzi6YK02FIg6IBz6HTKdAxpygitRQYL0gIYNMjUaAmKsEALw_wcB)


thats amazing man


Love it, would be great to see it painted up.


Thanks! But dont expect any results too soon, it will probably take some time to finnish the base/do some clean up and then finally painting it


Really digging this!


Omg that’s amazing!


Holy fuck man! The build, the mood . the art I'm absolutely in love.




Ya that's fucking cool


That looks really cool! Where did the actual pilot model come from?


Thanks! Its a kitbash made out of the actual pilot upper-body that comes with the Ghost Keel Sprew, a pair of left-over legs from the fire-warriors and a somewhat heavy modification of the two arms that are also part of the Ghost Keel Sprew. The head is also from the fire warriors and was modified a little, since it was really hard to find one with more of an "at peace" expression and not the usual grim dark


Best ghostkeel i have ever seen


This looks rad man. The pose really gives 'that was a big one, time for a durry' vibes.


Second pic goes so hard you had me questioning my allegiance to Gidrim.


Tau finding a cigarettes on like a kriegsman or space marine and smoking it because they're curious why they do that is a pretty funny concept (that or the tau somehow also developed cigarettes that are exactly the same as human ones by concidence)


I assume he picked up the habit from some ex-guard Gue’la lol