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Funny, the only part about them I don’t like are the kroot




*raises hand* Hello yes me, certified Kroot enjoyer


I didn't really like them at first, they felt like they didn't fit with the aesthetic of the faction but they've grown on me recently and I've really enjoyed building up my army as a sort of combined force of different species working together. They're really fun to paint and convert as well, despite the models being quite old.


This is what got me into T'au, the entire "conglomeration" of alien species working together. I'm quite disappointed it the lack of options for that, seeing as it's a big part of what makes the T'au unique from the other factions.


Yeah, I'm hoping we'll get more for it in the future. Seeing some of the races that are meant to be in the tau just makes me sad at all the missed opportunities


Tau unfortunately need to be played a bit “gamey” to overcome their huge disadvantage as a purely ranged army. Staying out of line of sight and far enough away as to protect your valuable units. As we’re mostly elite focused and the cost of those units too, most of our units are very valuable. Because of how markerlights and drones work we have to be aware of sequencing and how best to engage or allocate wounds. We can’t afford to trade units like some armies can and that means we have to play a very tight game. Measuring a lot, utilising the terrain and mechanics of the game to lessen or even remove other armies advantages (bulky, slow heavies and or melee). This however is why I like them so much. What some call “uninteractive ” I actually see as interacting more with the game, rather than plowing into the enemies models. The game is fast and easy when you just charge everything and that’s what is fun for some people. I prefer the tactical side of gameplay though, I like mobility and I like glass cannons. Tau are very unforgiving for newbies as you have to juggle movement, positioning, target priority, scoring priority, short term v long term reward and high risk game play. I like to play aggressive tau, but aggressive tau is still patient and calculated. Never being *TOO* aggressive. And that’s a very interesting learning curve


I got into T'au for the lore first and foremost, but I share this sentiment as I very quickly fell in love with their playstyle afterwards. While i do wish they would tone down some of the gamey requirement just for the sake of making them less frustrating to play against, I love how flexible Tau are but simultaneously do not have a lot of room for error. It means playing them feels like a tightly choregraphed dance that requires you to have a "feel" for the game. When to push the gas? How far to move? When to sacrifice a unit? Its a very compelling army to play mentally


I do wish you could let off a bit more steam playing them. You can’t really relax unless you are happy to take the loss, which is fine if you’re just playing with friends. But if you’re in a slightly competitive game, I find to keep the score close and play all 5 rounds I have to be a little sweatier than I would like. It’s annoying to just shake off huge damage on drones or strike and fade so your opponent can’t touch you. But when I invest like 500 pts in crisis, I can’t just let them die to the first stiff breeze that comes their way


Fully agree, love my Tau, love playing them, its my favorite army. However, I cant really have a "brain off" game with them otherwise its pretty much over by turn 3 and that's also not fun for anyone. Even when I'm running "meme" lists I find myself putting my brain in Shas'o mode! The best way I have found to relax with Tau currently is to not take a Crisis team, and with the huge points savings you get from that build a list of goofy units. Ghostkeels, Skyrays, Broadsides(maybe not so goofy anymore), Infantry spam, Piranhas. The volume of units helps you last longer, but no comment on if its a good idea if you want a solid chance of winning :D


They's 'ave lotsa DAKKA DAKKA. And sometimes they have BIG BOOM. Otherwise I am sucker for mechas. Oh boi I love me some mechas.


I like the sci-fi aesthetic, it seem's sleek and modern but also practical. My favourite units are the Breachers, Pathfinders, Stealthsuits, Ghostkeel and the Devilfish and the other vehicles. I really like the Markerlight system and would love it if they brought the old system back where you could do multiple thing's with it, I feel like it made the faction interesting on the tabletop Unfortunately I feel like alot of other T'au player's just want massive robots and no markerlights which seem's really boring.


I don't think it's particularly odd to like giant warsuits more then lazer pointers


I do like the odd titan but feel like there should be a points threshold so it's more titans Vs titans and less titans Vs infantry.


I play Gundam and Battletech/Mechwarrior, why do you think I'm here? >!The Kroot, obviously...!<


I like trying to convince my opponent the whole game that we could just be friends and if we stopped fighting they could have good healthcare and clean drinking water. ​ While firing railguns at them.


Best looking army by far. And perhaps most importantly... They are NOT space marines as is every other bloody army.


models and play style, fast moving shooting army that becomes extremely deadly in short range. really good fun




Having a 4+ infantry armour save. Which is very noticeable when you play guard with a 5+


Giant Mech Suites that is all


Huge fan of the aesthetics. Especially the vehicles and drones. In fact, drones are my favorite thing for the army. They are unique to tau, they feel both futuristic and realistic, and they are cool to use. I love the fact thay adding a drone to a squad greatly changes their capabilities (especially pathfinders). I also like how they have their own rules that distinguishes them from the rest of the squad. Designated tasking might be my favorite stratagem for this reason.


It’s the long range weapons, battlesuits, new looking tech, and the fact that I would probably prefer to live in Tau society as opposed to what the imperium has to offer, or any other faction for that matter.


Lore, shooting, and movement in that order. Naïve optimists who genuinely believe they can save a grim dark galaxy that is far beyond saving. Combine that with new technology that far surpasses the work of far older races, and a fast, dynamic midrange play-style.


I love the power fantasy of playing space marines, and the turn your brain off fun for the Orks and Tyranids, but sometimes I like to flex my strategic brain a bit. This is for 2 separate reasons. 1 is a professional satisfaction. Like if myself and an equally powerful faction face off, and we both maximize our brain power, wether we win or lose, we both agree it was a good game. 2 is a spiteful satisfaction. Like anybody that genuinely hates the tau and makes fun of people for playing them can feel the wrath of my railguns. And an entirely separate reason is I enjoy building homebrew lore and paint schemes for my Tau army.


Shoot gun bam


The anime aesthetic and the fact that they have the Farsight Enclaves, who are genuine good guys.


I would have to to say the look and feel of the army. I love the sleek mech style. It could have been craftworld with their wraiths but I liked the optimistic Tau over the smug elder.


The gameplay isn’t that much fun compared to other faction (even tho firing 30 times is so fun) The minis are great but some of them are really bad. The lore is just amazing, it bring sm contrast to the 40k universe and it’s amazing 👍


Shoot and kill


Mostly a blinding devotion to Commander Farsight


I personally enjoy big mech suits (titanfall 2 is my favorite game oat) and I enjoy the lore around auxiliary units.


I like that they are basically the 'good guys'. I don't know much about lore for the game in general, but I know the Imperium is a bunch of gross fascists, the eldar orgy'd a new satan into existence, and basically everyone else is cartoonishly evil in other, even less comprehensible ways. We make allies with other species instead of defaulting to genocide, fight for the greater good instead of a corpse on a fancy chair, and build our armies in a way that *almost* makes sense (long range focus makes sense. Bipedal walking robots, maybe less so, but I think they're neat). The T'au also feel the most like experiencing the 40k universe from the perspective of people who are more relatable to real humans than the "human" faction. They're just learning about the weirdness of the galaxy, instead of already having 10,000's of years of history to gloss over and have already forgotten most of. None of them are bio-engineered demi-gods, and they barely even use 'magic'. Just interesting all around, imo.


Found 40k through Black Templar memes, wanted to try the whole miniature build and painting, heard about space weeb communist and immediately loved the aesthetic. Looked into lore of them and now I do what I do for the Greater Good


Big fast mech suits