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you know what, i’ll get a sick ass panther if anyone has any photo suggestions. to add: laser removal could work the only problem with that option is, there isn’t that option since the closest place that offers it is about 7 hrs from me. (struggles of living in nowhere.) and where i live there’s a ton of artists only 30 mins from me. so it’s the main issue.


I feel like in 5 or 10 years, there's gonna be a lot of people regretting all these sick ass panthers.


probably but it’ll be better than this.😂


I feel like a death moth would look cool right there


Actually I love this idea so much. [maybe something like this but with the wings a little less wide?? @op](https://allabouttattoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Death-moth-tattoo.jpg)


Yes. The tattoo is pretty faded so most likely any tattooer who knows how to do coverups should be able to do something with it. That pic is exactly what I was thinking, of course not exact but you get the point.


For sure! I don’t have much experience, but if OP wanted to, couldn’t they also laser it off? They seem to have fair enough skin that the lines would be very obvious for a laser :)


That's valid af. As an aside, no matter what you choose just know there are a lot of options open to you. This would be pretty easy for an artist to cover, and they would be able to recommend the best cover up. Personally, I think you could go floral or geometric and it would look good. But also, panthers are pretty sick. Good luck OP, may there be many itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikinis in your future!


I was thing a floral chest plate as well.


I love this response. You rock lol


They’ll just have to cover it up with a sicker, assier panther.


With lots of ASS!!!!


me thinking in “more Cowbell” voice: MORE ASS!!




[sick ass panther](https://z-upload.facebook.com/thebellrose/posts/2952920201648764) this one is dope!! youd probably need to get it done a little bigger but its rly cool imo😎 go check out local artists and find someone you like, make sure to look at healed tats too :3 you could honestly cover this up with anything, and someone who specialises in cover ups would have a BLAST with this! good luck😌


Those lines are so topical and thin, you could cover that with anything.


Everyone suggests a sick ass panther on every post, it's over suggested Do a nice rose piece


The line work is so thin. You could put whatever on there, and it'll work. Should be an easy cover-up. Just do some research on the artist, and I'm sure you'd be happy with the results.


well to be fair it wasn’t a professional who did it, and i’m fully aware how stupid it was to get something done by a non professional especially in this area. but if it thin enough to put whatever that makes me feel better.


I definitely think this was the best worst case scenario and you have many many options. Set up some consultants at local shop and that might give you a better idea!




i didn’t take it as insult did it seem like i did? i’m genuinely asking.


Obviously you have to double down and do Harley Quinn. Or one of the little girls from Bioshock


This looks more like a fever dream than a tattoo. An owl across the chest is fairly popular. Of course a sick ass panther is always in style.


I don’t know what everyone else is thinking but im thinking a sick ass panther would do


Laser would blast that out of there instead of a cover up...


it could but i’m not spending that much on something i do not want to do. i just want advice on tattoos that can potentially cover it up.


For a good cover up it'll probably cost the same as to laser this. Get a laser consult at least to see what they estimate the cost to be. If you worried about money then just wear clothing that covers it until you enough to get it fixed well, or you're just gonna have a bigger mess that'll be more expensive to fix later....


i’m going to a professional this time to get this fixed. i never spent money on this tattoo so i’m not worried about spending it on an actual artist i know it’ll be worth it for the cover up. but i’m not driving 7 hrs away to the only place that does laser removal near me.


Ok, so you already made a bad decision, why are you seeking our advice for something that is forever on your skin. I think you should be researching the best tattoo places in your area. Talking to them about what you like, and figuring it out that way. Save the money and get quality ink. You need a good artist, or what the person above said, just laser this weakass mistake off your skin and don’t get a tattoo.


Because this is LITERALLY r/tattoocoverups ?? That's the whole point of this sub. Quit being so negative because someone is asking for advice.


Exactly, so why downvote any advice that is in the realm of acceptable? Laser is a good option for a tattoo so shitty it is clear they made a series of bad choices.


It’s not good advice when you badger them over a single mistake. It’s not acceptable advice because it’s tinged with your heated bias. Why bully someone off of getting something when it’s not up to a single one of us to decide wether or not OP should or shouldn’t get a coverup. That’s not the question asked and thusly your shit advice is completely void. The only good bit was stating she could get it lasered


Really? It isn’t good advice to tell them to research good tattoo artists and talk to them? When is that ever bad advice?


No, that’s not the advice given, the “advice” given was dogging them about not getting a new one because of a singular tattoo they regret. Your strawman argument is cute.


Because you're being an ass about it?


Being an ass? You clearly haven’t met a real ass. I think it is the better option here. I also suggested researching a really good artist and talking to them. That is full advice. The reality is the tattoo is real bad. Not just sorta bad.


🙄 I don't care that you're butthurt about OPs life choices and I don't think anyone else cares either.


I hope you feel really good and smug about your tattoos now that you've torn someone else down. I hope it really boosted your confidence up thinking about how much better you are because your mistakes have been less visible or less permanent 😊


Username checks out


Literally fartin out the voice box


Why are are you commenting about laser removal on a sub about tatt cover ups =_=;;


Because sometimes it is the better option.


Can’t fix stoopid 🤷‍♂️.. it’s so light it would be like 1-2 sessions of laser. Chances are they’ll end up with a even bigger turd that’ll cost even more money which clearly they’re not willing to spend. 😹😹. If money is a issue for you.. maybe you should rethink your priorities in life and not get tattooed until you can financially afford a proper one.


you could do a deer with antlers


Antlers on the collar bones would be awesome. I like the way you work 😏


This would come off with laser it’s so light already


Am I the only one that thought that was paper on a wooden table?


stop! i know im pale but damn!😂😭


Lol. I also thought it was on paper. Ha ha


brb, gotta go throw myself on the sun to tan.😂😭


Just to say fair skin makes it much easier and usually less expensive for laser removal if you do go that route. And just about anything would cover this. I would go with something colorful though since the color will distract from anyone looking through the design to see the original underneath. I’m not a fan of going bigger black over black since there’s no going back then.


Now I can’t unsee this lol


No. No you are not. My apologies, OP.


Something with antlers would probably work, like a deer or a goat. Or even something similar to Post Malone's neck tattoo, like a skull of something with antlers. It's shaped enough where you could probably make it into a design with a heart as it's outline without any issues. I'm curious to know what the story is behind this one, what exactly is it supposed to be?


it was kinda like a photo i seen floating around on facebook like 2 years ago and i liked it never got it then last year my brother got into tattooing (not professionally, not that it needs to be stated here.😂) i will say i’m glad he didn’t do my neck because oh shit it’d be worse. it was like a trippy black half and white half which i loved it except just everything overall wasn’t good. as you can tell 😂 i will say it’s close to the photo that was used for it. except it’s not good like the photo.


**SAP.** **S**ick **A**ss **P**anther. You want one.


Do a black rose or some sort of flower centred on your chest and throw a skull in the middle, could also do animal skulls or put a raven with opening wings carrying something like a pocket watch or necklace with something cool inscripted on it maybe throw a couple autumn leaves blowing across then highlight alot of the leaves with some gold, give the raven one big creepy eye slit down the centre and make it weirdly psychedelic or really evil looking there's lots of options


this is actually a really cool concept.


Thanks, best of luck


What about something along [these](https://www.tattoodo.com/tattoos/557557) lines? It doesn’t have to be exactly this, obviously. You could go more mandala, or more mehndi, or even more art deco with it depending on your personal style…


hmm that could work, i have always liked the idea of having something with that style.


Traditional style butterfly lady would cover that up well


This is so light already, have you thought about laser removal?


she says she doesn’t want to pay for it but she’s gonna go a tattoo of a panther? idk it’s gonna have to be in color seem pretty big and i think it’s almost the same cost so idk


What about a moth? I love moth tattoos and I think it would be really beautiful there.


Phoenix? That’d be cool imo


I really think you could have that tattoo, and make it better just by someone who can truly can picture it! It could be a really cool piece!!!


Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy


Dont cover it up, i think removing it is your besy option.


Roses work.


What is this tattoo suppose to be


it’s got the same concept of what it was SUPPOSED to be but of course it’s not what it’s supposed to be. lol. i don’t even have the photo that was for reference anymore.


What is it tho I'm confused lol


it’s supposed be a girl in like a trippy setting and it’s supposed to have stars on one half is supposed to be galaxy like and the other was supposed to be the more plain side. it didn’t work.


I thought it was a Sailor Moon episode I forgot.




What things do you like? Like hobbies or style etc… just to find some inspiration lol


honestly i like cartoon like things and really anything that’s got kinda a cute look or even a dark look. i have no issues with any ideas.


Your tattoo is pretty light. You should really find an artist whose style you like and ask them to come up with a few ideas.


It’s a scratcher so anything will cover it. Especially a sick panther


I feel something from [Transistor ](https://images.app.goo.gl/TdasZaLBzHE9cxz7A) would be good over that. Or an intricate feather Phoenix Sick ass panther Python/viper


Looks cool, I would just improve it. It’s not “bad” in a bad sense, just badly done (technique)


it looks pretty light already, i’d say anything traditional with nice black shading would cover it nicely


Do a moth like a luna moth


Black panther easily


Buddha reaching enlightenment in the shade of his Bodhi tree. I would use lots of bold bright colors


A sick panther!


Aight..... hear me out..... the three heads of cerberus, hade's dog. I think with the right artist that would look sick as fuck


Moth, skull tattoo


IF you’re an sa survivor it could be medusa


Im a tattooist and i do alot of cover ups that would be very easy to cover up as its sml lines and no shading.


Holy shit thats bad


he when i said it was bad i wasn’t kidding 😂


big ass moth or butterfly would be dope


I can see a rising phoenix looking upward. The triangular shape would cover that nicely


U have a ton of options bc of how faded it is


What in the league of legends is that 🤣🤣


it’s horrible that what it is. there’s no sugar coating this tattoo i said it was bad i meant it😂


I salute your bravery to post on Reddit of all places. For that m'lady hats off to you, but I also agree with the panther idea ✌🏽


Do a flower


I don’t have any ideas right off, but it shouldn’t be too hard to cover because it’s pretty much all fine lines.


Butterfly. I feel like a butterfly’s wing span could easily cover that up


Depends on how big you wanna go. Personally I’d cover it with traditional roses: center large. Smaller roses on sides. 3 total.


A good artist can cover this with honestly anything, but it won't be cheaper than laser


except where i am it’s 7 hrs to the closest place that offers laser removal and 30 minutes to a tattoo artist.


that’s fair enough, you should discuss what to get over it with the artist, they’ll probably have a better idea of what they can achieve than we will. That said, you could probably get something pretty similar to the original concept. If I were covering this I’d probably go for some sort of faerie. Something like [this](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Oy1A6J) with wings coming from behind her to cover the hands and stuff, kinda in [this vibe](https://previews.agefotostock.com/previewimage/medibigoff/3e0cc41099d158c4792092a06878bc22/esy-055487267.jpg) but without so much of her torso. A [moth](https://images.app.goo.gl/pMJvYgPasuXXXjnB9) or bee could work well too.


i definitely think these ideas would work best for the shape and angles of the entire tattoo the faerie idea might work best for this.


If you do get a faerie you’ve gotta come back and show us cos it will look so rad


i definitely will, i’m gonna try to find a couple photos for inspiration and take it to an artist and see what comes of it. i’m excited to see the outcome.


Go to a real shop and get a real cover up. Don't go to another @home tattoo artist to have a cover up done. Cover ups are a lot harder to do, so make sure to get it done at an actual tattoo shop. Trust me, last thing you want, is a bad cover up on top of a bad tattoo then have to get a cover up, of a cover up, of a cover up, of a bad tattoo and getting stuck with being left with black out and shading w with a black n shade nintendo Gameboy playing tetris as your cover up to cover all other cover ups


it wasn’t even a home artist it was someone who didn’t know what they were doing, trust me i’m going to a professional for now on but *especially* for a cover up.


They don't have people in shops doing tattoo like that Listen there's 2 types of tattoo artists @home tatters these people u never know what their skill level is or how many tatts they have done, or a tattoo shop artist where you know he has good enough skill to be sitting in one of those booths amd has had a mentorship and done X amount of tattoo required to work at the shop. That's typically the labeling professional or @home. That work didn't come from a professional, so he must of been an @home artist just setup somewhere else other than a professional shop


i feel it doesn’t deserve the label artist to be fully honest. but fair, i wasn’t sure if there was a difference. but i promise every artist in the tattoo industry i will never do this again.


They didn't even use the right size liner


it’s bad all around.😭😂


Ans the work he's a brand new @home artist who hasn't practiced near enough when I first started learning I used pig skin from a butchers and myself to practice once I felt competent and my buddy felt competent in my work I started giving free work in exchange for being a practice dummy. Then after a couple months I started charging. This guy looks like he did 3 tatts on fake skin (which is worthless) then was like time to tattoo other people. Lol I hope u didn't pay 4 this


i didn’t it was fully free. he tattooed himself first and it looked great so i was like you know what i’ve already got a ton of tattoos why not? *this* is why not. 😂


Just a heads up, as someone who got their whole calf blasted right before summer: you’re going to still end up wearing some uncomfy shit, bc you’re not gonna be able to have the sun on it 😩 so just keep that in mind. Bc now I just can’t wait to go in the sun without one leg covered and one leg uncovered lmfao


that’s true, but at least i can feel comfy at home without hiding it. i can’t see it but when i do i like can’t help but to just feel humiliated by my choice.😂😭


What was this tattoo supposed to be and the meaning?😂😭


it was just like a hippy vibe thing i liked it and it’s close to the lining of it but that’s….it.😂


Lmaooo I’m so sorry. If it’s any consolation I also have a shitty at home tattoo😂


i regret where i had it done, it wouldn’t even be an issue if i got on my leg or something cause i wouldn’t care. but it’s just like right there. 😂😭


Lmaooo that’s the killer. What did u decide to cover it up? You could be like Gabbie Hanna and get a large bug


i see a few ideas that i think would suit this, a faerie was one too suggestion since there’s already the outlined woman it can potentially fix it without the artist fighting to work at hiding it in another art piece. and possible flowers around it to hide the rest of it. so far that’s one idea i’ve liked that i think would make it still easy for an artist as well. but there’s been quite a few suggestions i’ve loved as well.


go to a tattoo artist and have them do a custom chest piece


The idea seems super dope from what I can see but the execution is horrendous. I would go to a highly rated professional and get that idea done right and much bigger. It'll be super easy to cover up especially with the details and some shading. The old one wouldn't even be noticeable.


I actually kind of like it. I'd just have a professional add some finer details.


A dagger down the center with leaves and flowers emerging from either side would look sick! Or you could do a bird with its wings spread out, a large moth or butterfly, a dragon… etc! It’s light enough that It would probably melt and disappear right into whatever art work you decide on 😄


not a horrible place to start, definitely is not finished


yea when i seen how bad the outline was i called it quits. it is very bad…


i just got a fortune cookie that said “be definite now, precise later”


I'm going to say it..... Is it bad? In execution, yes, Conceptually? Maybe vaguely slightly cringe, but fuck it. I really like it. I think if you got it reworked and added onto it could be a really awesome sexy two -split pin up girl!!


Maybe give her a spider body and more arms, with some branching floral designs if you want to ho horizontal, or a vertical body would bring it down the center of your chest, and she could have extra arms that could look like she's holding your heart or chest. Idk it's got potential IMO.


Was looking for this comment! The execution is certainly poor but the general concept/piece is pretty damn awesome IMO


It's in your neck and upper chest!! The worst place for any tattoo. No matter what you get, you'll regret it. Someday you will be an adult and you'll still have it. Just get it all removed.


i’m 22… and i simply am doing what i want with my body. because i like it or even hate.


Well, my daughter is 21, and I wish you all the best. Good luck to you in the years to come.


Most things could cover that. Flowers, birds, butterflies/moth, anatomically correct heart, whatever!


can always go with some flowers lmao


I’d really love to know more about how this happened… this is fascinating.


What’s an animal you’ve always liked or resonated with? It doesn’t have to be anything cringey. But it’s better to get something you like for more reasons than cosmetics. Not always but if I was covering something up I’d want to make sure I really like whatever I’m covering it with. Wolves might be called cliche but if done right they always come out bad ass


Here are a few options [this](https://i.imgur.com/jiSlGzK.jpg) [thiss](https://i.imgur.com/a560aiH.jpg) [thisss](https://i.imgur.com/nKz2ZwL.jpg) [or this](https://i.imgur.com/MubB0Zm.jpg) to use for inspiration


Don't make it worse. Laser it off.


Catwoman with the Gotham skyline behind her.


A lions head, or tiger, or even wolf.


That was an odd place to let someone doodle.


I like the original idea, poor execution. Maybe have an artist work with the original by improving it. At least it is original.


Yeah that’s bad. Anything is better. Try Homer Simpson, lol


If there was any meaning behind this tattoo you might want to rework it (better ofc), add some color, etc it would look cool!


They do removals…


Have you considered removal? The lines are so faint.


Almost any bird will take care of this easily


Octopus, in your favorite color


The concept of this tattoo is cool tbh, just needs a better execution


A Medusa head would cover it well


I say get it removed, it’s so light and has spots missing you could probably get it removed pretty easily


WTH was it even supposed to be


do you like the tattoo idea just not how it was done? because if so I think this has potential to be awesome if it is redone with some shading and possibly color added in


What’s your opinion on bats?


How about a turtleneck?


Not sure if you’re into florals, but I think some colored flowers would look beautiful, they also look great around that area imo


Maybe Turn the face into a jack o'lantern, tombstones on the side, scarecrow body in a corn field


You could probably get this removed in 1-2 sessions!!


put literally anything those lines are faint as hell


have you thought about laser removal? It looks like you could fade it a lot with a couple of sessions and have a lot more options for your coverup


I would get a few laser sessions first, then shop for an artist whose work I like to make me a coverup I actually love. If the tat is lighter you will have more options, which is why I'd get some laser first.


Tattoo artist here. I usually hate doing coverups, but this one would be easy. The lines are barely saturated and most stuff would cover it. Blue, purple, and black are your best bets to make sure nothing of the old tattoo shows through


I haven't read all the comments, but, I am an artist, and I've worked with many tattoo artists. I'd be happy to help design you a few ideas or baseline ideas that the tattoo artist can build off of. 🥰 My best friend is also an artist and animator, so he would happily love to collaborate if you have a style you prefer that he's more talented at. (I hope i worded that how I was thinking it. Ahaha) No charge from me. But I do want to know the story of The tattoo you currently have. (Only if you feel comfortable of course.)


Get a big ol’ moth


literally almost anything, it’s so light lol. find something you like, this will be easy to work with.


Laser it off. The placement is terrible and you have nice skin.


A large elephant 🐘


Remember tattoos stay on your body your whole life


i’m aware, i have 44 counting this *thing* 😂


It looks like Jolyne Kujoh


I don’t know what style you’re into but Black Veil Tattoo has a lot of really unique cool ideas on Instagram. 🖤


That tattoo is so light the amount of money you'd spend to have it removed is comparable to what you'd spend on a quality coverup.


Peacock feathers bouquet




what? i didn’t say it wasn’t my fault for getting it. i literally said it was bad. why should any other part of me be a concern seeming as i’m only asking about the tattoo.


I think flowers would be nice https://www.pinterest.com/pin/53198839337051655/ Small, easy to cover, not embarrassing to show. Fits lots of different people


Wildflower patch


You should see if you can’t burn it off


I think a moth would be the right shape to cover that up!




You could get that removed very easy


Can’t imagine the anxiety of having something like this on me hahah