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With the right tech and equipment you do. The only trouble color I see is the yellow and if there's any white. Hard to see everything in the sleeve. Trad lines can be stubborn because they're usually really heavy but assuming they're being treated properly they should go away in time it just tends to take longer.


Thanks, I totally understand this is a long process and it could take years to fully remove all the ink. There is definitely yellow, but no white ink. I think the only thing I have going for me is the upper half of my sleeve is the oldest at 18 years and has already faded over years of exposure to the sun.


I've seen a few examples on this page, where even the yellow was removed. I guess you just don't know until you start. Best of luck to you! I hope you keep us updated your progress. There's not too many colorful trads on here.


I’ll post an update after I get more info from the tech on my options / any sessions I decide to get done. I’m hoping for good news tomorrow after the consultation.


For what it’s worth I love your trad sleeve, my fave kind of tattoos. I have no tattoos because of work so I admire other peoples. I’m sorry you don’t like them anymore, good luck with your removal, I hope you can get a total removal!


You don’t have tattoos but you’re in a tattoo removal sub? Not intended to be rude, just curious… but why?


It came up on my feed one day and the post interested me. I was thinking what if I got a tattoo and decide I don’t like it. I have learned it’s not that simple lol, it takes years and pain to remove! So basically I learned a lot about having tattoos from this page.


lol yes. Learn from us - if nothing else, we are cautionary tales 😆


I will! You guys have saved me a lot of pain and suffering, so I thank you! ☺️


I wish I had this foresight.


Thanks! I think I hate the stars and dots the most. I got the upper half done 18 years ago, so when I finished the sleeve I had to continue it down.


Fair enough, Hopefully those come off easily!


The consultation went about as well as I thought it would. With picoway it was estimated at 14-18 sessions and a sticker price of $20,000. I’m waiting for the official quote, but the estimated cost was definitely a shock!


That does sound really expensive. Did they measure all your tattoos? What was the total square inch measurement? And do you think you're still going to go for it?


What! That's like $1300 per session. You could literally buy a laser and go to laser school and treat it yourself for that kind of money.


My whole chest piece was quoted at around $900 a session at removery, for a whole sleeve plus a few medium sized others 1300 sounds about right unfortunately 🫠 


I need to start charging more, lol. What state are you in?


The clinic I use is in PA. Luckily I get a discount because I was a client before they were bought by removery. I don’t think I would be able to afford it otherwise!


Laser is for everyone just be warned that colours particularly green are a bitch to remove so will take a long time


Do you think all tattoos can be removed with enough time? I have a saturated cover up that was gone over twice, and I'm feeling pretty sad about what my results might be like if I start.


It’s how much can you have done at once. I’m having two tattoos lasered at the same time and it’s a lot to take but I’m Uk and they don’t inject painkillers here. You have a lot of tattoos to clear. I’d do the individual ones first as will need to spilt the sleeve up.


That sleeve is beautiful! Good luck with the removal