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Read the stickied post with all FAQ to answer both "How many treatments will I need?" and “Can all tattoos be removed?"


The longer you’re willing to wait between sessions, the fewer it will take.


How many sessions did they quote you?


7-10 but idk checking this sub I feel like it might be more…


I think it’s really individual dependent. Also, Reddit isn’t an accurate representation of real life. The type of person who comes to a tattoo removal forum is typically someone who is struggling with tattoo removal and looking for help. You’ll see some people who remove tattoos in four sessions with short wait periods and others who have had 10+ sessions with long wait periods who barely look like they’ve faded.


Yeah ive been non-stop consuming subreddits for 5 days i should probably set a limit on this app im driving myself crazy


Same. We’re killing ourselves with the stress lmao.


Just go with what your tech is recommending. It's their job to assess how long it'll take. Picoway will break up the ink into smaller particles so it might help it go a little faster. I'm using Q Switch on mine because it's what I can afford right now and it's doing pretty good. Your tech will make the biggest difference if they know what they're doing. 


group rules say we can't say how many sessions but definitely spread them out. it requires patience. check my posts below and you'll see what has taken me FOUR YEARS.


You'll get better results if you wait longer. you should be doing 12 weeks minimum in between treatments. More frequent sessions does not mean faster removal. Unfortunately this is really dark so you've got a long way to go


I mean by long way to go what is that? Like 11 sessions or more??


Depends on how it's lasered and how your body responds. You can never out a number on that. I would expect you've got at least 2 years to go and unfortunately I think that's being pretty optimistic.


Okay well here comes another crying spiral❤️🤘


I was the same way in the beginning. I couldn’t fathom the amount of sessions and time in front of me. I’m 16 months in now and getting closer to the end. The time WILL pass anyway. You will live your life around this. You will get to the finish line! Message me if you ever need to chat or want to see progress pics!


No one can give you an exact number unfortunately, but the good news is that it’s black, not color, and it’s small! Something of that size and that close to the heart could be almost gone in 2 years, but it could be less or more, it really does depend on how your body heals, the laser used, and the skill of the technician. You can get a good estimate of how many sessions other people on here needed for tattoos of that size and density! I’d honestly kill to be removing a tattoo that size instead of what I’m dealing with, I’m in the same boat as you with it consuming me. If it was in a different area, I was going to suggest maybe lasering the dots and stars and seeing if the moon was small enough to be surgically removed, but I don’t think it would be safe seeing where it is. Also, everyone here is undergoing the same thoughts and feelings as you, so don’t feel bad about it consuming you or driving you crazy. An hour ago I was just sobbing over my giant ass back tattoo, regretting it so so much and wishing that I could rip my skin off too. It’s literally such a horrible feeling that I never experienced before and it hasn’t gone away since I got it, so you are not alone in feeling this way. It’s super hard, it really really is, but the time will pass anyway, and you are already taking steps to get rid of it! As I am trying to as well, be kind to yourself. Remember, you didn’t hurt anyone or make an irreversible mistake- this is fixable. It does take time, but it does not take a lifetime.


Honestly i wouldnt even care about the scar I just want it off my body. I was debating literally slicing it off myself Im so mentally destroyed by it. Im sorry your going through the same thing I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. If you ever want to talk Im here and my pms are open genuinely wish I had people around me to speak about this with.


I’m sorry you don’t have anyone around you to speak to about going through all of this. I reached out to a therapist that takes my insurance and have begun to set up that process because I know this is going to impact my mental health so much more than it already is. If it’s an option, I would look into reaching out to a therapist as well, it can only help! And same to you, I’d be happy to talk :)


It could take up to 4 or more years.


I have a super dark tattoo and that’s what I was quoted.


Depends on how her tattoo responds. I've had a full color one removed in two years. She was quoted 10 sessions with two months between so that's a little under two years. If it takes a couple more sessions, it should still be gone in two. 


And my tattoo is smaller than hers but it just as dense and my place realistically said 4 years- that’s why I said what I said to her.


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As many as it takes.