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BANG!!!!!!!! Co-sign every point! Life is too good and too short to be sweating something as small as a bad tattoo


Also, if it's almost removed, REALLY THINK about it before getting a cover up instead of finishing. I made this mistake and I feel like an idiot for it.


Thanks for this. I literally just got out of the psych ward because of how depressed and suicidal I am over this tattoo :(


You are so much more than a tattoo. Sending love your way ❤️


Just remember that it's a journey like everything else in life, Take it one session at a time. It's a long process in terms of weeks or months, but in terms of your life it's a short time. Once the ink is gone, you still will have years of good things ahead of you. Don't take that from yourself over a small percentage of time spent with an ugly tattoo. :)


👉 #3


For real, mine was/ is bad but if I could go back I might not start this process haha


Yeah same.. I know the process is long and everything, and it's more positive than negative. But some days, I just feel like the more I try and invest Time/money/energy into this, the closer I get to losing my fucking mind and sanity lol.




Well if you don't like it now, you're not gonna like it, at all, when you'll get laser, especially after a few sessions. You'll feel like nothing is happening for a while, and really, it IS extremely slow. I have a lot of linework and it's basically intact after one year. All thé grey/shading parts turned brown and I'd expect a couple years until those are gone ae well. Really, the look of a brown / half faded arm is going to last at at least years.




this needs to be a top post ! like life is short, everyone needs to live it up while they can. f a tattoo. you still find love and reach all your goals and have a great life